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Hraniv (Granov) 1875 Jewish Census Document Translation Project

Project Leader: Rhoda Miller
Ukraine SIG Coordinator: Dr. Janette Silverman
JewishGen Liaison/Advisor: Avraham Groll

Project Synopsis

The 1875 Jewish census is comprised of a list of Jews assigned to the mestechko of Teplik, Gaisin uyezd, Podolia guberniya, compiled on April 19, 1875. A mestechko is a town, or shtetl, predominately comprised of Jews. An uyezd is an administrative district, roughly equivalent to a county or township. A guberniya is a larger administrative district, roughly equivalent to a state or province. Although assigned to Teplik, these Jews are living in Hraniv (Granov). In the Russian Empire, people were registered in a particular town or district, but had the ability to live in another town.  Although they might have lived in a town different from their registration, revision lists (Russian census) listed them in the town of registration. That location is where a family’s official records were maintained.

Column headings of the 1875 Jewish census are as follows:

  • Family number by order
  • Family number by revision list
  • Surname, name, patronymic (males only)
  • Age according to the revision list or assignment
  • Where persons were staying at the day of census 

Other towns are mentioned throughout this census.  For example, one random entry reads “resides in roadside tavern in the village of Tsvilikhovka” and another mentions Lukasheva, both nearby towns. It is for this reason, that the 1875 census of the Jews is a valuable documents. Family members might be residing in a different town which could be identified on this census.

These records have not been filmed. They were privately purchased by a group of researchers: Linda Jones Gibbs, Julie Halperson, Rhoda Miller, and Michael Richman. There are 927 images representing approximately 464 pages of records as each record is a double page.Funds raised for this project will be used to translate the records, entering them into a JewishGen spreadsheet template, and to prepare the data for posting to the JewishGen Ukraine Database. The spreadsheets will be available to contributors of $100 or more before the data becomes available on the JewishGen Ukraine Database. Full translations may also be posted on the appropriate KehilaLinks websites.

Please Note: As mentioned above, scanned images of the original documents are not available through JewishGen, FamilySearch libraries, or any other repository apart from the Khmelnitski archive.  A digital copy of the original record is available from the Khmelnitski archive.

Key Audience

People whose ancestors lived in the Gaisin uyzed (district) of Podolia guberniya will have the greatest interest in this record set.

Project Importance

Acquiring, translating, and making available documents and dataset relating to Jews from this region will benefit genealogical researchers and will help provide context for the lives of our ancestors. Many descendants of residents of these towns immigrated to the United States, Israel, South America, and other countries.

Project Description

Once complete, the datasets will be integrated into the JewishGen Ukraine Database, and appropriate KehilaLinks website. Linda Gibbs and Rhoda Miller intend to visit Hraniv (Granov) after the IAJGS 2018 conference. Photographs, and hopefully other data, will enrich the KehilaLinks website.

Estimated Cost

We estimate that it will cost a total of $1,854 to complete this translation project. Any funds remaining at the completion of this translation project will be applied toward other projects being coordinated via the JewishGen Ukraine SIG.

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Last Update: May 16, 2018 by Avraham Groll
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