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The Genealogical Research Division of

Dashev Document Translation and Indexing Project

Project Leader: Bonnie Leigh Blish
Ukraine SIG Coordinator: Dr. Janette Silverman
JewishGen Liaison/Advisor: Avraham Groll

Project Synopsis

The JewishGen Ukraine SIG has acquired images of many documents from the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People (CAHJP) relating to the Jewish population of Dashev. This project will fund translation of 653 images covering the following records:

  1. Dashev Revizskaia skazka (census) 1795-1795 GAVO, Vinnitsa, 177/1/1315 - 266 images.
  2. Dashev Metrical books - b. 1859-1861 GAVO, Vinnitsa, 904/29/95-98 -142 images.
  3. Dashev Metrical books - m. 1856-1856 GAVO, Vinnitsa, 904/29/94 - 29 images.
  4. Dashev Metrical books - b. 1855-1855 GAVO, Vinnitsa, 904/29/93 - 39 images.
  5. Dashev Metrical books - d. 1855-1855 GAVO, Vinnitsa, 904/29/92 - 41 images.
  6. Dashev Metrical books - b., m., div., d. 1847-1849 GAVO, Vinnitsa,904/29/89-91 - 136 images.

Images of the original documents are not available through JewishGen but can be obtained through the CAHJP in Jerusalem.

Funds raised for this project will be used to translate the records, entering them into a JewishGen spreadsheet template, to prepare the data for posting to the JewishGen Ukraine Database.The spreadsheets will be available to contributors of $100 or more before the data becomes available on the JewishGen Ukraine Database. Full translations may also be posted on the appropriate KehilaLinks websites.

Please Note: As mentioned above, scanned images of the original documents are not available through JewishGen and can only be viewed at FamilySearch libraries.

Key Audience

People whose ancestors lived in Dashev are the key audience for this project

Project Importance

Jews were present in Dashev beginning in the 18th century. Rabbi Shmuel Izik of Dashev was a student of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov (1772-1810), the founder of the Breslov Hasidic movement. By 1880, the Jewish population of Dashev (2,911) was over 50 percent of the total population. However, major pogroms in 1917 and 1919 reduced that population to just under 1,000 people in 1939. By the end of World War II, most of these residents had been killed, and no Jews live in Dashev today. The documents covered by this project, once translated, will provide a key link to the lives of our ancestors.

As more of us take DNA tests and receive results with thousands of 3rd and 4th cousins, we yearn to uncover evidence of our 2nd and 3rd great-grandparents who would be the link to some of these cousins. It is very likely that a researcher will find one or more Dashev ancestors in these documents.

Project Description

The project will fund translation of 653 images related to the town of Dashev. Professional and volunteer researchers will translate the document copies acquired from the CAHJP. Datasets of the translations will be created, and the new datasets will be integrated into the JewishGen Ukraine Database and the Dashev KehilaLinks website.

We will begin work on the project when we have identified one or more translators and have raised a significant part of the funding required. Throughout the course of the project, completed spreadsheets will be made available to donors who contribute $100 or more. At the same time, translations of records might also be posted on the Dashev KehilaLink webpage.

Estimated Cost

We estimate that it will cost a total of $2,600.00 to complete this project. Any funds still remaining at the completion of this translation project will be applied toward other projects being coordinted via the JewishGen Ukraine SIG.


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Last Update: January 30, 2018 by Avraham Groll
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