the former

Stroud Jewish Community

Stroud, Gloucestershire




Press Reports relating to the Stroud Jewish Community 1877 - 1943

Compiled by Harold Pollins

Information within square brackets is from the compiler


First mention of Stroud Jewish Community found in the

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1877, page 2

Turkish Sufferers’ Fund. Mrs Greensweig, Stroud, 2s 6d

Stroud Journal, 11 January 1879, Newspaper cutting - "A Jewish Dispute" - Green v. Greensweig

Stroud Journal, 8 February 1879, Newspaper cutting - Abraham v. Cohen

Jewish Chronicle, 5 September 1879, page 1

Advert. Mr M. J. Sternheim and family thank the following Jewish gentlemen in Stroud and Cheltenham for sympathy and generosity displayed in defraying costs of burial at Cheltenham of the wife of Henry Sternheim, who died at Stroud on 23rd ult after giving birth to twins who are also buried in Cheltenham Jewish burial ground.
In Stroud: Isidor Greensweig, Gabriel Ruben, Louis Levy, Elias Greensweig, Abraham Cohen.
In Cheltenham: Rev H. Levin, Mr E. Löw Treasurer, and Mr Isaachar, President.
The family is in great need of assistance which may be sent to Mr Henry Sternheim, Uplands, Stroud - one of the children is a cripple.

Stroud Journal, 8 November 1879, Newspaper cutting - "A Dishonest Servant"

Jewish Chronicle, 19 March 1880, page 13

Advert. Stroud Congregation. Wanted a Shochet and Mohel, 25s a week. Apply to Mr Rubin, Nelson House, Nelson Street, Stroud
[repeated 26 March 1880 page 1]

Stroud Journal, 21 August 1880, Newspaper cutting - Levi v Jacobs


Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1881, page 5

Letter from man living in Stroud. Complains that the Cheltenham Congregation, which has a cemetery, claims the Gloucester one. Asks why they should claim it before Stroud or any other surrounding congregation. His wife has a stillborn child. Tried to get it buried in Bristol, unsuccessful. Tried to get it buried in Cheltenham, but had to pay heavily. Also, a week before Pesach a poor man lost a child. He had no money but Cheltenham asked for £3.10s and the writer got up a subscription.
He suggests that the Gloucester cemetery goes to the Jews of Stroud who were at present striving hard to get a small place of worship, especially as they could not possible buy ground for a cemetery.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 September 1881, page 7

On Sunday ceremony for the opening of the ‘newly-erected’ synagogue in Slad Road. Performed by Rev G. J.Emanuel and Rev B. Hast(?) of Birmingham. Has been bought by Mr Reuben and enlarged. Rev Dr Badcock, Vicar of parish of St Lawrence, and other local gentlemen were present.
Long verbatim account of Emanuel’s sermon.
At conclusion invited guests and worshippers were entertained at residence of Mr Greensweig, including the ministers named, Rev Mr Levine of Cheltenham, and Rev Mr Orler of Stroud.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 January 1882, page 12

Board of Deputies. Rev Samuel Orler certified as Secretary for marriage authorisation purposes for the Stroud Synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1882, page 3

Mansion House Fund for Persecution of the Jews in Russia. Stroud Hebrew Congregation £14 5s.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 April 1882, page 3

Mansion House Fund for Persecution of the Jews in Russia. G. Bullen Esq, Nelson House, Stroud.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 September 1884, page 11

Annual meeting of congregation. Elected: President, Mr S. Hyman; Treasurer Mr Levy.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 August 1885, page 12

Memorial service for Sir Moses Montefiore. Read by Rev S. Orler, ‘the Reader’.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1887, page 16

Jubilee celebrated by a special service conducted by Rev S. Orler. The 38 pupils of the Hebrew School were invited by the General Jubilee Committee to a treat together with the principal teacher and superintendent, Rev S. Orler. ‘They bore with them a handsome banner, the gift of Mr S. Hyam, President of the Congregation, on which were embroidered a shield of David and the date of the establishment of the school’.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 December 1887, page 5

Re ‘redistribution of Jewish labour’. If Jews sent out from London to provinces this might spread ‘ill-will towards Jewish workers’ (as exists in London), especially in smaller towns, eg Stroud where there is ‘a large tailoring factory employing may Jewish hands’. A fresh immigration of tailors would injure those in Stroud.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 April 1887, page 12

Mr Ernest A. Lyons unanimously elected Chairman of Stonehouse Board of Works.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 November 1887, page 15

Meeting of Jewish residents of Stroud. Resolved that a new synagogue and school be built. The present synagogue is too small, and a new school room is urgently needed - 40 children are being taught ‘in a very damp and unhealthy place’
A Committee was formed to conclude the purchase of land and to make preliminary arrangements to carry out the resolution.
Ten years ago no Jewish residents in Stroud and no record known of any previous settlement. Now 160 Jews.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 January 1888, page 3

Advert. ‘Stroud New Synagogue and School’.
Donations will be received by: Rev Dr H. Adler, 16 Finsbury Square; Rev G. J. Emanuel BA, 36 Beaufort Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham; S. Goldberg Esq, Portland Street Cheltenham; B. Bantish, New Swindon; S.Hyman Esq, President and Treasurer, Stroud; Bristol & West Of England Bank, Stroud
[signed. J. Minden Shane, Hon Sec.]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 January 1888, page 2

Donations Received:
Sir Julian Goldsmid, Bart, MP £30; J. M. Lawrence, £3 3 0; Mrs E. A. Franklin, £2 2 0; Leopold Franks £1 1 0.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 January 1888, page 2

Further donations:
Mrs Lionel Lucas £20; Messrs P & S Beyfus £2 2 0; Nathaniel Louis Cohen £2 2 0.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 February 1888, page 16

Mr J. Minden Shane, late Hon Sec of the Committee of the proposed synagogue and Jewish school. From yesterday has severed all connection with that movement.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 March 1888, page 7

Rev S. Orler writes, appealing for contributions. Children attend daily for 3 hours instruction in Hebrew and religion. Appeals to wealthy Jews. 200 circulars were issued but only £122 subscribed of which £52 15s from members. Estimated cost £500 and incidentals. ‘They are poor Russian refugees in Stroud’.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 March 1888, page 9

Shane resigned through pressure of other engagements. Rev Orler elected in his place.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 April 1888, page 11

Last Sabbath Michael Greensweig, son of I Greensweig of Trowbridge, who was bar mitzvah, read entire Sedrah and Haftarah. Mr E Greensweig, the uncle entertained the whole congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 June 1888, page 6

Appeal for funds. List of contributions. New synagogue and school to be completed by 1 September. Estimated cost £550.Have collected £242 1s 6d and promises of £15 43 6d Still deficient of £292 14s.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 September 1888, page 13

Chatan Torah E. Greensweig. Chatan Bereshith M. Levy

Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1888, page 11

Master Hyman Hyman, eldest son of Mr S.Hyman, President of Stroud Hebrew Congregation, who was bar mitzvah, read 3 portions of the Sedrah and Haftarah. Afterwards Mr Hyman entertained whole congregation at breakfast and again at a party the following evening.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 March 1889, page 5

Consecration of new synagogue on Tuesday 26 February. Bristol choir was there, cost of conveyance paid for by Mr Henry Simmons, Warden of Bristol Synagogue. Also Rev J.A. Levy of Bristol took part in the service. (Signs of inter-communal good relations.) Charles Samuel formally opened the synagogue. All the members are tailors and took steps to provide a place of worship as soon as they settled in the town Building not free of debt. New one consecrated by Delegate Chief Rabbi.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 March 1889, pages 7-8

Full report of consecration
Jews employed at Stroud some 12 or 13 years ago. New synagogue has accommodation for 100. Scholl on lower floor. Gallery for women. 3 massive candelabra presented by Sheerness Hebrew Congregation.
Officers: President Mr S. Hyman; Treasurer I. Englishman; Committee E. Greensweig, M. Whitehead, C. Berman, M. Mallinski, J. Goldstein, J. Bernstein, H. Levy. Trustees, S. Hyman, J. Goldstein, E. Greensweig, H. Levy, I Englishman, M.Whitehead.
Also present: Rev L. Joseph, Cheltenham, Rev A. Izenberg, Bristol, Messrs S. Goldberg, Cheltenham, M. Bentsih, Swindon, J.Sperber, Gloucester.

Expenditure £630. Receipts £301 5s.Further promises made at service of £25 of which Charles Samuel £15.
Donations in kind: Hyam Levi, yod and clock; E. Greensweig, stove and carpet, S. Hyams, perpetual lamp, S.Shane, pair of steps for lighting candelabra, Mr ? Greensweig, who was first to settle in Stroud, curtain for the Ark, Mr I. Levi, lecture desk.

After service - most of report being of Delegate Chief Rabbi’s sermon - there was a banquet. Charles Samuel was presented with a silver key in a case, inscribed: ‘Presented by the Stroud Hebrew Congregation to Charles Samuel, Esq., on the occasion of the opening of the new Synagogue in Landsdown, Stroud, February 26th 1889, Adar 25th 5649’.

On Wednesday morning Dr Adler examined the children, 50 at the classes, and expressed satisfaction with the results.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 March 1889, page 15

Final meeting of Building Committee.
Cost £630. Collection, £310.9s [of which Lord Rothschild gave £100] Deficiency of £348 11s. Cost of mortgage is £41 p..a. To make further appeal for funds.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 March 1889, page 15

Mr I Minden Shane gave lecture on ‘Fifteen centuries of persecution’ in the schoolroom

Jewish Chronicle, 22 March 1889 page 2

Advert. A Sabbath Class is about to be formed in Stroud and the undersigned would thank any lady or gentleman for help in the shape of books etc. I. M Shane.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 March 1889, page 14

Sunday evening in schoolroom, under the new synagogue, Purim entertainment for the children.
I.M. Shane is about to form a branch of the Anglo-Jewish Association.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 July 1889, page 13

Isaac Minden Shane, Hon Sec of Stroud Hebrew Congregation, has lately passed a successful examination for the ‘St John’s Ambulance Corps’.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 July 1889, page 12

General meeting on 7th July. Elected: Mr Levy, President, Treasurer, Elias Greensweig, Hon Sec I Minden Shane, re-elected.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1889, page 16

On Sabbath 21st Phillip Orler, 2nd son of Rev S. Orler was bar mitzvah. He read the whole Sedrah and Haftarah and delivered an address. Mr Orler entertained whole congregation on Saturday morning and Sunday evening.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 October 1889, page 15

Chatan Torah Isaac Minden Shane. Chatan Bereshith Gabriel Rubin.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 January 1890, page 16

Meeting 1 January to establish a Mutual Improvement Society. Isaac Levy (President of congregation) in chair.
Elected to office: President Isaac Minden Shane; Vice President M. Whitehead; Treasurer Elias Greensweig; Committee
S. Goldstein, M. Goldstein, M. Whitehead, H. Hyman, A. Levy. Lectures and papers were promised by members and by Rev Orler. Hope expressed that some people will present books, ‘the Jewish population of Stroud being too poor to firmly establish the Society’.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1890, page 20

Meeting of the Lansdown Hebrew Mutual Improvement Society. Paper read by Isaac Goldstein (no details). A class then formed for ‘Post-Biblical History’. A successful evening.
Alexander, 3rd son of Joseph Goldstein was barmitzvah. After service the congregation was entertained to breakfast.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 January 1890, page 18

Special service on death of Chief Rabbi.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 March 1890, page 12

Michael Greensweig. Son of Elias Greensweig, Treasurer, was bar mitzvah and read entire portion of the Law and Haftarah and delivered an address. In commemoration Mr Greensweig presented the synagogue with a silver Kiddush cup and also entertained the members on Saturday morning and Sunday evening.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 March 1890, page 15

Purim tea and entertainment in the schoolroom under auspices of the Lansdown Hebrew Mutual Improvement Society. Including solo violin by J. Whitehead and pianoforte selection by M. Greensweig, son of Isidore Greensweig. All children were given gifts collected by the honorary officers.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 March 1890, page 15

Weekly meeting of the Mutual Improvement Society. Maurice Goldstein read paper on ‘Anatomy’.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 May 1890, page 17

Advert. Wanted, a 5 or 6 roomed house suitable for a Hebrew Religion Class in a respectable Jewish neighbourhood in or near the City. To take possession on 21st or latest 25th June. Apply Rev S. Orler, Oakley Villas, Slad Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 June 1890, page 17

Advert. Stroud Hebrew Congregation. Wanted man to act as Shochet and Baal Koreh [both in Hebrew] and to give Hebrew lessons to a class. £65 p.a.. Address, Mr Isidore Greensweig, President, Whitehall, Stroud.
Signed I. M. Shane, Hon. Sec.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1890, page 19

Rev A. Rosenberg, minister of Longton, Staffs, conducted service last Saturday. At general meeting on Monday was elected minister of Stroud congregation. To commence when engagement at Longton expires. Rev S. Orler received handsome testimonial from pupils. Has been minister for last 10 years.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 July 1890, page 14

Board of Deputies. Isaac Minden Shane certified as Secretary for marriage purposes at Stroud for Rev S. Orler, resigned.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 August 1890, page 12

Rev A. Rosenberg gave sermon to crowded synagogue last Saturday. He has formed a successful Sabbath Class. During the first 4 weeks not a single absentee. But a grant from the Provincial Ministers’ Fund is much needed.
Sunday/ Election of officers, Isidor Greensweig in chair. For President, he and Gabriel Rubin tied in votes. Rubin withdrew.
Treasurer, Charles Berman. Hon Sec I Minden Shane. Committee J. Goldstein, E. Greensweig, I. Englishman.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 September 1890, page 15

General Meeting. I. M.Shane (Hon Sec) to be Chatan Torah. C. Berman (Treasurer) to be Chatan Bereshith.
The President, E. Greensweig, announced that last Saturday was centenary of Stroud Hospital. Since people in Stroud had ‘most loyally supported the Synagogue Building Fund’ he hoped members would give their offerings that day to the hospital. Later, several offerings were announced.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 October 1890, page 15

Afternoon of Simchas Torah. Members of congregation entertained by Shane and Berman to a banquet at Badbrook Hall. Nearly 60 Jewish and some Christian guests.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 November 1890, page 19

On Sabbath last, by request of J(sic) Greensweig, President, Rev A.Rosenberg preached on the occasion of the bar mitzvah of Israel Sperber, eldest son of Mr S. Sperber.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 December 1890, page 16

I. M. Shane received a gold medal given by members of the Stroud Bicycle and Tricycle Club on his recognition as Captain, at a dinner at the Imperial Hotel, Stroud.
Among Jewish members of the local athletic club is a promising member, Master Michael Greensweig, son of Mr Elias Greensweig, late Treasurer of the congregation. He won a silver cup at the late sports.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1891, page 15

Departure of Gabriel Rubin. Parnass for 4 years and active officer and supporter for 10 years. When President the congregation ‘was in a most prosperous state’. On his retirement from office he presented synagogue with a scroll of the law and a silver yad.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 April 1891, page 15

At the annual Speech Competition held on March 31 in connection with the Stroud End Debating Society, Mr Isaac Goldstein won First Prize, presented by President Rev T. Hudson for best speech on ‘The Relative Interests of Indoor and Outdoor Forms of Recreation’.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 June 1891, page 17

Masters Michael and Philip Greensweig, sons of the late Treasurer Elias Greensweig, and Master Barnet Goldstein, son of present Treasurer, Joseph Goldstein, won prizes at sports at Cirencester and Stroud.
The synagogue was crowded last Sabbath for the bar mitzvah of Master Isaac Mallinski ‘who was only made a ger eighteen months ago’.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 June 1891, page 19

Rev G. T. Coster, Minister at Bedford Congregational Church and leader of nonconformity in Stroud delivered a special address on Sunday evening on ‘The Glories and Sorrows of the Jewish People’. Many Jewish residents in the audience. The synagogue committee is to thank him officially for his ‘sympathetic utterances’.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 July 1891, page 17

Special interest in bar mitzvah last Saturday of Master Emmanuel Greensweig, youngest son of Isidor Greensweig, as he was the first Jewish resident in Stroud and was instrumental in causing other Jews to settle. Commemorated the occasion by presenting synagogue with life-size portrait of the Chief Rabbi (who was installed last week.)

Jewish Chronicle, 24 July 1891, page 14

Annual meeting. Election of officers for ensuing year. President, E. Greensweig, Treasurer, S.Sperber, Hon Sec, J Bernstein.
Committee, C. Berman, I.Englishman, M. Levi, M. Melinsky.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 October 1891, page 16-17

Chatan Torah M.Melinsky. Chatan Bereshith Hyman Levi. They have presented to the congregation official robes for the ministers.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 October 1891, page 17

On Wednesday 21 October a largely attended meeting of Jewish residents was held at the Synagogue schoolroom. Resolved: To form a committee to collect for the ‘Russia-Jewish Fund’. Elected: Chairman, Rev A Rosenberg, Vice-chairman and Treasurer Isaac Levi, Hon Sec Isaac Minden Shane, Committee Marcus Whitehead, Isidore Greensweig, Joseph Goldstein, Charles Berman, Julius Bernstein, Isaac Englishman, and Elias Greensweig. Also to convene a public meeting which many influential residents have prised to attend.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 October 1891, page 20.

On Simchas Torah, the Chatan Torah M. Melinsky, invited all members and families to a banquet in the schoolroom

Jewish Chronicle, 6 November 1891, page 19

The Chatah Bereshith and his wife, Hyman and Mrs Levi, gave breakfast to members and wives. In the afternoon Mrs Levi entertained the children of the Hebrew Classes.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 November 1891, page 3

Fund for Relief of Russian-Jewish Refugees.
From Stroud: Mr & Mrs C. Berman £2.12.6; Mr & Mrs I. Levi £1.13.6; Mr & Mrs Whitehead £1.8.6; Mr & Mrs S. Sperber £1.6.0; Mr & Mrs H. Levi £1.3.6; Mr & Mrs M. Mallinski £1.5.6; I. Greensweig £1.1.0; Rev(sic) I. M. Shane £1.1.0; Mr & Mrs J. Goldstein £1.18.6.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 December 1891, page 20

Stroud Branch of Russo-Jewish Fund has forwarded through Treasurer Isaac Levy the sum of £7.7.4 to the Central Committee.
Rev A. Rodway, local Christian clergyman, has written to the Czar protesting against persecution of the Jews and expressing belief that famine in Russia was a visitation of God.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 December 1891, page 3

More Stroud contributions to Russo-Jewish Fund. Sundries collected in Stroud £1.13.0; Per Master A. Levi £1.8.10; Mark Levi £1.5.0; J.R. Buckler £2.2.0.
Benjamin Newman (Cannon Street Road, London) has presented Stroud synagogue with ‘a handsome Menorah for Chanucah’ and Mrs Newman has given donation for candles for it.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 April 1892, page 24

Marks Levy has presented synagogue with a ruby plush embroidered mantle.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 April 1892, page 16

Special meeting. Letter from Julius Bernstein, Hon Sec, resigning on appointment as Assistant Investigating Officer at Jewish Board of Guardians, London. I. M. Shane elected. Shane wishes success to Bernstein and hopes he will press claim of synagogue whenever there is the opportunity. There is mortgage of £200 which is ‘a very great burden upon its members, who are all working men’.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1892, page 17

Bar mitzvah of son of Solomon Sperler (sic) Treasure who entertained members and officers.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 June 1892, page 12

Ephraim P. Vallentine elected a deputy for Stroud at Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 August 1892, page 13

B. Newman, 51 Cannon Street Road, London, another gift, an oak stand for Menorah.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1892, page 13

Annual meeting, I. M.Shane in chair. E.P. Vallentine, London, delegate to Board of Deputies was present. Re-elected: E. Greensweig President, Solomon Sperber Treasurer, Isaac Minden Shane, Hon Sec. Isaac Englishmann and Marcus Whitehead elected to Committee. On motion of E.P.Vallentine decided to pay the £100 recently granted by the Levin Fund off the mortgage and that every effort be made to pay off the balance of £95 and £25 has been promised by Charles Samuel. If mortgage redeemed the congregation would be in a position to establish a burying ground ‘facilities being promised by the Cheltenham Congregation which is only a short distance apart’.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 September 1892, page 17

Chatan Torah Isaac Minden Shane. Chatan Bereshith Hyman Levi

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1892 page 20

Elias Greensweig, past President, has presented a set of covers for Sepher and Readers Desk, supplied by P. Vallentine & Son, London.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 October 1892, page 16

Wardens intend to acknowledge, in shape of a testimonial to Isaac Levy, for assisting congregation for 12 years on High Festivals as Assistant Reader.
Master Emanuel Greensweig has earned the Mildmay Scholarship tenable for 3 years at £25 p.a. against 350 competitors. He is youngest son of Isidore Greensweig formerly of London and former President and was first Jewish child born in Stroud.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 February 1893, page 20

On Tuesday evening the children of the Hebrew Classes were examined in their respective classes. E. Greensweig presided and E. P. Vallentine was present. He has contributed liberally to the prize list. Vallentine proposed vote of thanks to Rev. A. Rosenberg and said he will present 2 prizes annually in memory of his mother Sarah. To be called the Sarah Vallentine prizes for best boy and best girl.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 March 1893, page 18

On Sunday last presentation of testimonial and illustrated address to Isaac Levi ’one of the oldest and most honoured members of the congregation for having acted many hears as President and Treasurer, and, for twelve years, gratuitously performed the duties of “Baal Koreh”.   Isaac Englishman presided. I.M. Shane made the presentation .’Every member was present’.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 June 1893, page 3

Advert. Stroud congregation. Wanted. An efficient Chazan, Baal Koreh, Shochet, Mohel. One qualified for the instruction of Hebrew and Scripture as per the Chief Rabbi’s Code in evening classes. Salary inclusive £90. Applications to President, Isaac Levi, 28 Middle Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 1893, page 14

Rev. A. Levinson appointed minister.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 August 1893, page 14

Annual General Meeting. Isaac Levi, President, presided.
Elected: I. Levi President, Solomon Sparber(sic) Treasurer, I. M. Shane, Hon Sec, Marcus Whitehead, Isaac Englishman, Joseph Goldstein, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 August 1893, page 14

Chatan Torah Solomon Sperber. Chatan Bereshith Marcus Whitehead.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1893, page 15

High Holydays. Rev A. Levinson preached. Isaac Levi conducted services. Elias Greensweig was Baal Tokeh.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 October 1893, page 1

Marriage on 24 October in Highbury of Sarah, 3rd daughter of late Rev H. Wasserzug and Rev A. Levinson of Stroud.
[Marriage. Abraham Levinson December 1893, Islington 1b 723/Sarah Wasserzug]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 December 1893, page 16

Last Sabbath Rev H. Silverblatt of Manchester delivered sermon in synagogue. On Sunday special Chanucah service conducted by Rev A. Levinson and choir. Silverblatt gave sermon in which he urged formation of a ‘Local Children’s Orphan Aid Society’. I. Levi, President, and several ladies present, promised that on Sunday next a special meeting would be held to organise such a society.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 January 1894, page 1

Marriage 28 December at Synagogue by Rev A. Levinson. Cecil Alexander 2nd son of Lewis Levy of Stroud to Rose Racovsky, adopted daughter of Isaac Levy of same town.
[Marriage. Rose Racovsky December 1893, Stroud 6a 673/Cecil Alexander Levy]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 March 1894, page 2

‘Talmud Torah Classes’
Contribution per Mr I Levy, President of Stroud congregation from the Bris Milah at Mr Englishman. 10s 6d.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 May 1894, page 18

On Saturday last Philip Greensweig, son of Elias, was bar mitzvah and read whole Sedrah.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 June 1894, page 17

Chief Rabbi’s pastoral tour. Visited Stroud on 24 May. Met at station by officers and E. P.. Vallentine, delegate to Board of Deputies. Children were examined in their classes. Prize winners: Kate Mallinski, Abraham Malinski, Philip Grensweig, Leah M. Shan, Rose M. Shane, Harry Weinberg, Rachel Levy, Rosa Greensweig, Solomon Levy, Henry Levy, Solomn Weinberg, Harry Levy. The Chief Rabbi said he was very satisfied with his visit and with progress since last visit in 1889.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 August 1894, page 14

General meeting. Elected: President, Joseph Goldstein, Treasurer, Isaac Englishmann, Hon Sec (re-elected) Isaac Minden Shane.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 September 1894, page 19

Chatan Torah J. Goldstein. Chatan Bereshith I. Englishman.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 November 1894, page 20

Chatan Torah and Chatan Bereshith entertained congregation on Simchat Torah.
The President assisted the Baal Koreh, A. Rosenthal, during the holidays.
Pending a permanent appointment, duties performed by Rev S..Joseph through the kindness of Mr J. N. Schnurmann, President of Cheltenham congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 November 1894, page 22

Advert. Wanted, Chazan, Shochet, Mohel and Teacher. £65 p.a. Apply J. Goldstein, Beeches Green, Stroud.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 November 1894, page 20

Philip Greensweig, aged 13, son of Elias Greensweig, has won principal prize with honours, viz Marline Scholarship vale £45 for 3 years, against 1,200 competitors. Same scholarship was won 3 years ago by his cousin Emanuel Greensweig.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 January 1895, page 21

At a general meeting Rev D. Jacobs of Pontypridd unanimously elected Minister.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 August 1895, page 14

Annual General Meeting. Elected: President J. Goldstein, Treasurer I.Englishman, Hon Sec Charles Berman, Committee M. Malinski, M. Levi.
Chatan Torah Charles Berman Chatan Bereshith M. Malinski.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 April 1896, page 3

‘Passover Relief Fund in connection with the Soup Kitchen for Jewish Poor’ (London). E. Greensweig 10s 6d.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 August 1896, page 18

General Meeting President and Treasurer re-elected. Hon Sec elected I. M. Shane. Committee M. Malinski, C.A. Levy, M. Sladford.
Chatan Torah C.A. Levy Chatan Bereshith I. M. Shane
Fete at Rodborough on Bank Holiday. Stage performance under management of Isaac Goldstein, son of Joseph Goldstein, President of the congregation. Several thousand people present.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 September 1896, page 21

High Holiday services conducted by Rev D. Jacobs, Baal Tokeh, assisted by Joseph Goldstein. On eve of Yom Kippur Rev D. Jacobs gave sermon ’his maiden effort in English’.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 September 1896, page 23

Advert. Wanted. A situation for a highly respectable boy (Orthodox), first class character and scholastic education, aged 14. Healthy and strong and most respectably connected. Tailoring or such like trades. Letters to I. M. Shane, Hon Sec, Stroud Hebrew Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 October 1896, page 22

Wednesday week, children’s service for Simchat Torah. Rev D. Jacobs officiated. Tea provided by C.A. Levy and I. M. Shane (Chatan Torah and Chatan Bereshith). Entertainment arranged by Mr I. Goldstein and included the Misses Jeanette Levy, Ruth Minden Shane, Miriam Goldstein, Leah Goldstein; Mr Maurice Goldstein; Masters Barney Goldstein and Michael Minden Shane; and Miss Kate Mallinski.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 October 1896, page 19

Special meeting. Letter from Rev D. Jacobs resigning after 2 years as minister. Received with regret. Voted suitable testimonial.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 1896, page 1

Death on 16 November of Daniel Greensweig of Zachrocheem, Russo-Poland, aged 70. Father of Isidore Greensweig of Manchester and Elias Greensweig of Stroud.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 1896, page 20

General meeting. Rev W.Stoloff of Cheltenham elected minister.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 December 1896, page 24

General meeting. Elected: President E. Greensweig, Treasurer Solomon Sperber, Hon Sec I. M. Shane.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 February 1897, page 31
In response to Chief Rabbi’s circular letter re the Indian Famine Appeal, there was an appeal in the synagogue last Saturday when sermon delivered by Rev L.J.Muscat of Manchester. Raised £5 4s.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 June 1897, page 29

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Service conducted by resident minister Rev W.Stoloff, including choir of 18 boys trained by him. Collection made in response to Lord Mayor’s appeal for Hospital Sunday Fund.
On Monday the children of the Hebrew School attended National Thanksgiving and Treat for all schoolchildren in Stroud district. Minister, President, Treasurer, and Hon Sec ‘exerted themselves for the enjoyment of the youngsters’. \Isaac Englishman of the Fountain Hotel provided extra refreshment. Wives of President and Treasurer and staff attended to wants of the youngsters.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 July 1897, page 25

General meeting for election of Treasurer as Mr Sperber has resigned through taking up position in South Africa. He was presented with testimonial in shape of a portrait album and illuminated address.
Marks Levy elected Treasurer. Charles Berman appointed Auditor.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 August 1897, page 1

Marriage on 11 August at the New West End Synagogue, Ada Wolk of Newcastle upon Tyne and Rev W.Stoloff of Stroud.
[Marriage. Woolf Stoloff September 1897, Paddington 1a 201/Ada Wolk]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 August 1897, page 20

On marriage of resident minister Woolf Stoloff he received many gifts, including a purse of gold subscribed by members of the congregation, a handsome gift from the Hebrew classes scholars, and many individual gifts from members of his late congregation at Cheltenham.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 August 1897, page 16

At the South Kensington examinations held in June Philip Greensweig, son of Elias, passed in Theoretical Chemistry (elementary stage) and Theoretical Mechanics (theoretical stage).

Jewish Chronicle, 15 October 1897, page 27

Services at the New Dalston Synagogue assisted by Rev D. Jacobs, late of Stroud.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 October 1897, page 29

Chatan Torah Marks Levy, Chatan Bereshith Hyman Levy.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 August 1898, page 20

Annual election of officers. President Isaac Levy, Treasurer Maurice Mallinski, Hon Sec. I. M. Shane. Committee re-elected en bloc with addition of Charles Berman.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 September 1898, pge 24

Chatan Torah M. Mallinski. Chatan Bereshith I. M. Shane.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 February 1899, page 26

Officers of congregation presented a handsome testimonial to Hyman Levy on his leaving the town, having been an active member and officer for 22 years. During this time he presented all the candles and gave many valuable presents.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1899, page 29

Pleasing function at Liberal Club Lansdown on Monday evening. Charles Berman, after 19 years residence is leaving for Bristol. Presented with illuminated address bearing names of 80 prominent members of the Liberal Club. He did much work for the Liberal Party.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 September 1899, page 25

Chatan Torah Marks Levy. Chatan Bereshith Joseph Goldstein.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 November 1899, page 1

Marriage 29 October at Lansdown Synagogue, by Rev A.Levinson of Brighton, Sarah, eldest daughter of Marks Levy of Locking Hill to Leon, eldest son of late Jacob Schneiderman of St Petersburg.
[Marriage. Leon Schneiderman December 1899, Stroud 6a 77s/ Sarah Levy]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1900, page 25

Special meeting for presentation to Isaac Levy, president, who has been mainstay of synagogue for last 23 years, the most liberal supporter, and every year its Honorary Assistant Reader. Illuminated address presented. I. M. Shane, Hon Sec, made presentation and regretted I. Levy’s necessity of leaving the town. [But he is in Stroud at the 1901, Census and in 1902, is Chatan Torah.]

Jewish Chronicle, 2 February 1900, page 25

Joseph Goldstein elected President.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1890, page 21

At Conference of Jewish Boards of Guardians, one speaker referred to limited number of trades adopted by Jews. This limitation ‘was responsible for the overcrowded state o the labour market in Leeds, Manchester, Leicester and Stroud’.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 August 1900, page 1

Bar mitzvah. Harry, eldest son of Mr & Mrs Levy of Stroud will read portion of the Law at the synagogue, Lansdown Road.
1 Winchcombe Villas, Cemetery Road, Stroud.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 August 1900, page 1

Michael Minden Shane eldest son of Mr & Mrs I. M. Shane will read portion of the Law at Lansdown synagogue on Saturday 1 September.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1900, page 22

Chatan Torah I. Englishman. Chatan Bereshith I.M.Shane.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1900, page 22

Master Herschell Englishmann(sic) has won the Marline Scholarship, £26 p.a. for3 years. This is the 4th School Board scholarship won by Jewish boys in 12 years, ‘which is good percentage considering that there have never been more than thirteen Jewish families in Stroud. All the winners were born in Stroud’.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 October 1900, page 25

Englishman and Shane gave tea and entertainment to members followed by magic lantern programme to Hebrew Classes children.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 December 1900, page 34

Reading congregation. Chanucah service conducted by Mr Speakmaster of Stroud, a candidate for position of teacher, secretary, etc.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 February 1901, page 1

Morris, youngest son of Mr & Mrs E. Greensweig of Burdett Road, Bow, late of Stroud, will read portion of the Law at Old Castle Synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 February 1901, page 26

Memorial service for Queen attended by many Christians. Choir trained and led by Rev N. Speakmaster.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 March 1901, page 28

Rev Lewis Smogansky (sic) elected minister. [Lewis Smolenski in Census]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 August 1901, page 1

FIANCÉS. Adelaide, eldest daughter of Mr & Mrs I. A. Smith of 61 New Road Stepney to Aaron, 3rd son of Mr & Mrs L.Levy of 42 Lucas St, Commercial Road, late of Stroud.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 August 1901, page 22

General Meeting. Elected. President I.Englishmann, Treasurer Morris Malinski, Hon Sec I Minden Shane, his 14th year.
Rev Lewis Smorgonsky(sic) is leaving to take up appointment in Wilna, Russia. Received hearty wishes and a purse of money.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 September 1901, page 29

Chatan Torah I. Englishmann, President of congregation. Chatah Bereshith M. Malinski Treasurer of congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 October 1901, page 31

Ruth Minden Shane, daughter of Hon Sec of the congregation, has won the Franklin Scholarship tenable for 3 years. Harry Levy, son of Isaac Levy, has gained the Dickens scholarship tenable for 3 years, won in open competition for all schools in Borough of Stroud and that 2 should have fallen to Jews is a record considering there are only 8 Jewish families in Stroud while there are 1400 Christian scholars who enter for these and other scholarships. In 21 years Jewish children have won 13 local scholarships.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 April 1902, page 9
Re proposed conference of the Jewish Congregational League. Letter from H.M.Adler, hon sec of the League. There will be only one resolution for discussion, viz., to disperse Jewish population from congested areas.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 May 1902, page 28

Special meeting. Decided to send a delegate to conference of Jewish Congregational League. Proposed by I.M. Shane that Joseph Prag of London be delegate. Approved unanimously.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 May 1902, pages 21-5

Report of meeting of Jewish Congregational Union (sic) at the Jewish Workingmen’s Club.

Page 21

Stroud delegates were I.M. Shane and Joseph Prag.
‘A representative from Stroud struck a very human touch in his comparison between the Jewish children of London and of his native Stroud; and his tale of his little community in the West of England town - all tailors with big families - was a welcome little interlude in an oratorical uninteresting discussion’.

Page 23

Report of Shane’s contribution.
‘Many London Jews had never seen the outside the great City in which they lived, and therefore knew nothing of the struggles and heart-burnings of the small Provincial Jewish congregations. From experience he knew how gladly the assistance hat could be rendered by a Jewish Congregational Union would be welcomed by many small provincial Jewish communities…There was room in Stroud for many Jews. They did not require them to be possessed of means, only that they were able and willing to work and able to speak English. He felt that if the new movement helped to keep provincial congregations together by drafting on to them desirable members, more good would be done than all the institutions in the Jewish community have ever done before’.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 May 1902, page 28

Harris Levy son of Isaac Levy aged 13 gained first prize in Shorthand and is also the winner of the principal prize at the Upland Schools, Stroud.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 July 1902, page 30

Florrie Levy aged 13 daughter of Mr & Mrs Marks Levy of Cemetery Road has passed first class second examination in pianoforte playing in the London College of Music.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 October 1902, page 30

Daniel Englishman son of Isaac Englishman, president of the congregation, is winner of the ’Marling’ scholarship £20 p.a. for 3 years. He is sixth Jewish boy in 13 years who has obtained this scholarship. It is open to competition among 14 schools.
Mendel Malinski son of the Treasurer, has won an open school competition for 3 years tuition at Stroud School of Art.
Rutha Minden Shane, daughter of the Hon Sec, has graduated in honours in2 divisions at the School of Arts Science and arts examinations.
Chatan Torah Isaac Levy [Note 5 January 1900, said to be leaving Stroud. But he is in Stroud in 1901, Census]
Chatan Bereshith Louis Weinberg

Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1903, page 3

Children of Hebrew Classes had Chanucah treat last Sunday. Mr & Mrs Levy provided tea and entertainment and each child given silver coin to commemorate Mr & Mrs Levy’s silver wedding.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 January 1903, page 37

Mr Marks Levy presented mantle for Sepher Torah on occasion of son Harry’s bar mitzvah. Mr Levy elected Auditor and thanked for his many gifts.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 March 1903, page 1

Marriage 4 March at Hampstead Synagogue by Rev F. L.Cohen assisted by Rev W. Stoloff. Alice daughter of late Charles Gray of Stroud to Harry youngest son of Marie Isaac, 3 Frognal, Hampstead.
[Marriage. Alice Mary A. Gray March 1903, Hampstead 1a 1033/Henry David Isaacs]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 May 1903, page 1

FIANCÉS. Katie eldest daughter of Mr & Mrs Malinski, Church Street, Stroud, to Percy, eldest son of Mr A. Harris, Old Montague Street, E.
[No marriage found. In 1911 she is still single and in parents’ house. But may have got married later in 1911, in Hackney.]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 July 1903, page 30

At recent examination of London College of Music, Florrie Levy daughter of Mr & Mrs Marks Levy of Cemetery Road passed in Intermediate Division.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 August 1903, page 21

Annual General Meeting, I Englishman, president, in chair. Cannot continue in office as his business required him elsewhere.
Elected President, M. Malinski, Treasurer I. Ostroff [but see below 4 September 1903,]. Hon Sec for 20th year I. M.Shane. Auditors M. Sladford and P. Coots.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 August 1903, page 21

Profile of Rev D. Caplan, called to Plymouth. Born Warsaw 1868. Came to England 1891 and has occupied position of Chazan etc at Pontypridd and Stroud.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 September 1903, page 28

I. Ostroff writes to correct statement that he is Treasurer. He is Reader, Shochet, and Teacher.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 September 1903, page 26

Chatan Torah I.M.Shane. Chatan Bereshith M.Malinski.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 October 1903, page 7

Day of Atonement services conducted by I. Ostroff assisted by Mr G. Goodman of Cheltenham.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1904, page 1

Marriage 22 May at the Great Synagogue, Bluma, 2nd daughter of Mr & Mrs Marks Levy of Stroud to Rev Isaac Ostroff of Aberdare.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1904, page 2

Advert. Mr & Mrs M. Levy of Stroud express great satisfaction to Mr Isaacs of the Kin’s Hall, Commercial Road, for the most handsome way in which he catered for their daughter’s wedding and thank him for the strictly orthodox way in which it was carried out.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 August 1904, page 26

Florence Levy, daughter of Mr & Mrs Marks Levy of Cemetery Road, Stroud, was successful in passing the Senior Division of the London College of Music.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 August 1904, page 29

General meeting of congregation. Mr Malinski presided. Unanimously elected: Rev Z. Domivitz(sic) of London, late of Paris to be Minister. President Louis Weinberg, Hon Sec I. M. Shane for 21st year.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 September 1904, page 24

Day of Atonement services conducted by Rev Z. Dimiditz(sic) and Mr Mark Levy. Rev Dimiditz preached.
Chatan Torah I. Englishman. Chatan Bereshith M. Sladford.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1904, page 32

Children attending the Hebrew Classes were examined last Sunday. The result reflected great credit on their instructor Rev F(sic) Dimovitz. The following won prizes, the gift of the Hon Sec, I.M. Shane.
Boys: M.Sladford, M. Levy, J.Englishmann, A. Malinska (sic) and M.Englishmann.
Girls; N.Weinberg, R.Sladford, R. Levy, and L. Sladford.
The ‘Sarah Vallentine Memorial Prize’ was awarded to Flora M. Shane.
The Hon Sec provided a Chanucah treat and entertainment at Minden House for all the children.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 January 1905, page 26

Bristol. Dr Myer Coplans of Stroud read a paper to the Social and Debating Society on ‘The Mosaic Code and Modern Medicine’.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 February 1905, page 5

Jewish population of Stroud 100.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 March 1905, page 35

On leaving Stroud Rev Z. Dimovitz, Shochet and Teacher, was presented with a suitable gift by the Hebrew Classes and an address by the officers of the congregation

Jewish Chronicle, 7 April 1905, page 34

Mr M.Levy of Lower Street, Stroud, expresses gratitude to doctors and nurses of Raphael Ward of London Hospital for the treatment of his wife.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 August 1905, page 1

FIANCÉS. Milly, second daughter of Mr and Mrs Isaac Levy of 17 Coborn Road, Bow, London, late of Stroud, to Woolf Katz, Durban, South Africa.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 October 1905, page 23

New Year services were conducted by Rev I. Lubelski assisted by Marks Levy.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 October 1905, page 26

After Simchas Torah service the Chatan Bereshith, I.M. Shane, held a reception then adjourned to Melbourne House, the residence of the Chatan Torah, Mr M. Levy. Mrs Levy provided tea and entertainment for the children and a gift for each child.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 June 1906, page 47

Naturalisations in May. Marks Levy, Melbourne House, Lower Street, Stroud.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 September 1906, page 40

Chatan Torah Mr M. Levi (sic). Chatan Torah Mr M. Sletford(sic).

Jewish Chronicle, 26 October 1906, page 34

Naturalisations in September. Reuben Rom, Belmont Road, Stroud.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 November 1906, page 2

Mr & Mrs Marks Levy, Stroud, thank on behalf of their son for the presents received on the occasion of his bar mitzvah. Services were conducted by Rev I. Ostroff of Aberdare, brother-in-law of the bar mitzvah and the Sedrah and Haftarah were read by the bar mitzvah, Morris Levy.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 January 1907, page 29

Chester. Rev L. Lubetsky (sic) formerly of Stroud, on recommendation of Chief Rabbi, elected Reader, Shochet and Teacher.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 August 1907, page 7

Ref to Dr Myer Coplans MD DPH, now at Leeds University, had been stationed at Stroud as Assistant Medical Officer of Health.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 September 1907, page 23

New Year services. Rev S.Anekstein officiated assisted bt Mr Marks Levy, President.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1907, page 27

Chatan Torah Mr S. Smith. Chatan Bereshith Mr A. Shainman.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 February 1908, page 23

‘A dispute concerning the right to various sacred appurtenances of a synagogue at Lansdown, near Stroud, resulted in an action for their recovery against Marks Levy, who was stated to have removed them to prevent them falling into the hands of non-Jews, mortgagees having taken possession of the synagogue. The defence was that the movable articles belonged to the congregation of which the defendant (sic) was president. The judge found that the property was vested in the trustees, and gave judgment in their favour’.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 1908, page 13

Board of Deputies. Nr C.H.L Emanuel (Solicitor and Secretary) referred to an action brought by the Trustees of the Stroud Synagogue to recover possession of some Scrolls of the Law and other articles. The Trustees were successful in the action but efforts were being made to get the Trustees to give up the things in dispute so that the synagogue could be restarted.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 July 1908, page 28

Board of Deputies. Report that the Rev G. J. Emanuel [of Birmingham] had been given custody of the Scrolls of the Law belonging to the Stroud synagogue ’which had been deposited in undesirable quarters’.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 January 1909, page 30

At the recent examination of the Incorporated Society of Musicians held at Bristol, Cila(sic) [Clara?] Levy aged 8, youngest daughter of Mr & Mrs Marks Levy of Stroud, passed the preparatory grade in pianoforte with honours.


[NOTE. Although the synagogue closed in 1908, and the community largely dispersed, The Jewish Year Book continued, annually, to print details of what amounted to a fictitious congregation, for some 20 years.]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 September 1909, New Year Greetings page iv

Mr & Mrs Marks Levy 475 Mile End Road, London, late of Stroud.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 October 1909, page 1

Death 26 October at 461 Mile End Road, Elias Greensweig, aged 58, late of Stroud, husband of Flora.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1910, New Year Greetings page x

Mr & Mrs Marks Levy and family, 266 Burdett Road, London, late of Stroud.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1910, Greetings continued page 37

Mr & Mrs S. Sperber and family, ‘Ravenswood’, Havelock Road, Southsea.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 February 1911, page 1

Betrothal. Ada eldest daughter of Mrs and the late Saul W. Dubowski, 457 Mile End Road, to Harry Arnold, youngest son of Mr & Mrs Lewis Levy, 9 Turner Street, Stepney, late of Stroud.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 July 1912, page 1

Death on 6 July at 117 Shepherd’s Bush Road, Hammersmith, Isidore, husband of Jane Greensweig, formerly of Manchester and Stroud.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1913 New Year Greetings page xxxi

Mr & Mrs L. Weinberg and family late of Stroud, 8 Gloucester Street, Bristol.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 January 1924, page 10

Obituary of Samuel Orler. Was shochet for 40 years and chazan-shochet at Stroud when he took active part in bringing about the erection of a permanent synagogue. Then he went to London to serve under the Board of Shechita.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 December 1932, page 2

Death on 18 December of Isaac Levy, late of Stroud. Children: Mrs C. Scott, Johannesburg; A. Levy, Durban; Mrs W. Katz, Germany; Mrs H. Lawrence, Brighton; Mrs R. Salter, Ealing; Mrs I. Winstone, London N.15; Mr H. Lindley-Lewis, Hove; Mr G. Lewis, Harrow.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1941, page 2

Diamond wedding. Mr & Mrs Lewis Wyburn, 11 Tredegar Square, Bow (late Bristol). Temporary address 30 Chapel Street, Stroud.
[Probably in Stroud from 1883 when son Solomon born. In 1891, as Lewis Wineberg, 1901, as Lewin Weinburg. In 1911 in Bristol as Lewis Wynburg.]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 May 1943, page 13

Rabbi Dr S. M. Lehrman visited Cirencester and Stroud ’where arrangements were made for religious instruction to begin at the local various schools under the auspices of the Joint Emergency Committee’.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 November 1943, page 12

Nathaniel Jacobs, born in Stroud and eldest son of Rev D. and Mrs Jacobs, has been a minister at various synagogues in UK and Jamaica. Now Defence Officer and Secretary of the Council of Manchester and Salford Jews.


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