the former

Hartlepool Jewish Community

Hartlepool, County Durham




Press Reports relating to the Hartlepool Jewish Community
1858 - 1929

Compiled by Harold Pollins

Information within square brackets is from the compiler


Jewish Chronicle, 23 July 1858, page 252

HARTLEPOOL. - We learn that Mr. Joseph Joel, of Brompton Hall, has been approved consul for Monte Video at the port of Hartlepool’.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 December 1863, page 4

Subscription to JC by Mr E. Moseson(sic), West Hartlepool, to 26.2.1864.

Stockton and Hartlepool Mercury, 23 January 1864

‘A Burial Ground for the Jews

The clerk read the following letter on this subject:-

11 January 1864.
To the honourable Improvement Commissioners of West Hartlepool Gentlemen, we are in receipt of yours, dated the 7th inst; and are greatly disappointed. The memorial presented to you to grant us a piece of ground as a burial for deceased members of the Jewish persuasion has not met your approval. As fellow townsmen, residing among you, as ratepayers bound to you, we claim your goodwill and assistance to this our petition. It now appears you require us to purchase the piece of ground. would you mention what you consider a reasonable price and would desire of us for the ground, you to get it levelled, drained, walled and define a scale of burial fees, in order that we may devise some means to pay to you the desired amount.
yours respectfully,
A. Nathan (on behalf of the Jewish residents).

It was unanimously agreed to refer the above letter to the cemetery committee.’

Stockton and Hartlepool Mercury
, 6 February 1864

‘West Hartlepool Improvement Commissioners
The Proposed Jewish Burial Ground

The clerk stated that a meeting of the cemetery committee had been summoned to consider the application of the Jews for a separate piece of ground for the purpose of interring members of their persuasion at the cemetery; but, owing to there not being a quorum present, they could not have a regular meeting. the members present, however, considered the matter; and he had drawn up a report of their views on the subject. The following was their recommendation:- that, with due regard to the interests of the ratepayers generally, the commissioners consider that the only terms upon which they can recommend a separate portion of ground in the cemetery for the purpose of the Jews, and without permission for any re-interment therein, are the purchase by them of the exclusive right of property therein, in the manner pointed out by the Act. that the commissioners offer them a quarter of an acre at the place before pointed out, on payment of £170, as the price of exclusive right of burial, such price to include all costs of inclosing, draining, and levelling; that it be explained to them that, if the offer is acceded to the commissioners, whilst allowing no funerals in the ground without the order of the grantee, will still retain the general control and management of the same; and that the burial fee of thirty shillings will be paid for each adult person's interment (with the usual reduction for children) and also the ordinary fees for any stones of memorial devices; but that they will have the same privilege of the services of the grave-digger, as in the rest of the cemetery. Mr Suggitt said it was not customary for the Jews to enter twice in the same grave. The clerk said they arrived at £170, from a calculation, showing the value of the ground at cost price, the interest of that sum up to this time, and the cost of levelling, draining and etc, the total sum of which amounted to £170. That sum was much below the proportion paid for the exclusive right to small portions. The chairman said it was an understanding that the town should be at no loss, but that at the same time they should charge no profit. The recommendation was unanimously agreed to on the motion of Mr Suggitt and seconded by Mr Mothersdale. ‘

Jewish Chronicle
, 29 July 1864, page 1

Advert (extract)

‘The Hartlepool Hebrew Congregation appeal to their brethren to assist them in carrying out the proposed purchase and walling of a BURIAL GROUND, and hope their appeal will meet with a liberal response.

Hartlepool is fast increasing, and likely to become a large Jewish community; at present most of them are of the poorer class. The want of a Burial Ground is greatly felt, the nearest Jewish burial-place being upwards of twenty miles distance. The Committee, on behalf of the Congregation, have under advantageous terms, succeeded in the purchase of a piece of ground. It is estimated that £250 will cost all, including walling and other expenses.

Donations will be thankfully received by the Committee

Includes list of 14 donations

Jewish Chronicle, 29 July 1864, page 4

Subscription to JC by Mr A. Nathan, Hartlepool, to 14.10.1864.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 August 1864, page 1

Four further contributions to burial ground fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 August 1864, page 1

Contributions to burial ground fund £54.3.6
One contribution from Dublin £1.1.0

Jewish Chronicle, 26 August 1864, page 5

Board of Deputies meeting.

Letters read ‘from Cheltenham and Hartlepool in the congregations of which some irregularities in reference to registration of marriages had occurred’.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 September 1864, page 1

Contribution to burial ground fund per the Chief Rabbi: Baron Lionel de Rothschild £10

Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1864, page 1

Contribution to burial ground fund from Brighton Hebrew Congregation £1.1.0
[Last notice found on this matter]

Stockton and Hartlepool Mercury, 28 February 1865, page 4

See Report of the first Jewish marriage in Hartlepool

Jewish Chronicle, 8 September 1865, page 6

Report of ‘sad accident’. Report from the Hartlepool Mercury. On 2nd inst Joseph Jorenkman(sic) fell into an unprotected coal hole. Left widow who expects to be confined and 3 children.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 September 1865, page 4

Subscription to JC by Bernsdorf of West Hartlepool to 8.12.1865

Jewish Chronicle
, 22 September 1865, page 8


On the 10th of August, while pursuing his calling, a poor man, JACOB YOUNKMAN, a hawker, accidentally, stepping on an imperfect grating, fell, and was so frightfully injured that, after lingering in the most agonising state for a fortnight, died, leaving a widow (far advanced in pregnancy), and three small children entirely unprovided for. It is hoped that a sufficient sum will be collected to enable the poor woman (after her confinement) to commence a little business. It is further hoped that at this season of charities, when the heart of every Jew is moved to alleviate distress, this Appeal will not be made in vain.

Contributions will be gladly received by Mr. A. Harris, East Hartlepool; Mr. Asher Green, 19, Scarborough-street, E., London; and the Jewish Chronicle office.

Amount collected by Mr. Jacob Gallewski and Mr. Joseph Harris, Sunderland, £6 9s. 6d.'

[In subsequent issues of the JC reference to small sums received at the JC office]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 October 1865, page 2

Erudite letter from Jacob Mosesson 9 Princes-street, West Hartlepool on mistranslations in a prayer book.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1865, page 2

Board of Deputies, Holy Land Relief Fund.

‘West Hartlepool, per A. Harris, Esq., £1.16.0’

Jewish Chronicle, 20 October 1865, page 1

Repeat of long advert of 22 September, above
Ending: Amount previously received £7. 7s. Since received  J.J. 1s.6d

Jewish Chronicle, 15 February 1867, page 5

Board of Deputies meeting.

‘An application for assistance towards purchasing  burial ground  for the Jewish congregation of West Hartlepool was laid before the meeting. A reply had been sent regretting the inability to render any assistance on the part of the Board, having from its constitution no funds at its disposal’.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 December 1867, page 6

Letter from Jacob Mosesson on synagogue music.

South Durham Herald Saturday 19 June 1869 Visit of the Chief Rabbi to West Hartlepool The Reverend Doctor N Adler, Chief Rabbi of the Jews of the British Empire, with his son Reverend Doctor H Adler, paid a pastoral visit to the Jewish congregation of West Hartlepool on the 17th inst. He was met at the West Hartlepool station by the wardens - Messrs A Harris and GL Abrahams, and several members of the congregation, with whom he proceeded to the Royal Hotel, where an address was presented to him on behalf of the congregation by Mr C Lotinga. These interesting proceedings being over, the reverend gentleman dined at the house of the president. In the evening divine service was held at the Synagogue, Brunswick Street, where the Reverend Chief Rabbi examined the children in their religious knowledge. Means were also taken to establish a Jewish school in West Hartlepool. The reverend gentleman left for Manchester by the 08.45 train yesterday and was accompanied by the wardens as far as Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 June 1869, page 9

Visit of Chief Rabbi

‘WEST HARTLEPOOL - There has been a congregation here for about six years. The Chief Rabbi examined and addressed the children impressively; but he was not quite satisfied with his examination. He urged, at a subsequent meeting, the necessity of engaging a Hebrew teacher, when a subscription  was entered into for the purpose’.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 July 1869, page 1

‘WANTED, a competent Hebrew and English TEACHER. Salary £60 per annum.
Apply to A. Harris. 25 Church-street, West Hartlepool’.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 December 1869, page 4

Letter from ‘A.E.’ West Hartlepool regarding translation Hebrew/English.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 January 1870

Another letter from A.E.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 February 1870, page 4

Another letter from A.E.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 March 1870, page 3

Letter from Jacob Mosesson on Biblical interpretation.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 April 1870, page 1

Similar advert for Teacher as 16.7.1869

Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1870, page 1; 20 May 1870, page 1; 27 May 1870,  page 1

Similar adverts for Teacher.

Jewish Chronicle
, 16 August 1870, page 15


The congregation of West Hartlepool, including the Jewish residents of Hartlepool, comprises about twenty families. Its minister is the Rev. Jacob Mosesson; its president is Mr. A. Harris; and the treasurer, Mr. G.L. Abrahams. In this as in most other small provincial towns, the congregation finds itself incapable of raising funds amongst its own members for defraying the expenses of building either synagogue or school. A bare room has to answer the purposes of both. The school, which is but of very recent commencement, already musters a daily attendance of 24 children. These vary in age from five to twelve, and receive instruction in English, Hebrew and Religion. Mr. Julius Turckheim, formerly of the Free School, and afterwards of the Stepney Jewish School, is the head master. Unfortunately, as may be supposed, serious drawback is occasioned by the extreme deficiency of school accommodation, but the congregation anxiously hopes to accomplish the transference of the school, and if possible also the synagogue, to premises more commodious and advantageous’.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 September 1870, page 9

The Chief Rabbi on his pastoral tour to the provinces impressed on congregations’ need to establish ‘Anglo-Jewish’ schools. As a result denominational schools have been established in, inter alia, West Hartlepool.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1870, page 10

Mr Julius Turckheim, headmaster of the ‘New West Hartlepool Jewish School’ preached a sermon on the first day of New Year.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 October 1870, page 7

Lease of old synagogue and school is about to expire and executive have formed themselves into a committee and have called meeting of congregation. Decided to raise a subscription to erect a new
structure. £800 required and more than £100 subscribed in the room.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 November 1870, page 1

Wanted. A gentleman to act as Hazan and Shochet [repeated 2 December 1870 page 1; 9 December 1870 age 1]

Jewish Chronicle, 11 April 1871, page 1

Advert for Shochet and Chazan repeated, but new name: Apply for particulars to N. Tragheim, Hon Sec, 17 Lynn, Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 June 1871, page 9

Mr A. Keysor (London), who had been returned to represent W Hartlepool and South Shields at Board of Deputies, has elected to represent the West Hartlepool congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 August 1871, page 1


Long appeal for funds for the erection of a new synagogue and school. Existing room for worship totally unfit - no ventilation. Schoolroom has to accommodate 30 children.

A plot of ground has been purchased.

List of names of contributions.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 August 1871, page 1

Already received £256.13.0  Further donations received. [Further lists in subsequent dates]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 December 1871, page 1

Total received £484.0.0

Jewish Chronicle, 16 February 1872, page 1

The proposed synagogue and school is being built. But inadequate state of present finances. ’They therefore imploringly APPEAL FOR FURTHER AID

[Further sums in next few weeks]

Jewish Chronicle
, 15 March 1872, pages 3-4

Long letter. Refers to the constant appeals for funds to help pay for a ‘small school house and synagogue which are now being built in this town. Somehow or other, this appeal has hitherto been feebly answered’.

There is a permanent congregation of about 35 families. The town is visited nearly every week by Jewish pedlars and commercial travellers and others en route from Hamburg and Holland. Every year the congregation receives new Jewish families and with a great increase in trade annually by West Hartlepool ‘I believe our congregation will eventually become a very flourishing community’.

‘At present Divine Service is held in a dilapidated room on the premises of a stone cutter. The roof is full of holes; the walls are damp and cracked in many places; the service is often interrupted by the noise of stone-cutters at their work. Altogether the room is better suited for the stowage of lumber than for religious worship’.

Could not rent an alternative room. There was a pressing demand for house room in West Hartlepool.

The school was first suggested and founded by the Chief Rabbi. ‘The present schoolroom is little better than a small, dark, ill-ventilated bedroom’.

The contract price for the synagogue and schoolroom is £1,000 and have only collected £450.

Signed, in Hebrew, Yod, bet, tet, yod.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 March 1872, page 11

Two gentlemen from West Hartlepool are in London to collect funds. The JC supports the appeal and hope that the ‘wealthy of the community in London will lend a helping hand to their brethren in West Hartlepool’.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 March 1872, page 12

List of contributors to fund [and in subsequent issues]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 July 1872, page 221

JC comment. Funds still needed to cover expenses. In view of appeals by other provincial communities for funds to build synagogues etc, it suggests there should be a general synagogue fund for such provincial communities.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 August 1872, page 1


Wanted. Gentleman to act as English and Hebrew teacher and chazan. Preference given to one who can occasionally lecture and is married. £80 per annum, and house and gas free.

Apply A Harris, President, 10 Church St.

[repeated 6 September 1872 page 1. Salary £100 but no mention of house]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1872, page 356

West Hartlepool synagogue would have been dedicated by now ‘had not the strike of workmen interfered with the completion of the building. West Hartlepool is an important commercial port of the East Coast of England, and it is advisable to encourage Jewish immigration to that borough if the Jewish immigrants are not afraid to work’.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 October 1872, page 395

Dedication delayed by building strike.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 November 1872, pages 434-5

Report of consecration on 5 November

Jewish Chronicle, 8 November 1872, page 441.

Salary offered £75.

[Ditto 6 December 1872, page 486]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 November 1872, page 455

Report of sermon by Chief Rabbi at consecration.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 November 1872, page 446

Appeal for funds

Jewish Chronicle, 22 November 1872, page 469

Reference to curtain presented by Baroness Lionel de Rothschild

Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1872, page 474

Thanks to all who assisted. Now appeal again to relieve the debt. So far £700 raised and £600 left to pay.

[repeated 6 December 1872, page 499 with List of Contributors]
[28 February 1873, page 686 List of Contributors]

South Durham Herald. West Hartlepool, 22 February 1873

‘A Jewish Wedding Ceremony

A numerous congregation, comprising both Jews and Christians, assembled at the synagogue, Whitby Street, West Hartlepool, to witness the celebration of the first marriage ceremony which has taken place within its walls. Although the marriage was celebrated between one and two o'clock in the afternoon, the time prescribed by the Jewish ordinances, the whole of the gas jets in the building were lighted, a circumstance which, like the practice of keeping the head covered, seemed to strike many of the Christians present as peculiar. Prior to the commencement of the marriage ceremony, the usual daily prayer was said in Hebrew by the local Reader, Mr Levin, after which the officiating rabbi, the Rev. Mr Levy, of Sunderland, ascended the steps of the ark, and delivered an address upon the ceremony which was to be performed. In front of the rabbi a canopy, supported on four poles, was raised by as many young men. This, he explained, represented the world, the upper part of it heaven, and the lower part of it earth. The four pillars which supported the canopy represented the four corners of the world, faith, industry, frugality and peace. The first, faith in god; the second, industry in work; the third, frugality in living; the fourth, peace in heart. These four things were required of the persons about to become man and wife, who from that day should have confidence in God, be contented with their lot in life, and be determined to have concord in their hearts. At the conclusion of the address, the bride and bridegroom, Miss Tragheim of Lynn Street, West Hartlepool, and Mr Bernard Levy, of Newcastle, stood under the canopy with their friends, a prayer and the certificate were read, the ring was placed on the woman's finger, and a glass of wine was partaken of by the happy couple. The glass was immediately broken - a sign that the contract was completed - and mutual congratulations being exchanged the party left the synagogue to take part in the usual festivities.’

Jewish Chronicle, 7 March 1873, page 714


‘A most urgent appeal’.

Appeal for donations for the purchase and completion of the West Hartlepool burial ground.

Piece of land costing £300 was purchased some time since, the congregation subscribing £50. Burial ground needed as the nearest is at Sunderland 25 miles away.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 September 1873, page 377

Owing to Mr Green's intervention the two communities of West Hartlepool and Middlesbrough have agreed to hold in common the burial ground at Hartlepool.

[JC is in favour of local communities joining together for various purposes - much editorial comment in favour].

South Durham Herald
, Saturday, 4 October 1873


On Tuesday, at the West Hartlepool Police Court, before W. C. Ward-jackson and R. Oldham esqs; John Levi, a Polish Jew, who had been apprehended on a charge of stealing jewellery of the above value, which had been entrusted to him by his employer, Mr. A. Harris, Church Street, West Hartlepool, was brought up on remand. The prisoner, as we have already announced in these columns, was employed by Mr. A. Harris to sell watches and jewellery in Hartlepool and West Hartlepool alone; but on the 16th of September he suddenly left West Hartlepool, without giving any previous intimation to his master. The next that was heard of him was from a relative of the prosecutor's at Grimsby, who ascertained that the prisoner had sold nearly the whole of his master's property for £61; and there was reason for believing that he intended leaving the country. The prisoner pleaded guilty and was sentenced to six months hard labour.’

Jewish Chronicle, 14 November 1873, page 542

Mr Epstein, formerly Hebrew Master of Jews' Hospital, now a resident of West Hartlepool, gave sermon on Sabbath last, in synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1873, page 591

United Synagogue

Letter read from Rev A.L. Green soliciting that the appointment of Trustees for the cemetery  'be vested in the United Synagogue'. Referred to Algernon Sydney for legal opinion. Opposed.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1874, page 672

A benefit society to give assistance to poor Jews in case of sickness or bereavement formed. S. Benjamin elected President; J. Mossesson(sic) Treasurer, A. Cassell Hon Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 January 1874, page 718

L. Montague and G.L. Abrahams elected Wardens

Jewish Chronicle, 17 April 1874, page 37

E. Lotinga and G.L. Abrahams re-elected (sic) Wardens for ensuing year.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 May 1874, page 138

Bar Mitzvah. Solomon Kaufman read the whole of the sedrah.

A society called the Hebrat Mishniyot (in Hebrew) has been formed at West Hartlepool to promote the knowledge of the Mishnah and Talmud. Nearly all members of the congregation have enrolled as members.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 June 1874, page 201

The wall and other works at the cemetery were to be finished by the 21st. Should now be finished within a fortnight.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 November 1874, page 516

Rev H. Lewin, minister of West Hartlepool congregation, has been elected to be minister at Cheltenham.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 January 1875, page 634


Wanted. Baal Korah, Mohel, Shochet, Chazan [all in Hebrew]

Salary £90 p.a. 'Certain perquisites also, allowed'. S.A. Goldstein, Hon Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 January 1875, page 636

Rev H. Lewin received  'a massive silver kiddush cup as a testimonial of esteem from the Hartlepool Congregation'.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 February 1875, page 772

A 'Young Men's Hebrew Benevolent Society' has been established at West Hartlepool.  Hon Officers are I. Burnsdorf(sic), President; S. Lotinga Vice-President, S. Cohen Treasurer and S. Goldstien(sic) Hon Sec.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 May 1875, page 96

Annual meeting of the congregation. G.L. Abrahams elected President, S. Benjamin Treasurer, S.A. Goldstein Hon Sec. Thanks to retiring President Mr Harris who was elected a member of the Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 February, 1876 page 727


Wanted by the West Hartlepool Jewish Congregation a Hebrew and English Teacher. Applicants to state salary required and to forward copies of testimonials to A. Lotinga, West Hartlepool.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1876, page 91

Annual meeting of congregation. Elected: A. Harris President, Israel Broady Treasurer, Isidor Barnsdorff(sic) re-elected Hon Sec.

Committee of Management: A. Cissell(sic), D. Benjamin, A. Grose, H. Deutsch senior.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 June 1876, page 180

At request of the Chief Rabbi, Rev G.J. Emanuel of Birmingham visited West Hartlepool and examined the children. Highly satisfied. Nearly the whole of the children belonging to the congregation attend this school, numbering 43. School committee consists of President Mr A. Harris, Treasurer Mr A. Grouse(sic) and Sec Mr A. Lotinga.

South Durham Herald, 17 March 1877

Cohen - Lotinga.
At the synagogue, West Hartlepool, on the 14th inst, by the Reverend A. Tertis, resident minister, assisted by the Reverend Joseph M. Myers, B.A., Mr M. Cohen of Manchester to Miss Rachael, third daughter of Mr C. Lotinga of West  Hartlepool.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1877, page 12

Annual meeting. A. Harris elected President, Adolph Grose Treasurer for ensuing year.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 August 1877, page 12

Gen Meeting. Abraham Lotinga elected Treasurer vice Grose who is leaving the town.

'The school connected with the Congregation has been placed under Government Inspection'.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1877, page 14

Advert by Rev H. Levin, Minister of Cheltenham Hebrew Congregation. He has vacancy for 3 or 4 pupils 'who can attend a private school, and receive a strictly religious and moral education with every home comfort'. Recommends the Belmore House School several of whose pupils have passed the Oxford Local Senior Examination this year 'among whom was Mr. Levin's nephew, Solomon Kaufman of Hartlepool'.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 February 1878, page 6

Anglo-Jewish Association

'Votes of thanks were passed to the Presidents of the newly-formed Branches at Newcastle, Shields and Hartlepool'.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1878, page 6

General Meeting. Elected for ensuing year: G.L. Abrahams President; A. Lotinga Treasurer.  Committee: A. Harris, C. Lotinga, I Abrahams, A. Cassell, I. Benjamin, I. Broady, I. Levy, I. Kaufman, I, Falk, and the Rev I.E. Myers, Hon Sec.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 August 1878, page 16


'WANTED, for the West Hartlepool Jewish School (under Government), a CERTIFICATED TEACHER for Hebrew and English. One who can satisfy the requirements of Article 60, New Code, 1878, would suit. Apply immediately to A. Lotinga, Stranton-place, West Hartlepool'.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1878, page 5

'On Friday afternoon, a fire occurred in one of the rooms connected with the Synagogue at West Hartlepool. It appears that since some repairs were done to the room, a quantity of masons' ashes and shavings had accumulated between the joists under the fire place, which having become heated, eventually took fire. The flooring and fire place were much injured; but with the assistance of the captain of the Fire Brigade, the flames were soon extinguished, but very slight damage was done. At the time the fire was discovered the festival of the New Year was about to be celebrated, and it was feared that the accident would have interfered with the service, but fortunately the fire was put out before the commencement of the festival'.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 May 1879, page 4

G.L. Abrahams and A. Lotinga re-elected respectively President and Treasurer. Committee of Management: S. Benjamin, L. Bloom, H. Deutsch, I. Kaufman, J. Mosesson, A.J. Benjamin Hon Sec.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 January 1880, page 13

Mr L. Smith a founder and late President of Middlesbrough Synagogue died on the 8th. His funeral was attended by nearly all the members of the Middlesbrough and Hartlepool Congregations.

[Note: he was buried in Hartlepool Hebrew Congregation Burial Ground]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 December 1880, page 3


'WANTED Hebrew and English TEACHER for West Hartlepool Jewish School. Salary £80 per annum. Apply to A. Harris, 3, Church Street, West Hartlepool'.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 January 1881, page 13


'WANTED by the West Hartlepool Hebrew Congregation, a SCHOOLMASTER, to teach both Hebrew and English. Salary £80 per annum. Applications, with reference, to be made to Mr. A. Harris President, 3, and 6, Church-street, West Hartlepool'.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 February 1881, page 7

Council of Anglo-Jewish Association, Baron Henry de Worms, MP,
President, in the Chair.

'He desired to inform the Council that his attention had been called by the President of the West Hartlepool Congregation to the case recently brought before the County Court of that district in which a Christian moneylender had sued a Jew. The County Court judge in his remarks on the case, said that the Jews had no right to complain as they always themselves charged exorbitant interest. He had called the attention of the Home Secretary to these remarks, who had referred him to the Lord Chamberlain, and he had no doubt that the judge would be severely censured and probably discharged from his office'.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 May 1881, page 1



WANTED a Sepher Torah [in Hebrew] by the above society. Not exceeding £12. Cash on delivery. Apply to L. Bloom, 48, Old Stranton, West Hartlepool'.

[repeated 27 May 1881, page 17]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 August 1881, page 6

Maurice Levy, a pupil of Mr H.N. Solomon of Edmonton obtained a certificate from the College of Preceptors at the last Midsummer Examination.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 February 1882, page 12

He obtained a 2nd certificate from the College of Preceptors.

South Durham Herald, Saturday 21 February 1882

Burglary at West Hartlepool

On Wednesday night the pawnshop of Mr Jacob Levy, Middleton, West Hartlepool, was entered through the skylight in the roof, and a large quantity of clothes and jewellery stolen. The police have a clue to the perpetrator of the robbery and it is expected he will soon be brought to justice.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1882, page 12

Herbert Henry Harris, son of A. Harris of West Hartlepool, has passed the preliminary examination of the Incorporated Law Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 April 1882, page 13

Rev H.P. Levy of Sunderland delivered a sermon at West Hartlepool Synagogue at the special invitation of the Executive.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1882, page 9

'On Sunday last 120 Jewish families, emigrants from Russia, en route to America, arrived in West Hartlepool by the Steam Navigation Company's steamer "British Queen" after a passage of 34 hours. In the evening they were all entertained to a tea in the committee and school rooms by their West Hartlepool coreligionists and prayers were read in the synagogue by them during the day. Their thanks were great for the unexpected kind treatment they received. They left at six a.m. on Monday by rail for Liverpool'.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 June 1882  [from JC 17 June 1932 'Fifty Years Ago']

A batch of Russian Jewish emigrants arrived at West Hartlepool. 200 adults, 85 children. Brought at the instance of the Mansion House Committee from Brody: farm labourers, farmers, carpenters, blacksmiths, joiners, and a few traders. Gave evidence of 'outrages practised upon women, girls and little children'.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 June 1882, page 11

'The condition in which the Jewish refugees arrive at West Hartlepool has induced the Mayor of Sunderland (Mr. W. Wilson, J.P.) to take the matter in hand, and with a view of relieving them he is arranging for a public meeting of ladies, under the presidency of the Mayoress. In the meantime Mrs J.W. Wayman has volunteered to receive subscriptions for the relief of the refugees'.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 June 1882, page 12

The West Hartlepool Young Men's Chevra Torah Society have presented the synagogue with a new Scroll of the Law. This was celebrated by a supper in the Vestry room under the direction of the president, Mr L. Bloom, Mr J. Hirschfield and Mr A.J. Benjamin, Hon Sec.

Votes of thanks to the president, committee and to the ladies 'by whom the supper was superintended'.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 July 1882, page 5

Letter re Jewish refugees at West Hartlepool from R. Samson, Sunderland. He was a witness on 25th ult of arrival of over 285 refugees on the 'German Empire'. They were in a very wretched condition. He has been informed by some gentlemen who have seen several ships arriving that they have all been in the same pitiable condition.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 November 1883, page 10

In honour of Sir Moses Montefiore, Mr A. Harris, one of the oldest Jewish residents of the town and President of the congregation, entertained all the children attending the Jewish School, about 50. They were taken for a ride in the country with refreshments and on return were at Harris's residence for magic lantern entertainment. Later Harris entertained some Jewish residents.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 January 1884 ,page 11

Through the generosity of L.G. (sic) Abrahams, a Poor Law Guardian, juvenile inmates of the Hartlepool Workhouse witnessed the pantomime at the Theatre Royal.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 April 1884, page 10

G.L. Abrahams elected a member of the Hartlepool Board of Guardians.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 August 1884, page 1


'WANTED immediately, for the WEST HARTLEPOOL HEBREW CONGREGATION, a Shochet [in Hebrew] and Hazan [in Hebrew]. Apply to the President, Mr. G.L. Abrahams, 25, Church Street, West Hartlepool'.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 September, 1884 page 1

In list of Mohelim

Rev L. Slevansky, Synagogue House, West Hartlepool. [In 1881 in Leeds. In 1901 in Ramsgate]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 April 1885, page 7

G.L. Abrahams elected a member of the Local Governing body of the town. 'At the conclusion of the poll, Mr. Abrahams was carried shoulder high to his place of business in Church Street, where he delivered a brief address thanking his friends for their support'.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 April 1885, page 12

G.L. Abrahams now returned at head of poll as a member of the Hartlepool Board of Guardians. This is third year he has been so elected. He is first Jew in the district to be elected to public office.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 May 1885, page 10

Reference to the West Hartlepool branch of the Anglo-Jewish Association.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 August 1885, page 10

Letters of condolence sent to relatives of late Sir Moses Montefiore by the President on behalf of the 'Montefiore' Benevolent Society, West Hartlepool, founded on the Montefiore Centenary, Heshvan 8th, 5645.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 September 1885, page 14

By invitation of the Wardens the Rev S. Jacobs of Newcastle upon Tyne preached at the synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 October 1885, page 11

G.L. Abrahams attended the Conference of the National Union of Conservative Association at Newport (Mon), as one of the delegates from the West Hartlepool Conservative Association.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 October 1885, page 2


'THE WEST HARTLEPOOL HEBREW CONGREGATION, owing to its present unfortunate position is compelled to APPEAL to the generous and kind-hearted for aid.

Since the erection of the synagogue most of the leading members have quitted West Hartlepool, and the burden of the synagogue's maintenance has fallen upon a small remnant, unable to meet its obligations.

On the synagogue and school room there is a mortgage of £700, the immediate payment of which the mortgagee now demands. Should not this in a short time be forthcoming, it is to be feared the Hebrew community of West Hartlepool will be deprived of their place of worship and school.

Strenuous efforts are now being made to raise this, or part of this sum. Donations will be gratefully received by

Rev. Dr. Adler, 16, Finsbury Square.
Stuart M. Samuel, Esq, 60, Old Broad Street.
I.M. Marks, Esq, 32 Russell Square.
Abraham Harris, Esq, President of the Congregation.
G.L. Abrahams, Esq, Church Street, West Hartlepool.

The following donations have been received:

Lord Rothschild per Dr. Adler £50 0 0 (His Lordship will also subscribe another £50, provided £300 exclusive of his own subscription are collected, and provided the West Hartlepool Hebrew congregation can show that with £350 their difficulties will cease.)

Samuel Montagu, Esq                 £10 0 0

Stuart M. Samuel, Esq                  10 0 0

Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1885, page 3

Repeated except that under  'G.L. Abrahams...' - List of further donations

Amount previously received £70 10 0(sic)

13 donations listed amounting to £85 12 6

(Of which Sir Julian Goldsmid £25; Messrs David Sassoon £10; Maurice Beddington £10)

Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 1885, page 12

List of 21 donations amounting to £87 15

Jewish Chronicle, 27 November 1885, page 2

List of 6 donations amounting to £31 1 0

Jewish Chronicle, 25 June 1886, page 5

List of 8 donations amounting to £78 3 0

Of this Lord Rothschild 2nd donation £50

[No more lists found]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 August 1888, page 3

Provincial Jewish Ministers' Fund

Statement of Accounts 1 January 1886 to 31 December 1887

Includes: Payment to Rev Mark L. Harris of Sunderland, for visiting Hartlepool  £4

Jewish Chronicle, 17 August 1888, page 3

'Jewish Provincial Ministers' Fund'  -  'By means of subventions from the Fund the services of the Rev. Mr. Friedeberg, of the Newcastle congregation, have been made available to the West Hartlepool and North and South Shields Congregation ….for the purpose of preaching occasionally and giving school instruction'.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 December 1888, page 16

G.L. Abrahams elected member of the Hartlepools(sic) Port Sanitary Authority.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1890, page 15

On New Year's Day Councillor and Mrs G.L. Abrahams were among the invited guests at the 'at home' of the Marchioness of Londonderry at Wynyard Park.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 January 1890, page 14

Board of Deputies

Jacob Broady certified as Registrar of Jewish Marriages at Hartlepool.

Jewish Chronicle
, 11 July 1890, page 3



WANTED, a Baal Korah, Mohel, Shochet, Hazan [all in Hebrew]

and HEBREW TEACHER. Salary £55 per annum, with free house, gas, water and taxes.

Apply to

J. MOSESSON, President,

9, Charles-street, West Hartlepool'.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 August 1890

Birth, on 17 July at Tresleigh-house, 14 St Paul’s Rd, W Hartlepool, a son to the wife of Mr Jacob Broady.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1891, page 15

Rev M.E. Davis appointed visiting minister to Darlington and West Hartlepool.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 May 1891, page 15

G.L. Abrahams appointed Vice-President of the Hartlepool Board of Guardians. This will lead to his being President next year.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 July 1891, page 3

Jewish Provincial Ministers Fund  - Rev S. Friedeberg who formerly visited N & S Shields and W Hartlepool has been appointed to Liverpool. His successor, Rev L. Mendelsohn, appointed to visit N & S Shields.

Northern Daily Mail, Friday 17 July 1891

Shocking Fatality

A sad fatality occurred at the Jewish synagogue, West Hartlepool, last night. A Jewess named Chae Levi, over 70 years of age, arrived from Riga yesterday on a visit to her son Mr Harris Levi, who resides at the synagogue. About 11 o'clock the old lady had occasion to descend a flight of steps leading into the yard behind the premises, when she slipped and fell to the bottom. The noise caused by the fall quickly brought her son to the spot and Mrs Levi was discovered in a helpless condition bleeding freely. Dr Swanwick was summoned, but she died within one and a half hours after the accident.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 October 1891, page 17

Meeting in Vestry Room of synagogue to protest at persecution of Jews in Russia. To form  a fund in West Hartlepool, in co-operation with the Mansion Fund(sic). Cllr Abrahams elected President, Jacob Broady jnr Hon Sec, Mosesson Treasurer. Committee L. Bloom, J. Broady, I Kaufman, J.Levy.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 November 1891, page 5

'WANTED, a USEFUL COMPANION, a domesticated LADY  - between 35 and 45 years of age. A comfortable home for one willing to assist in household. A staff of servants is kept. Write, stating age, references, and salary required to Mrs. Abrahams, Temperance Hotel, West Hartlepool'.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 December 1891, page 1

Death on 13 .12.1891 at 4 Summerhill Terrace, Newcastle upon Tyne, G.L. Abrahams of Newcastle and Hartlepool.

Jewish Chronicle
, 18 December 1891, page 15


Provincial Judaism, in the North of England suffered a loss it can ill afford in the early death of Gabriel Levi Abrahams. It is only those whose local knowledge enables them to understand the peculiarly delicate nature of Jewish interests in this district who can appreciate the fact to which I give, alas, too ready testimony; that in the death of  “Abrahams of Hartlepool,” there has been removed a real prop to the Jewish cause in the North East of England which it is impossible, at least for some years, to replace.

Had he not been as modest and unassuming as he was active and powerful, not a week passed but that the Jewish Chronicle might have recorded of him the reality of that progress the mere shadows of which occupy so often the Provincial column. It would not then have been necessary for me to say that if there has not fallen a “Prince in Israel,” there has died, all too early, a strong honest man, a sturdy loyal Israelite who, known to almost every man and woman from the Tyne to the Tees, commanded for the name of Jew respect and admiration. G.L. Abrahams was born in Shields, spent his boyhood in Sunderland, and commenced business as quite a young man in Hartlepool. His great good nature and genuine north-country wit made him hosts of friends, while his keen shrewdness enabled him to build up a substantial business, every penny of his money being earned by honest, hard work. In this lay the way to the acquirement of his great influence in Hartlepool. Here was a man who to the prejudiced and uneducated a portrait of a Jew which was entirely unconventional. Here was a man who went to synagogue and spoke neither Hebrew nor Jargon but the pure Tees dialect. However, he would win the Tyneside with his own speech, and the Weardale man with own language. “Abrahams the Jew” proved himself adamantine in the honesty and the honour of his transactions. Hartlepool learned to trust him, then to love him, and to desire to honour him. For fourteen years he was elected a Guardian of the Poor, defeating some of the most influential men of the district. For many years he served as one of the Town Commissioners, and on the creation of the borough he was elected on the first Town Council. He was a staunch Conservative in politics. His election speeches were gems of rugged sense and humour. A word from Abrahams would cover an opponent with good-humoured ridicule, which would make successful contest against him almost impossible. He was idolised by the working man who would, after the declaration, carry their favourite home shoulder high. The Back parlour of his shop in Church Street was the unofficial office of the Corporation. There would be found at all hours men of the highest standing, not ashamed to submit any of their plans to the shrewd, sound judgment of G.L. Abrahams. For the past ten years he had been the official agent to the Hartlepool Steam Navigation Company, and regularly met, twice a week, the emigrants arriving from the Continent. On board the emigrant steamer he was seen to perfection. The Tynesider there spoke to the Jewish emigrants in Jüdisch of the purest. They had not been five minutes in England before G.L. Abrahams made them smile. His bright cheery face was indeed a warm welcome. He was as tender as a woman with his brethren, and did not spare himself in seeing to their comfort. It is not too much to say that in this capacity his service was priceless. His influence was supreme with the Steamboat and Railway companies, and he would not have prized that or any influence had it not been that he could make it helpful to his brethren in faith. He was for many years President of the Hartlepool Congregation. In private life he was the same as in public. He had but one disposition. He was very generous and met me often in consultation upon charitable work, his help being ready and bountiful, and his advice sound and practical. The homes of many are now turned into houses of mourning, for he was a true friend to anyone in need of help, and made other people’s affairs his own till he had piloted them through their difficulties. Had he been buried in Hartlepool he would have received a public funeral. As it is the town is altogether sorrow-stricken, and I was met on Monday by several of the townspeople who could not refrain from tears. In the last November election he lost his seat in the Council, but he had not lost his place in the town which next year was to have made him president of the Guardians and would in turn have made him Mayor. I trust that the congregation of Hartlepool will take some steps to raise a fund in his memory for charitable purposes. The town will gladly respond. Such was not what G.L. Abrahams worked for, or perhaps would have wished for, but he richly deserved it, and it would do credit to his brethren. Happily prejudice is dying, and education and true religion are killing the germs of bigotry. When, as we trust, all traces of such are removed it is but right that some memorial shall mark the place where died a pioneer who crowded into his one short life the progress of three generations for his country and for his religion.

                     A.A. GREEN

[Followed by report of his funeral at Newcastle. ’Despite a gale and a rainstorm of exceptional severity, some hundreds attended’. Deputations from the Hartlepool Town Council, Port Sanitary Authority and Guardians of the Poor. Newcastle Congregation attended en bloc. Hartlepool Congregation represented by Mosesson the President and many other members, Sunderland by Rev A.A. Green and some of the principal members. Colonel Cameron, Mayor of Hartlepool, sent a wreath.]

Northern Daily Mail, West Hartlepool, Tuesday 15 December 1891

The remains of the late Mr G.L. Abrahams, jeweller, of West Hartlepool and Newcastle, whose death occurred on Sunday morning last, after a short illness, were interred at the Jewish burial ground at Newcastle, at 2 o'clock this afternoon.

Letter of condolence
Councillor T. Miller, the representative of the north east ward, West Hartlepool, elected in November last, has forwarded a letter to the widow of the deceased, in which he says: 'Dear Madam, I beg to tender to yourself and family my sincere sympathy at the irreparable loss which you have so suddenly sustained. As my opponent at the recent municipal election, I can only speak of Mr Abrahams in most honourable terms. As a Guardian of the Poor he was universally respected, and his memory will be ever dear to the people of the Hartlepools'.

Vote of condolence
At a well-attended meeting of the executive committee of the West Hartlepool Liberal Association held last night, a resolution expressing condolence and sympathy with the widow of the late Mr G.L. Abrahams was unanimously passed.

A three quarter length column page report of his death and obituary appears Monday 14 December 1891.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 March 1892, page 1

Thanks for condolences includes Mrs Israel Abrahams of West Hartlepool. But see 6.8.1897.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1892, page 25

Joseph Samuels, 24 Primrose Hill, London, elected to represent West Hartlepool at the Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1892, page 8

Levin Bequest. West Hartlepool received £200.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 July 1892, page 15

The Chief Rabbi visited West Hartlepool and examined the Hebrew Classes which are superintended by Rev M.E. Davis of Middlesbrough. He exhorted parents to send their children to classes regularly and he deplored the fact that they ceased their studies 'before they were old enough to do so'.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 January 1893 ,page 18

A Jewish Ball was held on 4th inst at Druids' Hall  in aid of the funds of Hartlepool Hospital. Attended by local residents and visitors from Stockton and Middlesbrough. Ball chiefly promoted by Mr A. Abrahams and Mr L. Cassell who also acted as stewards. Other stewards were J. Broady, I. Kaufman and S. Kaufman.

Northern Daily Mail, West Hartlepool, Tuesday 20 February 1894

‘Jewish wedding

At the Jewish synagogue, Whitby Street, West Hartlepool, the marriage of Miss Minnie Cassell, third daughter of Mr Abraham Cassell, Adelaide street, with Mr Moses Bernstein, of Manchester was celebrated. There was a large number of interested spectators. The service was conducted by the Reverend M. A.(sic) Davis, Rabbi of Middlesbrough, who was assisted by the Reverend Harris Levi, Rabbi of West Hartlepool. The bride was attired in a charming dress of white satin, with steel and lace trimmings. She wore a wreath of orange blossoms, and she carried a beautiful bouquet. The bridesmaids were dressed to match and they were Misses Cassell (2) sisters of the bride; Misses Cassell (2) nieces of the bride; and Misses Bernstein (2) sisters of the bridegroom. The best man was Mr Levi Cassell. The bride was given away by Mr and Mrs L. Bloom and Mr and Mrs Bernstein. The Reverend Harris Levi first pronounced the blessing over the couple, then a canopy was erected, and under it the rest of the ceremony was gone through. A considerable portion was sung by the local rabbi. Special stress was laid in the service on the fact that the two were a Jewish husband and a Jewish wife. They were enjoined to attend well to all the duties appertaining to that position, and informed that their union was a double bond. It laid upon them the necessity of serving god faithfully, and living for each other. Wine was drunk towards the close of the marriage service (as part of it) and a wineglass broken by the bride as a symbolic token. The wedding party then adjourned to the Druid's Hall, where the marriage feast was partaken of. The gathering at the church was a representative Jewish gathering. The wedding presents are handsome and numerous, whilst some are of considerable worth. Tonight a ball in the Druid's Hall will continue the festivities.’

Northern Daily Mail, West Hartlepool, 15 March 1894

‘Jewish Wedding

This afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the synagogue, West Hartlepool, the marriage took place of Mr Harry Lyons of South Wales, with Emily Kaufman, granddaughter of Mr and Mrs I. Broady, of West Hartlepool. The bride, who was given away by her grandparents and Mr and Mrs I. Abrahams, was attired in a french grey silk, prettily trimmed with cream lace. her tuille veil was attached with sprays of orange blossoms, and she carried a lovely shower bouquet of white flowers, the gift of the bridegroom. There were four bridesmaids, the Misses Levy (Middlesbrough) and Misses Prinsky (West Hartlepool) cousins of the bride. They wore heliotrope velvet costumes, with large picture hats to match. Mr Simons, brother in law of the bridegroom, acted as best man. The ceremony was performed by reverend Mr Levy of West Hartlepool, assisted by the reverend Mr Davis of Middlesbrough, who delivered an eloquent address. A reception was held at 54 Scarborough Street, the residence of the bride's grandparents, and later in the day the newly married pair left for London, where the honeymoon will be spent. ‘

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1896, page 19

'The Jewish community of West Hartlepool has sustained a severe loss by the death of Mr. Jacob Levy. The deceased was established in the town for nearly 40 years and was one of the founders of the congregation. His kindness was proverbial, and he was beloved by Jews and Christians alike, as his charity knew no bounds. He was also the founder of the clothing business of Messrs. Levy Bros., West Hartlepool, to which for a number of years he devoted his sole attention. The business, at one time of small pretensions, gradually grew, under his guidance, into one of the largest of the kind in the northern counties'.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 1896, page 22

'The widow, sons and daughters of the late Mr. Jacob Levy have presented, in his memory. to the West Hartlepool Congregation  two elaborate silver gilt bells, breastplate and pointer'.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 August 1897, page 1

Death on 29 July, in Grimsby, at her residence, late of West Hartlepool, Esther Abrahams, wife of Israel Abrahams, eldest daughter of the late Victor Abrahams.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 August 1897, page 20

Death of Mrs Israel Abrahams. Born at Czernocow in Posen 61 years ago she was in England since her youth. Father Victor Abrahams was one of the earliest settlers in Grimsby and a founder of the congregation. 'Mrs. Abrahams passed most of her happily married life in West Hartlepool where by the grace of her manners, cultured attainment and sympathetic mind, she secured the esteem and affection of the inhabitants of the town. There she will be most sorely missed and deeply regretted, both by her own coreligionists as by the Christian community'.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 April 1898, page 31

Harris H. Barnett nominated as a Guardian of the Poor for the ensuing election for the Parish of Hartlepool.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 April 1898, page 1

Death on 21 April at South Shields, wife of David Kossick and daughter of Hannah and Abraham Cassell, aged 27.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 June 1899, page 23

On Monday 25th the steamer 'Beta' was launched from the shipbuilding yard of Messrs William Gray & Co Ltd, at West Hartlepool. Ceremony of naming the vessel was performed by Miss Rachel Lotinga, daughter of Mr A Lotinga.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 September 1899, page 25

Chatan Torah Louis Bloom
Chatan Bereshit Isaac Kaufman

Jewish Chronicle, 23 March 1900, page 127

Reference to recent death of Abraham Harris in Edgbaston. One of founders of congregation at West Hartlepool in 1863 and very active in formation of synagogue consecrated in 1872.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 June 1900, page 29

Charles Levin a hawker died at the Workhouse Infirmary last week. Suddenly taken ill in the street, was humanely taken in by a woman named Kelly into her house.. When Executive heard they arranged for burial in the Jewish cemetery. No papers on the body, assumed to be 70 years old.

[Death. Charles Morris Levin June 1900 aged 70 Hartlepool 10a 100]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 February 1901, page  26

Memorial service for Queen. The Mayor and other prominent Christians attended the service at which Rev H. Levy preached.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 December 1901, page 30

Election for Hartlepool School Board on 4th, at which candidate Harris H. Barnett secured a seat with vote of 1,530. His 1st attempt was in April 1898. Also contested a seat on Board of Guardians and hopelessly beaten. Also was defeated last November for seat on Council. Aged 29, youngest member of School Board.

[Son of Alexander Barnett]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1904, page 28

The Chief Rabbi and his son Rev S. A. Adler visited the West Hartlepool congregation. Welcomed by Rev M.E. Davies, Visiting Minister,  Mr Mosesson, President, and Messrs Kaufman, J. Broady, Barnett  and Rev S. Cohen.  Chief Rabbi examined the Hebrew Classes.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1904, page 35

Death of Calmer Lotinga. Came to West Hartlepool from Holland about 44 years ago. In business as a shipbroker. A founder of the congregation and largely helped in building synagogue. The last of the original trustees, President several times, and a long-time member of the Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1904, page 22

From Jewish Year Book for 5665:

West Hartlepool has the smallest proportion of Jews to population of 0.03%

Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1905, page 34

Chatan Torah A. Lotinga  Chatan Bereshith S. Barnett

Jewish Chronicle, 3 November 1905 page 15

Anglo Jewish Association. Up to 1894 West Hartlepool made 10 contributions with average of £6, but nothing since.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 October 1906, page 37

Large gathering for presentation to Mr Joseph Yoffe on his leaving West Hartlepool of a handsome solid silver wine cup, inscribed:

‘Presented to Mr. Joseph Yoffe by the membership of the West Hartlepool Hebrew Congregation as a mark of esteem and for services rendered during his thirty years’ membership, October 14th 1906’.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 March 1907, page 34

Mr & Mrs H. H. Barnett entertained pupils of the Hebrew Class and members of the congregation to a Purim Treat.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1907

Sidney Hochschild youngest son of  Mr & Mrs L. Hochschild, late of Manchester, will read portion of the Law at W Hartlepool synagogue. At Home Welburn House, Promenade, Hartlepool.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 April 1907, page 29

General meeting of congregation. Robert Sebag-Montefiore elected representative at the Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 August 1907

West Hartlepool - To the extreme regret of all who knew him, the death occurred on Monday of Mr. Jacob Mosseson. He was the oldest member of the congregation, having been Chasan and shochet as far back as the early sixties. Later he was President for many years.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1908, page 32

The Hartlepool Jewish Charity Ball - held at the Grand Hotel to raise funds for renovation of synagogue -a great success.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 October 1908, page  32

Annual meeting. H. H. Barnett, Treasurer, presented annual report and balance sheet. Thanks to Mr Barnett who resigns on leaving the district. Elected: Jacob Broady, President; S. Franks V/P and Treasurer; Ernest Bloom, Hon Sec; Council: A. Lotinga, S. Kaufman, A. Prinsky, A. Barnett, I. Brick, S. Sayefski, and B. Broady. Auditors: M. Lotinga and L. Barnett.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1908. page 24

Mr A. Barnett and Mr & Mrs Lipman entertained the schoolchildren and members of the congregation to a social evening in  celebration of Mr Barnett and Mr Lipman being Chatan Torah and Chatan Bereshith.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 1908, page 32

General meeting of Board of Guardians held in the Schoolroom. A. Lotinga presided. Mrs Bloom appointed Trustee and Almoner; Miss Bloom Hon Collector; Mr E. Bloom, Hon Sec and a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 February 1909, page 16

Letter from S. Cohen, Synagogue House, West Hartlepool. A poor Jewish woman died in York Asylum. The chairman of West Hartlepool Board of Guardians and the President of the congregation telegraphed York Asylum and the Jewish congregation of York. After some trouble it was arranged she be buried in Leeds Jewish cemetery. Suggests that Jewish ministers of surrounding districts visit Jewish patients at the Asylum.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 February 1909, page 26

Long letter from D. I. Devons of York. Refers to Cohen as minister of West Hartlepool.  Says the poor woman belonged to West Hartlepool. States that York people are alive to the poor, sick and forsaken patients in hospitals and they are not neglected. Only last Passover a Jewish prisoner in the military prison had Passover food taken to him. They are interested in Jewish soldiers in the barracks.

When the woman in the Asylum died  the authorities contacted West Hartlepool asking where she should be buried.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 February 1909, page 32

Answer from S. Cohen. He is not minister but shochet and chazzan. The woman’s family – husband and son – had lived at West Hartlepool. The Asylum wrote asking if her husband was still in West Hartlepool but had left a long time before.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1909, page 1

Marriage at synagogue West Hartlepool on 17 March of Theresa Hochschild  of Manchester to Sam A. Berger of Sunderland.

[Marriage. Theresa Hochschild March 1909 Hartlepool 10 215//Samuel
Adolph N. Berger]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 May 1909, page 1

Silver wedding. On 28 May 1884 at 4o Tower Street, West Hartlepool, by Rev Mr Singerman, Leah, eldest daughter of Mrs Younkman and the late Mr J. D. Younkman, to Lewis, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Isaac Harris of Liverpool.

[Marriage. Leah Younkman June 1884 Hartlepool 10a 205//Lewis Harris]

Jewish Chronicle, 2  July 1909, page 23

Leonard Yules, aged 10, son of Mr and Mrs Harry Yules was the youngest successful candidate for a four-year scholarship at the local technical college.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 November 1909, page 13

Annual meeting of Ladies’ Communal Help Society. Elected: Mrs Yules, President; Mrs Lipman, Vice-president and Treasurer; Miss Ray Bloom, Hon Sec; Miss B. Lipman, Hon Collector.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 January 1910, page 24

Ref to Robert Sebag-Montefiore as representative for West Hartlepool at Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1910, page 16

Ref to Rev M. Glazer of West Hartlepool

Jewish Chronicle, 21 October 1910, page 12

Annual meeting held in the schoolroom. Mr A. Lotinga presiding. Elected: S. Sayefski President; A  Barnett, Vice-president and Treasurer; Ernest Bloom, Hon Sec; also a Committee and Auditors.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 February 1911, page 14

Meeting of Ladies’ Communal Help Society. Presentation of silver candlesticks to Miss Ray Bloom on her approaching marriage.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 March 1911, page 1

Marriage on 1 March at Newcastle, Tilly, youngest daughters of Mr I. Levy and late Miriam Levy to Levi, 2nd son of Mr and Mrs A. Barnett of Hartlepool

[Marriage. Matilda Levy March 1911 Newcastle T 10b 228//Levi Barnett]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 October 1911, page 17

Annual meeting of congregation. S. Sayevski presided

Elected: A. Barnett, President; S. Franks, Vice-president and Treasurer; Ernest Bloom, Hon Sec; M. Lotinga and Levi Barnett, Auditors; and a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 November 1911, page 2

Death. On 1 November at Newcastle, Alice, 31, daughter of Barnett and Dora Broady, Reed Street, West Hartlepool. [She married Isidor Chaim Weisserberg in 1906]

[Death. Alice T. Weisserberg aged 21 Newcastle T 10b 97]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 March 1912, page 1

Death on 25 February at Leeds of Abraham Cassell late of West Hartlepool in his 73rd year.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 March 1912, page 32

Through kindness of some members of the congregation sufficient funds were collected to provide a Purim social for the children of the Hebrew and Religion Classes. First entertained in the schoolroom and the remainder of the evening was spent on games, singing and recitations by scholars. On leaving for home the children were presented with fruit.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 August 1912, page 20

Meeting of Ladies’ Communal Help Society. Elected: The Mrs A. Lotinga, President; J. Bloom, Vice-president and Treasurer; B. Bloom, Hon Sec and Collector, and a Committee. Presentation to Miss Lipman. Treasurer since inception of the Society, who is leaving for Liverpool. This was a ‘carry-easy’ bag in green box calf, with inscription on silver plate: ‘Presented to Miss Lipman by the Ladies’ Communal Help Society, West Hartlepool, as a token of esteem, August, 1912’.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1912, page 28.

Annual meeting. Treasurer presented financial statement.
Satisfactory, a small balance is in hand.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1912, page 29

Chatan Torah Abraham Lotinga. Chatan Bereshith Abraham Prinsky.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 October 1912, page 1

Death. On Saturday 12 October in Manchester, Gittel, relict of late Ephraim David Benjamin, aged 68, formerly of West Hartlepool.

[Death. Gertrude Benjamin December 1912, aged 68 Prestwich 8d 311]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 November 1912, page 2

Mr and Mrs S. Franks give thanks for presents &c received on occasion of their silver wedding. 95 Thornton Street, West Hartlepool.

[Marriage. Simon Franks December 1887 Mile End 1c 1075//Sarah Lipman]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 January 1913,  page 1

Marriage on 1 January at Newcastle by Rev M. H. Segal,  Barney Franks, eldest son of Mr & Mrs S. Franks of 95 Thornton St, West Hartlepool, to Ray, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs M. Abrahams of Newcastle.

[Marriage. Barnett Franks March 1013 Newcastle T 10b 277//Rachel D. Abrahams]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1913, page 32

‘The Synagogue having been re-decorated, repaired, and the electric light installed, the services have been resumed. Great satisfaction was expressed by the members at the manner in which the work has been carried out. The Ladies’ Communal Help Society presented a beautifully embroidered silk velvet mantle for the Ark’.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1913, page 23

Rev W. Hirshowitz of Middlesbrough, visiting minister to the West Hartlepool congregation, delivered a lecture in the synagogue on ‘Jewish education’.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1913, New Year Greetings page xxvii

Mr and Mrs J. Lipman, Saxony Road, Liverpool, late of West Hartlepool.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 October 1913, page 26

Annual Meeting. Elected: A. Lotinga, President; A. Prinsky, Vice-president and Treasurer; E. Bloom, Hon Sec; L. Barnett and M. Lotinga, Auditors, and a Committee.

The West Hartlepool Education Authority has arranged that in future Jewish scholars attending the ordinary schools shall receive their attendance marks when prevented from being present on account of Jewish holidays. This concession was granted largely through the efforts of Mr A. Lotinga.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 January 1914, page 1

Bar Mitzvah. Abe David, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Elias Rabinowitz, 11 Charles St, West Hartlepool, will read Maftir at Whitby Street synagogue on 7 February.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 February 1914, page 2

Death on 5 February in Leeds of Hannah, relict of the late Abraham Cassell, aged 76, formerly of West Hartlepool. Mother of Mrs L. Bloom of W Hartlepool, Moss Cassell of Cape Town, Mrs M. Bernstein, Manchester, Mrs M. Friedland, Johannesburg.

[Death. Hannah Cassell March 1914 aged 66  Leeds 9b 462]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 February 1914, page 27

Death in London on Wednesday week of Mrs Marion Levy, oldest member of the W Hartlepool congregation. Has lived  in London for 18 years but family interest in W H has continued  by her and her son. Funeral on Sunday. Remains conveyed by a special train and on arrival at Hartlepool met by practically the entire congregation. Met by Rev M. Glazer. Buried next to her husband.  Address by Rev A.A. Green of Hampstead synagogue.

 [Death. Marian Levy March 1914 aged 84 Hampstead 1a 838]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 July 1914, page 24

In degree exam at Leeds Marcus Bloom was successful in Intermediate BSc in gas engineering.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 August 1914, page 2

Death on 13 August  of Ella,  daughter of Jacob Broady of Victoria Road, W Hartlepool, aged 22.

[Death. Ella Broady September 1914 aged 22 Stokesley 9d 776]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 August 1914

Death at Le Cateau, Pte Samuel Greenberg, King’s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment. Born West Hartlepool.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1914. New Year Greetings page xii

Mr and Mrs A. Barnett and family, 5 Gladstone Street, Hartlepool.
Herman Bloom of Granville Avenue,  Hartlepool and Mossel Bar, South Africa

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1914, page 20

Chatan Torah Mr W. Galt. Chatan Bereshith Rev Mr Zeidenfeld.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 February 1915, page 21

Croydon. Rev A. Zeidenfeld, late of Hartlepool, elected chazzan and shochet.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 March 1935, page 3

Committee for the Relief of Polish Jews

West Hartlepool Hebrew Congregation  £1.14.9

Jewish Chronicle, 23 April 1915, page 1

Birth on 18 April at Seaton Carew, West Hartlepool, a daughter to wife of A. Prinsky (nee Ada Miller)

[Birth. Sybil Prinsky June 1915 Hartlepool 10a 266]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 May 1915, page 15

Rev Mr Weinbaum of London elected chazzan, shochet &c.

Mrs L.Bloom has 5 sons serving with the colours.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 June 1915, page 4

Committee for the Relief of Polish Jews

W Hartlepool Hebrew Congregation per Ernest Bloom £1.15.9.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 September 1915, page 30

Mr Frederick Franks, a son of Mr and Mrs S. Franks of Thornton Street, has passed ‘The established clerk to a Surveyor of Taxes Examination’ held at Newcastle upon Tyne.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 October 1915, page 10

Letter from Keeper of Privy Purse  to Mrs Bloom. King congratulates Mrs Bloom on having 5 sons in Army.

Ref to Northern Daily Mail article. Mrs Bloom does not draw  single penny from the state for her son’s services.  Mr Gritten reports: ‘…the splendid manner in which members of the Jewish Community in Hartlepool have enlisted  in the forces of the Crown, and which I have had the honour of having had submitted to the notice of His Majesty the King’.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 November 1915, page 28

Annual meeting. Treasurer’s  statement adopted as very satisfactory. Last year’s deficit turned into small surplus. Elected: L. Olswanger (sic), President; A. Prinsky,  Vice-president and Treasurer; Ernest Bloom, Hon Sec; M. Loitinga and H. Broady, Auditors. Committee of 7.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 January 1916, page 21

Ref to Rev W. Hirsch BA of Middlesbrough is visiting minister to West Hartlepool congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 January 1916 page 20

Mr Joseph Trenner of London elected representative at the Board of Deputies in place of the late Capt Sebag-Montefiore.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 June 1916, page  3

Fund for the Relief of the Jewish Victims of the War in Russia

West Hartlepool Committee £3.19.6 [and subsequent contributions]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 August 1916, page 11

Miss Sarah Golt, 3rd daughter of Mr and Mrs W. Golt of 72 Scarboro Street, has been successful in winning a scholarship at the Girls’ High School, West Hartlepool, tenable for 4 years.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1916, page 1

Golden wedding

On 17 October 1866 at the synagogue West Hartlepool, Jacob Schott to Sarah Lotinga of Sunderland. 7 Queen’s Road, Middlesbrough.

[Marriage. Jacob Schott December 1866 Hartlepool 10a 215//Sarah Lotinga]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1916, page 13

Chatan Torah E. Rabinowitz. Chatan Bereshith Rev D. Weinbaum.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 December 1916, page 22

Annual meeting. Financial statement, small balance in hand. Elected: Joseph Olswang, President; Abram Prinsky, Vice-president and Treasurer; Ernest Bloom, Hon Sec; M.Lotinga and H. Broady,  Hon Auditors, and Committee of 7.

Resolved to forward to members of the congregation in HM forces a parcel of tobacco and sweets as Chanukah gift. The amount required was collected at the meeting.

The most important matter before the meeting was ‘the condition of the Synagogue (mikvah)’. Sub committee was formed to look into matter. Estimates were received  - lowest was for over £30 [or £80 – unclear]. £20 had been collected and there was difficulty in raising the remainder.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 June 1917, page 24

Freda Barnett aged 12, 4th daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Barnett of 15 Union Street, has gained Foundation Scholarship for 4 years  at the Henry Smith School. She is the 4th child of Mr and Mrs Barnett to gain a scholarship at this school.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1917, page 14

Chatan Torah N. Rabinowitz. Chatan Bereshith Rev P. Chazan

Jewish Chronicle, 2 November 1917, page 26

Annual meeting. Officers re-elected. Committee named – M. Lotinga, J. Broady, S. Kaufman headmaster of the school.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 May 1918, page 24

Cpl A. Broady (Kensington) has composed a poem dedicated to ‘Any parent who has lost a son’.

He has also sent a letter to his former schoolmaster at Osborne High School giving graphic description of the British advance in Palestine and his impressions of Jerusalem.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 May 1918, page 10

Meeting of Ladies of the Community. Decided to form ‘The Ladies’ Communal Aid Society’. The following were appointed: Mrs S. Franks, President; Mr A. Prinsky, Treasurer; The Misses T. Golt and R. Glass, Joint Hon Secs; Miss I. Franks and Mrs S. Gordon, Hon Collectors; and a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 July 1918, page 11

LIEUT. BLOOM. – The death of Lieut. Bloom, son of Mrs. Bloom, of Grenville Avenue, West Hartlepool, will be mourned by a wide circle of friends. The deceased, like his five brothers, joined the Army soon after the war broke out when he had barely begun a very promising career as a qualified chemist. After serving some time in France and being wounded twice, he was granted a commission and sent back to England. But before he could return to his unit at the front, he fell ill and died at the Military Hospital, Cork,  on the 3rd of this month. Lieut. Bloom was a bright, cheerful youth, possessed of a sense of duty, an affectionate son, and a highly agreeable companion. His death will be an overwhelming blow to his mother, who not long ago received from His Majesty a letter of congratulation on the fine patriotic spirit of her sons. May the Almighty sustain her in her great sorrow.

From the Rev. W. HIRSCH, B.A.

1. The letter from the King refers to five brothers joining the Army, not that Lieut Bloom had five brothers who joined.
2. The CWGC gives the date of his death as 30 June.]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 August 1918, page 14

On the 14th the children attending the Hebrew and Religion Classes and the younger children – about 40 in all – were taken by train for a picnic to Castle Eden. Funds were provided by the Ladies’ Communal Aid Society and by members of the congregation. Games and sports were played. On return to West Hartlepool they were marched to the Synagogue Chambers where they were addressed  by Mr A. Lotinga. They ended by singing Hatikva and God Save the King.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 August 1918, page14

At a special meeting of the Royal Jubilee Lodge No.165 of the Royal Antedeluvian Order of Buffaloes,  held last week  at West Hartlepool, Bro. I. Levy C.P., PG. Cham., was raised to the Third Degree – Knight of the Order of Merit.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 September 1918, page 31

At a Bris Milah held at the residence of Mr J. Levenson, West Hartlepool, an appeal was made by Rev P. Chazan on behalf of the Initiation Society. A substantial amount was subscribed.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1918, page 6

Preacher at West Hartlepool Synagogue on Sunday, Rev Philip Chazan.

[Note: He appears every week for several months, many times as giving talks to children]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1918, page 20

Wanted. Nurse companion aged 35-40 for middle-aged lady. Apply Mrs J. Bloom,  ‘Granville’, Granville Avenue, West Hartlepool.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 November 1918, page 20

Special Thanksgiving Service. Collection made for the provision of Jewish Literature for Jewish    Troops, forwarded to Chief Rabbi’s Fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1918 ,page 22

Bro Ernest Bloom installed as Worshipful Master of the Connaught Lodge of Freemasons.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 February 1919, page 1

Silver wedding. On 20 February 1894 at West Hartlepool, Minnie Cassell to Moses A. Bernstein of Manchester.

[Marriage. Minnie Cassell March 1894 Hartlepool 10a 221//Moses Aaron Bernstein]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 March 1919, page 21

Mr S. Kaufman has presented a brass stand for the use of the Reader. On Sunday the children at the Classes were examined. Members of the congregation were pleased with their progress under Rev P. Chazan. This was followed by a Purim service at which a collect ion was made for local hospitals. Prizes were given to children.

There was a welcome to President, J. Olswang, released from military service.

Children were provided with bags of sweets, fruit, and biscuits provided by the Ladies’ Communal Aid Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 June 1919, page 26

Annual meeting of the Ladies’ Communal Aid Society.

Balance in hand £13. Elected: Mrs S. Franks, President; Mrs J. Olswang, Treasurer; Mrs B. Gordon and Miss Franks, Hon Collectors; Miss Glass (Hartlepool) and Miss T. Golt (West Hartlepool), Hon Secs; and a Committee. Good wishes to Mrs S. Franks (husband of President) who is dangerously ill in hospital.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1919, page 10

‘The Call of the Kiddies’

Louis Bloom West Hartlepool 3rd birthday gift  10s.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1919, page 35

At a well attended meeting it was decided to form a Zionist Society. Appointed: E. Bloom, President; H. Broady, Treasurer; S. Franks, Secretary; Rev P. Chazan, Mrs Barnett, Mrs Olswang, and Mr Kellett, Committee. Resolution protesting at pogroms in Poland.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1919, page 1

Betrothal. Councillor and Mrs A. Finestone of Northwich announce the engagement of their only daughter Lillian to Claude, 3rd son of Mrs and the late Mr L. Bloom.

[No marriage found.]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 September 1919, New Year Greetings page xii

Mrs and Mrs S. Franks and family 63 Thornton Street, West Hartlepool

Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1919, Young Israel page 1

Ref  to Sydney Golt West Hartlepool

Jewish Chronicle, 27 February 1920, page 1

Birth on 21 February to Cllr and Mrs Ernest Bloom, Dalebyb House, Grange Road, West Hartlepool, a son. Bris Milah 28 February.

[Birth. Bertram Bloom March 1920 Hartlepool 10a 372. Mother Atkinson]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 February 1920, page 1

Betrothal. On 22 February. ‘Nan’, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs M. Lewis, Glasgow, to Herbert, youngest son of Mr and Mrs Barnett Broady, Tower House, Reed Street, West Hartlepool.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 March 1920, page 34

Special Purim Service attended by pupils of the Classes. Conducted by Rev P. Chazan. Later children given bags of fruit and sweets by the Ladies’ Communal Aid Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 April 1920, page1

Betrothal. ‘Toby’, 2nd daughter of Mr and Mrs Golt, 97 Musgrave Street, West Hartlepool, to Jack, 2nd son of Mr Mark Mendoza, Dalston, London.

[Marriage. Toby Golt September 1923 Hartlepool 10s 349//John Mendoza]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 April 1920, page 6

London Committee for the Relief of Jews in Russia and Eastern Europe

West Hartlepool Hebrew Committee per Secretary E. Bloom £21 [or 31.obscured] 15s.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 May 1920, page 34

Pupils examined followed by presentation of prizes by Miss Levine of Glasgow, fiancée of Rev P. Chazan. Afterwards each child given packet of chocolate by Mrs J. Olswang, wife of President.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 August 1920, page 25

Children had annual outing to Castle Eden. Cricket, football and races.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 November 1920, page 25

Annual meeting. Substantial increase in income and small balance in hand. Elected: Joseph Olswang, President; A. Prinsky, Vice-president and Treasurer; Cllr Ernest Bloom, Hon Sec; H. Broady,  Hon Solicitor; M. Lotinga and F. Franks, Auditors; Committee S. Franks, W. Golt, Isaac Boom, D. Goodman, M. Lotinga, A. Speigel, Jacob Levy,. Lionel Glass was appointed collector.

Mrs Chazan, wife of Rev P. Chazan, minister of the congregation, is among the artists at the forthcoming concert for the local War Memorial. The orchestra includes Mr F. Franks, violinist.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 December 1920, page 23

The Hartlepool Zionist Society held a social at the Villiers Hall. Mr Chazan, Miss Sarah Golt, Mr Claude Bloom, and Mr Fred Franks contributed to the programme. Miss B. Bloom was the accompanist. Mr J. Dobreen was MC. Proceeds of the evening to the Palestine Restoration Fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 March 1921, page 2

Death on 4 March at 5 Gladstone Street, Hartlepool, of Nathan, son of Alexander and Leah Barnett, aged 41.

[Death. Nathan Barnett March 1921 aged 41 Hartlepool 10a 211]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 March 1921, page 37

Joseph Trennens resigns as West Hartlepool’s representative at Board
of Deputies through continued ill-health.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 April 1921, page 39

The children were entertained to tea in the schoolroom. Concert given
by the children.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 April 1921, page 39

Arnold Levy of Great Russell Street to represent West Hartlepool at the Board of Deputies.

At wedding of Myer Olswang to Ettie Dorfman £9 subscribed to the Vienna Passover Relief Fund.

[Marriage. Myer Olswang March 1921 Hartlepool 10a 321//Ettie Dorfman

Jewish Chronicle, 15 April 1921, page 39

Annual Meeting of Chevra Kadisha. Elected: Jacob Broady, President; E. Rabinowitz, Vice-President; Cllr E. Bloom, Hon Sec.; J. Olswang, Hon Sec; Rev P. Xhazan, Head Baal Massasick; Mrs H. Levy, Lady Head Massasick; and a Committee of 17.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 April 1921, page 30

To establish a branch of the Order of Ancient Maccabeans.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 August 1921, page 3

Federation of Ukrainian Jews. In aid of the Pogrom Victims in the Ukraine.

W Hartlepool Hebrew Congregation per J. Olswang £9,13.6

Jewish Chronicle, 19 August 1921 page 1

Betrothal. Rachel, daughter of Mrs and the late Mr A. Barnett of 15 Union Street, Hartlepool, to Wolfe, son of Mrs and the late Mr S. Orbaum of Leeds.

[Marriage. Wolfe Orbaum March 1922 Hartlepool 10a 221//Rachel Barnett]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 September 1921, page 31

At the wedding of Miss Lily Franks of West Hartlepool and Mr Deane of Newcastle  £9 was collected  and allocated equally  to the Ukrainian Relief Fund and the Jewish National Fund.

[Marriage. Lelia Franks September 1921 Hartlepool 10a 331//Samuel Deane]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1921, New Year Greetings page xvi

Mr and Mrs S. Franks and family 65 Thornton Street, West Hartlepool.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1921, page 4

Ukrainian Fund. West Hartlepool Hebrew Congregation per J. Olswang

Mrs J. Bloom £5, Mr S. Kaufman, £1.1.0, E.L. and M. Bloom 10s 6d each, A. Prinsky, L. Barnett 10s each, 5s each from J. Olswang, I. Levy, S. Franks, H. Broady, D. Levy, E. Rabinowitz, L. Halson, M. Goldberg, B. Miller, J. Lee, J. Levey, H. Levy, S. and M. Lotinga. 4s 6d S. Kellert. 2s 6d each from D. Goodman, A. Barnett, A. Levy, J. Dobreen, J. Glass, M. Olswang, J. Levinson, A. Jacobs, A. Speigal, J. Broady, W. Gold, Rev P. Chazan. S. Gordon 2s. H. Benjamin 7s 6d.

TOTAL £14.6s 6d.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 December 1921, page 2

Death on 13 December at ‘Farmsum’, Elm Grove. W H, Abraham, husband of Fanny Lotinga aged 75.

[Death. Abraham Lotinga December 1921 aged 75 Hartlepool 10a 156]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1922, page 2

Tombstone of late Nathan Barnett, 5 Gladstone Street, will be consecrated on 26 March at Hartlepool Cemetery.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 April 1922, page 34

Mr Fred Franks gained 1st prize for violin playing at the Sunderland Music Festival. During past year he has gained three 1st prizes at Northern music festivals.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 May 1922, page 28

Last Sunday service in memory of the late Lieut Bertie Bloom was conducted by Rev P. Chazan who also delivered an address. After the service the members adjourned to the schoolroom where a portrait of the late Lieut Bloom, presented by his mother, Mrs J.Bloom, was unveiled by Rev P. Chazan who paid tribute to the deceased. Messrs J. Broady, J. Olswang and Cllr E. Bloom also spoke. A collection on behalf of the League of Nations Union was made.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 June 1922, page 28

Meeting of the West Hartlepool Ladies’ Society. Miss B. Golt one of
the collectors received presentation for forthcoming marriage.

[Marriage. Betsey Golt June 1922 Hartlepool 10a 291//Wolfe Grabine]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 June 1922, page 4

Ukrainian Relief Fund. West Hartlepool Synagogue per J. Olswang. 28 names (including Grabine (Leeds) and Mendoza (London) fathers of bridegrooms). Total £6.5s.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 September 1922, page 1

Engagement. Marcus, 6th son of Mrs J. and the late Mr L. Bloom to Annie. 6th daughter of Mrs and late Mr M. Goodman of Leeds.

[No marriage found.]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1922, New Year Greetings page xx

Mr and Mrs S. Franks and family 65 Thornton Street, West Hartlepool.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 November 1922, page 2

Death on 29 October of Arthur Joseph, eldest son on the late Ephraim David and Gittel Benjamin of Manchester, late of West Hartlepool. Mourned by brother Albert A,. Manchester, Sisters Sara Priceman, Salford, Ray Hyman, Cheetham,  and Leah Hudes, London.

[Death. Joseph Benjamin December 1922 aged 58 Prestwich 8d 263]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 December 1922, page 33

Visit of the Chief Rabbi to celebrate the jubilee of the synagogue. Service conducted by Rev P. Chazan and choir. Reception held in the YMCA Assembly Rooms, hostess Mrs Lotinga. Among guests were Mayor and Mayoress of West Hartlepool. The Mayor praised the unity in the town and the Jews loyalty during the war. The Chief Rabbi examined the pupils, and unveiled a plaque containing the names of local Jews who served in the war and a tablet inscribed with the names of the Building Committee of 50 years ago.

Mrs H. Levy of Scarborough has presented a cover for the Almemar in memory of her husband.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 February 1923, page 6

Engagement. Isaac Bloom, 4th son of Mrs J. and the late Louis Bloom of ‘Granville’, Granville Avenue, and Cissie, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Marcus Jacobs of Sunderland.

[Marriage. Isaac Bloom September 1923 Sunderland 10a 1487//Elizabeth
S.[sic] Jacobs]

[see below 10 August 1923 p. 6]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 February 1923, page 35

Ref to the North Eastern Council for Jewish Education.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1923, Young Israel page 7

New member Isaac Barnett 7 Church Street, West Hartlepool

Jewish Chronicle, 23 March 1923, page 6

Annual Chevra Kadisha service held last Sunday. Reception followed in the schoolroom. Jacob Broady President in the chair. Ladies’ Communal Aid Society provided refreshments.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 April 1923, page 10

Obituary of Simon Franks. Sudden death.  One of the senior and one of the most active members of the Committee. Treasurer for a considerable period.

[Death. Simon Franks June 1923 aged 57 Hartlepool 10a 117]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 May 1923, page 30

Meeting of local Zionist Society. Rev P. Chazan, delegate to the English Zionist Federation Conference held at Newcastle, reported on the proceedings.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 June 1923, page 2

Death of Barnett Broady, aged 70, at Tower House, Reed Street, husband of Dora Alice.

[Death. Barnett Broady June 1923 aged 69 Hartlepool 10a 138]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 August 1923, page 6

Marriage on 25 July at Moor Street Synagogue, Sunderland, Isaac Bloom, 4th son of Mrs J. and late L. Bloom, and Cissie, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Maurice Jacobs of Sunderland.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1923, page 2

Tombstone of Arthur Joseph Benjamin, of Manchester late of West Hartlepool, to be consecrated at Crumpsall Lane Cemetery, Manchester, on 9 September.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1923, New Year Greetings page xx

Mrs S. Franks and family, 65 Thornton Street, West Hartlepool.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 October 1923, page 2

Death on 13 October at Melbourne of Samuel Younkman, eldest son of the late Mr and Mrs Younkman of Middlesbrough and West Hartlepool. Brother of Mrs Lewis Harris, Liverpool, Mrs Lewis Cohen, London, Mrs D. Mack, Leeds.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 October 1923 page 3

Solomon Joseph (Sydney) Golt has been awarded  a Jewish War Memorial Scholarship to Aria College. Was a pupil at West Hartlepool Hebrew and Religion Classes.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 January 1924 ,page 29

Mr I. Levy presided over distribution of prizes to pupils of Religion Classes which are conducted by Rev P. Chazan and Miss D. Barnett. Boys who received prizes were S. Golt, I. Barnett, B. Miller, B. Lott, M  Lott. Girls: F. Lee, D. Levy. Prizes presented by Mrs P. Chazan, President of the Ladies’ Communal Aid Society. Attache case presented to Sydney Golt who is leaving town for Aria College.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 May 1924, page 1

Birth on1 May at ‘Fairmead’,73 Hutton Avenue, West Hartlepool, to Mr and Mrs Isaac Bloom (nee Cissie Jacobs), a son.I

[Birth. David A. M. Bloom June 1924 Hartlepool 10a 235. Mother Jacobs]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 May 1924, page 24

Ladies’ Communal Aid Society, annual meeting. Balance sheet satisfactory. Elected: Mrs P. Chazan,  President; Mrs E. Bloom, Vice-president; Mrs I. Levy, Treasurer; Miss D. Franks, Collector; Mrs J. Mendoza, Hon Sec; Mrs S. Franks and Mrs H, Levy, Sick Visitors; Miss S. Gold and Mrs Gordon, Hon Auditors; and Committee of 6.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1924, page 24

Pupils of Hebrew  and Religion Classes had their annual outing to Stokesley, Cleveland. Tea, sports – football and cricket – the entertained to tea. Entertained by members of the Ladies’ Communal Aid Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 August 1924, page 2

Silver wedding. On 9 Aug 1899 Ellen Cassell to Maurice Friedland. Address South Africa.

[Marriage. Ellen Cassell September 1899 Hartlepool 10a 325//Maurice Friedland]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 November 1924, page 27

Annual meeting of congregation. Balance sheet showed substantial amount in hand. Elected: I. Levy, President; M. Lotinga, Vice-president and Treasurer; E. Bloom. Hon Sec; H, Broady, Hon Solicitor; D. Blohm and L. Barnett, Hon Auditors; S. Rabinowitz, Hon Collector; and Council of 7.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 May 1925, page 1

Ernest Goodman, youngest son of Mr and Mrs David Goodman, 187 York Road, West Hartlepool, will read Maftir on 23 May at West Hartlepool Synagogue. Reception at Villiers Hall, Villiers Street.

[Birth. Ernest Goodman June 1912 Middlesbrough 9d 1178. Mother Barnett]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 June 1925 page 10

Kiddies List. In memory of mother, Fanny Golt, West Hartlepool 10s

Jewish Chronicle, 5 July 1925, page 8

Kiddies List. Louis and Bertie Bloom in memory of uncle Lt Bert Bloom West Hartlepool 5s.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 November 1925, page 27

Annual meeting of congregation. Slight balance of income over expenditure. Silver cup presented to  Jacob Barnett for his services as hon collector. It was decided to abolish the tax of 2d head for poultry killed. Officers re-elected but no mention of a collector.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1926, page 16.

Treat for pupils. A social function organized by the Ladies’ Communal Aid Society was held in the Villiers Hall. Collection made for the Jewish National Fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 April 1926 page 10

Kiddies List: David Bloom West Hartlepool on his 2nd birthday 10s 6d.

[Birth. David A[ubrey] M[ichael] Bloom June 1924 Hartlepool 10a]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 April 1926, page 31

Ladies’ Communal Aid Society and the Literary and Debating Section of the Zionist Society have presented a pair of fish servers to Mrs S. Gordon in appreciation of her services as hon pianist at their social functions.

Rev P. Chazan read a paper on ‘Jew and Gentile’ to the Jewish Literary Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 June 1926, page 34

Annual meeting of the Hebrew Benevolent Society, M. Lotinga presided. A large number of men temporarily in this country were assisted. Elected: M. Lotinga, President; Isaac Bloom. Vice-president; Marcus Bloom, Hon Sec; H. Goodman, Hon Collector. Thanks to S. Rabinowitz who has resigned from post of hon collector for his work.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 June 1926, page 34

Annual meeting of the Ladies’ Communal Aid Society. Satisfactory balance sheet. Elected: Mrs Chazan, President; Mrs E. Bloom, Vice-president; Mrs I. Levy, Treasurer; Mrs J. Mendoza, Sec; Miss J. Levey,  Hon Collector; Mrs S. Gordon and Miss B. Golt, Hon Auditors; and Committee of 6. Mrs A. Lotinga elected a Life Member of the Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 December 1926, page 27

Professor Brodetsky unable to address the Zionist Society. Place taken by Mr Sandelson OBE, Leeds, accompanied by Messrs Montague Burton JP and Labovitch. Votes of thanks by inter alia Major M. Sinclair.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 December 1926, page 1

Death on 24 December at 10 Gladstone Street, Hartlepool, of Solomon (Sol) Kaufman, son of the late Mr and Mrs Isaac Kaufman.

[Death. Solomon Kaufman December 1926 aged 65 Hartlepool 10a 158]

Jewish Chronicle, 11 February 1927, page 3

‘EXPERIENCED Jewish Mother’s Help wanted for Sunderland, preferably with necessary experience; 2 in family; aged 25-30;able to cook; maid kept.  Apply, Mrs Jacobs, 78 Hutton-avenue, West Hartlepool’.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 March 1927, page 41

Pupils of the Classes gave a concert. A play, ‘Esther the Second’ was written by S. J. Golt of Aria College. Pupils trained by Miss Sarah Golt who arranged the concert. Collection for ‘Fund for the Kiddies’ realized £1.8.0.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 June 1927, page 1

Birth on 24 May at 60 Tristram Avenue West Hartlepool to Mrs and Mrs Jack Mendoza nee Toby Golt of a daughter.

[Birth. Frances M.E. Mendoza June 1927 Hartlepool 10a. Mother Golt]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 July 1927, page 48

Children of Hebrew Classes visited Mount Grace Priory, Yorkshire. Cricket and games. Last Sunday annual meeting of the Benevolent Society. Satisfactory Balance Sheet.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 July 1927, page 12

Will of Solomon Kaufman. Gross value £16.006. Net Personalty £6,818. Left £500 to the West Hartlepool Synagogue and such further sums to redeem the mortgage on the minister’s house in Scarborough Street. £500 to Hartlepool Hospital and Dispensary. £500 to Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum.  £200  to West Hartlepool Hebrew Benevolent Society. £50 to Treasurer of Masonic Charities in connection with the St Helens Lodge of Freemasons. £50 to Hartlepool Indigent Sick Society. £100 to his trustees to apply to the benefit of any charity irrespective of creed as they, in absolute discretion, may consider deserving.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 September 1927, page 46

Large attendance at annual prize giving. Hon Sec E. Bloom readsatisfactory report from Herbert M. Adler, Director of Jewish Education, who recently examined the children.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 October 1927, page 35

Ladies’ Communal Aid Society have presented congregation with a whitesilk curtain for the Ark.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 March 1928, page 20

Meeting of the Jewish Literary Society addressed by Rev Chazan on Jewish Ethics’.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1928, page 31

Arnold Levy re-elected representative at Board of Deputies.

Mrs Simon Franks Past President of Ladies’ Communal Aid Society was presented with a cake basket by the members on leaving West Hartlepool.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 May 1928, page 34

At a gathering Jacob Broady unveiled a framed photograph of the late Mr S. Kaufman, a ‘keen worker’ for the synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1928, page 2

Death in Tottenham of Leah Rozainsky sister, inter alia, of Tilly Barnett of West Hartlepool. [sc Matilda Barnett wife of Levi Barnett.]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 July 1928, page 19

The Alfred Louis Cohen Scholarship has been awarded by the Council of the Jewish War Memorial to Solomon Golt who held a scholarship at West Hartlepool Secondary School. In 1923 he was elected to a Jewish War Memorial Scholarship at Aria College and  Portsmouth Grammar School. In 1926 he passed Cambridge Senior Examination with Distinction in 5 subjects. This year he has obtained a Major Open Scholarship in Modern History at Christ Church, Oxford.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 August 1928, page 10

‘For the Kiddies’: David and John Bloom West Hartlepool 10s 6d

Jewish Chronicle, 9 November 1928, page 30

Annual meeting of the Chebra Kadisha. Elected: I. Levy, Hon President; D. Goodman, Hon Vice-president; Cllr E. Bloom, Treasurer; M. Bloom, Hon Sec.

Annual meeting of congregation. Balance in hand. Elected: M. Bloom, President; H. Broady, Vice- president and Treasurer; Cllr E. Bloom, Hon Sec; Levi Barnett, Hon Collector; H. Broady, Hon Solicitor; D. Bloom and J. Mendoza, Hon Auditors, and a Committee of 7.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 January 1929, page 30

Rev P. Chazan read paper to the Literary Society on ‘A  Psychological Study of the Jew’.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1929, Young Israel page 7

Ref to Sybil Prinsky, 44 Clifton Avenue, West Hartlepool.

[Birth. Sybil Prinsky June 1915 Hartlepool 10a 266. Mother Miller]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 April 1929, page 40

Rev P. Chazan will conduct a siyum next Wednesday at 7.30 am.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 June 1929, page 30

First conference of the North East Union of Jewish Literary and Social Societies was held at Sunderland. President was Cllr Ernest Bloom of West Hartlepool.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 June 1929, page 31

Annual meeting of the Ladies’ Communal Aid Society.

Elected: Mrs B. Gordon, President; Mrs I. Levy, Treasurer; Miss J. Levy, Hon Collector; Mesdames Chazan, I. Levy, and E. Bloom, Almoners; J. Mendoza, Hon Sec; and a Committee of 6. Thanks to Mrs Chazan who has been President for 8 years.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 June 1929, page 21

Annual meeting of the Hebrew Benevolent Society. Satisfactory financial statement. Elected: B. Halson, President; I. Bloom, Treasurer; M. Bloom, Hon Sec; Rev P. Chazan and Cllr E. Bloom, Hon Almoners; Mr A. Levinson, Hon Collector; D. Levy, Hon Auditor.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 June 1929, page 1

Bar Mitzvah. Louis Bloom, elder son of Cllr and Mrs E. Bloom, ‘Castlewood’, Elm Grove, West Hartlepool, on 6 July.

[Birth. Louis Bloom. September 1916 Hartlepool 10a 195. Mother Atkinson]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 July 1929, page 28

Annual outing of Hebrew Classes to Great Broughton, Cleveland, Yorks. Journey made by motor Coach. Entertained by Ladies’ Communal Aid Society. Sports arranged.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1929, page 1

Birth on 15 September to Mr and Mrs Bernard Halson, nee Beatrice Schofield, ‘The Haven’, Wilton Avenue, West Hartlepool, a son.

[Birth. Geoffrey R. Halson December 1929 Hartlepool 10a  183. Mother Schofield]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 December 1929, page 8

Engagement. Harold 2nd son of Jacob Broady, 107 Thornton Street, West Hartlepool, to Ray, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Sol Doberman of Middlesbrough.

[Marriage. Harold Broady March 1930 Middlesbrough 9d 958//Rachel Doberman]

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Page created: 8 January 2015
Page most recently amended: 14 March 2023

Formatted by David Shulman



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