Press Reports relating to the
Barrow-in-Furness Jewish
Community (with some later additions provided by Steven Jaffe)
Jewish Chronicle, 8 March 1877 page 1 Marriage on 7th inst, at the synagogue St Alban’s Place, London, Henry Ellis of Barrow-in-Furness, eldest son of Isaac Ellis of Westminster, to Julia only daughter of the late Julius Henocheberg and Mrs Caroline Nathan of Liverpool
‘BARROW-IN-FURNESS AN URGENT CASE - IMMEDIATE RELIEF REQUIRED A highly respectable Jewish labourer has met with a serious accident, on Thursday last, June 21st, wife and four little children totally destitute. The poor fellow is now lying at the North Lonsdale Hospital in this town, with a broken leg and other injuries, and the doctor states it will be some months before he can resume work. He arrived from the North of Scotland about a month since, penniless, and would not accept charity. All he wanted was regular employment, which the undersigned assisted to procure. The smallest donation will be thankfully received and acknowledged by Mr. Philip Hart, 104 Duke-street, Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire’. ‘BARROW-IN-FURNESS For the first time service was held on the High Festivals. Mr. Heinerfelt of Manchester officiated, assisted by Messrs. Harris and Dobkin, the Chazan. Mr. P. Bergson, the Gabbai, acted as Baal Tokeah. All arrangements were under the supervision of Mr. H. Reuben Davidson, the President.’ [Death of the Queen] At the service in Barrow, J.S.Ruben recited the prayer and Mr Charles(sic) delivered an address.
[Pentecost] ‘Services were held at the new premises in Abbey Road, which have been suitably fitted up. Mr. Dobkin conducted the services on both days of the festival. The synagogue was tastefully decorated with plants and flowers presented by Mrs. H.R. Davidson’.
[Letter to editor] ‘BARROW HEBREW CONGREGATION SIR,- I beg the favour of a public space in your valuable organ to inform the generous public that the newly-formed congregation, whose members are chiefly of the working class, are sorely in need of extraneous assistance. Great credit is due to the President, Mr. Davidson, and his coadjutors, for their plucky attempts to establish a place of worship, which will be the means in time to come of withdrawing a considerable number of hard working Jews from large towns where our co-religionists are too conspicuous by their increasing numbers. The rooms fitted up as a synagogue require permanent seats and other accommodations. Three years ago, through the publicity which you kindly gave to the holding of the first public Divine Service in Blackpool, some anonymous donors, whose names are concealed from me to this day, were good enough to offer me the acceptance of a Sepher and silver ornaments, which was (sic) duly and thankfully received. I hope that by being made aware through the medium of your widely circulated paper that the Barrow congregation are sadly in want of a similar boon, the same invisible philanthropic spirit which gladdened the hearts of the Blackpool congregation will extend its benevolent influence to Barrow-in-Furness. Our brethren in Barrow having to rely on their own resources - Barrow not being favoured by the presence of pleasure-seeking visitors - its claims for help are quite obvious. It is deserving to be recorded that since the consecration of the temporary Synagogue, which was attended by several Christians, the Barrow Press, which not long ago mentioned the settlement of Jews in the town somewhat slighting, is now unanimous in encouraging the establishment of the congregation by eulogising the services which they had the opportunity to observe. Yours
‘BARROW-IN-FURNESS Yesterday (Thursday) week the Rev. I. Simon, of Manchester, consecrated the synagogue of the Barrow Hebrew Congregation in Abbey Road. The synagogue was opened by Mr. H. R. Davidson, the President. The congregation is very small - a mere handful of members. Every credit is therefore due to the zealous workers who have successfully laboured to secure a proper place of worship. The Rev. I. Simon delivered an eloquent sermon, and dedicated the synagogue in an impressive prayer. Among those present were several Christians, and Mr. H. R. Davidson, President of the congregation, Mr. R. Wolfe (Vice-President and Hon. Treasurer), Mr. John S. Ruben (Hon. Secretary), Mr. Abbey (Auditor), Rev. W.E. Dobkin (Resident Minister), Messrs, Fisher, Bergson and Cohn. After the service light refreshments were partaken of. Councillor Charles presided. The health of “The King and Royal Family” was honoured. “Success to the Barrow Hebrew Congregation” was submitted by the Rev. I. Simon, and responded to by Mr. H.R. Davidson. The other toasts were “The Visitors” proposed by Rev. I. Simon. And responded to by Mr. G. Stone; “The Chairman,” “The Rev. I. Simon,” &c.’ [New Year Greetings] ‘JACK RUBEN, of Barrow, sends greetings to his beloved parents, Rev. and Mrs. Ruben, Manchester, and his relatives and friends at home and abroad, wishing them all a Happy and Prosperous New Year’. ‘BARROW-IN-FURNESS The annual general meeting of the Barrow Hebrew Congregation was held last week at the Synagogue Chambers, Abbey Road. The election of honorary officers resulted as follows: - President, Mr. H. R. Davidson, re-elected; Treasurer, Mr. M. Cohn; Hon. Secretary, Mr. John S. Ruben, re-elected; Auditor, Mr S. Abrahams, re-elected; Committee, Messrs. R. Wolfe, P. Bergson, B. Fisher, L. Moscow, and L. Danziger. Mr. M. Cohn was elected Chatan Torah [in initial Hebrew letters], and Mr. H. R. Davidson Chatan Bereshit [in initial Hebrew letters]’.
Chatan Torah: M. Cohn [Moritz Cohn]; Chatan Bereshit: H. R. Davidson
‘BARROW-IN-FURNESS Mr. J. Cohn (sic) (Treasurer) has presented a Silver Yod, Breastplate, and Bells for Sepher Torah in commemoration of his having been Chosan Torah. Mr J.S. Ruben has presented a silver cup to the Committee of the Barrow Conservative Club for billiard competition, the winner to carry with it the championship. The cup will be competed for annually, and the winner will also be the recipient of a gold medal by the same donor. Councillor Charles, on behalf of the Committee, accepted the gift, and suitably returned thanks to the donor for his great kindness, which they all heartily appreciated. Mr. Ruben is Hon. Secretary of the Hebrew Congregation.’ ‘BARROW The quarterly general meeting of the congregation was held on Sunday last. The Chairman (Mr. H. R. Davidson) dwelt on the satisfactory progress during the short period that the new premises in Abbey Road had been opened. He also read a circular letter from Sir Montagu Samuel in reference to the Affiliation of Synagogues, and it was unanimously resolved that Barrow join the Federation, and also that the Committee should acquire land for a burial ground’.
‘BARROW A special coronation Service was held on Saturday last. Several Jewish delegates to the High Court of the Ancient Order of Foresters, which was held in the town during the week, attended the service‘. ‘The annual general meeting and election of officers of the Barrow Hebrew Congregation was held on Sunday last, at the Synagogue Chambers, Abbey Road, Mr. H. R. Davidson in the Chair. The Chairman congratulated the members on the very successful year just completed as disclosed by the balance-sheet, but deplored the decrease that had taken place in the membership owing to the depression in trade which compelled several members to leave the town. The ballot for the election of officers resulted as follows: President, Mr. H.R. Davidson (re-elected); Treasurer, Mr. R. Wolfe; Hon. Secretary, Mr. J.S. Ruben (re-elected); Committee: Messrs. L. Simon, L. Danziger (re-elected), D. Cowan, and L. Moscow (re-elected). Votes of thanks were accorded to the outgoing officials and the Chairman. Mr. I. Tumin, of Manchester, who officiated last year has been engaged for the forthcoming holidays’.
‘BARROW. At the monthly Committee held last Sunday, votes of thanks were accorded to Messrs. I. Tumin (Manchester), and W.I. Dobkin, who officiated during the Holydays, also to Mr. Lewis Simons, who acted as Baal Tokeah’.
Naturalisations in May Moritz Cohn, 48 Storey Square, Barrow-in-Furness.
Barnsley congregation. Ref. to election of Rev. I. Dobkin as one of the auditors.
‘BARROW. Services were held by this congregation during New Year and Day of Atonement. Mr. S. Gustonfeld(sic) officiated, assisted by Mr. B. Fisher.
Ref to Rev S. Garstenfeld, late of Barrow, being elected Chazan, Shochet and Teacher to Abertillery synagogue. Services were conducted by Rev. S. Jaffe and Mr B. Fisher.
'Mr. Mark Hambourg and his brothers, Jan and Boris, gave a most successful recital at Barrow-in-Furness last Friday. The concert was organised by Mr. H. Reuben Davidson, President of the Hebrew Congregation. Mr. Hambourg and his brothers will give a recital tomorrow at the Crystal Palace, for which an excellent programme has been arranged’. ‘Barrow-in-Furness. The services on Pentecost were conducted by the Rev. S. Jaffe. The synagogue was decorated with flowers and plants’. Chatan Torah, Mr. S. Sholler. Chatan Bereshit, Mr. A. I. Marks.
Barrow-in-Furness. The annual meeting of the congregation was held last Sunday. The Treasurer’s statement, which was very satisfactory, was adopted. The following were re-elected: Messrs. H. R. Davidson, President; W. Wolfe, Treasurer; S. Davidson, Secretary; A. J. Marks, B. Fisher and I. Ginsburg, Committee’.
Death on 19 February in Glasgow of the (unnamed) husband of Celia August, mourned inter alia by his daughter Mrs R. Wolfe of Barrow-in-Furness. Chatah Torah Mr S. Davidson. Chatan Bereshit Rev S. Yoffet. ‘Barrow-in-Furness. At the general meeting, the following were elected. Messrs. H. R. Davidson, President; B. Fisher, Treasurer; I, Ginsberg, Hon. Secretary; H. Glicksman, Auditor; and H. Shrager, Hon. Collector’.
‘Barrow-in-Furness. At the recent general meeting of the Ladies’ Benevolent Society, the balance sheet was adopted and regarded as very satisfactory. The following are the officers: Mrs. H. R. Davidson, President; Mrs. S. Davidson, Treasurer; Mrs. R. Wolfe, Hon. Secretary’. At the invitation of the Lurgan Hebrew Congregation the Rev. S. Joffey of Barrow-in-Furness conducted the services on Friday evening and Saturday morning. Also he examined the children’s classes on Sunday.
Chatan Torah Mr I. Lazarus. Chatan Bereshit Mr H. Moscow ‘The Hebrew Congregation has made a presentation, consisting of a platinum and gold albert chain and an illuminated address to Mr. H. R. Davidson, for his valuable services during the past twelve years as President, a post he has relinquished owing to his departure from Barrow. The Ladies’ Benevolent Society presented Mrs. Davidson with a set of festival prayers. Mr. Davidson, in his turn, has presented to the congregation an artistic photograph of himself to be hung in the synagogue chambers’.
Mr John Roehmann of Messrs Vickers Ltd, Barrow, formerly a student at Imperial College, son of Mr M. Roehmann of 49 Dyne Rd, Brondesbury, has gained BSc in the Faculty of Engineering, University of London. Annual election of officers of the Hebrew Congregation took place last week. Elected: Barnet Fisher, President; Morris Solomon, Treasurer; Ralph Solomon, Hon. Sec. A Committee of four [unnamed] was also elected. Following were elected Hon. Officers of the congregation B. Fisher, President; H. Moscow, Treasurer; H. Glicksman Hon. Sec.
Death of Mrs Leah Blackstone, Soho, London. Inter alia, nephew Emanuel Blackstone, Innes Villa, Park-avenue, Barrow-in-Furness.
Advert. ‘BARROW HEBREW CONGREGATION WANTED Schochet, Teacher and Baal Tephia, who is able to teach in English, single man preferred; salary 25s. Apply D. Agulsky, Hon. Secretary, 42, Harrison-street, Barrow-in-Furness’.
‘An “at home” was given by Mr. I.L. Stoller (President of the Congregation) last Sunday when a testimonial and a purse of gold, in appreciation of his services, was presented to the Rev. Mr. Hyams on his departure from Barrow. Thanks were accorded Mr. and Mrs. Stoller for their hospitality’. Marriage took place on 8 February of Hermann Glicksman, younger son of Mrs Glicksman, 46 Westmorland-street, Barrow, and the late Shane Glicksman of Riga, Russia, to Bessie Sandell, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Sandell of 121 Lancaster-road, Preston. [Marriage Index: September 1914 Bessie Sandell and Herman Glocksman Fylde 8e 1595]
‘A Communal Dispute at Barrow TO THE EDITOR, - From Mr. I.L. Stoller, 16 Lord Street, Barrow-in-Furness SIR, - The Barrow Jewish community had the honour of a visit from Dr. Salomon, from Manchester, who came with the approval of the Chief Rabbi to arbitrate and to settle a dispute, and we must thank Dr. Salomon for his kind influence. It is pleasing to know that his great experience enabled him to settle the dispute in a very short time, and to restore peace and harmony to the community. When a community is small, it is impossible to expect anyone to undertake the control of a congregation, and to be able to engage a qualified minister under the authority of the Chief Rabbi as a Chazan, Shochet, Mohel, and Teacher, who must be a married man, a young man with a good appearance, and a model to the town as a Jewish minister, with an average salary of 30s. Per week. I hope the Chief Rabbi will take the matter up, and see what can be done to alleviate the lot of the ministers in the provincial towns of this country’. Jewish Chronicle, 24 July 1914 page 1 Birth on Monday 20 July at 16 Lord St, Barrow-in-Furness, to Mr and Mrs I.L. Stoller, a son [Birth Index: September 1914 Terence Stoller Barrow F. 8e 1492. Mother: Benjamin] ‘A memorial service. Conducted by the Rev. M. Franks, was held on Sunday for the Polish Jews, who have fallen during the war. An appeal was made by Mr. I. L. Stoller, the President, and the sum of £4.4s 6d was collected and remitted to the London Committee for the Relief of Polish Jews. A Relief Committee for the Polish and Palestinian Jews was formed with the following as its Executive: Messrs. I. L. Stoller, Treasurer; H. Glicksman, Hon. Secretary; and S. Dawson, Hon. Collector. The members have promised to pay weekly contributions until the end of the war’. Board of Deputies ‘An application for the Barrow-in-Furness Congregation for leave to elect a Deputy was agreed to’. Contributions to the Birthday Present to HM Queen Alexandra Mr I.L. Stoller, Barrow Central Committee, Fund for Polish Jews A. Tannenbaum, Barrow-in-Furness, in memory of his parents £10.10.0 Ibid., page 6 Mrs R. Woolfe, Barrow, £1
Mr J.W. Rosenthal of 119 Sutherland Avenue, London, has been unanimously re-elected to represent Barrow-in-Furness congregation at the Board of Deputies. At a general meeting held on Sunday, Mr M. Auerbach(sic) was elected President and the Rev M. Franks, Secretary.
Fund for the Relief of the Jewish Victims of the War in Russia. Per I. Stoller, ordinary weekly subscriptions collected by Miss M. Grass: M. Aurbach(sic), S. Stern, S. Lefton, S. Abrahams, Mrs W. Woolfe, Mrs R. Grass, S.D., Miss M. Sloan, Miss A. Spiers, Miss Harris, Mr M. Dixon, Miss Michaelson, Mrs Solomon, Mr. I.L. Stoller. ‘BARROW-IN-FURNERSS. - Youth of 16 about to enter into apprenticeship with Messrs, Vickers. Wishes to be received into a refined house, not necessarily strictly orthodox. - Particulars to J.D. Jacobs, 168 Walm-lane, Cricklewood, London, N.W.’
INITIATION SOCIETY Treasurer acknowledges receipt of £3 collected by Mrs Fisher of 29 Fashaw Street, Barrow, at the Bris Milah of the first-born of Mr and Mrs Brown, Crellin-street, Barrow. Mr & Mrs Simon Abrahams, 8 Thwaite-street, Barrow Ibid page XII Mr & Mrs S. Davidson, 290 and 211 Rawlinson Street, Barrow Ibid page XIII Mr & Mrs Lefton, 49 Paradise Street, Barrow Chatan Torah H. Morganstern. Chatan Bereshith B. Fisher BARROW. A farewell reception was held in the Synagogue Chambers, Barrow-in-Furness, in-honour of the Rev. E. Slotki and Mrs. Slotki, prior to their leaving for Sunderland. A presentation, in the form a cheque, was made to Mr. Slotki in recognition of his 17 years service to the community. Tributes were paid by Messrs: H. Newmark, H. Glicksman, D. Morris. H. Ayerbach, and R. Wolfe. BARROW. A "call " to be minister " of the Preston. Blackburn, and Barrow congregations has been accepted by the Rev. Emanuel Susman, Reader of the Portsmouth Synagogue. Mr. Susman studied at the Tree of Life College, London, and, before coming to England, at the Pressburg (Czechoslovakia) Yeshiva. Tributes to the Rev. E. Susman. A silver cup, suitably inscribed, was presented by the President, Mr. L. Abrahams, on behalf of the members of the Barrow Hebrew Congregation, to their visiting minister, the Rev. E. Susman, upon his leaving Barrow to take his position at Northampton. The Rev. Mr. Susman had previously given an address, entitled 'Women and the Synagogue' in which he outlined the general laws for women. The Chairman. Mr. David Glicksman, in thanking the Rev. Mr. Susman for his address, stated that the local Jewish community were very sorry to lose him, as in the past two years he had given great service to the community in many ways. On behalf of the members of the congregation he wished him every success in his new post. The Rev. Mr. Susman, responding, said that he felt that a community, like Barrow, although-small, should have a resident minister. Other speakers were Mr. H. Newmark, Treasurer, and Mr. A. Brown, on behalfof the members.
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