French Resources for Jewish Genealogy
V: Bibliography
by Rosanne Leeson, Los Altos, CA
Meyer, Pierre-Andre. Tables du registre d'Etat Civil de la
Communaute Juive de Metz, 1717-1792. Paris, 1987.
Fleury, Jean. Contrats de Mariage Juifs en Moselle avant
1792. Plappeville, 1989.
Bernard, Gildas. Les familles juives en France, XVI me
siecle-1815: Guide des recherches biographiques et genealogiques.
Paris, Archives Nationales, 1990.
Benbassa, Esther. Histoire des Juifs de France,
Editions du Seuil, 1997. Jews of France, a History from Antiquity
to the Present. (She teaches Jewish History at the University of
Paris IV- Sorbonne).
Benbassa, Esther. The Jews of France (English Edition).
M. B. Debevoise (Translator).
Gauthier, Valerie. ABC de Genealogie. Editions Jules Grancher.
220 FF (incl airmail costs). In addition to methodology one can find
the addresses of all of the many archives and genealogical associations
in the many Departements of France.
Gauthier, Valerie. Genealogie Paris et Ile de France.
Editions Parigramme. 150FF, (incl. postage). The same type
of methodology as above, and includes many addresses in Paris.
The author Valerie Gauthier is President of a Genealogical
Association near Paris. These books can be ordered directly from
her at: 46, rue de President Roosevelt, 78500 - Sartrouville, FRANCE.
Preferred method of payment is by International Postal Money Order,
to her husband's CCP: J.M Arnold, SCE3005293N, La Source 110,
Sartrouville, FRANCE.
The Encyclopaedia Judaica is an excellent source for a number of
articles about the history of various localities and Jewish personalities
in France. And, in addition there are a number of general histories of
France that will give you some insight into the changing rulers and
borders of this country:
There are two books that are primarily sociological in nature, but
which include excellent insights into the life of the Jews of Alsace, and
which contain excellent bibliographies, one by Prof. Paula Hyman of Yale
University, the other by Prof. Vicki Caron of Brown University:
Hyman, Paula E. The Emancipation of the Jews of Alsace.
Yale University Press, New Haven, 1991. ISBN 0-300-04986-2.
Caron, Vicki. Between France and Germany: The Jews of
Alsace-Lorraine 1871-1918. Stanford University Press,
Stanford, CA, 1988.
An excellent historical atlas, with clear color definitions and
excellent sidebar notes, which easily display and explain the changing
borders of France, over the centuries is:
Cussans, Thos et al, eds. The Times Atlas of European
History. New York, HarperCollins, 1994.
The Directorate of the Archives of France can be found at
Genealogy Societies
Cercle de Généalogie Juive
14 rue Saint-Lazare, 75009 Paris, France.
Claudie Blamont, President. CDGJ maintains a list of members
and the families and areas they are researching.
Email inquires to
GenAmi, Association for International Jewish Genealogy
76 rue de Passy, 75016 Paris, France.
Micheline Gutmann, President, is also a
Board member of the Federation Francaise de Genealogie.
Email inquires to
Association de généalogie juive internationale --
For advise, or information on holdings, publications, or membership, you
may write to the above societies in English. With snail mail, please
include a self-addressed envelope as well as 2 International Reply
Coupons for an air mail reply.
A Guide to Research in Paris.
The Archives de Paris have published a guide to biographical and
genealogical research in Paris. This attractive guide is well
illusrated and very complete and is a useful tool for general
research, not specifically Jewish. It covers public records,
cemeteries, censuses electoral lists, military archives almanachs and
directories. It also includes a plan of the arrondissements prior to
1860 and those of the present day.
"Sur les traces de nos ancetres … Paris", Archives de Paris, 1997, 50F
Archives de Paris
18 Bd. Serurier
75019 Paris, France