+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ The American Red Cross Holocaust & War Victims Tracing & Information Center +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ A JewishGen InfoFile The American Red Cross Holocaust and War Victims Tracing Center searches for close friends and relatives who have been separated due to the Holocaust and its aftermath. In addition to tracing, the Center provides documentation of internment/forced labor for reparations. The Center accesses information found in archives throughout the world through its partner Red Cross societies, the International Tracing Service, and Magen David Adom of Israel. The Center also routinely searches through the U.S. Holocaust Museum. Between September 1990 and December 2002, the Center processed over 35,000 requests. Results have been impressive: over 1,000 people found alive and information on deportation/internment/death in more than half of the cases. It can take anywhere from several months to several years to resolve a case depending upon the nature of the search. Since new documentation on the Holocaust is being continuously discovered,the Center may provide information on an inquiry that is 10 to 40 years old. The Center searches for specific individuals only. In order to trace an individual, certain information is required: the person's first and last names, at least an approximate year of birth, at least the country of birth, at least the country of last known residence (although a city is extremely helpful), and the source, date, and place of last communication. In order to initiate a search, persons residing in the U.S. should contact the Emergency Services/International Services Department of their local American Red Cross chapter to obtain a tracing inquiry form. Once completed and reviewed, the chapter will forward the request to the Center in Baltimore. The Center then initiates searches with the appropriate Red Cross societies. Persons residing outside the U.S. should contact the Red Cross in their country. Please note that if you reside in the U.S., it is quicker and more efficient to initiate your case through the American Red Cross, rather than writing directly to the International Tracing Service. This is because the Center has developed an expedited process with the International Tracing Service. Additionally, the Center can submit your request to multiple Red Cross societies and to other resources on your behalf. Finally, please note that the ITS and other Red Cross societies usually send their replies to direct inquiries from US residents to the Center for delivery. For questions or problems please contact: Linda Klein Director American Red Cross Holocaust and War Victims Tracing Center lklein@arc-cmc.org (410)764-5311 Website: < http://www.redcross.org/services/intl/holotrace/ > ----------------- [28Jan03, Reviewed and updated by Linda Klein, ARC HWVTC] filename- arc.txt Copyright 2003 JewishGen Inc. http://www.jewishgen.org +----------------------------------------------------------------------+