Advice For Trips to Eastern Europeby Mel ComisarowMel Comisarow has ancestors who were founders and residents in the Southeastern Ukraine Jewish Agricultural Colonies. He made trips to these colonies in 1999 and 2002. Using the services of JewishGen ShtetlSchleppers, I made two trips to southeastern and central Ukraine - in 1999 and again in 2002. Based on my experiences during these trips, I offer the following advice for those planning trips to ancestral villages and the neighboring regional cities. While my advice is written with a trip to Ukraine in mind, most of my advice will apply to a trip to anywhere in Eastern Europe. Advance planningAdvance planning is critical. I suggest settling on a departure date at least six months in advance. Obtaining the maps and aerial photos described below typically requires two to three months. Also, studying these maps and photos is a time-consuming process, which can extend over many weeks. After studying these maps and aerial photos. you may discover that you want to get the maps and aerial photos covering the area adjacent to that covered by your initially ordered maps and aerial photos. Leave lots of time for advance planning. See also the items below about the amount of time required for archives and villages. Getting advance informationMy biggest disappointment about my August 1999 trip was that I did not spend enough time in villages of interest. Before my trip, I tried to obtain certain information about the towns from the travel agents: I was unable to get any information in advance and so I guessed/hoped that there would be something to see and I planned one half day for each town I wished to visit. Well, when I got to the towns I found the mayors and their colleagues to be extremely cooperative and generous with their time. They were anxious to help in any way they could. There were a few Jewish families in the towns, some of which were distant relatives of mine or of other people I know to have ancestral connections to the villages. I found a relative's grave in one cemetery. If I had known in advance that there was as much to see as there was and that the people would be as cooperative as they were I would have tripled the time that I had allotted to the villages. My advice: Insist that the tour organizers/local travel agents phone the mayor's offices in each of the towns that you plan to visit and get the information about the town before you make the final schedule for your trip. Here are the questions I would ask:
Maps and aerial photosThe US Library of Congress has small scale (1:200,000 or so) maps of Eastern Europe. The US National Archives has WWII-era aerial photos of villages in Eastern Europe. Take copies of each of the 19th century Russian maps, the 1941 German maps and the 1980 Soviet army maps of the villages you will be visiting. Also take copies of the aerial photos of the villages and enlargements of specific details in these photos. Prepare enlargements with enough magnification to show individual plots of land. These items will be a big hit with the villagers, as they will not have seen this material before. Take two copies of everything for each village that you will be visiting, one copy for the mayor's office and one copy for the school. For each major city that you will visit, take two more copies; one for the rabbi and one for the Archive. See my JewishGen InfoFile /InfoFiles/shtetfnd.txt for how to obtain these maps and photos. The 1980 Soviet army maps may be available in your local map library as they were widely sold on the map market in the mid-1990s. Take a color copy of these maps for your own use on your trip. Some modern, small scale maps of Ukraine, Israel and some other countries are now downloadable on the web. See These maps might be more accurate than commercial maps with later copyright dates that you can purchase in travel stores either in North America or in Europe. NKVD WWII Extraordinary Commission ReportsThe United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) in Washington DC has a microfilm copy of NKVD (Soviet Secret Police) reports of what happened during the Nazi occupation. See the web links and Get paper copies of the reports for your regions of interest from USHMM and make several copies, leaving a copy with the mayor (history teacher, museum curator) in each village that you visit. These reports describe events and list the names of Nazi victims, who will be recalled by current resident Gentiles and/or Jews who were evacuated. Prepare and take copies of these reports for each party mentioned in the preceding paragraph. Photos of family membersPartly due to Stalinist repression during the nineteen thirties and forties, when anyone with Western relatives was suspect, partly due to destruction during the Nazi occupation, and partly due to poverty, the local people suffer from a dearth of photographs and historical records. So prepare copies of family photographs, including photos of buildings, as well as individuals, who were from the towns and villages that you will visit. It can be useful to have photos of the same individual at different ages. The first immigrant (1901) to North America in my father's family as a young man looked just like a Ukraine-resident (2002) great nephew and as an elderly man resembled his brother, the great nephew's grandfather. Donate copies of these photos along with the maps, aerial photos, and NKVD reports to museums, schools and mayors' offices and of course to any family members that you meet. MemoirsBring typewritten copies of memoirs of people from the area that you will be visiting and leave them with the mayors. In larger towns someone will know English and in smaller towns some of the villagers will have relatives who know English. Many young Jews in Ukraine have no knowledge of their history and so rabbis will translate English language memoirs into local languages. The family photos and aerial photos and memoirs are also conveniently prepared as files on CDs. As of 2003, the mayors' offices in even small towns have desktop computers. Don't store digital files using proprietary formats. Use the generic RTF (Rich Text Format) for word processing files. and the generic tiff, jpeg or pdf (a proprietary but ubiquitous format) formats for photos. Excellent articles describing the 1921-23 and the 1933 Ukrainian famines are available via the web link I suggest taking and donating copies of these articles. GiftsI brought small plastic bottles of maple syrup. These were popular. Maple syrup is something that educated people had heard of but none had ever experienced. Also bring lots of postcards from your hometown. Jack Daniels and Johnny Walker go over well too. T-shirts with western logos (cities, universities) will be much appreciated as gifts by young people. I suggest NYPD and NYFD, for example. DictionaryMy guide, a native of Kiev, who now lives in Jerusalem, was fluent in Russian, Ukrainian, English and Hebrew. Because he doesn't live in an English-speaking milieu, he occasionally couldn't translate some less common word in Russian/Ukrainian into English. It would have been helpful to have at hand a small Russian-English dictionary. I suggest purchasing one at the arrival airport if not earlier. Business cardsTake lots of business cards to hand out. This is a big timesaver whenever you wish to give someone your address / telephone number / email address. Gift packagesPrepare beforehand the sets of aerial photos, maps, articles, memoirs, family photos and CDs that you intend to donate to each of various parties. When on the road it's a nuisance to have to sort though this stuff to prepare a set for someone. If some material, say ordinary family photos, is not of interest, say to an archive, they can always discard it after you have left. Also, prepare some extra sets of this material and keep one extra set with you, or readily available, at all times. In one case I went to an archive, that I had not planned attending, where a gift of maps would have been appreciated by the archivists. In another case, I met an elderly Ukrainian woman, who years ago knew some of my relatives, but by the time I met her I had exhausted my supply of family photos. I'm sure that viewing pictures of individuals she had last seen over seventy years ago would have prompted recollection of some anecdotes about these long deceased people. Videotaping and audio tapingI returned from my August 1999 trip to Ukraine with ten hours of video tape. Upon reviewing this tape I realized that I would do it differently next time and I pass along my advice.
Still photography
When you get to the villagesHere's a list of questions for gathering information about ancestors and other residents of towns. These were questions that generated useful information for me. I'm sure that there are other questions I haven't thought of.
For older people:
Some of these questions will raise painful issues for the people so be sensitive and back off as appropriate. ArchivesDonating relevant maps, aerial photos, memoirs, scholarly articles and even family photos will be appreciated by archives staff as they likely will not have seen this material. Glasnost has arrived at some archives. Go the archive in each city and tell the staff what interests you. They will refer you to the appropriate staff member who may ask you to come back in a few days after they have extracted files of interest to you. The possible necessity for making two trips to a given archive with several days between the visits should be considered when planning your trip. My first-hand experience with archives staff was pretty good. Hopefully, yours will be too.
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