Goldingen Births and Deaths 1854 and 1856
The Archives of Latvia have scanned all of their original vital records and made them available on-line. Registration is free but is mandatory; once you have registered you can go directly to the log-in page. The Jewish records include those for the towns
Several efforts are in progress to transcribe these records; Martha Lev-Zion has transcribed the birth and death records for Goldingen for the Courland Research Group. Unfortunately, the Jewish records of Goldingen, presently known as Kuldiga, are relatively sparse, with birth records being extant only for the years 1854 and 1856 and death records for 1854. The Goldingen records for the year 1854 were written in Hebrew/Yiddish, German and Russian whereas the records for 1856 were only in Hebrew/Yiddish and Russian.
The database is based primarily on the Hebrew/Yiddish records, which were then double-checked against the German and Russian records. The various language records sometimes contained information that was not included in one of the other languages. Where alternative versions of first names were contained in the records, they are noted in the "Comments" column, with the exception of obvious alternatives such as Jacob and Yankel, Rivka and Rebekka, or Moshe and Moses and the like.
The transliterated spelling of family names can be problematic. In general, they follow the German/Yiddish spelling where the sound "V" is written as a W [as in LEWINSOHN].
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