Some groups are nascent, some a bit more advanced. We strongly encourages members to join an existing shtetl group or to unite with people who share common ancestry to form a Grodno Shtetl Research Group for your town. Your cooperation with "neighbors" will help SIG help you. If no web page exists for your shtetl, the JewishGen ShtetLinks Directory coordinators are available to assist you in its creation. Editing, organization, and technical advice on how to add your own shtetl page is available at JewishGen KehilaLinks.
Drogichin | GO! | Coordinator | ||
Eisiskes | GO! | 54° 10' | 25° 00' | Coordinator |
Ivye | GO! | 53° 56' | 25° 46' | Coordinator |
Kobrin | GO! | 52° 13' | 24° 21' | Coordinator |
Lida | GO! | 53° 48' | 25° 18' | Coordinator |
Nowy Dwor | GO! | 53° 48' | 24° 34' | Coordinator |
Orliany/Orlowa | GO! | 53° 30' | 24° 34' | Coordinator |
Ostryna | GO! | 53° 44' | 24° 32' | Coordinator |
Pruzhany | GO! | 52° 33' | 24° 28' | Coordinator |
Radunj | GO! | 54° 03' | 25° 00' | Coordinator |
Rozhanka | GO! | 53° 32' | 24° 44' | Coordinator |
Ruzhany | GO! | 52° 52' | 24° 53' | Coordinator |
Slonim | GO! | 52° 52' | 24° 53' | Coordinator |
Stutchin | GO! | 53° 36' | 24° 45' | Coordinator |
Vasilishki | GO! | 53° 47' | 24° 51' | Coordinator |
Voronova | GO! | 54° 09' | 25° 19' | Coordinator |
Zabludow | GO! | 53° 01' | 23° 09' | Coordinator |
Zaludok/Orlova | GO! | 53° 36' | 24° 59' | Coordinator |
If you would like to join one of the above Shtetl Study Group, contact the Coordinator.
If you would like to coordinate a new Shtetl Study Group, let us know.
Researchers with ancestors from the same shtetl within Czarist Russian Grodno Guberniya and portions of territory formerly within Vilna Guberniya and later Grodno Guberniya, or land now in Grodno Oblast, can form a Grodno Shtetl Research Group. These research groups may pool financial as well as volunteer resources and efforts to obtain archival documents and other genealogical data from that town. The group may maintain its own family name research list. The group can share translation and translit eration efforts. Some groups may share the translation of entire yizkor books (subject to copyright restrictions). Some may share folklore or photographs. Travel and research experiences can benefit all. Because shared information about ancestor's social, political, cultural, and religious lives adds great dimension to genealogical study, Grodno Genealogy Group, Inc. encourages these shared efforts.
After formation of a Grodno Shtetl Research Group, resources from group members and GGG, Inc. can facilitate the purchase of specific records from various archival sources. Such source might include Grodno national and regional archives, Lithuanian national archives, or ZAGS archives. GGG, Inc. Board and the Research Groups will determine the manner for sharing the information.
Kahal records, conscription lists, revision lists (census), vital
records, tax records, Jewish community box tax and candle tax lists for
Vilna guberniya, guild and court records, property records, draft records,
internal passports, etc. for a particular town or shtetl are possible shared
research targets. (Not all of these types of records exist for any particular
town). Also, shared community history and lore can add great dimension
to genealogy.
Grodno and Grodno region political changes:
Compiled by Ellen Sadove Renck
HTML by Joanne Saltman
This data, along with all copyright and other rights therein, is and shall remain the original donor's and Ellen Sadove Renck. No right is granted for the resale of this material or its uploading to any electronic or computerized service for which a fee is charged other than a flat fee for access. However, a limited license is hereby granted to anyone accepting the terms of the license to make no more than 2 printed copies and no more than 4 electronic/cd copies of the work for genealogical purposes only, specifically excluding commercial or religious proselyting purposes, and specifically excluding the right to make derivative works without the prior written consent of Ellen Sadove Renck and further excluding all other rights not specified herein. In consideration for the limited license herein granted the copier, by making a copy of the listing, hereby agrees to be bound by and accepts the above conditions.
Updated by January 2001
Copyright © 1999 Ellen Sadove Renck