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Kassejowitz, Kasejowitz, Kasseyowitz
LOCATION: Kasejovice is a small
town in SW Bohemia, district Plzen-South, 53.7 miles SW of Prague.
Became a small town in the 14th century, a town in 1878.
See Map
by Mapquest.
HISTORY: There was a Jewish
family in Kasejovice in 1570, 4 families and a prayer room in 1618.
24 Jewish families are recorded in the mid-18th century, and 25 families
in the mid-19th century. By 1930, there were only 28 persons
of the Jewish faith.
Above is a sketch map of the former ghetto of Kasejovice showing synagogue
and cottages.
The ghetto was built in 1727.
The original ground plan is mostly preserved.
details, including family names, see The
Jews of Kasejovice.
Filip Bondy, rabbi, mid-19th century, first rabbi in Bohemia to preach
in Czech.

The synagogue was built in 1762 in the Rococo style, rebuilt in 1832.
Services were held until the 1920s, when the few remaining Jews merged
into the Horazdovice congregation. The synagogue has been renovated and
is now a museum of Jewish religious objects (which Kasejovice residents
claim were returned from Horazdovice) and local pottery and handicrafts.
CEMETERY: The cemetery was founded
most probably in 1704 and is considered quite notable for its Baroque and
Classicist tombstones from 1710. The cemetery picture below is from
Bohemian and Moravian Jewish Cemeteries (5).
following description is taken from the Czech
Republic section of the IAJGS Cemetery Project:
IAJGS Cemetery
Comm. no. CZCE000348
Location: 500 meters NNW of Catholic church. The German name was Kassejowitz.
It is in Bohemia-Plzen-jih (Pilsen-South) at 49 28 latitude and 13 44 longitude,
15 km. NNE of Horazdovice, 30 km SW of Pribram, and 48 km SE of Plzen.
Present town population: 1000-5000 with currently no Jewish population.
Town officials: Obecni urad, 335 44 Kasejovice, tel. 0185/952-19 or 951-00.
Regional political authorities: 1. Okresni urad-referat kultury, Radobycicka
14, 301-32 Plzen; 2. Zidovska nabozenska obec, Smetanovy sady 5, 301 37
Plzen, tel. 019/357-49; and 3. Pamatkovy ustav, Dominkanska 4/6, 301 00
Plzen, tel. 019/354-62 or 358-71. Also interested in site: 1. Statni zidovske
muzeum, Jachymova 3, 110 01 Praha 1, tel. 02/231-06-34 or 231-07-85 and
2. Okresni muzeum, 336 01 Blovice cp. 148, tel. 0185/157. The key is held
by caretaker: Karel Polanka, 335 44 Kasejovice cp. 108.
A prayer room was recorded before 1618. Jewish population in 1930 was 28.
Noteworthy historical events: ghetto constructed about 1727; peak Jewish
population in mid-19th century (about 230 people), later moving to big
towns; independent congregation abolished between 1922 and 1930. Noteworthy
individuals: Rabbis Shalomon (1651) and Jakub Lazar (1783). The cemetery
was probably established in 1704. The last known burial was before 1943.
The Jewish community was Conservative. Other towns and villages that used
this cemetery were Podhuri, 5 km away; Nepomuk, 11 km away, and Blatna,
11 km away. The cemetery is not land-marked.
The cemetery location is rural (agricultural), on a hillside and at the
crown of a hill, and isolated with no sign. The cemetery is reached by
turning directly off a public road. Access to the cemetery is open with
permission. The cemetery is surrounded by a continuous masonry wall and
a gate that locks.
Size of cemetery before and after WWII: 0.3086 hectares. 100-500 gravestones
are in cemetery, regardless of condition or position with 100-500 in original
location and 1-20 not in original locations. Less than 25% of surviving
stones toppled or broken. Some stones removed from the cemetery are in
(another) cemetery in Kasejovice. The oldest legible gravestone is from
1710. Tombstones in the cemetery are datable from the 18th, 19th, and 20th
centuries. The marble, granite, limestone, and sandstone tombstones and
memorial markers are flat shaped stones, finely smoothed and inscribed
stones, flat stones with carved relief decoration, double tombstones, and
multi-stone monuments, some with metal fences around graves, inscribed
in Hebrew, German, and/or Czech. The cemetery contains no known mass graves.
Within the limits of the cemetery, there is a pre-burial house.
The present owner of the property, used only for Jewish cemetery purposes,
is the Jewish community of Plzen. Properties adjacent to the cemetery are
agricultural and residential. The cemetery is visited occasionally by private
visitors. The cemetery was vandalized between 1945 and ten years ago but
not in the last 10 years. Past maintenance: re-erection of stones after
1971 and continual clearing of vegetation by local non-Jewish residents
and Jewish individuals abroad. Current care: occasional clearing or cleaning
by individuals and by a regular unpaid caretaker.
Weather erosion is a moderate threat. Name, address and telephone numbers
of persons completing this survey: 1. Dr. Peter Braun, Komenskeho 43, 323
13 Plzen, tel. 019/52-15-58; 2. Rudolf Lowy, Jesenicka 33, 323 23 Plzen,
tel. 019/52-06-84; and 3. Jiri Fiedler, Brdickova 1916, 155 00 Praha 5,
tel. 02/55-33-40 on 1 September 1992 using the following documentation:
1. Die Juden und Judengemeinden Bohmens...(1934); Jan Pelant: Mesta a mestecka
Zapadoceskeho kraje (1984); Jan Herman: Jewish Cemeteries in Bohemia and
Moravia (1980); V. Mentberger: Kasejovicti zide (manuscript); and notes
of Statni zidovske muzeum Praha.. The site was visited, on 26 May 1992,
by Braun and Lowy. K. Polanka in Kasejovice was interviewed.
1. The
Jews of Kasejovice, Translated by Ernest Stein, Edited by Robert
Kraus (1993).
2. Hugo Gold ed., Die
Juden und Judengemeinden Bohmens (1934).
3. Jiri Fiedler, Jewish
Sights of Bohemia and Moravia (1991), pp. 91-92.
4. International
Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies Cemetery Project, Czech
Republic, Kasejovice.
5. Petr
Ehl, Arno Parik, Jiri Fiedler,
Old Bohemian and Moravian Jewish Cemeteries
(1991), p. 41 (photo), 157-8 (text).
6. Mokotoff, Gary and Sallyann
Amdur Sack, Where Once We Walked: a guide to the Jewish communities
destroyed in the holocaust. Teaneck, NJ : Avotaynu, Inc., c1991.
7. Encyclopedia Judaica.
Buyer, Potomac, MD U.S. - descendant of Bayer (Samuel) and Feldman
families in Kasejovice
CONTRIBUTORS to this report:
Kraus, descendant of Ohrenstiel family in Kasejovice, editor of The
Jews of Kasejovice.
Schwager, descendant of Schwager family in Kasejovice.
Serfess, friend of Kasejovice.
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