The Rise and Fall of Zamosc
(Zamość, Poland)

50°43' / 23°15'

Translation of
Zamosc be-genona u-be-shivra

Edited by: M. Tamari

Published in Tel Aviv 1953

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Zamosc (1953)



This is a translation of Zamosc be-genona u-be-shivra (The rise and fall of Zamosc),
Edited by M. Tamari, Published in Former Residents of Zamosc in Israel, Tel Aviv 1953 (H, P 327 pages)

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

Introduction Yakov Na'aman (Neimark) 5
Historical Zamosc
Sephardic Jews in Zamosc Dr. Yakov Schatzki 11
A terrible story, 1727; The blood libel, 1870 Dr. Yakov Schatzki 74
Turning the worn-out pages of a document     * * * 76
The Jewish Labor Movement in Zamosc Chaim Spieseisen 78
The first demonstration in our town Chaim Spieseisen 80
Y. L. Peretz in the town of his birth Chaim Spieseisen 81
Between the Two World Wars
The events that happened Rachel Imri (Feigenberg) 85
Parliamentary question in the Polish Sejm (parliament)     * * * 88
The fateful Tuesday Yakov Na'aman (Neimark) 89
The days of the Petlura pogrom Tova Grosser 90
A sensational trial     * * * 91
A letter to Eretz Israel Y. N - K [Y. Na'aman] 93
The Holocaust
The beginning of the Holocaust Aharon Zviran 97
The bitter end of our community Yekutiel Zwielich 100
Deportation to Izbitza and the Majdanek death camp Yakov Schwartz 119
Zamosc Jews at forced labor (a song)     * * * 150
After Destruction
In the snare of delusions Mordechai Strigler 153
Without Jews Mordechai Shelem 165
Echoes of death     * * * 167
A remnant saved from the fire Frieda Frimer 168
“I Accuse” speech in Dachau Yakov Schwartz 170
At the trial of the Majdanek hangmen     * * * 172
In the shadow of disguise Rosa Rust 175
Smashed families I. M. Kersht 177
From the Valley of Death Esther Wachs 179
Dr. Rosenbush and her son Mordechai Mandelbaum 180
The fate of Aharon and Fishel Sara Schlafrok 181
With your tombstones they paved your streets Ben-Zion Tzanin 182
Unveiling the Memorial to the Zamosc Martyrs     * * * 184
A Window to Literature
Yitzhak Leib Peretz N. Sokolov 189
In Zamosc Y. Opatoshu 195
   * * * (poem) Yosef Tchessler 198
The clock ” ” 199
Authorities ” ” 201
The Song of the Wanderer (poems) Yosef Schwartz 204
Huberman playing S. Reichenstein 207
My Town (poems) Mordrchai Mandelbaum 211
R'Chaim Cheika 215
The Magid[1] of Dubno 215
R'Zvi Hirsch Zamosc 219
R'Moshe Epstein 220
Dr. Philip Lyubelski 221
Dr. Shlomo Ettinger 222
R'Moshe Yehoshua Heshel Wahl 224
Feivel Hakohen Geliebter 225
Feivel Schiffer 226
Bronish Huberman 226
Brish Margalit 226
Shabtay Hollesch 227
Yosef Altenberg 227
David Schiffman 228
Arie Leib Neimanovitz 228
The Silent One from Czortkow 229
Yitzhak Leibush Peretz 230
Dr. Yitzhak Geliebter 234
R'Mordechai Halevi Hurwitz (Sternfeld) 236
R'Yosef Shlomo Shabtay Hurwitz 237
Rosa Luxemburg 239
Yssachar Ber Felkinsohn 239
Avraham Gerson 240
Hirsh Handelsman 240
Shalom Weiner 241
Shlomo Reichenstein 244
Yona Scheffer 247
Institutions and Public Life
A Lament on Zamosc Chone Idelsberg 251
The Zionist Movement in Zamosc Yechiel Goldweg, Moshe Shelem 253
The Hebrew Movement in Zamosc Yechiel Goldweg 257
The Public Library before WWI Zvi Gevat 259
From the Modern Cheder to the library Chaim Spieseisen 260
The Peretz Library ” ”
The Peretz School ” ”
Library in the name of Dr. Ettinger Simcha Tzviran 263
“TOZ” in Zamosc Dr. Rosenbush-Spielglass 264
Scenery and Way of Life
In the footsteps of Y. L. Peretz B. Glasman 269
Mother of Shtetlach Yakov Na'aman (Neimark) 272
Types From “The New Town” Shlomo Schwartzberg 274
The Abuli Jews[2] Leib Goldgraber 276
Thousands of memorial lights; The Klezmer of Zamosc Zvi Gevat 279
A Town of Beauty Yekutiel Zwielich 280
Olim[3] and Fighters
The first pioneers Zvi Gevat 285
The training Farm “Avigdoria” Gita Akerman-Groser 287
Yochanan Morgenstern 289
Sheindl Hechtkopf 290
Yerachmiel Brandwein 290
Lea Baruch 291
Avraham Herz 291
Avraham Zvi Ehrlich (Hershke) 292
Eliezer Rosenman 293
Zev Fein 293
Israel Pelz 294
Amiram Oberfierst 294
Arie Adir 295
Pinkas Zamosc
Pinkas Chevra Kadisha [burial society register] and the Free-of-interest Loan Fund in Zamosc Efraim Kupfer 299
By-Laws 305
The “Bill-of-Rights” of the Zamosc Jews 320
Sources 323

Translator footnotes
  1. preacher Return
  2. “Abuli Jews” refers to the Jews living under the arcades of the buildinga around the old market place. Abul, or “Potchene” derives from the Polish expression Podcienia (passage) and means “under the shadow.” Return
  3. immigrants to Eretz Israel Return


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