Our town, Visotsk; Memorial Book
(Vysotsk, Ukraine)

51°44' / 26°39'

Translation of Ayaratenu Visotsk; sefer zikaron

Edited by: Arie Fialkov

Published in Haifa, 1963


Project Coordinator

David Fielker


This is a translation from: Ayaratenu Visotsk; sefer zikaron, Our town, Visotsk; Memorial Book,
ed. Urie Fialkov, Haifa, Association of former residents of Visotsk in Israel, 1963 (H,Y).

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Translated by Sara Mages


Title Page The Editorial Board 9
Map of Southern Polesie and Northern Wolyn/Volhynia Meir Egozi 11
Map of Vysotsk Meir Egozi 12
The History of Vysotsk
Vysotsk timeline A. Pialkov 13
The beginning of the town Encyclopedia entry 15
Vysotsk in 1901 Bonem Ableson 17
The Town – Life and Work
Our town Zahava Stofar-Zamir 19
The Jews of Vysotsk Chaim Aisenberg 21
The first awakening days Shlomo Rabinowitch 24
During the days of the pogroms Dov Taktz 27
Vysotsk, the town of my adolescence Yisrael Gutman 28
A little about “Chederim[1] and “Melamdim[2] Dov Taktz 46
The education in Polish Wolyn Shmuel Rozenhok 47
“Tarbut” School in our town Yaffa Gekelman-Anavi 49
The Karlin-Stolin Chassidut [3] Dr. Zev Rabinowitch 52
Kah Echsof (a Sabbath hymn)[4] Rebbe Aharon HaGadol (the great)of Karlin 54
The Rabbi's visit to the town Chava Aisenberg 55
The dynasty of the Berëzno Admorim [5] Rabbi Aharon Peczenik 55
The “Rabbi” from Berëzno Bela Lieberman-Smoket 58
In the pathways of those days… Arye Pialkov 59
My town Laka Luptin-Cohen 79
On the banks of the Horyn River Chaya Spiegel 79
With my immigration Sara Potroch-Morbanick 83
They were like these…. Zev Orman 85
People in my town Mordechai Loftah 88
A few memories Chava Aisenberg 90
How it was Destroyed…
“Song of the Murdered Jewish People” [Y] [6] Itzhak Katzenelson 91
How? Yehusua Rabinov 92
The destruction of Vysotsk Zev Yuniel (Yachnyuk) 93
During the Holocaust and the struggle to live Nisan Borovick 100
Events in the Vysotsk Ghetto Zev Shapir 110
During the days of horror and murder Gitel Pialkov 117
In Destruction and in Pain [Y] Gitel Pialkov 131
Our Families
In their memory Rivka Nafchan-Dan 156
My father's house Mina Zuliar-Rodberg 165
A memorial candle for my family Laka Luptin-Cohen 168
Father and Mother Dina Taktz Ilan 171
Our family in the town Leah Kortez-Baharb 173
At home and in the town Rivka Pialkov 175
A memorial for the members of our family Yisrael and Zalman Gutman 180
Memories from my father's house Shifra Shabtai Afori 182
The teacher Shochat Dina Taktz Ilan 184
My grandfather's house Rivka Potroch-Lichtigstein 186
My father's house Rivka Potroch-Lichtigstein 187
In memory of a branch of the “Nisilach” family Mordechai Loftah 189
In memory of my family R' Chaim Abelson 190
In memory of an old Rabbinic family Mordechai Loftah 191
The family of Chava and Yona Borovick Rivka Borovick-Eger 192
The family of Yakov Feldman Ester and Chana Feldman 194
The family of Binyamin Schneider Penina Schneider -Feffer 196
In memory of my mother Reuven Terger 197
Yona Asher Borovick Sara Borovick-Tesher 197
The family of Chaim and Chava Chazantzuk Tzvi, Ester and Malka Chazantzuk 198
R' Nisan son of R' Meir Loftah Avraham Chazantzuk 199
In memory of my father Avraham Chazantzuk 199
The Resnick family Rivka Nafchan-Dan 200
The Pickman and Winnich families Genya Shivek-Pickman 201
About the Vysotsk community that is gone Bar Leah 204
Our family in Malecz Eliezer Pearlstein 208
About the Missing in Israel
Michael Ben David (Gelman) Friends 210
Yitzchak Rizi Nachum, Chana. Z.P. 211
Moshe Nafchan Tzvi Goldstein 213
Chava Luptin   213
Rachel Kriweruczka-Maymon Shraga Maymon 214
Etel Wachs-Yakovi Yisrael 215
Chaim Perel His friends 216
Sara Loftah   216
Dov Lichtigstein Moshe Morbanick, Sara Potroch 217
Yitzchak Leib Taktz Dov Taktz, Dina 218
Stisya Borovick Yisrael Gutman 219
Leibel Borovick Chana Feldman-Lipchitz 219
Gershon Katzman Rivka Dan 220
We Will Remember
List of the Martyrs from Vysotsk and the surroundings   222
List of former residents of Vysotsk who died in Israel   225
List of former residents of Vysotsk who live in Israel   228
At the margin of the book   230
  1. Cheder: Room in Hebrew, a private religious elementary school for boys. Return
  2. Melamed: Teacher Return
  3. Chassidut: Movement within Judaism founded by the “Baal Shem Tov”. Return
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rm87WeQbdc Return
  5. ADMOR: Abbreviation for ADoneinu MOreinu Rabeinu- our master our teacher and our Rabbi. Title of a Hassidic spiritual leader. Return
  6. http://motlc.wiesenthal.com/site/pp.asp?c=ivKVLcMVIsG&b=476157 Return

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