Wolozin; the Book of the City
and of the Etz Hayyim Yeshiva

(Valozhyn, Belarus)

54°05' / 26°32'

Translation of
Wolozyn; sefer shel ha-ir-shel yeshivat “Ets Hayim”

Edited by: E. Leoni

Published in Tel-Aviv, 1970




Anita Frishman Gabbay


Emeritus Coordinator: Moshe Porat (Perlman) z”l


This is a translation from: Wolozyn; sefer shel ha-ir-shel yeshivat “Ets Hayim”;
Wolozin; the book of the city and of the Etz Hayyim Yeshiva.
Ed. E. Leoni. Tel-Aviv, former residents of Wolozin in Israel and the USA, 1970 (H,Y,E)

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Introductions 2
Volozhin Isser Yehuda Unterman, Chief Rabbi of Israel 3
The Power of Volozhin Rabbi Tsvi Neriya 7
The Book of Volozhin Eliezer Leoni (Ben David) 11
History of the Community of Volozhin Eliezer Leoni 19
Sources Regarding the History of the Jews in Volozhin Eliezer Leoni 66
The History of the Etz Hayim Yeshiva of Volozhin, and its Heads Eliezer Leoni 75
The Volozhiner Family Tree [Beit Harav] Eliezer Leoni 152
Among the Great “Ets Hayim” Yeshiva disciples Eliezer Leoni 160
Sources for the History of the Etz Hayim Yeshiva of Volozhin Eliezer Leoni 169
The Great Etz Hayim School of Volozhin Rabbi Shimon Langbort 188
The Yeshiva of Volozhin During the Period of the Gaon Rabbi Rafael Shapira Dr. Hirsh-Leib Gordon 197
About Rabbi Rafael Shapira   202
The Volozhin Scholars 203
Three Torah Pillars in Volozhin Eliezer Leoni 205
The Gaon Rabbi Hayim Hillel Fried Chaikel Lunsky of blessed memory 221
The Rabbi and Gaon Rabbi Rafael Shapira Yitzchak Rivkind 224
Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Shapiro Shimon Zak 230
Rabbi Meir Bar-Ilan (Berlin) Shimon Zak 233
The Home of Rabbi Shmuel Avigdor Derechinski (Memories and Impression) Yona Ben-Sasson 238
Conversations of the Sages Eliezer Leoni 246
Of Those Who Continued the Tradition of Volozhin 275
Of Those Who Continued the Tradition of Volozhin Eliezer Leoni 277
Mordechai Eliasberg- Publicist Eliezer Leoni 278
Zalman Epstein Eliezer Leoni 279
Moshe Mordechai Epstein Eliezer Leoni 281
Yehuda Leib Don-Yechia Eliezer Leoni 284
Alter Droyanow-Writer, “Book of Jewish Jokes” author Eliezer Leoni 285
Kalonymus Zeev Wissotzky Eliezer Leoni 288
Leib Yaffe - national poet Eliezer Leoni 289
Mordechai Gimpel Yaffe - among Ekron settlement founders (1883) Eliezer Leoni 292
Shmuel Mohilewer - among Ekron settlement founders (1883) Eliezer Leoni 294
Isser Zalman Meltzer (“Zunia Mirer”) Eliezer Leoni 298
Mordechai Nachmani - among Rehovot settlement founders (1902) Eliezer Leoni 300
Yitzchak Nissenbaum - “nezah Isroel' society's Chairman (1892-94) Eliezer Leoni 301
Yosef Zundel Salant - ascended Jerusalem (1837) Eliezer Leoni 302
Shmuel Salant Eliezer Leoni 303
Avraham Itskhok Hakohen Kook (the Raaya'h) Eliezer Leoni 305
Yitzchak Rivkind Eliezer Leoni 307
Yitzchak Yaakov Reines Eliezer Leoni 309
Sources Eliezer Leoni 312
A Bundle of Memories - prior to the First World War Osher Malkin 317
Inside Volozhin Avraham Halevy 330
The Volozhin Yeshiva and Town during the Time of Rabbi Raphael Schapiro Aharon Zvi Dudman-Dudayi 332
Looking back (Memories from the Time of First World War) Yehuda Chaim Kotler 333
The Flour Mill, Electricity and the First Movie House in Volozhin Michael Vand-Polack 336
Estate Owners in Volozhin Meir Shiff 338
Flour and Torah in Volozhin Chaim Zvi Potashnik 340
Market Days in Volozhin Israel Levinson 342
Volozhin during and after the First World War Reuven Rogovin 343
The Economic Situation in Volozhin Before the First World War Reuven Rogovin 345
Volozhin Memories Shoshana Nishri-Berkovich 365
I Shall Remember You, Volozhin Pesach Berman 370
The Volozhinka River Yaakov Kagan 381
Zabrezhe Moshe Eliyaswhkevitsh 382
Mijeyki (village) Barukh Tsivony (Farberman) 385
The Jozefpol Estate Benyamin Kutshevitski 386
Volozhin Stories Benyamin Shafir (Shishko) 388
The Zionist movement 392
Tzeirei Zion (Zion's Youth) in Volozhin Shlomo Bunimovich and Tzvi Rogovin 393
Hechalutz in Volozhin and its Activities Group of pioneers 396
Pioneering Hachshara in Yuzefpol Leah Nachshon-Shiff 405
The Hachshara group of Hechalutz Hamizrachi in Volozhin Ariye Charutz 405
Beitar in Volozhin Beitar members 410
On Hachshara in Volozhin Rachel Kna'any (Berman) 422
Keren Kayemet L' Israel (JNF) in Volozhin Binyamin Shapir (Shishko) 425
The Outlook of Rabbi Chaim Volozhin Regarding the Exile and the Redemption   428
Education and the Arts 430
The Tarbut School Group of graduates 431
Culture war in Volozhin Binyamin Shapir–Shishko 440
The Volozhin Kindergarten Miriam Levitan (Rosenberg) 443
The Library Fruma Guzman (Yuzefovitz) 445
Religious Education During the Thirties Menachem Mendel Potashnik 446
Polish schools in Volozhin Miryam Levitan (Rosbberg) 451
“The Sale of Joseph” show Reuven Rogovin 454
Plays that I Recall Fruma Twebner (Kivilevitch) 456
The Maccabee Basketball Team Reuven Rogovin 460
Figures & Types 463
Emissaries, Rabbis and Slaughterers Eliezer Leoni 465
Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Namiot (aka “Der Shaliver”) Benyamin Shafir (Shishko) 470
Rabbi Shmuel Fried Benyamin Shafir (Shishko) 471
My father, Rabbi Yehoshua Hacohen Kaplan Z”L Rabbi Meir Hacohen Kaplan 472
The Slaughterers of Valozhyn (Before the Second World War) Moshe Elishkevitsh 473
Rebbetzin Feyga Unterman Rabbi Israel Shapiro 474
Rayne Batya Berlin, (A granddaughter of Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin) Rabbi Bharuch Halevy Epstein Z”L 475
Batiya Miryam Berlin, born Epstein, the spouse of Hanaziv, Meyir Bar-Elan's mother By Meyir Berlin 476
My Grandmother Miryam Tova Berlin-Papish 479
The Cheder of Rabbi Betzalel the Melam Rachel Rogovin (Rubinstein) 482
Our Melamdim Reuven Rogovin 483
The Melamed and Teacher Reb Avraham Gorelik Reuven Rogovin 484
Rabbi Avraham Gorellick Reuven Rogovin 484
My father, the Melamed Rabbi Moshe Shlomo Volkovitz Mendl Volkovitz 485
Yaakov Lifshits Benyamin Shapir (Shishko) 486
Noach Perski Benyamin Shafir (Shishko) 487
Reb Eliyahu Yitzchak Shwarzberg One of his disciples 488
Abraham Berkovich Fruma Zitrin (Rogovin) 490
Yaakov (Yani) Garber Lea Baksht (Faygenboym) 492
Reb Isroel Lunin Shulamit Golovenchitz-Berger 493
My Grandfather Reb Menahem Mendl Potashnik Hayim Ashlagi 495
Doctor Avrum Zart Shoshana Nishri (Berkovitz) 496
Shneur Kivilevitsh Reuven Rogovin 498
Grand Father Rabbi Aharon Rapoport Miryam Levitan (Rosenberg) 500
Rabbi Avraham “Asher Yatzar” Yaakov Kagan 501
Rabbi Moshe Eliyahu Bunimovitz Rabbi Dov-Natan Brinker (Z”L) 502
Reb Shlomo Chasid (R' Shlomo Shepsnvol) David Kohen 505
Figures I knew Reuven Rogovin 506
R' Avraham Chaim Marshak Israel Ben Nahum (Goloventtsitz) 510
Grandmother Roche Reize Israel Ben Nahum (Goloventtsitz) 511
Patcholke - The Famous Hostel Owner A. Litvin 513
Dov Ber Kaplan Yehuda Chaim Kotler 515
A “Luft Gesheft” Story Benyamin Shafir (Shishko) 517
Mera Schnyder - “Merke Ela's” Dina & Lea Faygenboym 519
We shall remember them Benyamin Shafir (Shishko) 520
Volozhin in the Shadow of the Holocaust Bela Saliternik (Kramnik) 525
The Soviet regime Period 527
The Soviet Period Rachel & Reuven Rogovin 529
Volozhin Under the Soviet regime Mendl Goldshmit 532
During the Soviet Rule in our City Pnina Hayat (Potashnik) 533
The destruction of Volozhin Yosef Shvarzberg 535
Holocaust 539
“The German Thunder” The Editor 541
The Destruction of Volozhin Mendl Volkovitsh 542
Atrocities at the Extermination of the Jews of Volozhin Hesl Perski 546
The Big Slaughter Mendl Volkovitch 548
What I have seen with my eyes Pnina Hayat (Potashnik) 550
Pages about the Volozhin Holocaust Fruma Lifshits (Gapanovitsh) 554
From a Girl's Memoirs of the Holocaust Sonia Puter (Perski) 561
A Ballad About Shneur Kivelevitch Mendl Volkovitch 562
In the Ghetto and in the Forced Labor Camps Lyuba Volkovich (Girkus) 569
Franz Karl Hess - The Volozhin hangman From Soviet trial-Minsk 1946 576
In the Volozhin Ghetto and in revenge actions Yaakov Kagan 580
Nissan Perski's Death Simcha Rogovin of Kiryat-Haim 583
On the Path of Suffering Mendel Volkovich 584
Wandering and struggling Rachel & Reuven Rogovin 586
My life as partisan Hesl Perski 588
Partisans - Volozhiners who died in battle Hessl Perski 589
Our post war visiting Volozhin Rachel & Reuven Rogovin 592
Volozhin as I saw it in 1945 Moshe Eliyashkevitsh 593
“Yizkor” to the Flames Sara Sholomovitz (Rappaport) 595
Calendar Dates of the Second World War and the Holocaust in Volozhin E. Leoni 596
In Conclusion Binyamin Shapir 600
Yizkor - Remember 601
And These are the names of the Pure Holy Martyrs of Volozhin Eliezer Leoni 603
Dear Mother! Yehuda Khaim Kotler 604
Volozhin - Martyrs (1275 names) Editorial team 605
From One Generation to Another and to Eternity 617
Bar-Ilan University & it's President Professor Pinchas Churgin Eliezer Leoni 619
Kibbutz “Ein HaNatziv” Eli Avisar 624
Israel Rogozin Yitzhak Yaakobi 628
The Association of the Descendants of Volozhin in Israel Eliezer Leoni 630
Fallen Sons of Volozhin in Israel's War of Independence Editorial team 664
Benyamin Perah - Ind. War Editorial team 664
Hayim Perski- Ind. War Editorial team 665
Eliezer Rogovin - partisan, decorated as USSR Hero-Ind. War Editorial team 666
To Leyzer Rogovin's Memory Yaffa Abramovitsh 667
Expressions of Gratitude Binyamin Shapir (Shishku) 679
Volozhyners in America Dr. Avraham Yoblons 15
I remember Volozhin Irving Bunim 26
The Destruction of Volozhin Mendl Volkovitsh 30
Supplement to the Book of Volozhin
Volozhin Natives Who Perished in the Holocaust 3
Volozhin Natives who Died in the State of Israel, in Volozhin, and in the United States. 29
Supplementary material
(Not included the Yizkor book)
Volozhin at the end of the 20th century:
Volozhin 2000 - Map, legend, description
Ets Hayim Yeshiva - Kulinaria, Memorial plaque. Photos, description
First mass slaughter Memorial (Sport Stadium) - Photos, description
Second mass slaughter Memorial (2000 victims) - Photos, description
Third mass slaughter Memorial (Volozhinka Stream Bed) - Photos, description
The Ancient Cemetery - Schema, Legend (Yr. 2000)
The Ancient Cemetery - Sheep Pasture field - Photo's (Yr. 1988)
Volozhiners at the tombstones, photos (Yr. 1998)
Old tombstones-Gitl Bunimovitsh, Tsart, Sonia Perski -(1998 & 1988 photos)
Victims mass graves on the cemetery (1988 & 1998 photos)
Cemetery Memorials to the Volozhin congregation and to Rabbi Hayim Volozhiner
Volozhin Martyrs Memorial in Tel Aviv, Photos & Story (1980) 
Babushka Khaya's letter
Red Cross activity
Our Parents' Saw & Grist Mills - By M. Perlman
Volozhin Memorial inauguration, 1980
Jews who lived in predominantly gentile hamlets neighboring Volozhin
How did I survive - By Leyzer Meltser
The Zionist Movement
A look at the country's history
Childhood In Volozhin
List of martyrs in Cyrillic [From Volozhin - Martyrs (1275 names)]

See also Memory to Volozhin Region

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