Introduction to the List of
Nuremberg's Victims of Shoah

Gerhard Jochem
Nuremberg City Archives July 2002

The Jewish Community in Nuremberg 1850 – 1932

In the year 1850 Josef Kohn from the neighboring village of Markt Erlbach was allowed by the municipal authorities to settle down in Nuremberg. He became the first Jewish citizen of Nuremberg after a period of 350 years, when Jews were prohibited from becoming inhabitants of the previous independent imperial city, which in 1806 was incorporated into the Bavarian kingdom.

The Jewish community in Bavaria's second biggest city grew fast. The upswing caused by railroad and industrialization made it interesting for Jewish salesmen living in the rural regions of Upper and Central Franconia and Upper Palatine to move to the city. Within seven decades (1852 to 1922) the Jewish population multiplied from 87 to 10,100 (8,603 in 1931). In the same time the overall population of Nuremberg exploded from about 56,000 to 380,570 (41,170 in 1932). Jewish Nurembergers contributed a lot to the economic, scientific and cultural development of their hometown. Nuremberg's hop trade, primarily run by Jewish businessmen - in 1930 120 of 162 of the trade firms were owned by Jews - dominated the world market until the beginning of World War I. At that time the toys and household supplies produced by "Bing-Werke" and the bikes and motorcycles under the trade marks "Hercules" and "Viktoria" were known and sold worldwide. Jewish lawyers and physicians led in their professions, and Jewish philanthropists like Heinrich Berolzheimer and Ludwig von Gerngros sponsored educational and welfare institutions as well as fine arts and public buildings.

Discrimination, Expulsion, Murder: The Nazi Era in Nuremberg

The Jews in Nuremberg - earlier than others - learned what Nazism really meant. For the early twenties the notorious "Jew baiter" Julius Streicher, a substandard elementary school teacher and sexual psychopath, edited his unutterable anti-Semitic "Der Stürmer" in Nuremberg and inseminated dull hatred into the minds of his readers. The "Machtergreifung" in January 1933 finally gave him and his comrades the chance to realize their plans. Streicher was in charge of the boycott against Jewish shops on April 1st, 1933 in Germany. His political opponents were sent to Dachau, among them many Jewish social democrats and communists.

The culmination of the Nazi's anti-Semitic policy was marked by the "Nuremberg Laws," named after the city where they were promulgated and proclaimed to the public. These unlawful laws laid the foundation for the Holocaust.
The pogrom of "Kristallnacht" was only a prelude which in Nuremberg was more radical and cruel than anywhere else in Germany and cost the lives of 19 Jewish Nurembergers.

The Holocaust in Nuremberg

Prior to the beginning of the cynically so-called "Endlösung," 2,611 Jews still lived in Nuremberg. They were deported from here in seven transports:

The Memorial Book for Nuremberg's Victims of the Shoah

The following list was derived from a data bank at Nuremberg City Archives, started in 1997 and updated until today. By now it contains the names of Nuremberg's 2,374 (1,036 male, 1,338 female) victims of the Shoah. The following groups of individuals were included in the list:

The data base contains the following fields:

Surname (last name)
Given name (first names) (* marks "Rufname")
Maiden surname
Born (birth date)
Place of birth
Last residence (last known place of residence) (in Nuremberg with address)
Deported (date of deportation)
Deported from (place of deportation)
Deported to (destination of deportation)
Date of death
Place of death
Names are given in German using German vowel mutations ("Umlaute") and "scharfes S". In case of conversion problems with these special characters see the following list:

ä = ae
ö = oe
ü = ue
ß = ss
Due to its length the list cannot give any details about the degree of relationship between the victims. If you have further information on these people or want to order the Memorial Book (published in 1998) and the Supplemental Volume (published in 2002; both volumes contain a total of 1326 portrait photos) please contact:

Stadt Nürnberg, Stadtarchiv, Forschungsschwerpunkt Jüdische Geschichte, 90317 Nürnberg, Germany, phone (0049-911) 231-2770/-2771, fax (0049-911) 231-4091, email: Error processing SSI file


Nuremberg City Archives want to acknowledge gratefully the substantial support by the following individuals and institutions in the Memorial Book project:

Dr. J. Adler Mrs. Rita Lenkway
Mrs. Inge Albrecht Dr. Martha Lev-Zion
Mrs. Lisl Appel Mrs. Nomi and Mr. Elazar Loeb
Mrs. Rosi Baczewski Mrs. Margot Lölhöffel
Mr. Rudi Bamber Mrs. Marga Loewenstein
Mr. Walter Bamberger-Bancroft Mrs. Shulamit Lombroso
Mr. Martin Becker Mr. Ernest Lorch
Mr. Ludwig C. Berlin Mr. Ernest Lowenstein
Dr. Michael Bernet Mrs. Doris Mandel
Mrs. Gisela Blume Mr. Martin Mayer
Mrs. Veronika Breuer Mrs. Victoria Mayer
Mrs. Judit and Mr. Meir Brom Mrs. and Mr. Meinhardt
Mr. Kurt L. Buchner Mrs. Grete Meinstein
Mr. Ernest Buehler Mr. Peter Merzbacher
Mr. Timo Bullemer Prof. Mendel Metzger
Mr. L. Cohn Mrs. Elizabeth Miller
Mrs. Annette Dahms Mr. Norman Miller
Dr. Stephen A. Daniel Mrs. Irene L. Nahon
Mrs. Luise David Mrs. Bella and Mr. Herman Neudorf
Mr. Christof Eberstadt Mrs. Hilde Neugass
Mrs. Ruth S. Eilenberg Mr. Jerry Nothmann
Mrs. Ilse Erlanger Mrs. Ruth Oppenheim
Mrs. Irma Falk and Mr. J. Falk Mr. Paul Oppenheimer
Mr. Jakob Feuchtwanger Mr. Walter Philipp
Mrs. Marianne Flack Mrs. Irmgard Pinto
Mrs. Tilla Freegard Dr. Edith Prößl
Dr. William C. Freund Mr. Dominik Radlmaier
Prof. em. Arnold Friedmann Mr. Steven C. Rafael
Mrs. Dora Friedmann Mr. Albert Reinhard
Mr. Gunther Friedrich Mr. Harold Reissner
Mrs. Uta Fronhöfer Mrs. Susanne Juliane Rieger
Mr. Walter Gebhardt Mrs. Rößner
Mr. Moshe Gelernter Mrs. Bertha Rosenscher
Mr. Willie Glaser Mr. Jacob Rosenthal
Mrs. Miriam and Mr. Jakob Goldberger Mr. Hans Ross
Mrs. Anne Marie Goldenberg Mrs. Adriana Rottenberg-Hirsch
Mr. H. Goldsmith Mrs. Jenny Salzer
Mrs. Schlomit Goldwein Mr. David Schneebalg
Mrs. Judith and Mr. Alfred Gorski Mr. Michael Schneeberger
Mr. Werner L. Gruber Mr. Shlomo Schönthal
Mr. Ernst Gutmann Mrs. Brigitte Schuck
Mrs. Inge Hack Mrs. Diana Schulle
Mr. Hans M. Hammelbacher Mrs. Lea Schwarz
Mr. Frank Harris Prof. Dr. Meier Schwarz
Mr. Walter L Hecht Mrs. Isabel Schwed de Schuftan
Mr. Daniel Heiman Mrs. Marianne Seidenberger
Mrs. Ruth K. Heiman Mrs. Margot Sekkel
Mrs. Barbara Helbraun Mr. Joel Shiftan
Mrs. Anne E. Herrmann Mr. Oded Shorer
Mrs. Hilde Hines Prof. em. Kurt E. Shuler
Mr. Sigmund Hinlein Mrs. Susan Sinclair
Mr. Peter Hirschmann Mr. Francis Spear
Mr. Henry Hirshman Mrs. Ida Sonnenblick
Mrs. Irma Hochhauser Mrs. Cecilie Spiegel
Mrs. Ethel and Mr. Fred Hoffmann Mrs. Ilse Sponsel
Mr. Simon Holzer Mrs. Ruth Steinhof
Mrs. Alice and Mr. Gary K. Holzmann Mrs. Esther Stern
Mr. Ekkehard Hübschmann Mr. Peter Stern
Mr. Carlo Jahn Mrs. Miriam Sticher-Levi
Mrs. Luzie Jochem Mr. Richard G. Stern
Mrs. Lea Kach Mrs. Inge Strauss
Mr. Hans Kahn Mrs. Maria and Mr. William Thurnauer
Mrs. Rita and Mr. Everett Kaplan Mrs. Monique Thyes
Dr. Leo Katz Mrs. Charlotte Thyes
Mrs. Ruth Katz-Cohen Mr. Perez Tura
Mrs. Anni Katzenstein Mrs. Michaela Uhde
Mr. and Mrs. Kellermann Mrs. Eva Ullmann
Mr. Kurt Kellermann Mrs. Ilse Unger
Mr. Uri Kellermann Mrs. Lore and Mr. Helmut de Vries
Mr. Albert Kimmelstiel Mr. Reuben Wasserman
Mrs. Edith Kirschbaum Mrs. J. E. Weissbraun
Mrs. Beate Klarsfeld Mr. Eric Yondorf
Mr. Herbert Kolb Mr. Hans-Werner Ziemer
Mr. Ernst O. Krakenberger Mr. Leo Zuckermann
Mrs. Hanna Kühnlein Mrs. Betty Wild
Mrs. Margaret Lamm Mr. Norbert Wild
Mr. Peter Landé Mrs. Bella Zvi
Mr. Rick Landman  


Amberg, Staatsarchiv
Amsterdam, Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie
Aschaffenburg, Stadt- und Stiftsarchiv
Aue, Kreisarchiv Aue-Schwarzenberg
Augsburg, Stadtarchiv
Auschwitz, Staatliches Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau
Bamberg, Stadtarchiv
Bayreuth, Stadtarchiv
Berlin, Bundesarchiv
Berlin, Centrum Judaicum
Berlin, Landesarchiv
Bonn, Botschaft der Republik Lettland
Bonn, Stadtarchiv
Boppard, Stadtverwaltung
Braunschweig, Stadtarchiv
Brüssel, Union des Dèportès Juifs en Belgique
Crimmitschau, Stadtverwaltung
Dachau, KZ-Gedenkstätte
Darmstadt, Stadtarchiv
Düsseldorf, Stadtarchiv
Eberswalde, Kreisarchiv Barnim
Eisenach, Stadtarchiv
Erfurt, Stadtarchiv
Erlangen, Amt für Einwohnermeldewesen
Erlangen, Stadtarchiv
Essen, Stadtarchiv
Fürth, Stadtarchiv, Dr. Helmut Richter
Fulda, Stadtarchiv
Gailingen, Bürgermeisteramt
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Marktarchiv
Göttingen, Stadtarchiv
Hagen, Stadtarchiv
Hamburg, Archiv der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
Hannover, Stadtarchiv
Heilbronn, Hoerner-Bank
Heilbronn, Stadtarchiv
Höxter, Stadtarchiv
Houston (USA), JewishGen, Inc.
Jerusalem, Yad Vashem
Kaiserslautern, Stadtarchiv
Koblenz, Landeshauptarchiv
Koblenz, Stadtarchiv
Köln, NS-Dokumentationszentrum
Leipzig, Staatsarchiv
Lublin, Staatliches Museum Majdanek, Director Mr. Edward Balawejder
Luckenwalde, Kreisarchiv Teltow-Fläming
Mainz, Stadtarchiv
Mannheim, Stadtarchiv
Meiningen, Stadtarchiv
Memmingen, Stadtarchiv
München, Archiv der Oberdeutschen Provinz der Gesellschaft Jesu
München, Institut für Zeitgeschichte
München, Staatsarchiv
München, Stadtarchiv
Niederstetten, Stadtverwaltung
Nürnberg, Amt für Internationale Beziehungen
Nürnberg, Kost-Pochersche Stiftung
Nürnberg, Staatsarchiv
Pau, Archives dÈpartementales des Pyrènèes-Atlantiques, Director Mr. Jacques Staes
Pforzheim, Stadtarchiv
Plauen, Stadtarchiv
Prag, Staatliches Zentralarchiv
Rathenow, Archiv des Kreises Havelland
Regensburg, Stadtarchiv
Rentwertshausen, Verwaltungsgemeinschaft "Grabfeld"
Riga, Zentrales Historisches Archiv der Lettischen Republik
Rosenheim, Stadtarchiv
Rothenburg o.d.T., Stadtarchiv
Saarbrücken, Stadtarchiv
Schwäbisch Hall, Stadt- und Hospitalarchiv
Schweinfurt, Stadtarchiv
Schwelm, Stadtarchiv
Siegen, Stadtarchiv
Stuttgart, Stadtarchiv
Ulm, Stadtarchiv
Warschau, Hauptkommission zur Erforschung der Verbrechen gegen das polnische Volk - Institut Gedächtnis des Volkes
Washington D.C., United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Mr. Vadim Altskan
Werneck, Fachkrankenhaus für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Wien, Stadt- und Landesarchiv
Wiesbaden, Stadtarchiv
Würzburg, Staatsarchiv
Würzburg, Stadtarchiv
Wuppertal, Stadtarchiv

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Nuremberg's Victims of Shoah will never be forgotten.


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