Jewish Music in Poland
between the World Wars

Translation of
Muzika Yehudit B'Polin Bein Shtei Milchamot Haolam

Written by Issachar Fater


Project Coordinator

Ada Holtzman z”l

This is a translation from: Muzika Yehudit B'Polin Bein Shtei Milchamot Haolam
(Jewish Music in Poland between the World Wars), Written by Issachar Fater, Tel Aviv, 1992 (Hebrew)

This material is made available by JewishGen, Inc. and the Yizkor Book Project for the purpose of
fulfilling our mission of disseminating information about the Holocaust and destroyed Jewish communities.
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JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.

Hakkibutz Hameuchad,
Tel Aviv, 1992 (Hebrew)
ISBN 965-02-0060-6

The book was written originally and published in Yiddish:
Fater, Issachar: Yiddishe Muzik in Poiln: Tzvishn Beide Velt-Milkhamos
Jewish Music in Poland Between the Two World Wars. Tel Aviv,
Welt-Federatzie fun Poilishe Yidn, 1970

The book was also translated to Polish and published recently in Poland:
Fater Issachar: “Muzyka Zydowska w Polsce w Okresie Miedzywojennym”
Oficyna Wydawnicza
Warszawa 1997
ISBN 83-86678-51-8
Book is available at the JHI in Warszawa: (among others):
The Jewish Historical Institute in Poland
ul. Tlomackie 3/5
Tel: 22/8279221
Fax: 22/8278372


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In the Gates of Singing: Dov Sadan 7
A Dream and a Memory: Emanuel Amiran (Fugaczow) 10
The Jewish Music in Poland Between the Two World Wars 12
David Eisenstadt 21
Maricia (Miriam) Eisenstadt 33
David Bajgelman 39
Abram Mosze Bernsztein 48
Mordechai Gebirtig (Bertig) 59
Henryk Gold 76
Bronislaw Gimpel 80
Jakob Glatstein 86
Israel Glatstein 95
Jakob Gersztein 101
Abram Cwi Dawidowicz 108
Bronislaw Huberman 117
Icchak Zaks 130
Rabbi Szaul Jedidia Elazar Taub 138
Gerszon Sirota 142
Abram Slajep 149
Israel Faiwiszis 156
Yosef Kaminski 165
Chanoch (Henech) Kon 173
Menachem Kipnis 182
Arturo Rubinsztein 189
Icchak Szlosberg 197
M. Szneur 205
Zygmunt Lederman – Lednicki 206
Pinchas Szerman 216
“We Shall Tear up the Chains, We Shall Break the Fences” Jewish Music in the Holocaust 222
Jewish Musicians in Poland - the Lexicon 235
Ber Bagon 244
Stanisław Bodensztajn 244
Chaim Bodensztajn 244
Icchak Bakman 245
Szymon Bakman 245
Abraham Beigelman 247
Chaim Beigelman 247
Chanan Beigelman 248
Szymon Beigelman 248
Stanisław Belzacki 251
Pola Braun 252
Zdizsław Gotlib 253
Israel Yehoszua Gelbert 260
Jakob (Kuba) Weissman 278
Sam Weinroth 278
Josef Tropfe
Zimra Zeligfeld 283
Henryk Lebendiger 291
Leon Mitelsbach 297
Fred Melodysta 298
Henryk Messing 299
Mieczysław Messing 299
Felicja Messing 300
Roman Messing 300
Cwi Naparstek 300
Leon Pomeraniec 304
Stanisław Petersburski 305
Samuel Icchak Fater 308
Issachar Fater 309
Lola Folman 311
Grzegorz Fitelberg 312
Arkadi Flato 315
Mieczyslaw Mosze Fliderbaum 315
Herman Kumok 324
Fred Szer 343
Leo Zeitlin 364
List of Biographies

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Ada Holtzman z”l
This web page created by Max Heffler

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Updated 29 Sep 2015 by LA

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