Mir Memorial Book

53°27' / 26°28'

Translation from
Sefer Mir

Edited by: N. Blumenthal

Published by the “Encyclopedia of the Diaspora” in Jerusalem, 1962



Project Coordinator

Reeva Jacobson Kimble

Our sincere appreciation to Israel Shifron, chairman, Mir landsmanschaft,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.


This is a translation from: Sefer Mir (Memorial book of Mir),
Editors: N. Blumenthal, Jerusalem, The Encyclopedia of the Jewish Diaspora, 1962 (H,Y,E, 768 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Mir

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English Section

13   Introduction
17   Mir - the City of the Torah by M. Tiktinski
27   Personalities in Israel and Overseas originating from Mir by Natan Gardi
33   Mir - before the destruction by Simha Reznik
41   The German Occupation and Liquidation of Mir by Miriam Swirnowski-Lieder

Hebrew Section

29   History of the Jews of Mir / Dr. N. M. Gelber
45   Rabbis of the Mir Congregation / M. Sinovitz
          1 - Moshe
          2 - Tzvi Hirsch HaCohen Rappaport
           3 - Shlomo Zalman Mirkes
          4 - Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Eizenstadt
          5 - The “Gaon” Yosef David Eizenstadt
          6 - Rabbi Moshe Avraham Eizenstadt
          7 - Rabbi Chaim Zalman Bressler
          8 - The “Gaon” Yom Tov Lipman (R. Lipa)
          9 - The “Gaon” Ba'al Hadar
75   The “Gaon” Elihu Baruch Kamai / HaRov Ruben Gollick
77   Avraham Tzvi Kamai / HaRov Elchanan Soritzkin
83   The community of Mir during the “Council of Lands” period/ H. Berlis
99   History of the Mir Yeshiva / M. Sinowitz
115   The “Gaon” Chaim Yehuda Leib Tiktinski / Moshe Tiktinski
119   Memories of the Mir Yeshiva / L. Mendelstam, HaRov Tzvi Hirsch Masliyonski, & A. R. Mashvitzki
123   Yerucham Livovitz, HaMasgiah of the Yeshiva / M. Sinovitz
127   Yerucham Livovitz / N. Gordai
131   Scholars in Mir / Tiktinski
Memories From The Past
137   Yeshua Zuchovitzer / Yitzhak Zuchovitzky
143   When the Grandfather Left / Zalman Rubashov (Shazar)
151   The Defense of Mir / Y. Shmulevitz
155   The Geniuses & Honor of Mir / Chanoch Rakovitz
163   Bread for the Poor / M. Tiktinski
Between The Two Wars
169   My city Mir / Simcha Resnick
185   In my city of Mir / Tzvi Packer
197   A walk in Mir's streets / Bruria Rettner Rosenblum
203   Material merchants / Bruria Rettner Rosenblum
209   Sofer / S. Resnick
213   The Jewish Elementary School / S. Resnick
227   The Library / Moshe Ravni (Postvoski)
233   The Library Comes Back to Town / Nisan Gardi (Garvadzitski)
235   Pioneers / S. Resnick
253   The Chevra Kadisha (Burial Society) / S. Resnick
Persons And Periods
265   Mir Chapters / Zalman Shazar
283   People of Note in Mir / Y. Yoselevitz
          Elihu Baruch Kamai
          Akiva Goldberg
          Zeev Yoselevitz
289   From the days I lived in Mir / Aryeh Leib Schwartz
291   Characters / S. Margolin
          1- The Talmud Torah
          2 - The genius from Minsk
          3 - “G'milot Chesed” [loan society]
          4 - Yaacov Abaranok
297   The Youth / S. Resnick
          Chaim Shmukler
          Nachum Elihu Kogon
          Eliezer Gorodner
          Pinkus Resnick
          Avraham Kastrovitzki
          Avraham Piezitzner
305   Establishments With People & Tzedekah / M Tiktinski
The Holocaust
313   Osvald Rufeisen / S. Resnick, M. R'uveiny
329   Resistance of the Jews of Mir / Dov Resnick
          Osvald Ruteisen
347   Children of the Partisans / S. Resnick
355   The Destruction of Mir / Zalman Leib Hoffman
359   Trees on the Edge of the Pits / S. Resnick
People Of Mir In Israel And Other Countries
365   People of Mir in the Building of Israel / N. Avir
379   Alexander Manor / Zalman Shazar
Men of Mir
385   Moshe R'uveiny
389   ”Hashomer Hatzair”/ Moshe Kraynowitz
393   Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer / R Tzvi Yehuda Meltzer
401   Three generations / Alexander Manor
415   The Shachor home / Zalman Shachor
419   Yishaya Tiktinski / M. Tiktinski
421   Yishaya Tiktinski / Sonia Shvirif
423   Men of Mir in the Hagannah
425   Men of Mir amongst the Partisans
429   Shlomo Meiman / M. Sinovitz
433   Rabbis of Mir / M. Sinovitz
          Avraham Yaakov Lesser
          Yaakov Meir son of Avraham Dov Ber HaCohen
          Baruch Zandel Margolin
          Yaakov Eskolsky
          Israel Isaacson
          Aryeh Leib Zeev from Vilna
          Israel Yaakov of Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Hirsch
          Gershon Tanchum
          Shemai Yelyad Mir
          Ephraim Zalman Halevi Slutzky
          Ezra Altshuler
          Yaakov Yoselevski
          Yosef David Shahar
          Meir Shahar
          Herschel Eliasberg

Yiddish Section

Translated by Yocheved Klausner

Mir of Old Times
449   History of the Jews of Mir / Dr. N. M. Gelber
465   My town Mir / Noach Mishkowski
475   The Yeshiva / Yosef Rolnik
483   Three Libraries / Yosef Rolnik
487   In our town / Yosef Rolnik
  The “right”
  A plundered house
  Beating up the “Pristav”
  Beating up a teacher
  The Shilhoyf [“Synagogue courtyard”]
497   A town of birth / M. I. Chaimowitz
503   The burned up synagogue / G. Tcharni
507   Mir - at the end of the 19th century / Mania Rubashov-Iskalski
509   The “gang”
513   The first fire / Menashe Tzinkin
515   Long ago in Mir / Alte Slotzki-Famertchik
521   The first secular Jewish school / Noach Mishkowski
525   A Shavuot-Holiday night at the Yeshiva / Chaim Semiatitzki
529   From American Universities in the Polish Yeshivas
533   The Mir Jewish Elementary School 1917-1939 / Mendel Tabatchnik
541   Unzer Kinder Velt [Our Children's World] / The story of our Journal
        How I caught a dove / M. Kaminer
        Spring / A. Shmiklen
        Spring / Chaia Yoselewitz
        Free as a bird / Rachel Kaminer
        Motele and Kotele
545   The Mir Drama Club / Mendel Tabatchnik
555   Mendel Tabatchnik / Simcha Reznik
559   Memories from long ago / Mania Schwarz (Miriam Slutzki)
563   Types and personalities / Mendel Tabatchnik
        Reizl Yakov Meyers (Yoselewitz)
        Djame Yoselewitz
        Yosef Mazurewitz (Leib Bers)
        Chaim Djuck and Moshe'l Ginsburg
573   Yashe the Melamed [teacher] / M. Tzinkin
Destruction and Heroism
581   During the years 1939 – 1941 / Miriam Svirnovski (Maryasha Lieder)
587   Memories of the German Occupation / Esther Krynicki – Gorodejski – Berkowitcz
601   Endured in Fear / M. Lieder-Svirnovski
607   In the Jewish Quarter / M. Lieder-Swirnovski
611   The First Major Shechita (Massacre) 9 November 1941 / M. Lieder-Swirnovski
617   The Miracle of the Seventh Chanuka Candle / M. Lieder-Swirnovski
619   A pancake for a hungry person / M. Lieder-Swirnovski
621   After the first destruction / Alte Salutzki
627   The last day in the Ghetto / Devora Rakowitz-Ressel
631   The battle against the Germans / Beretchke Reznik
645   From the life of the partisans / Shimon Kagan
647   We say farewell to the graves / Devora Rakowitz-Ressel
651   The Yahrzeit [memorial day] of Mir
653   A poem by an unknown poet in the camp / H. Leivik
655   Al Chet [For these sins] / Yudel Peker
657   The Yizkor [memorial] box / Beruria Rosenblum Ratner
659   In memory of our beloved who perished / Feigel Shmushkewitz
661   In memory of the pure souls / Yehuda Shkliar
The War in our Country
669   Rivka Liess / I. Baratz; I. Neter; Chayuta; Yehoshua Manoach
675   David Liess; Michael Liess / Rivka Liess
677   Moshe Shmukler / Binyamin Gurewitz
679   Menachem Shany
679   Zvi Schuster / Ida; Avraham Z.; Arie Bauer
In Memory of the Missing
685   Moshe Kaminer / S. Reznik
685   Herschl Pernokov / Beretchke Reznik
687   Yosef Kaplan / Zviya Peker
689   Yosef Kaplan / Shoshana Ben Yehuda
689   Shlomo Itzkowitz / M. Reuveni (Postovski)
Mir Landsleit Organizations
697   Association of Mir Olim [immigrants] in Israel / S. Margolin
699   Our American friend / M. Swirnovski-Lieder
701   Z. L. Hoffman / Nissan Gardi
705   The Mir Aid Association in Buenos Aires / M. Levandovski
725   List of martyrs

Members of the Book and Editorial Committees:

M. Tiktinski, S. Reznik, Natan Gardi, M Reuweni, Nissan Gardi, Sh. Margolin, Bruria Rosenblum,
Elieser Breslin, Dov Resnik (Berechke), M Kreinowitz, Moshe Yorshan.


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Contact person for this translation Reeva Jacobson Kimble
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