To Survive and Tell
(Lipcani, Moldova)

48°16' / 26°48'

Translation of Lisrod U-lesaper

Written by: Shalom Eitan

Privately published in Israel, 1998, Hebrew


Project Coordinator and Translator

Shalom Eitan z”l

This is a translation from: Lisrod U-lesaper (Survive and Tell),
Author: Shalom Eitan, privately published in Israel, 1998, Hebrew.

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My family and I, an eleven year old child, had often, in adversity, faced the danger of death by hunger, disease or even murdered. The dreadful events caused us to vow that at least one of us must "Survive and Tell!"

We all survived and now following fifty years in Israel, I decided before it is too late to tell the story as I remember it.

The book in its English version covers the period from my birth until the graduation and promotion to Second Lieutenant at the IDF Artillery School in December 1950.

It begins in Lipcani, a shtetl in Bessarabia, continues with the soviet occupation, the German invasion, the pogrom in Boian and the beginning of wandering, deportations, Ghetto Chernowitz, Ghetto Moghilev, return to Boian, runaway to Rumania, illegal emigration, detention in Cyprus and fighter in the war of independence. The content of the book is wholly based on my memory, my personal experience and impressions of the various events, but since I was listening to to stories told by my parents and siblings I may have been influenced by them as well, but I cannot differentiate them from my own memories.

I have written and personally distributed to my family and friends a Hebrew version which is more comprehensive and covers my 32 years of military service retiring as Colonel in April 1980.

Shalom Eitan
Survive and Tell
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