Memorial Book; Dedicated to the Jews of Linsk, Istrik and Vicinity
Who Perished in the Holocaust in the Years 1939-1944
(Lesko, Poland)

49°27' / 22°19'

Translation of
Sefer yizkor; mukdash le-yehudei ha-ayarot she-nispu ba-shoa be-shanim 1939-44,
Linsk, Istrik, Beligrod, Litovisk veha-sevivah

Editors: Natan Mark, Shimon Friedlander

Published in Tel Aviv 1965

This is a translation of: Sefer yizkor; mukdash le-yehudei ha-ayarot she-nispu ba-shoa be-shanim 1939-44, Linsk, Istrik, Beligrod, Litovisk veha-sevivah
(Memorial book; dedicated to the Jews of Linsk, Istrik and vicinity who perished in the Holocaust in the years 1939-1944),
Editors: Natan Mark, Shimon Friedlander, Published: Tel Aviv 1965 (H, Y 516 pages)

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

The Comforter is Far from us [Lamentations, 1:16) Natan Mark V
Menachem Aldobi, his Character and Personality Zvi Aldobi VI
Menachem Aldobi, his Character and Personality Avraham Aldobi IX
Introduction Shimon Friedlander 3
The Landscape and History of the (Jewish) Town Shimon Friedlander 4
The Cultural and Educational Situation Shimon Friedlander 13
The Students of the Bet-Midrash (Memories) Natan Mark 23
There Once Was a Town, and It Is Not Any More Yeshayahu Tahkemoni 27
The Economic and Sanitary Situation, and the Living Conditions Shimon Friedlander 43
Hasidism in the Shtetl (Memories from Youth) Shimon Friedlander 47
The Shabbath in the Shtetl Shimon Friedlander 50
The Houses of Prayer in the Shtetl Shimon Friedlander 55
The Committee of the Shtetl, its function and activity Shimon Friedlander 60
The Soul of the Shtetl Shimon Friedlander 65
The Establishment of the Zionist Association and its Development Shimon Friedlander 68
A Memorial Shemaryahu Lerner 85
Memories Sima Friedlander 88
The Urgent Task Shemaryahu Lerner 90
The Teacher from Brody Natan Mark 92
Memories Shlomo Meizels 94
From dizzying heights … Shemaryahu Lerner 100
Memories Meir Hoenig 104
The Emigrant from the Holy Land (The Story of One Family) Shemaryahu Lerner 110
My Town Lesko Pepe Ravid-Klugman 112
From the bowl of tears to the cup of sorrow Shemaryahu Lerner 116
Linsk (Lasko), my Town Zvi Fleischer 118
The Situation of the Jews of Linsk under the Russian Occupation Shimon Friedlander 120
Jewish Life in the Shtetl Shimon Friedlander 122
Memories from the Time of Youth Shimon Friedlander 127
My Shtetl Linsk Shimon Friedlander 129
The Great Fire in Linsk in 1886 Shimon Friedlander 132
Memories from Youth, the High Holy Days Shimon Friedlander 139
Memories from the Year 1908 Shimon Friedlander 141
Friendship Shimon Friedlander 148
Sukot Holiday in the Shtetl Shimon Friedlander 150
The Jewish Soul of the Shtetl Shimon Friedlander 159
Happy Events in the Shtetl Shimon Friedlander 161
Curiosities and Tales from the Shtetl Shimon Friedlander 166
R'Shaye Berish, the First “Revolutionary” Shimon Friedlander 169
Disturbed Holidays Shimon Friedlander 172
Making a Living in Linsk Nachum Weinberger 174
A Glimpse Backward, to My Dear Linsk Chana Tey-Wittman 176
Remembering the Linsk “Provocation” Zvi Diehm 178
The Appeal of the “Committee for the Preservation of the Torah” in 1937   179
An Epilogue Shimon Friedlander 182
A Look at the Situation of the Jews of Linsk at the Time of the Russian Occupation Shimon Friedlander 184
Hebrew And Yiddish
Isterik, Our Place of Birth Eliezar Barzilai 188
Isterik Matityahu Mendel 191
Memories Tuvia Lewis 199
Memories from Isterik [Y] Tzvi Teller 206
Anecdotes which are remembered – (memories from Isterik) [Y] Wolf Reiss 211
From the Time of the First Nazi Occupation Avraham Tchapnik 219
The First Nazi Invasion [Y] Avraham Tchapnik 221
My Shtetl Baligród David Kessler 225
My Experiences in Life [Y] Menachem Breier 229
My Shtetl [Y] Lipa Grumet 243
Memories from my Shtetl Moshe Barzilay 248
My Shtetele [Y] Avraham'tche Segal 254
My Town Litowisk Zeev Segal 260
Litowisk, the Town where I was Born [Y] Aharon Segal 263
R'Asher Lemel Dov b'Yakov, the Holy Man From Rupinka Efraim Aldobi 273
The Jewish Way of Life in the Village Meir Aldoby 276
The Village Serendice [Y] Aharon Segal 286
The Life of the Jews in the village Ester Markh 291
Three Village Weddings [Y] Nathan Mark 293
Part II, Memorial to Those Who Perished in the Holocaust   300
Levi and his Wife Iris from the village of Sukowate Tell their Story   301
The Tragic Experience of Levi and Lea Iris [Y]   305
I lived and I Have Seen Menachem Drori 311
What I have Seen and Experienced [Y] Menachem Drori 322
What I went through and how I was Saved Chana Drori 337
What I went through and how I was Saved [Y] Chana Drori 339
Remember what Amalek did to you Rachel Lerner 344
Remember what Amalek did to you [Y] Rachel Lerner 346
The one who Survived Elimelech Segal 349
The one who Survived [Y] Elimelech Segal 354
A Diary [Y] Hinda Schwartz, May God Avenge Her Blood 360
A Diary Hinda Schwartz 372
A Last Letter from Asher Schwartz Asher Schwartz May God Avenge His Blood 381
A Last Letter from Asher Schwartz [Y] Asher Schwartz 382
The Young Jewish Martyrs from a Small Shtetl [Y]   384
About the Holocaust. I Remember these Things and I Weep (a eulogy at a Memorial Assembly) Moshe Dukler 386
Yitgadal [Kadish] Baruch Lieber 388
We Were Six Friends Sima Friedlander 388
We Were Six Friends [Y] Sima Friedlander 392
The Matzeva [tombstone] of the Rabbi R'Mendele [Y] Shimon Friedlander 396
The Matzeva [tombstone] of the Rabbi R'Mendele Shimon Friedlander 397
White Doves [Y] Nathan Mark 399
Khitsche Leib Y. Tahki 400
List of residents from "Libai" that died in Israel   401
Memorial and Photographs   402
Linsk Grandchildren who have Fallen in the War of Independence   429
Literary compositions
R'Berish the Tinsmith Nathan Mark 423
Atar Di Be Yehdun [The place to be joyous - from a song of the festive Sabbath Meal] Nathan Mark 426
A Tale of a Stubborn Horse Nathan Mark 432
Memorial to a Friend Shimon Friedlander 436
Found Again [Y] Shimon Friedlander 439
A Twist of Fate [Y] Shimon Friedlander 448
In Lieu of an Epilogue Nathan Mark 466
List of Martyrs from the Shtetls of Linsk [Lesko] and photographs
    List of Martyrs from Lesko
    List of Martyrs from Ustrzyki Dolne
    List of Martyrs from Baligród
    List of Martyrs from Lutowiska
    List of Martyrs from Villages in the District of Linsk who died in the Holocaust during the years 1939-1944
Typesetter's Comments   513

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