Translation of
Yidn in Letland
Edited by: Mendel Bobe
Published in Tel Aviv 1972
This is a translation from Yidn in Letland (Latvian Jewry),
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Latvia (1972)
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the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Foreword | 9 |
The Development of the Baltic Region | 13 |
The geo-political situation | |
The Livonian Order | |
The social structure of the Livonian Order | |
The collapse of the Order | |
Political Changes in the Latvian Region | 16 |
The geographical sections of Latvia | |
The legal situation of the Jews | |
Courland | 18 |
The residence of the Courland Bishops | |
Magnus of Holstein, the King of Livonia | |
The situation in the Pilten region during the Polish period | |
Jews in the Courland Dukedom | |
Conflict of interests among the various sections of the population concerning the Jewish immigration | |
The Jewish part in the Monarchy income | |
Deportation and other punishment for illegal residence | |
Protection tax for the right to reside in Courland | |
Concessions for craftsmen | |
Duke Johann von Biran | |
The opposition of the local merchants to the Jewish merchants' petition | |
The dark period of Duke Carol; the return of Duke Biran | |
The polemic concerning the Jewish Problem | |
The Jews in Mitau | |
The liquidation of the Courland Dukedom | |
Lipland - Riga | 32 |
The social structure of the Riga residents | |
Commerce-tax for Jews; the ghetto-like Jewish Quarter in town | |
Riga under Russian rule | |
The deportation in 1742 | |
Jewish Achievements during the Rule of Katerina II | 38 |
Jewish mediators in the colonization of New-Russia | |
Protection-Jews in Riga | |
The Jewish Community in Riga and its Elders | |
Legal citizens of the summer-resort Schlock | |
The growth of the Jewish settlement in Riga - its organization between 1813-1822 | |
Courland and Lipland - Riga under Russian Rule | 46 |
The number of Jews in Courland; their economic situation | |
The legal conditions of Courland Jews | |
Decision of the Senate | |
The proposition of the Mitau Jews | |
Rights granted to the Courland Jews in 1799 | |
The Pale of Settlement law of 1804 and its consequences | |
The 1835 Law | |
The interpretation of the 1835 Law in Riga | |
The six-year struggle of the Riga Jews for their rights | |
Latgale | 55 |
The history of Latgale | |
Jewish immigration to Latgale | |
The number of Jews in Latgale in the 18th century | |
The Period of Czar Russia | 57 |
Historic overview of the development of the Jewish settlement in Russia until the 18th century | |
The epoch of Katerina II (1762-1796) | |
The Pale of Settlement | |
Jews in the villages of the Pale | |
Double taxes | |
Special tax payments | |
Tax payments in Riga | |
Changes in the taxing laws; introducing light-tax | |
Unique tax laws in Riga and Courland | |
The social attitude toward the general tax and light-tax | |
Jewish army service during the reign of Nikolai I | |
Liquidation of the communities | |
Elimination of the Jews from civil, military and other government branches | |
On the Threshold of the Twentieth Century | 67 |
Political and economical changes during the reign of Alexander II (1855-1881) | |
Change in the attitude toward Jews | |
Increase in the number of the Jewish population; their contribution to the economic development of the Baltic region | |
The community in Riga; the main branches of Jewish economic activity | |
The reactionist tendencies in the 1880s; their consequences concerning Jewish rights of residence in Riga and Courland | |
The number of Jews in Latgale and their professions | |
The Cultural Situation of Jews in Courland, Riga and Latgale | 75 |
Cultural situation of the Courland Jews | |
Traditional life in Courland; the Lithuanian influence | |
The Courland type of Latvian Judaism | |
The Jews in Riga; the influence of the German culture | |
The Jews from the Pale of Settlement | |
Religious life in Riga | |
Cultural and Social Institutions | |
Cultural and religious life in Latgale | |
Political and National Movements | 89 |
The social and revolutionary movement in Russia | |
Pogrom instigation against Jews | |
Emigration | |
The Zionist movements | |
Latvian Jews in the Hovevei Zion movement | |
First settlement in Hadera | |
Latvian Jews in the Zionist movement | |
Tze'irei Zion | |
The Bund in Latvia | |
The 1905 Revolution | |
The beginning of the Zionist-Socialist idea | |
The underlying theoretical principles of the Zionist socialism | |
The Zionist-Socialist parties | |
Pogroms and self-defense | |
The Struggle for Equal Rights; Jewish Representatives from Courland in the Duma; The 1909 Kovno Conference | 109 |
Association of Jewish Equal Rights | |
Jewish Representatives from Courland in the four Duma"s | |
The 1909 Kovno Conference | |
The First World War | 114 |
The attitude toward Jews at the beginning of the war | |
The deportation of the Courland Jews | |
The Aid Committee in Riga | |
The Guarantee-Jews | |
Latvia under German occupation; the attitude toward the Jews | |
The Era of Independent Democratic Latvia (1918-1934) | |
The first Years of Independent Latvia | 123 |
The significance of the Era for the Jews | |
The proclamation of Independent Latvia | |
The struggle against foreign powers | |
Jews in the Latvian War of Liberation | |
The Latvian rule | |
Parties and political power-relationships in the Sejm (Parliament) | |
Minorities in Latvia | |
The number of Jews during and after the war-years | |
The distribution between towns and villages | |
Social and Political Activity in Independent Latvia | 131 |
Construction work; The Central Committee of the communities and thr JOINT | |
The Jewish Press in Latvia | |
The Hechalutz movement in Latvia | |
Sports Associations | |
Jews in the Judicial Institutons of the Country | |
The collaboration between the Jewish Representatives; the attempt to establish a council | |
Specific Jewish problems in the Sejm | |
Economic and Cultural Life in Independent Latvia | 166 |
Active and passive Jews in the economical activity in the country | |
Jews in the economic life in Latvia | |
Jewish banking institutions | |
Jewish Credit-Cooperatives | |
The cultural autonomy | |
The Era of Decline | 183 |
The Fourth Sejm | |
The Concentration Camp in Liboy | |
Changes in the economic and cultural life | |
Soviet bases in Latvia | |
The Soviet annexation | |
Arrests and evacuation on the eve of the German-Soviet War | |
The Destruction | 194 |
The flow of refugees during Hitler's invasion of the USSR | |
The annihilation methods of the Einsatz-Gruppen | |
Latvian collaboration with the Einsatz-Gruppen | |
Latvia as part of Ostland | |
The local Latvian administration | |
General regulations concerning the loss of rights | |
The ghetto in Liboy; the Courland province | |
The ghetto in Dvinsk; The small towns in Latgale | |
The great ghetto in Riga | |
The Aktzia"s from November 30th to December 9th 1941 (10-19 Kislev) | |
The little ghetto | |
The arrival of German Jews to the Riga ghetto | |
The ghetto of the Reichs-Juden [Jews from Germany] | |
The internal organization of the Riga ghetto | |
Religious-cultural life; the relationship between the two ghettos | |
The resistance movement in the Riga ghetto | |
The Reichs-Juden at the head of the ghetto | |
The underground movement; the final collapse | |
The liquidation of the Riga ghetto | |
Concentration camps | |
Keiserwald concentration camp | |
Evacuation to Germany | |
The trial of the war-criminals | |
Janis Lipke and his helpers | |
The sad sum-total | |
The Jewish-Soviet Era | 237 |
Riga Jews after WWII; overview of the Jewish-Soviet Era | |
Jews in the Working-Guard - and in the Latvia Division | |
Jewish partisans | |
The flight | |
The development of the Jewish settlement in Riga after the war | |
The expansion of the city and the Jewish community | |
National movement among the Riga Jewry | |
Soviet conduct toward Zionism | |
Jews in the USSR before World War Two | |
Anti-Semitism during WWII; the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee | |
After-War-Years in Russia | |
The era of snow-melting | |
The renewed Reaction and its consequences in the Jewish sector | |
The Struggle for National Right | 255 |
The Jewish situation during the revolutionary years and the Soviet regime | |
National-cultural activity of Riga Jews in the years 1957-1962 | |
The active powers in the revival of the Riga Jews | |
The activity in Romboli - a symbol of Jewish revival in Latvia | |
Aliya to Israel after the Six-Days-War | |
The Leningrad trials | |
The Bruxelles Conference | |
The Delegation to Moscow (March 1976) | |
The press-conference that did not take place | |
New repressions, new restrictions | |
People and Facts | 283 |
Bibliography | 355 |
Index | 358 |
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