Book of Krasnik
(Kraśnik, Poland)

50°55' / 22°14'

Translation of
Sefer Krasnik

Edited by: David Shtokfish

Published in Israel, 1973



Project Coordinator

Danny Shiff


This is a translation of Sefer Krasnik (Book of Krasnik), Editors: David Shtokfish,
Tel Aviv, Krasnik Societies in Israel and the Diaspora, 1973 (H,Y, 673 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Krasnik

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Translated by Jerrold Landau and Gloria Berkenstat Freund

Forward (H) Shmuel Goldner 8
Foreword (Y – copy of Hebrew on page 8) Shmuel Goldner 10
My Shtetl Krasnik (Y) Meir Zylberberg 12
A. In the Distant Past    
Krasnik in Historical Sources (H)   15
Krasnik in Historical Sources (Y – copy of Hebrew on page 15)   17
Jewish Life in Krasnik from the 16thto the 19th Century (Y) Janina Morgensztern 20
B. Between the Two World Wars    
How Can I Forget Thee, My Town? (H) Yitzchak Buchbinder of blessed memory 125
We Wished to Change the Face of the City (H) Uri Shlomo 126
The Religious Zionist Movement (H) Shmuel Goldner 128
Poale Zion in Krasnik (H) M. Roshgold, Sh. Kimchi, Yehudit Gelbard 129
The Activities of Agudas Yisroel and Tzeirei Agudas Yisroel (H) Menachem Beck 131
A Hassidic Story from Krasnik (H) Rabbi Zion 134
The Dybbuk from Krasnik (H) Avraham Gothelf 135
Episodes from Krasnik (H) Fishel Ciesla (Efraim Charash) 138
From the Krasnik Way in the Years 1914-1920 (Y) Rosa Palatnik 140
Why I Became a Krasniker (Y) Hershl Weller 158
The Great Flood (Y) D. Kleinbaum-Grosman 161
Memories and Images from the Town (Y) Eli Perlson 162
The Reason for Emigrating (Y) Ezriel Rochman 165
Memories of My Old Home and of the New Land (Y) Bela Lederfein 165
About Communal Life (Y) Meir Zylberberg 170
About Religious Life (Y) Shmuel Brand 174
Our Shtetele (Y) Rabbi Yakov Moshe Frajberg 177
Our Parents Write a Torah Scroll (Y) Elka Klajnman 179
The Completion of the Torah Scroll – the Greatest Celebration (Y) Shlomo Sztajnbok 183
Khederim, Melamdim, Beis-haMedrash (Y) Shmuel Goldner 186
The Yavneh School (Y) Yakov Ander (Ender) 192
Thus Did We Work for Zionism (Y) Nakhum Roznel 194
About Gordonia – with Love and Longing (Y) Ruchl Murmiski-Bek 196
Gordonia in Krasnik (Y) Yitzhak Goren 198
The Beginning of the Professional Union (Y) Jack Goldbaum 201
Memories of Bund and Tzukunft (Y) Zelig (George) Gorfinkel 203
Communal Life in Krasnik – in the Light of the Press (Y) Y. Sheiner 207
Krasnik – a City Full of Life (H) Shimon Chalamish 214
The Revisionist Zionist Movement (H) Yaakov Ender 215
The Beis Yaakov Girls' School (H) Esther Steinberg (Mendeleil) 217
The Annals of our Town Krasnik (H) Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Freiburg 219
C. The Holocaust and Resistance    
Thus Was a Jewish Town Cut Down (H) Chaim-Meir Beck 225
Budzyń (H) Daniel Freiburg 233
Jews in Krasnik during the Years of the Hitlerist Occupation (Y) T. Brustyn-Bernstein 293
Under the German Regime (Y) Sholem Goren 317
“Yedn Dos Zeine” [“Each his Own”] (Y) Yakov Aryeh Ender 332
How Krasnik was Left Without Jews (Y) Motl Brafman 351
The Fate of a Krasnik Family Chana Perowoska 366
Experiences of a Fourteen Year Old Boy (Y) Yakov Cukert 368
Saving Myself with my Year Old Son (Y) Chava Perlson (Erlichster) 370
Horrors from Hell (Y) Nisan Zaltz 371
The Story of Yehezkeil Brotman and Yakov Ender (Y)   373
My Living Hell (Y) Hersh Zuckerman 377
Helping Others and Saving Myself (Y) Yitzhak Lamhot 381
With Krasnik Jews in Bodzyn (Y) Zev Friedheim 393
In Hiding, Camps, and “Death Marches” (Y) Yehoshua Hochrad 396
Memoirs from a Dark Era (Y) Shmuel Brand 411
In Seven Camps In Three Years (Y) Yitzhak Koptan 421
Escaping from the Death March (Y) Avraham Leichter 424
I Was Twelve Years Old at the Time (Y) Yeheil Teper 428
There Also Was Resistance (Y) Yitzhak Rozenbusz 431
With the Partisans in the Lublin Region (Y) Tzvi Broner 434
Fighting in the Partisan Ranks (Y) Zalman Lederfejn 437
Partisans and Resistors (Y) Feiga Berger-Twardogora 438
We Waited for the Partisans (Y) Yehoshua Twardogora 438
Escaping from the “Evacuation March” (Y) Pinkhas Stein 442
We Were Liberated on August 22, 1944 (Y) Yakov Erlich 444
An Inscription on the Mass Grave (Y) Sonya and Chaim Erlich 446
List of Confiscated Jewish Houses in Krasnik   448
The Participation of Krasnik Jews in the Partisan Resistance Movement (Y) Jacques Farber 451
I Was a Victim of Two World Wars (Y) Leibche Tafel 460
Some Experiences of the Resistance (Y) Henry Weller 463
In Drancy and in the “Free Zone” (Y) George (Yosl) Lederfejn 466
How Cheitl Flam (Lederfejn) was Shot (Y) Max Zylberberg 470
Five Years in German Captivity (Y) George (Zelig) Gorfinkel 471
Krasniker Martyrs in France Who Were Murdered During the Deportations   485
D. Personalities    
Reb Mordechai Ben Yakar of holy blessed memory (H) Yitzchak Buchbinder 489
The Torbiner Rebbe of holy blessed memory (Y) Shmuel Brand 489
The Last Moments of the Krasnik Rabbi (Y) Nakhum Rozengel 490
The Holy Admor Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh Freiburg of holy blessed memory (H) Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Freiburg 490
Reb Yitzchak Buchbinder of blessed memory (H) Shmuel Goldner 491
My Father Reb Mordechai Buchbinder may G-d avenge his blood (H) Azriel Buchbinder 491
From Our Personalities (Y) Shmuel Goldner 492
Hershele Treger (Y) Shmuel Brand 499
In Memory of Yisrael ben Chaim Ender may G-d avenge his blood (Y) Dov Goldstein 500
Reb Nechemia Steingus (H) L. and Ch. Druckman (Steingus), Elimelech and Rachel Livneh (Steingus) 501
Chemyele Ciesler of blessed memory (H) Fishel Czelser (Efraim Charash) 501
Reb Alter Moshe Malka's (Alter Reuven Azriel Zisberg) may G-d avenge his blood (H) Shlomo Gelbard 502
Leibel Brafman of blessed memory (H) Sh. G. 503
In Memory of Shalom Winer (Y) Ruchl Murmiski 503
From the Personalities of the Shtetl (Y) Avraham Brauer 504
My Home and Family (Y) Hela Gutlerner-Furstman 505
My Four Teachers (Y) Yitzhak Buchbnder 506
My Grandfather Hirsh-Leib Grinapel (Y) Mordechai Shapiro 507
My Father Yakov Gorfinkel (Y) Zelig (George) Gorfinkel 508
In Memory of my Grandparents (Y) Yitzhak Lamhut 510
My Grandfather and Parents (Y) Bela Weis (Nordman) 510
The Writer Roza Palatnik (From the book “Collected Stories”) (Y)   511
Innkeeper in Krasnik (H) Yisrael Yaakov 512
Yankl Yanover from Krasnik (Y) Sholom Aleichem 514
E. Memorial Candle    
List of Martyrs   545
The First Seventeen Victims in Krasnik   559
In Memoriam (H and Y)   562
In Memory of the Heroes of Krasnik in Occupied France (H) / In Memory of the Heroic Fighters in France (Y)   563
Our townspeople who fell in the defense of our Jewish Homeland (mainly H, some Y)   565
Memorial Notices (H and Y)   569
F. Krasnikers in Israel and the Diaspora    
From the Town of Krasnik to “Heichal Krasnik” in Tel Aviv (H) Asher Avigdor (Sambor) 613
Dates and Events in Activities of the Organization of Krasnik Natives (H)   617
From the Town of Krasnik to “Heichal Krasnik” in Tel Aviv (Y copy of H on page 613) Asher Avigdor (Sambor) 619
The Krasnik Landsleit Organization in the Land of Israel from 1942-1959 (Y) Ruchl Murmiski 623
Important Dates and Events in the Lives of the Krasnik Landsmanschaft in Israel (Y)   627
The Spirit of the Martyrs Will Always Be With Us (Y) Shmuel Goldner 630
The “Friends of Krasnik” Society in Paris (Y) Jack Weintraub, Berl Zeifman 633
With Krasnik Jews in Paris (Y) David Stockfish 642
Krasnikers in America (Y) Shlomo Zelinger 646
My First Days in the Society and Later Achievements (Y) Moshe Freiman 651
A Survey of Krasnik Relief (Y)   652
Compliments for the Krasnikers in America (Y) Shmuel Goldner 655
Krasnikers in Rio, Brazil (Y) Shlomo Steinbok 657
Krasnikers in Brazil (Y) Eli Perlson 665
List of Survivors (Krasnik, 1944)   667
Krasniker in Various Armies   671


The Beis Midrash in Krasnik that was abandoned by the last Jews in the town


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