Kowel; Testimony and Memorial Book
of Our Destroyed Community
(Kovel, Ukraine)

51°13' / 24°43'

Translation of
Kowel; sefer edut ve-zikaron le-kehilatenu she-ala aleha ha-koret

Edited by: Eliezer Leoni-Zopperfin

Published in Tel Aviv 1957



Project Coordinator

Bruce Drake


Our sincere appreciation to the Israeli Organization of the Jews of Kovel and its Surroundings
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Kowel; sefer edut ve-zikaron le-kehilatenu she-ala aleha ha-koret
(Kowel; testimony and memorial book of our destroyed community), ed. Eliezer Leoni-Zopperfin, Tel Aviv 1957

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Kowel

Purchase details for a printed copy of this book can be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ybip/YBIP_Kovel.html

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Table of Contents translated by Amy Samin

The Holy and the Pure: God Will Avenge Their Blood Devorah GOLDHABER 3
The People of the Book Zvi RESNICK 5
Testimony for the Generations Eliezer LEONI 7
The Early Days of the City - Its Character and Essence
A History of the Jews of Kovel Dr. Rephael MAHLER 13
In the Shadow of the City's Early Days Eliezer LEONI 30
The Character of Kovel Yaacov TEITELKAR 36
About Kovel and Its Jews L. HAZAN 40
The Inhabitants of Kovel Baruch BORK 43
Memories, Folklore and Way of Life
Sketches of Sights and Characters Yosef ARICHA 47
In the Cycles of the City Dr. Reuven BEN-SHEM 63
About Kovel, City of My Birth Rabbi Dr. Michael GREIBER 73
Kovel Moshe FISHMAN 85
Memories of a Hebrew Teacher in Kovel Yaacov KOBRINSKI 88
These I Will Remember… Itzhak MARGALIT 92
In Memory of Our City, Kovel Hertzl GOLDBERG 95
From the Recent and Distant Past Moshe BATAR 96
The Kovel Forest Yaacov TEITELKAR 98
Kovel during the First World War Baruch BARROK 102
Memories of the Bund in Our City Yehuda MILLER 109
Folklore 115
Education, Literature and Theater
From the Poorly Educated to the Hebrew Gymnasia Eliezer LEONI 127
Talmud-Torah Yaakov TEITLEKER 160
Jewish Educational Institutions Dr. Mordechai LEIBERSON 165
Founding of the Primary Schools and the Hebrew Gymnasia A.M. WEISBROT 169
Herzliah School and Tarbut Gymnasia Tzvi TANNENBAUM 172
About the Kindergartens of Kovel Chaya HOTMAN (BECKER) 174
The Hebrew Kindergarten of Kovel Hava SEHR-WERBA 176
The Jewish-Polish Gymnasia Dr. Yaacov HASIS 179
The Poet Kalman Liss L. ELITZAKI 184
Kalman Ben-Zion Liss Esther LISS-CHAIM 191
Kovl (Kovel) (poem) Kalman LISS 193
Yona Rosenfeld Yohanan TWERSKI 198
Yosef Avrekh Yaacov TEITELKAR 208
From the Writings of Yosef Avrekh 211
Kalman Gutenboim, z”l Yitzhak OGEN 213
Prominence Yosef AVREKH 216
In Memory of Yosef Borak, Z” L Yaacov KOBRINSKY 220
About the Kovel Voice and Its Editor S. BAMA 222
The Art of Theater in Our City Yaacov TEITELKAR 224
The Mission of the Habimah Studio in Kovel and its Goal S. KALONIMUS 234
Torah and Hasidism
Images of Torah Scholars Yekhezkel GOLDBERG 239
The Center for Torah Study Named for Shlomo Projenski, z”l Rabbi Shmuel-Yosef WERBA 246
The Great Synagogue, Its Cantors and Poets Yitzhak WALDMAN 249
The Elder of Neskhiz and His Descendants Eliezer LEONI 252
The Zionist Movement and Zionist Youth Movements
Dawn of the Zionist Movement in Town Eliezer LEONI 259
Zionist Activity Before the Balfour Declaration Avraham–Meir WEISBROT 267
The Poaley Zion Movement in Kovel Aharon WERBA 275
From the Dawn of the Hechalutz in Kovel Shlomo Heri, Moshe Weisbrot & Shamai FRANKPOVITCH 280
The Halutz in Kovel Aharon WERBA 282
The First Training Division in Kovel Yitzhak MARGALIT 286
About The Halutz During Its Low Point David PERLMUTTER 289
The Scouts Organization in Kovel Eliezer (Lusia) HODOROV 290
History Of The Scouts Movement In Kovel Eliyahu MENDEL 294
Hashomer Hatzair Aharon LEVY, Mordechai BLORIE 298
Some Thoughts on the Hashomer Hatzair Club Mordechai MELAMED 307
From the Seniors Group to the Hashomer Hatzair Club David PERLMUTTER 311
Hachalutz Hatzair Aryeh RABINER 314
Institutions, Movements and Organizations
Municipal Institutions A.M. WEISBROT 325
On the Taz Institution in Kovel Sonia MARGALIT 326
The Orphanage Yaacov TEITELKAR 333
The Ort School Baruch BORK 342
Medical Institutions and the Physicians of Kovel Dr. Mordechai LEIBERSON 344
The Founding of Bikur Cholim and the New Hospital Eliezer LEONI 347
The Lives of Kovel's Laborers Mordechai HINIZON 349
The Clubhouse Named For Y.L. Peretz A. DOARI (POTCHTER) 350
Righteous Lodging Yaacov TEITELKAR 352
Institutions, Groups and Gathering Places Meir ROSENBLATT 355
The Orphanage From Within M. OLITZKI 360
The Founding of the ORT School and Its Development Avraham GALAZ 363
The Carpenters Association Hertz LEVIN 365
The Home for the Aged in Kovel Meir ROSENBLATT 368
On the Eve of the Holocaust
A Sketch of the City of Kovel Yehoshua (Shaike) GOLDSTEIN 373
The Last Meeting Baruch AVIVI 374
Kovel – My Home Meir BEN-MICHAEL 375
My Trip to Kovel in the Year 1939 Dr. Y. GLICKSMAN 381
Anusim” on the Eve of the Holocaust Yaacov KOBRINSKI 383
Jewish Life in Kovel Under The Soviet Rule Yehoshua FRANKFORT 384
Under Soviet rule, in captivity and return to Kovel Monia GALPERIN 391
The Refugees' Kitchen Zalman PORAN (PROSSMAN) 396
Kindergartens in Kovel under the Soviet Regime Freida ROSENBLATT-BUCHWALD 397
The Crumbling of the Economic and Cultural Systems Leuba GALMAN-GOLDBERG 401
The Destruction of Kovel
Cry For Mourning Rabbi Yehuda, son of Kalonymus 407
Woe for this Beauty that is Rotting in the Earth Eliezer LEONO-TZUFRIFIN 408
Thus the City was Destroyed Ben–Zion SHER 411
The Entrance of the Germans into the City Dora ROPHE-GOODIS 442
As an Aryan in the Kovel Ghetto Ephraim FISHMAN 446
In the Jaws of Death Asher PERES 449
I Lived With Mentey Aharon WEINER 453
The Gleanings of Genocide Sima PANTORIN-REICHSTOL 459
Thanks to a Righteous Woman in Sodom Sarah BRONSHTEYN-GEVERTZMAN 462
In the Maw of the Lion Rivka SHTERN-GOLDSHTEYN 464
My Escape from the Ghetto Lola FRIEDMAN-INGBER 469
I Struggled With Death… Sima PANTORIN-REICHSTOL 472
How was I saved from Destruction? Miriam GOLDSTEIN 478
Kovel in Its Destruction
Glorified and Sanctified Yaacov TEITLEKER 483
The Bells Rang Pinhas DRORI 484
Writings on the Wall Shlomo PERLMUTTER 485
Notes in Hebrew by Our Loved Ones   487
Notes in Yiddish by Our Loved Ones   488
Notes in Polish by Our Loved Ones 493
Remember What Amalek Did to Thee Pinhas PANTORIN 499
What I Saw and Heard During the City's Liberation Dr. Yakov HASIS 502
From the Scene of Destruction Dr. Mordechai LEIBERSON 507
On the Rubble Moshe GOODIS 511
In Memory of the Beitar Club in Kovel Yerachmiel WIRNIK 514
Deep Pits, Red Clay Sh. HALKIN 519
They Fell on Guard Duty
Devorah Baran, God will avenge her blood 521
Luba Lederhandle, God will avenge her blood 522
Leah Fish, God will avenge her blood 523
Sheindel Schwartz, God will avenge her blood 524
Yechiel Sheinbaum, God will avenge his blood 526
From the Activities of the Kovel Expatriates Organization in Israel Tzvi RESNICK 528
Dr. Avraham Gorali z”l Editorial Staff 533


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Contact person for this translation Bruce Drake
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