Korelitz; the life and destruction
of a Jewish community

(Karelichy, Belarus)

53°34' / 26°08'

Translation of
Korelits; hayeha ve-hurbana shel kehila yehudit

Edited by: Michael Walzer-Fass, Korelicze societies in Israel and the U.S.A.

Published in Tel- Aviv, 1973



Project Coordinator

Ann Belinsky

Merle Horwitz (emerita)

Our sincere appreciation to Reeva Kimble for
obtaining the pictures to facilitate their addition to this project.


This is a translation from: Korelits; hayeha ve-hurbana shel kehila yehudit
(Korelitz; the life and destruction of a Jewish community),
Editors: Michael Walzer-Fass, Tel Aviv, Korelicze Societies in Israel and the U.S.A., 1973 (H,Y,E, 357 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Korelicze

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ybip/YBIP_Karelichy.html

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Translated by Sara Mages[Hebrew] and Gloria Berkenstat Freund [Yiddish]


Part One – Hebrew and Yiddish
Editor's Foreword Michael Walzer-Fass 13
The Poem of My Little Town of Korelitz [Y] Yitzchak Katzenelson 15
Map of the town 16
History and Recollections
A map of the city of Korelitz and the surrounding area   18
A History of the Jews of Korelitz Hassia Turtel–Oberzhanski 19
   A. The history of the city   19
   B. The Jewish settlement in Korelitz   19
   C. Life in the community during the Polish reign   20
   D. The community in the 19th century   23
   E. The Community during the First World War   27
   F. The Second World War and the destruction of the community   28
   G. The establishment of a Ghetto in Korelitz   31
   H. The liquidation of the community   31
   I. The liquidation of the Ghetto in Novohorodok   33
   Bibliography   34
A Hundred and Fifty years ago (Excerpts from the Book of Records of the Holy Community of Korelitz) C. A. Kaplan 35
Little Pages of History [Y] Hassia Turtel-Oberzhanski 39
From The Community Records of Korelitz [Y] A. Litvin 42
Yitzchak Katzenelson's Native Town [Y] Zippora Katzenelson-Nachumov 49
The Two Times I Visited Korelitz [Y] Dovid Einhorn 54
Torah and Rabbinate
The Poem of Korelitz's Bet-Hamidrash [Y] Yitzhak Katzenelson 58
Once there was the Rabbi's house Yehoshua Ovseyewitz 60
The Korelitz Shochet David Cohen 62
Rabbi Moshe son of Rabbi David Moshe Cinowitz 64
Rabbi Chaim Tur Moshe Cinowitz 64
The Jaffe Family in Korelitz Binyamin Benari Jaffe 67
   A. The “Luminary of the Exile” Naftali Hertz Moshe Cinowitz 68
   B. Rabbi Yitzchak Yechiel Davidson Moshe Cinowitz 68
   C. Rabbi Eliahu Feinstein Moshe Cinowitz 69
Rabbi Eliahu Baruch Kamai Rabbi Zvi Menachem Tsizling 71
Sketch in Ink of Rabbi Mordechai   72
Rabbi Mordechai as Rabbi in Korelitz [Y]   73
Rabbi Mordechai as “Righteous Rabbi” in Korelitz   75
The Departure of the “Righteous Rabbi” Zalman Yudelevtich 76
Rabbi Meir son of Rabbi Yosef Feimer Moshe Cinowitz 77
Rabbi Avraham Yaakov Bruck Moshe Cinowitz 78
An appeal for help   79
Torah Scholars born in Korelitz
Rabbi Nissan Broidah Moshe Cinowitz 79
Rabbi Yisroel Michal Yeshurun Moshe Cinowitz 80
Rabbi Uri David ben Yosef   81
Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Cohen   82
Rabbi Abrazshinsky Moshe Cinowitz 83
Rabbi Yosef from Korelitz Moshe Cinowitz 83
My father Rabbi Idel Isaac (Alter) Osherovitz Bat-Sheva Shula Osherovitz 84
The Talmud Groups in Korelitz Moshe Cinowitz 86
   A. Rabbi Tzvi Menachem Zisling Moshe Cinowitz 86
   B. Rabbi Meir Levin Moshe Cinowitz 87
   C. Rabbi Yehudah Leib Davidson Moshe Cinowitz 87
   D. Rabbi Malkiel and his connection with Korelitz Moshe Cinowitz 88
Rabbi Meir Hillel Zunser G. 89
Dvorah and the Talmud Association Alter Gitlin 90
History of Korelitz's Ritual Slaughterers [Y] Sarah Beigin (Gal) 92
A Shortcut to the Past Yechezkel Zaks 95
How Did We Study? Esther Shkolnik–Hurwitz 97
R' Zvi–Hershel HaCohen Boyarsky [Y] Zippora Katzenelson–Nachumov 100
Before and between the two World Wars From the Jewish Press, recollections and way of life
“Hibbat Zion” [Lovers of Zion] in Korelitz   104
A visit to Korelitz in 5661 [1900] Rabbi Y. Nissanboim 106
Hatzfirah, 1912, Issue: 134   106
My Little Town Korelitz [Y] Malka Faloozshski 109
My town Hassia Turtel–Oberzhansky 112
Korelitz Before the First World War [Y] Alter Bayarsky 115
Memories of the Old Home [Y] Mordechai Meyerovitz 119
Korelitz During and After the First World War [Y] Reuven Obseivitch 126
Rebuilding Activity in Korelitz [Y] Shalom Cohen 129
Between the two wars Noach Gershonovski 134
From the distant and the close past Mordechai Malchieli-Krolavetsky 135
My Homeland… Y.A. Malchieli 137
Return to Korelitz Leah Kornfeld-Lubshansky 140
Portrait of a Town Raya Schneur Kaplan 144
When a visitor came to Korelitz Esther Shkolnik-Horowitz 147
Occupations of the Korelitz Jews [Y] Yaacov Abramowitz 149
The Fire Brigade - Volunteer Firemen in Korelitz [Y] Yaacov Abramowitz 151
Theaters [Y] Yaacov Abramowitz 155
Sports Groups in Korelitz [Y] Yaacov Abramowitz 156
A Drill in Town [Y] Michael Begin 159
On the Main Road Arye Shalit-Karolevsky 161
Cucumbers Gutka Nochumovsky-Gancezewitz 162
My Visit to Korelitz in 1937 [Y] Vitel Arieli 162
There, Where I was Born – Grows A Tree [Y] Leah Kornfeld-Lubchanski 165
The Bank and Benevolent Fund in Korelitz [Y] Fruma Gulkovitch-Berger 167
The Dramatics Club [Y] Frumeh Gulkowitz-Berger 168
Theater and Orchestra Raya Schneur 172
A History of “Hechalutz” and “Hashomer Hatsa'ir” in our Town Kalman Osherowitz 175
“Hashomer Hatsa'ir” Malka Polozhesky-Pomerchik 182
“Hashomer Hatsa'ir” (The Young Guard) [Y] Malka Polozhesky-Pomerchik 184
Betar Gutka Nachumovsky-Ganczewicz 187
Yitzhak Katzenelson in his Home Town Korelitz [Y] Zippora Nachumov 189
Personalities and Figures
Yaakov Binyamin Katzenelson [Y]   192
Moshe Avraham Wolpin Raya Schneur (Rishe Kaplan) 193
Moshe Avraham son of R' Shaul Naftali Osherowitz Kalman Osherowitz 194
Pessach Kaplan Chasia Turtal-Abrazhansky 196
Pessach Kaplan Y.H. Biletzki 197
Gershon Eliasberg   198
Shalom Cohen [Y]   199
Rina Garabalsky Chasia Turtal-Abrazhansky 200
Alter Greenfeld [Y]   201
Yossel der Zalamanker Leah Lubshansky-Kornfeld 202
   A. Feivel Nisselevitz [Y] Yaacov Abramowich 203
   B. The Porush, Kalman Marashiner [Y] Yaacov Abramowich 204
Destruction and Heroism
I Am the Last [Y] Frumeh Gulkovitch-Berger 206
Jewish Partisans [Y] Frumeh Gulkowitz-Berger 207
The road of suffering [Y] Malka Pomerchik 208
In peace and in days of war Dov Cohen (Berel Kagan) 210
On the Brink of Destruction [Y] Ben-Ir 212
A. The Ghetto B. Bread in the Ghetto [Y] Frumeh Gulkowitz-Berger 226
Memories of the Ghetto [Y] Frumeh Gulkowitz-Berger 228
Under the Yoke of the Nazis [Y] Ben-Zion Gulkowitz 231
The Experiences I went through in the Second World War [Y] Mordechai Mayerovitch 235
Memories of the Holocaust Period [Y] Chaya Niegnievitski 245
In the Shadow of Death [Y] Chaim-Leib Dvoretski 248
Idel Kagan Michael Walzer-Fass 250
The First Partisan from Korelitz [Y] Ben-Ir 255
The heroism of the Korelitz young men [Y]   256
The Karelitz Partisan Yaacov Slutzky [Y] 257
A Drill in Town [Y] Michael Begin 259
Hershl Shkolnik the Carpenter [Y]   260
Yoel Meirovich [Y]   261
The Death of Korelitz Boys [Y]   263
Shaul Kopilovitz Bezalel-Kalman Osherovitz 265
The Hero Efraim [Y] Frumeh Gulkowitz-Berger 266
The Ghetto (continuation from page 266) [Y] Frumeh Gulkowitz-Berger 267
A partisan [Y] Frumeh Gulkowitz-Berger 268
The Visit to Korelitz After the War [Y] Yaakov Avramovitz 270
The Fallen
Shlomo Stoler (The Little “Keiderel”) [H & Y] BEN-IR 273
Yaacov Oberzhinsky   275
Tzvi (Tzvika) Malchieli   276
Two who fell Kalman Osherovitz 277
The Poem of the Annihilated Jewish People [Y] Yitzhak Katzenelson 278
The Korelitzer Societies in Israel and the World
The Korelitzer Society in Israel Michael Beigin 282
Good Friends Meet [Y] Yaacov Abramowitch 290
The Korelitzer Society of America Inc. Morris Kesslem, Guttel Simon 292
A memorial candle Aharon Marshinsky (Mor) 296
And These are the Names…   297
A memorial candle [Y] Frumeh Gulkowitz-Berger 312
In Memoriam 313
Rabbi Moshe Hurewitz Aharon-Leib Oshman 314
Rabbi Avraham Hirshovitz Sarah Osherovitz 316
My father Leib Londin Tova Londin-Rogovin 317
Shlomo Londin [Y] Yaacov Abramowitz 318
Tzvi Kivilevitz Michael Beigin 318
Alter Avraham-Yitzchak Mordechovitz Leah Kornfeld-Lubshansky 319
Kalman Mordchovitz (Avrahami) [Y] Michael Beigin 320
Leah Kaplan Chasia Tutel-Oberzhansky 321
My brother Yona son of Shlomo Oberzhansky Chasia Tutel-Oberzhansky 322
In Memoriam   324
Yizkor [Y] Fruma Gulkovitch-Berger 356
Part Two – English
Editor's Foreword Michael Walzer-Fass  
Life and History
The History of the Jews of Korelitz Hassia Turtel - Oberzhansky IX
Korelitz – The Idyllic Town of Pre–World War One Days Alter Boyarsky XIV
How they made a living Yaacov Abramowich XV
Education in Korelitz Yehezkel Zaks XVI
This is how we Studied Esther Shkolnik–Hurwitz XVIII
R' Zvi–Hershel Hacohen Boyarsky Zippora Katzenelson–Nachumov XIX
Korelitz: Sages and Students
The Poem of Korelitz's Bet-Hamidrash Yitzhak Katzenelson XXI
Once there was the Rabbi's House Yehoshua Ovseyewitz (Y. Ovsi) XXIII
Men of stature and scholarship Yehoshua Ovseyewitz (Y. Ovsi) XXIV
The Rabbis of Korelitz Moshe Cinowitz et al. XXVI
Torah Scholars born in Korelitz   XXVIII
The Korelitz Shochet David Cohen XXIX
The story of Korelitz's Shochtim Sarah Begin (Gal) XXX
Dvorah and the Talmud Association Alter Gitlin XXXI
Institutions and Organizations
The Korelitz Bank and Free Loan Fund Fruma Gulkowich-Berger XXXIII
The Drama Circle Frumeh Gulkowitz-Berger XXXIV
Korelitz's Fire-Fighting Brigade Yaacov Abramowich XXXV
Korelitz's Sports Organizations Yaacov Abramowitz XXXVII
The Chalutz youth in Korelitz Kalman Osherowich XXXVIII
Betar Gutka Nachumovsky-Ganczewicz XL
Yitzhak Katzenelson: in his birthplace Zippora Katzenelson-Nachumov XLIV
Yaakov Binyamin Katzenelson   XLIV
Moshe Avraham Osherowitz Kalman Osherowitz XLV
Pesach Kaplan Chasia Turtal-Abrazhansky, Y.H. Biletzki XLV
Gershon Eliasberg   XLVI
Shalom Cohen   XLVI
Rina Garabalsky Chasia Turtal-Abrazhansky XLVII
Alter Greenfeld Hassia Turtel Obrezhansky XLVII
Yossel der Zalamanker Leah Lubshansky-Kornfeld XLVII
Feivel Nisselevitz Yaacov Abramowich XLVIII
The Porush, Kalman Marashiner Yaacov Abramowich XLVIII
The Holocaust
The Road of Suffering Malka Pomerchik XLIX
On the Way to Destruction A townsman XLIX
The heroism of the Korelitz young men   LI
The “Bielshchiks” Herzl Nachumovsky LII
What they went through Frumeh Gulkowitz-Berger LV
Idel Kagan Michael Walzer-Fass LV
A visit to Korelitz after the war A townsman LVII
The Korelitzer Society of America Inc. Morris Kessler, Guttel Simon LIX


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