51°14' / 33°12'
Translation of
Edited by Robert S. Sherins, M.D.
English Translation by Robert Fineman
Published in 2001
Project Coordinator
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Grigory Aisenshtat, Computer Compiler and Editor, Lebn Grigory Petrushenko, Executive Director, Konotop community center, Ester Amiliya Aisenshtat, Member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine. Nikolai Litovchenko, Computer Version Input Amiliya Aisenshtat, Proof Reader Vasily Luszenko, photographs of this issue and archival photographs Published by Arman, City of Kharkov, Ukraine (1000 copies). Konotop Jewish Community Center, Ester Sobornaya Street #53 Konotop, Sumskaya Oblast, Ukraine 41615 Tel: (05-447)-4-10-14 Fax: (05-447)-4-13-61 E-mail: ester@kn.com.ua Website: http://www.ester.kn.com.ua |
Part I | Introduction by Robert S. Sherins, M.D., followed by the verbatum English translation of the unabridged original publication - edited by Grigori Aisenshtat |
Part II | Memorial roster of the Fallen Jewish military troops from Konotop, who were killed fighting against the German army during WWII |
Part III | Memoirs of Konotop written by Yonye Trifon and edited by his grandson, Giora Triffon |
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