Kovno Ghetto Diary
(Kaunas, Lithuania)

54°54' / 23°54'

Written by: Dmitri Gelpernus

Published in Moscow, 1948


Project Coordinator

Dr Robin O'Neil


Chaim Bargman
Robin O'Neil

This is a translation from: Kovno Ghetto Diary,
Moscow, State Publishing House, "Der Emes", 1948 (Yiddish, 214 pages).

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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.

Biography of the Author

Robin O'Neil

The Author: Honorary
Research Fellow UCL,
Salisbury UK Dr Robin O'Neil

Dr. Robin O'Neil is a former police major crimes investigator who worked at the cutting edge of major criminal investigations in the United Kingdom and Central Europe. Formerly of Scotland Yard, the Metropolitan and Home Counties Police. service, he then took up the challenge of academia. After obtaining his Master’s and Doctorate with University College London, he now specializes in the investigation of Nazi war crimes and the destruction of the European Jewish communities 1933-1945. He is a regular lecturer at Universities in the United Kingdom, United States, Israel and Eastern Europe

Translator's Note

While working on the translation of the book, the translator also used the book by M.Yelin and D.Ghelpern, "Kovno ghetto and its fighters" (Kauno getas ir jo kovotojai, Mintis, Vilnius,1969), and numerous recollections of the events by the participants. This allowed the translator to enlarge the original text. The added commentary is marked with "*".

On the other hand, it was considered acceptable to omit a number of more difficult and less significant passages (song lyrics, etc.).

Preface 2 - 3
In the Ghetto Grip  
  1. Among the ruins 4 - 10
  2. In the Turmoil 11 - 21
  3. In the Ghetto 21 - 27
  4. Behind the Barbed Wire 27 - 34
  5. Resistance 34 - 47
  6. We are partisans 47 - 50
Underground Struggle  
  1. The formation of the Military Organization 51 - 54
  2. Sabotage 54 - 60
  3. Preparation for Struggle 61 - 68
  4. Bolshevik's Word 68 - 74
  5. Class Contradictions in the Ghetto 74 - 79
  6. Defence Plan for the Ghetto 79 - 86
To Partisans' Forests  
  1. Communication 86 - 95
  2. Break-out through the Gate 95 - 110
  3. Bases 110 - 113
  4. Towards the group "Death to Invaders 113 - 117
  5. To partisans by vehicles 117 - 125
  6. 9th Fort 125 - 139
Overcoming Fences  
  1. With one's own Guides and Guns 139 - 144
  2. Action of 27-28 March 1944 145 - 156
  3. Death of Chaim Yelin 156 - 162
  4. Jewish Camps 163 - 165
  5. In a Concentration Camp 165 - 171
  6. Liquidation 172 - 176
In the Open Battle  
  1. In the Forest 176 - 181
  2. The explosion of Echelons and the Railway 181 - 185
  3. At the Base 186 - 192
  4. Important Tasks 192 - 195
  5. Military Operations 195 - 203
  6. In Different Directions 203 - 210
  7. Liberating Soviet Lithuania 210 - 213
Epilogue 214

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Contact person for this translation Dr Robin O'Neil
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Updated 7 May 2008 by LA