Katowice: the Rise and Decline
of the Jewish community; Memorial Book
(Katowice, Poland)

50°16' / 19°01'

Translation of
Katowits: perihatah ve-shekiyatah
shel ha-kehila ha-yehudit; sefer zikaron

Edited by: Yosef Chrust, Yosef Frankel

Compilation of material and editing: Cila Katriel

Published in Tel Aviv 1996



Project Coordinator

Cila Katriel


This is a translation from: Katowits: perihatah ve-shekiyatah shel ha-kehila ha-yehudit; sefer zikaron
Katowice: the Rise and Decline of the Jewish community; Memorial Book,
Editors: Yosef Chrust, Yosef Frankel, Tel Aviv 1996 (H)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Katowice

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Chapter 1 - History
Katowice in Polish Sources Joseph Chrust 3
German Katowice (1865-1922) Zygmunt Karski 4
German Jews (1865-1922) Zygmunt Karski 6
The Jewish Community of Katowice Dr. Rolf P. Schmitz 10
Communal Organizations During the Nineteenth Century Joseph Chrust 16
The Jubilee of the Katowice Conference Joseph Chrust 20
The Goldstein Villa on Plac Wolnosci Joseph Chrust 23
The World Council of Zionist Revisionists Joseph Chrust 24
The Community's Official Newspaper Joseph Chrust 27
Chapter 2 - Between the Two World Wars
A Vibrant Small Community Aaron Eshel-Kaufmann 37
Community Life in the 1930's Joseph Chrust 41
The Great Synagogue Joseph Chrust 47
Cantors Joseph Chrust 49
Steinitz the Conductor and the Temple Choir Dr. Natan Greenbaum 52
Chosen to be in Charge of a Holy Place Dobka Buchstein (Krotman) 53
The Jewish Cemetery Dobka Buchstein (Krotman) 54
Economic Life in the 1930's Joseph Chrust 56
Anti-Semitism Joseph Chrust 59
Anti-Semitism is Absorbed from Birth Joanna Lefkowitz (nee Siegman) 62
The Refugees from Germany Joseph Chrust 63
Culture and Art Joseph Chrust 64
“Little Paris” M. S. Geshuri 66
“Little Berlin” Dr. Chaim Shoshkes 67
Land of Wealth Israel Cohen 68
Katowice in a Kaleidoscope Dr. Nathan Greenbaum 70
The Jewish Community of Katowice Magister Jakow Tajtelbaum 74
Chapter 3 - Educational Institutions
The Berek Joselewicz Elementary school Sara Diler 98
My Childhood Years Miriam Djamant 101
The Joselewicz School Parents' Committee Josef Chrust 104
The Beith-Yaakov school for girls Cila Katriel 105
The Talmud-Torah Jakow Tajtelbaum 106
High school Memories Aleksander Rakower 108
Chapter 4 - Organizations
The Zionist Federation Josef Chrust 113
The Revisionist Movement Josef Chrust 115
Women's Organizations Josef Chrust 117
Various organizations Josef Chrust 119
Chapter 5 - Youth Organizations
Sports Clubs Josef Chrust 123
HaShomer HaTzair Szalom Salo Barber 126
Beitar Movement Michael Goldman-Gilad 128
The Regional Beitar Dawid Jutan 130
The “Zionist Youth” Group   132
Religious Youth Groups Josef Chrust 136
Chapter 6 - The Chief Rabbis of the Community
Katowice's Rabbinical figures between the World Wars Magister Jakow Tajtelbaum 141
Rabbi Dr. Kalman Chameides (1902-1943) Dr. Leon Chameides 145
Rabbi Dr. Mordechaj Fogelman Rabbi Israel Meir Lau 149
A Jew of Vigor Rabbi Iser Frenkel 152
A Unique Rabbi Att. Israel Tajtelbaum 152
A synthesis of a scholar and a researcher Dr. Naomi Goldfeld-Fogelman 153
Chapter 7 - People and Personalities
Elyahu Abrahamer Josef Chrust 157
Bruno Altman Josef Chrust 159
Szmuel Hoppen Cila Katriel Hoppen 161
Otto Sztern – a Nobel Prize Recipient Chana Engelhart-Goldfeld 162
Heinrich Margalit Josef Chrust 162
Franz Landsberger Josef Chrust 162
Chapter 8 - Words of Contemplation
The land of Israel, and the State of Israel Rabbi Mordechaj Fogelman 165
To Live – means to take action Rav Kalman Chameides 168
Chapter 9 - Memories
Katowice Nomi Goldfeld-Fogelman 173
My childhood Memories Cila Katriel Hoppen 173
Days of Old Mosze (Zigfrid) Tichauer 178
From Katowice to Kiryat Motzkin (Israel) Bella Fogelman 179
Through Siberia and Iran, to Israel Meir Ohad 186
Making Aliyah as a Tourist Karola Silver 187
After 20 Years Apart Henri Kronberg 187
I spent the war years in France Fela Milschtein-Szikman 188
Illegal Aliyah Chanoch Rosemarin 189
A Zionist home Mina Pizak Szif 190
Happy Teenage Years Sara Sofer-Szrojer Majtlis 192
One Great Summer Zehawa Grinberg-Szojer 193
Everyday Life Chana Szwarz Prister 194
The Youth and the Community Szlomo Woznica 195
The Friszer family Chana Berg Friszer 196
Before the Flood Israel Tajtelbaum 197
A dream of Biro-Bedjzan Dawid Szcekocinsky 198
Polish Jews Banished from Germany Josef Chrust 199
An Orthodox Home Szaul Huterer 200
Grajcer Family Maria Mitelman 201
Pilcer family Yehudit Meir 202
Banished to Zbonszyn Pola Warszawski-Szechter 203
Zidner and Boldes families Ernest Zidner 204
My grandfather, Dawid-Ber Zigrajch Helena Goren Zigrajch 205
Icchak Szajnberg and Ester Juker Pepi Winer (nee Szajnberg) 206
Chapter 10 - Holocaust and Resurrection
Holocaust and Resurrection Nomi Goldfeld Fogelman 207
Black sunrise in Katowice Nomi Goldfeld Fogelman 209
First days conquered Zusman Zwergel 210
The first days Chana Szwarc 212
Mixed Marriages An anonymous testimony 213
Two days in Katowice - end of October, 1938 Dr. Jakow Meir Lipszyc 214
The Deportation Mosze Zeiger 219
In the forests of Siberia - A testimony Meta Fenster-Nebel 220
In a Czechoslovakia concentration camp Irena Wygodzki 221
A Rough Road Cila Katriel Hoppen 223
Thoughts Cila Katriel Hoppen 226
Loss Cila Katriel Hoppen 226
The voice of Jacob... Dr. Leon Chameides 227
In the Nazi beast's maw Hela Joskowicz 231
From the ghetto to the camps - a testimony Tonia Zagurski 233
From Katowice to Peterswaldau Dora Prawer-Orbach 234
Saved under an Aryan identity Sara Diler 235
Through the Holocaust's nightmare Ester Wajnsztat –Sztajnkeler 235
Eight Camps Gershon Meller 237
An Only Survivor Josef Kaminski 238
I lived as a Christian Chana Engelhart-Goldfeld 241
One saintly man in Sodom Joana Lewkowicz 244
Without Looking Back Michael Goldman-Gilad 256
The 81st strike Josef Chrust 264
Car number 62 Dr. Nathan Grinboim 265
Days of Unrest Israel Tajtelbaum 269
Through Wilna and Odessa to Israel Dr. Moses Salpeter 271
Six Years in Russia Fela Birenbaum Majtlis 272
10 survivors out of a hundred Ze'ev Lublinski 273
A History of a Family Ariyeh and Moshe Druker 274
To Israel via Tashkent Doba Buchstein-Krotman 277
I returned from Russia as a soldier Emilia Yarcin (Krebs) 282
Days of Hunger in Khazakstan Cila Stobiecki Krawczyk 285
Katowicers in the Anti-Nazi resistance underground Joseph Chrust 288
A struggle of Survival Manus Djamant 296
He Stood like a Hero Lezer Waserlauf 308
Attacks after the War Szimon Bergman 308
Back to Poland after the Holocaust Israel Tajtelbaum 309
A Jewish Man's Revenge Menachem Michelson 313
My Polish Parents Sofia Kuzniew 317
A grave in Libeck Malka Nojhof (Mingelgrym) 319
Poland's Roads are Mourning (poem) Chana Zelda 320
Chapter 12 - In Their Memories
A Testimony Heinosz Krakowski (Henry Kay) 327
Eichner and Tichauer Families Aaron and Menachem Elad 330
Tzvi Getz z”l Aaron Rimoni 331
A Testimony- Sara Sofer Schroeur (Majtlis) z”l   332
A Testimony- Shmuel Grundman z”l Nathan Grosswasser 333
Yehudit Meir (Pilcer) z”l The Meir Family 334
Aleksander Czerski (Tzirer) z”l Sara Diller 335
A Distinguished Writer Cila Katriel 336
Amir Zidner The Zidner family 336
Boaz Kerby (Bruno Krawczyk) z”l Krawczyk family 337
Chapter 13 - Survivors Snatched from the Flames
The Organization of Jews of Upper-Silesia in Israel Erich Szeingut 341
The Katowice memorial's cornerstone laying ceremony Josef Chrust 343
A day in my life – a closure Cila Katriel 346
The Memorial Naomi Goldfeld Fogelman 347
My Home Cila Katriel 348
45 Years Later Dr. Nathan Grinboim 348


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Updated 13 May 2012 by LA

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