The Community of Horodlo
(Horodło, Poland)

50°53' / 24°02'

Translation of
Di Kehila Fon Horodlo

Editors: Y.Ch. Zawidowitch, Former Residents of Horodlo in Israel

Published in Tel Aviv, 1966


Project Coordinator

Susan and Shawn Dilles


Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation of: Di Kehila Fon Horodlo (The community of Horodlo),
Editors: Y.Ch.Zawidowitch, Former Residents of Horodlo in Israel, Tel Aviv 1963 (Y)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Horodlo (1966)

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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TOC translated by Yael Chaver and Gloria Berkenstat Freund


[Page 3]

1. The Jewish Community of Horodlo
A Word From the Publishers The Editorial Committee 7
May Their Memory Live Forever Yosef Khayim Zavidovich 11
2. Eulogies and Appreciations
Remember the National Catastrophe! Dr. M. Dvorzhetsky 14
Remember the Devastation of the Jews… Dr. M. Dvorzhetsky 15
Remember What Was Done to Us! Rabbi Khayim HaLevy Berman 17
A Yizkor Book Henekh Berman 21
An Eternal Monument Shaul Kupershtok 23
Kaddish for Our Home Town[1] Mordkhe Herbst 25
3. The Town of Horodlo, Its Residents, and Its Jewish Community
The Town of Horodlo, Its Residents, and Its Jewish Community (Overview) Yosef Khayim Zavidovich 30
4. The Jews of Horodlo and their Spiritual, Social, and Community Life
The Town Rabbi of Horodlo Rabbi Khayim Berman 45
Horodlo and Its Residents Henech Berman 54
The Jews of Horodlo and their Scholarship Moshe Biderman 68
Horodlo, Our Town (Reminiscences) Ben-Tziyon Bergman 74
Reminiscences Rokhl Bergman 88
The Young People and their Social and Cultural Activity Moshe Zuberman 96
Reminiscences of Life in the Horodlo Area Tzvi Plat 101
The Young People of Horodlo Rokhl Plat (Zisberg) 107
5. Horodlo During the First Months of the War
Horodlo During the First Days of the War Shmuel Fraynd 117
Horodlo in the First Months of the War Ze'ev Frucht 126

[Page 4]

6. The Destruction of Horodlo (Accounts by Survivors)
The Jews of Horodlo during the German Occupation, and Their Bitter End Fradl Shiffer (Perlmuter) 131
The Jews of Horodlo During the War, and their Dreadful Death Aryeh (Leon) Berger 161
The German Occupation and Liquidation of the Horodlo Community Abish Berger 184
Events in Horodlo, 1939-1942 Aharon Fuks 198
“The Last Journey” Fradl (Perlmuter) Shiffer 202
7. Customs and Personalities
Our Nearest and Dearest Yosef Chaim Zavidovich 210
Unforgettable Figures Aharon Pelech 236
Matisyahu (Mates) the Cheder Teacher[2] Yisroel Barg 243
Horodlo, My Home Town Avrom Kulish 249
The Heroism of Yitzchok Saller Melech Shechter, Israel 254
Figures of Horodlo Mordechai Herbst 263
The Liturgy of Shabbes Mordechai Herbst 273
The First Theatrical Production in Our Town Yisroel Barg 277
Memories of the Not Too Distant Past Yosef Aryeh Herbst 280
A Memorial Dedicated to My Family Rokhl Zuberman Bergman 283
An Ashkenazi Jewish Family Hirsh Zuberman 286
8. Memorial
Memorial to the Horodlo Jewish Community,
on Mount Zion, in the Holy City of Jerusalem
Yosef Chaim Zavidovich 292
9. In Rhyme
“A Tragic Story” Fradl Shiffer (Perlmutter) 299
A Plea in the Pit Fradl Shiffer (Perlmutter) 302
I Long for My Home Fradl Shiffer (Perlmutter) 303
10. List of the Martyrs of Horodlo
List of Horodlo Martyrs 307
11. List of the Martyrs of the Village of Strzyzow
List of the Martyrs of Stryszow, Slaughtered by the Nazi Murderers 317
12. Supplements
Supplements Editorial Committee 319


Translator's footnotes:

  1. Kaddish is the mourner's prayer for the dead, usually said by a relative Return
  2. In Orthodox communities, the kheyder is the elementary school for Jewish boys, teaching basic Judaism and Hebrew Return


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