Table of Contents

Jewish Businesses
in Gura Humorului


By J. Silverbush

Gura Humorului is located in the Romanian county of Suceava at the confluence of the Humor and Moldova rivers in the foothills of the Carpathian mountains. Under the former Austro Hungarian empire this area was known as Bukovina. Gura Humorului, like many other towns in Bukovina had a large vibrant and thriving Jewish population. In 1927, out of 4,393 inhabitants, 1951 were Jewish. This section presents a list of Jewish owned businesses in Gura Humoruli. The list comes from the memories of two Holocaust survivors, Schlomo Wininger and Israel Ellenbogen and therefore is not a “yellow pages” but rather a compilation of the business who our generous contributors were most familiar with. It probably reflects a snapshot of the Jewish owned Gura Humorului businesses in the late 30's. A quick glance at the list reveals that Jews were represented in all the learned professions, and owned business ranging from large factories to coffee shops.

The information presented on this site is from pages 81 to 85 of the English edition of the book, "Gura Humora, a Small Town in Southern Bukovina." The necrology section of this book can be found at: List of Holocaust Victims from Gura Humorului . The book was published by the Association of Former Residents of Gura Humora and Environs. The Association, based in Israel, has a convention every two years. It renovated the Jewish cemetery in Gura Humorului and is now restoring the only remaining synagogue. It also tries to help needy members of the community in Israel and abroad. The president of the society, Jacob Jurgrau, who graciously donated the translation of this book to be posted to JewishGen, can be reached at:

Mr. Jacob Jurgrau
17 Deborah St
Kirat Motzkin 26363

Distribution of Commercial and Service Businesses
In the Between War Period, by Economic Sector

Sawmills Feivel Laufer (Priscana Dorni, Vama)
Sami Schapira
Shalom Joseph Leibowitz
Israel Wagner
Schieber Brothers (Frasin)
Halstuch & Baum
Warter (Stuipicani)
Kissman, Leizer and Benjamin
Flour Mills Schapira
Steinhorn (Wasserman)
Light Industry / Misc.  
Sieves Oskar Roll
Pottery Lecker
Knitting Pollak
Tanning Hersh Sheier and Sons
Light Industry / Food  
Sweets Milu, Micu and Gisa Jurgrau
Bakeries Kronenfeld
Pastries Miryam Schnapp
Hayim Schapira
Shaye Jurgrau
Guest Houses Hayim Rachmut
Sally Druckman
Rosa Schertzer
Lea Apter
Soda Water Meyer Schnapp
Moshe Fischler
Zahman Schachter
Restaurants Gabor
Sami Silberlicht
Abraham Frankel
Shalom Tannenhaus
Leon Schertzer
Coffee Shops Leon Schertzer
Berl Lutwak
Grain Merchants Abraham Meth & Sons
Joshua Apter
Moshe Kopel Tannenhaus & Sons
Yitzhak Heier
Joshua Hasenfratz
Israel Jurgrau
Benjamin Lebel
Shlomo Wasserman
Meyer Koch
Benish Koch
Butcher Shops Berl Laufman
Hersh Laufman
Yitzhak Laufman
Israel Zloczower
Shmaya Werter
Shlomo Schertzer
Groceries Conrad Abraham (Wholesale)
Moshe Knobler & Sons (Wholesale)
Yossel Rubin
Neta Preminger
Kalman Koppelman
Shmuel Tau
Eliyahu Tauber
Moshe Michael Stieber
Eliyahu Schauber
Joshua Stieber
Spirits & Wines Scharfstein & Simcha
Meshulam Schnarch
Hayim Rachtnut
Moshe Katz
Efraim Druckman
Wijnitzer & Sons
Shalom Tannenhaus
Israel Herling & Sons
Pharmacies Kupferberg (later Heiriger)
Premer (later Clarissa Pistiner)
Textiles Wolf& Elias Ellenbogen
Harry Juran
Hansel Kinsbruner
Efraim Miller
Sarah Krakauer (later Gross & Schiller)
Moty Letich
Leizer Ellenbogen
Schmuel Knobler
Osias Gottesman
Yitzik Apter
Furniture Schlomo Lipp & Adolph Schertzer
Shoes and Notions David Linder
Leon Warsinger
Mordechai Altschuller
Herzl Lester
Max Werner
Jacob Apter
Leather Goods Jacob Sterling
David Silberschlag
Peasant Goods Leibish & Polia Axelrad
Michael Axelrad
Tools & Building Materials Jacob Levin & Sons
Gershon Goldschlager & Son
David Ganser
Israel Rauchbach
Neta Levin
Yoel Glinrat
Glassware Alfred Levin
Levy Herling
Jacob Ostfeld & Sons
Paints Markus Ellenbogen Sr.
Jurgrau Brothers (also gasoline)
Auto Spares Osher Bernhard
Bicycles and Radios Moser
Gas Stations Jurgrau
Osher Bernard
Books and Stationary Joseph Brandman
Herbert Tzoref
Adolf Schertzer
Watches Moshe Zeiger
Cattle Dealers Zalman Schachter
Mendel Apter
Moty, Benny and Selig Schmeltzer
Michael Laufman
Israel Schertzer
Iancu Schertzer
Horse Dealers Feig
Firewood Dealers Zoller
David Lanz & Brother
Yehuda Steiner
Adolph Klakner
Roll & Pistiner
Furs Joseph Hasenfratz
Upholstery Yitzik Beer
Physicians Dr. Jonas Gartenlaub
Dr. Raphael Mick
Dr. Meshulam Wolf
Dr. Ernest Klein
Dr. lsidor Winkler
Dr. Meyer Druckman
Dr. Mimi Drucknian
Dr. Sonja Donetz
Dr. Bernhard Ehrlich
Dr. Shmuel Adlersberg
Dentists Moshe Wininger
Norbeft Rubinger
Kopel Sommerfreund
Don Yoni
Lawyers Dr. Abraham Scharf
Dr. Mendel Scheuerman
Dr.Jacob Braun Joshua
Wagner lsidor Merdler
Surveyors Kula
Tailors: Men Leib Steiger
Meyer Surkis
Hayim Waltzer
Moshe Pessler
Ely Rosenblum
Yitzhak Manes
Tailors: Women Eva Klein
Eva Lester (Guttman)
Lina Levin
Tailors: Shirts Wininger
Shoemakers Shmuel Pasternak
Meyer Pessier
Barbers Martin Schneider
Max Weschler
Yona Lipp
Leizer Lipp
Sheet Metal Shops Aharon Doliner
Berl Rosenberg
Leizer Rauch
Leibish Lester
Blacksmiths Faust Berl
Stove Repairs Steinmetz
Traveling Salesmen Lachman
Kalman Hortner (Eiferman)
Civil Servants  
Judges Dr. Julius Binowitz
Officers of Health Dr. Jonas Gartenlaub
Railroad Stores Herzel Rosenstrauch
Court Bailiff Singer
Insurance Zalmanowitz
High school Teachers Prof Dr. Schanker
Prof Dr. Schachter
Prof Melech Klein
Prof Jacob Konig
Elementary school Teachers Mrs. Netty Brecher
Mrs. Klara Berger
Mrs. Gisela Biederman
Mrs. Gottlieb
Hebrew Teachers Mrs. Rachel Hasenfratz
Mrs. Mechlowitz
Hebrew Tutors M. Axelrad
Rabbis Menachern Mendel Babad
Jacob Meshulam Ginzberg
Moshe Babad
Shochatim Ely Rosenbach
Anchel Schreiber
Benjamin Stekel
Reuven Bernholtz
Meyer Schochat
Heder Melameds Yankel Belfer
Pinchas Huber
Abraham Vogel
Yitzhak Rosenbaum
Eliezer Weissbrot
Cantors Meshufam Merlin
Yitzhak Dalfan
Reuven Bernholtz
Mordechai Brecher
Abraham Vogel
Pinchas Huber
Israel Herling Ai,
Nute Schreiber


Source: Schlomo Wininger and Israel Ellenbogen

Table of Contents

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