Book of Griding
(Gorodok, Ukraine)

49°47' / 23°39'

Translation of Sefer Grayding

Edited by: Yehuda Leibish Margel

Published in Tel Aviv, 1981


Project Coordinator

Mike Kalt


Yigal Walt

Our sincere appreciation to Yehuda Leibish Margel of the Griding Landmanshaften,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Sefer Grayding (Book of Griding),
Society of Grayding Emigrants, Tel Aviv, 1981, 127 p., H, Y, E.

This material is made available by JewishGen, Inc. and the Yizkor Book Project for the purpose of
fulfilling our mission of disseminating information about the Holocaust and destroyed Jewish communities.
This material may not be copied, sold or bartered without JewishGen, Inc.'s permission. Rights may be reserved by the copyright holder.

JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.

This site contains the English summary and selected translated sections from Sefer Grayding. The entire book is in the process of being translated, and additional sections will be made available as they are translated.

Note: This site covers the town of Gorodok, which is about 16 KM southwest of L'viv (Lvov) in Ukraine. There are other towns named Gorodok in Poland and Belarus. Gorodok, Ukraine is known by a variety of names and spellings. They include:

Grodek, Grodek Jagiellonski, Grodek Yagilonski, Horodok, Griding, Grayding, Graeding, Greiding, Graydik.

Translations from Sefer Grayding that appear on this site will use the spelling "Griding", which is the English spelling used by the authors of the book.


Summary in English3
Word From the Editor4
The History of Griding by Yehuda (Laibish) Margel9
Excerpts from My Diary by Yehuda (Laibish) Margel30
Griding Facts Sheet34
Excerpts of Letters From My Family on the Eve of the Holocaust by Yehuda (Laibish) Margel35
The Large Synagogue (Di Groyse Shul) by Yehuda Margel and Eliezer Ben-Ya’akov (Kampel)42
Testimony of Pitciha Hochberg regarding crimes against the Jews of Griding during World War II
selected excerpts

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Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Mike Kalt
This web page created by Mike Kalt

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Updated 12 Apr 2012 by LA