From a Ruined Garden
The Memorial Books of Polish Jewry

Edited and translated by Jack Kugelmass and Jonathan Boyarin

Geographical Index and Bibliography by Zachary M. Baker
(368 pages, 26 black & white photos)

Published in June 1998 by Indiana University Press <>
601 N. Morton Street
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JewishGen is pleased to present translated chapters from four Yizkor Books, from the Second Edition of

From A Ruined Garden: The Memorial Books of Polish Jewry.

We are grateful to Indiana University Press for permission to provide excerpts from this important new book.

In the years after World War II, Polish Jewish survivors of the Holocaust who had made their way to the Americas and Israel compiled memorial books to preserve the memory of their destroyed communities. From a Ruined Garden gathers some 77 selections from the nearly 1,000 memorial books published since World War II. The texts describe daily life in the shtetl as well as everyday life during the Holocaust and the experiences of returning survivors. The comprehensive bibliography of memorial books and gazetteer of place names in this updated, expanded edition are indispensable resources for genealogical research. A new introduction by the editors illuminates the history of the memorial book genre and its importance for the construction of memory culture through the response of Holocaust survivors.

From the Indiana University Press Catalog. Reprinted with permission.

At the Market: A Jewish Town's Struggle for Bread, from Pinkas Kolbishov (current town name: Kolbuszowa, Poland) 58
End of Sentence, from Pinkas Zhirardov, Amshinov un Viskit (current town name: Zyradow) 249
The City Without Jews, from Sefer Minsk-Mazovyetsk (current town name: Minsk-Mazowiecki) 254
In the Tracks of the Jewish Life That Disappeared, from Yizkor-Bukh Riki (current town name: Ryki) 262
The Struggle for the Right to Work, from Belchatow yizker-bukh (current town name: Belchatow ) 76-79
Belchatov without Jews, from Belchatow yizker-bukh (current town name: Belchatow ) 244-246
Searching for the Life That Was, from Sefer Tarnogrod; le-zikaron ha-kehila ha-yehudit she-nehreva (current town name: Tarnogrod) 481-482

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