The Jewish Community of Dunapentele
Dunaújváros  (Sztálinváros), Hungary

46° 59' / 18° 56'

Translation of
A dunapentelei zsidó közösség - Temetőjük - Fotók (IV. kötet)

Edited by: Irén Babanits Dr. Orosz Antalné

Published: Dunaújváros, Hungary, November 1, 1996

Translated by:
 Vera Aharon (Irányi)

Donated translations
Carol Monosson Edan

Our sincere appreciation to Irén Babanits Dr. Orosz Antalné of Dunaújváros,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is the translation of A dunapentelei zsidó közösség - TemetőjükFotók (IV. kötet)  [The Jewish Community of Dunapentele (Hungary)],
Irén Babanits Dr. Orosz Antalné , Editor. Published in Dunaújváros, Hungary, November 1, 1996.

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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.

Vera Aharon has translated the entire book except for several chapters that her cousin Robby Gati contributed. Since this book was not written or published by the survivors there will be inserts of additional material that Vera remembers. These will be marked by*.

A short note on the Hungarian special characters. These pages should be viewed by setting the browser character sets at Central European (Windows). This is done in view menu, character set on Netscape, encoding on Explorer.


Dunapentele, a small town in the district of Fejér, Hungary,  is about 70 km south of Budapest, 46° 59'   N  18° 56', and 50 km from Székesfehérvár, a larger city with the population of 3,981 (1941). What makes this particular book different from other Memorial books is the fact that it was not written by survivors, as there was only one survivor from those deported, but by the residents of Dunapentele, in memory of those that lived amoung them. Most of the contributions were made by residents who where young children and young adults at the time. They are short sketches almost like a glimpse into the past.  Part of the family of Vera Aharon ( a holocaust survivor from Budapest),  lived in this town. Her grandfather was the former Cantor.  As a child Vera remembers her summer visits to her grandparents, aunt, uncle, and cousin. We offer this translation as a memorial to those who are gone and a way of life that is no longer.

I feel that I should make an explanation about Hungarian names.When married the wife takes on her husbands title with the addition of the suffix né<. The equivalent of Mrs.Josef Cohen. On the headstones there is usually the maiden name as well.


Chapter Title Page
1. Forward

Personal Memories

2. Horváth Katalin  (Garbacz Istvánné)
3. Horváth László
4. Tóth Mária (Czékliné)
5. Garbacz István
6. Orbán Mariska (Pukli Györgyné)
7. Babanits Irén(Oroszné) 11 
8. Dóra Piroska (Pintér Vilmosné) 12 
9. Nyuli Istvánné(Bölcskei Juci) 13 
10. P. Fekete István 14 
11. Memories of the Past 14 
12. In the Synagogue 15 
13. Szabó János 16 
14. Kánitz family 17 
15. Lax family 18 
16. Fekete János 18 
17. Hingyi Juci (Markovics Györgyné ) 18 
18. Csupity Simon: A late Visit 19 
19. Tóth József 19 
20. Family pictures  23
21. Schlitterné Nyuli Panni; Tells her true stories 24-27
           a. Coming home from hoeing
           b. The Netike “club”
           c. Goose ganders
22. Jewish jokes 30 
23. Jewish customs  38 
24. Their Cemeteries: Description 40 
25. Tombstones 43 
26. Pictures  56 
27. Closing words 67 
  Holocaust victims of the deportation  
  Jewish families in Pentele - 1940  

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