Drohiczyn Book

52°24' / 22°39'

Translation of Sefer Drohiczyn

Edited by:
D. Shtokfish

Published in Tel-Aviv, Israel, 1969

Epstein Plaque


Project Coordinator and Translator

Leonard J Epstein


This is a translation from:
Sefer Drohiczyn; Drohiczyn Book, ed. D. Shtokfish, Tel-Aviv, 1969 (H,Y,E)

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Title Author Page
Preface Moshe Tzur 1
Forward Moshe Tzur 7
1. There Was Once A Shtetl
Drohichin – Rise and Fall of a Shtetl (Hebrew) David Sztokfisz 9
Drohichin - Rise and Fall of a Shtetl (Yiddish) David Sztokfisz 23
Our Drohichin Ahuvah Linchevsky 45
My Childhood Memories Ahuvah Linchevsky 47
Four Jewish Generations in Drohichin (Hebrew) Mendl Turnowsky 59
Four Jewish Generations in Drohichin (Yiddish) Mendl Turnowsky 71
Story About the Destruction of Drohichin Jews Heinrich Kardosh 89
Remembering our Shtetl Rabbi Shalom-Shahne Poley (Polakewich) 92
The Chevrah Kadisha (Burial Society) and the Cemetery Gershon Lev 105
Saving Two Girls from Christianity Bessy Stotsky 107
My Home Chana Shemesh 109
Protect, Sorrow, My Home Zvi Domvisky 111
Murder of the Drohichin Youth Mendl Son of Baruch Reznik 114
On the Way to Learn Miriam Kleiger 117
A Remembrance Hershl Small 119
The Making of the World War (Hebrew) Moshe Tzur 121
The Making of World War II (Yiddish) Moshe Tzur 142
Drohichin Judaism Tzipora Freidman (Weissitz) 169
From Drohichin to Palestine Shlomo Wotshazsh 175
2. Characters And Portraits
Imagination of Fear Poah (Pesha) Kot 189
Ahuva Linchevsky Hershl Reznik 196
Jews From Drohichin Moshe Tzur 198
Yosef Tarmony z”l Ben Zion Kleiger 217
Abraham Chaim and Chana Basha Zucherman z”l Ya'akov Sogolawvitsh 218
First Zionists Immigrate to Palestine Miriam Levi (Tarnivsky) 223
My father Rabbi Zev Avol z”l Chayim Avol 225
My father Shlomo Drogitshinsky David Drogin 228
Iser Bystryn of Blessed Memory E. Ben Ezra 230
Rabbi Abraham Yitzchak the holy Chana Volker 235
The Exodus from Drohichin Adelman z”l 236
Gershon Stotsky z”l David Drogin 237
3. The Road Of Pain And Doom
Remember! Moshe Tzur 241
I will not forget! Leba Bronstein 242
The Army of Machzorim Letters of my People Sonya Gold 246
Expulsion From Drohichin Y. Sogolovitz 253
Diary of Pain and Suffering Shmuel Mordechai Lev 258
Disaster Drohichin (Hebrew) Pltyl (Palta) Poterman 333
Disaster Drohichin (Yiddish) Pltyl (Palta) Poterman 348
The Flight of a Drohichiner Jew Wolf Vishnia 372
Drohichin under the Hitler Era Rule Simcha Borshtein 374
The Story of a 12 Year Old Child Bella Bronstein 375
I Am A Living Witness Israel Drogotshinsky 394
Christians Treated Me Well Hinda Sarashka (Blumshtein) 400
My War Years in Russia Miral Rubenshtein (Foterman) 404
In A World With Good Farmers Chanina Livson 416
We Came to Our Life Journey Aytika Puterman 422
Testimony From Gershon Lev (Lew) Gershon Lev 430
In The Blackest Hell Ayda Broda (Orlinsky) 432
Good Times With My Brother Fishl Groda 441
Survival Was Thanks to Good People Leah Litman Groda 449
My Life Hung By A Hair Gadalya Groda 453
Struggle Drove My Life Bayla Groda Silverman 461
My Life in World War II Shlomo Goldvassser 465
Suffering Homeless Chaim Avol 472
The Merciful Gentiles Of Drohichin E. Rostol 481
My Savior Was A Catholic Priest Fayga Reznik 484
The World In A Ghetto Mendl Reznik 490
Our Whole Family Was Murdered Yoel Reznik 505
Revenge Chaim Lezer 510
4. Drohichiners In Israel And In Land Of Our Dispersion
Drohichiners in Israel Moshe Tzur 521
Drohichiners in America – A Document of Light   526
5. Memoirs
Necrology   537
List of Martyrs   549
6. English Section
Forward   3
My Childhood Memories Ahuvah Linshevsky 5
Our Town Drohichin Rabbi Shalom-Shahne Poley (Polakewich) 15
Jewish Girls Saved from Apostasy Bessy Stotsky 23
Odyssey of a Jewish Girl Bella Bronstein 29
Diary of Pain and Suffering Shmuel Mordehai Lev 42
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