Disna; memorial book of the community
(Disna, Belarus)

55°34' / 28°13'

Translation of
Disna; sefer zikaron le-kehila

Editor: A. Beilin et al

Published in Tel Aviv 1969

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation of: Disna; sefer zikaron le-kehila (Disna; memorial book of the community),
Editor: A. Beilin et al, Former Residents of Disna in Israel and the USA, Published: Tel Aviv 1969 (H,Y 277 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Disna

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

Title Author Page
List of Martyrs   1
Introduction   11
The history of the town Shalom Tzirlin 13
The history of Disna [Y] Shalom Tzirlin 18
Life in town Zalman Zmirin 25
Disna at the beginning of the 20th century Shlomo Mintz 46
The First World War Zvi Lekach 50
Memories of a member of the Bund Welvel ben Israel Hanger (Greiniman) z”l 52
Memories of a member of the Bund [Y] Welvel ben Israel Hanger (Greiniman) z”l 53
Disna and its Jews Zalman Nativ (Blachman) 55
Hasidism and Hasidim Yehuda Zamir 55
The Hasidic way [Y] Zalman Zmirin 57
A hasidic person [Y] Yehuda Zamir 58
Aliya to the Land of Israel Yehuda Zamir 60
Zionism in Disna Zalman Nativ (Blachman) 61
Memories of a student at the time of the Czar David Hellman z”l 63
Memories of a student at the time of the Czar [Y] David Hellman z”l 64
Shalom Aleichem on the cart of a Disna Jew Shlomo Mintz 65
The ferry Zvi Lekach 66
The flour mill Zvi Lekach 66
Types and figures from old times Welvel ben Israel Hanger (Greiniman) z”l 67
Jews from long ago [Y] Welvel Greiniman z”l 73
The Halutz (pioneer) and the saw [Y] Welvel Greiniman z”l 83
Disna Chana Epstein 84
Memories from the last years Arie Rischbitz 84
My town Disna Yakov Roffe 85
My little town Disna [Y] Yakov Roffe 86
A bundle of memories [Y] Feige Droyer-Werskein 88
It was not so long ago Zev Gurevitz 89
Memories Norman Eisenberg 91
Memories [Y] Norman Eisenberg 93
My town Bella Zmirin 96
My town [Y] Bella Zmirin 97
My home Henia Rischewitz (Sosner) 99
Zionist activity in Disna David Blechman 100
Farewell (a poem) [Y] Lea Tzirkel 101
Shalom Zmirin z”l   102
Education in Disna between the two World Wars Dr. Aharon Beilin 103
Educational Institutions [Y] Zalman Zmirin 106
The face of the government Ziskind Tzirlin 108
On the sidewalks in Disna Max Arie 109
On the sidewalks in Disna [Y] Max Arie 111
Figures from those days Norman Eisenberg 112
Figures from those days [Y] Norman Eisenberg 117
A soldier returns home Dov Sosner 125
“For these things I weep” Lea Katznelbogen 125
For these things my heart is crying [Y] Lea Katznelbogen 139
Over My Mother's Grave Iza Rositzon Sporn 154
From the Disna ghetto [Y] Sonia Tchernia - Driesenstock 155
The ghetto and the flight Sonia Tchernia 161
Their Graves Ida Rositzon Zlotogorski 167
Days of terror and bravery Nina Smoshkin 168
Days of terror and bravery [Y] Nina Smoshkin 172
The Disna Partisans   179
Tzila Yoktan Meir Klyat 179
The last words of a young girl from Zadisjenka [Y] Meir Klyat 180
The ghetto in Disna Refael Memechs and Zalman Elkind 180
The ghetto in Disna [Y] Refael Memechs and Zalman Elkind 181
A monument for the Disna martyrs [Y] Nathan Abramsohn 182
Who can forget? [Y] Meir Klyat 183

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