In Pursuit of Fading Memories
About the Jews of Cigánd – In fragments

(Cigánd, Hungary)

48°15' / 21°54'

Translation of
Fakuló emlékek nyomában

A cigándi zsidóságról – töredékesen

Edited by István Nagy

Publisher: Municipal Government of the City of Cigánd



Project Coordinator and Translator

Alex Revai

This is a translation of: Fakuló emlékek nyomában
A cigándi zsidóságról – töredékesen

(In Pursuit of Fading Memories
About the Jews of Cigánd – In fragments );
edited by István Nagy, published by the
Municipal Government of the City of Cigánd in 2013 (Hu, 60 pages).

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fulfilling our mission of disseminating information about the Holocaust and destroyed Jewish communities.
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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.


In Pursuit of Fading Memories

About the Jews of Cigánd – In fragments

Translated into English
Alex Revai


Cover design by Viktoria Körösi
At the shores of the Tisza at Cigánd
Oil painting on canvas, 40 cm x 40 cm
Editor: Istvan Nagy
Publisher: Municipal Government of the City of Cigánd
3973 Cigánd, Fö utca 80.
Printing and CtP preparation by Nyomdamühely Kft.



The publication of this book is intended to serve two objectives:
  1. To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the deportation of Jews of Cigánd;
  2. To facilitate the restoration of the Cigánd Jewish Cemetery;
In support of the latter project, the city of Cigánd has set up a separate bank account to which donations may be transferred. If you are interested to contribute, please contact Alex Revai. Hard copies of the original publications may also be obtained by contacting Alex Revai
Thanks to Sándor Révai (Canada) for his helpful cooperation and contributions of documents and pictures.

Also thanks to her mother - Révai Lászlóné, née Ella Kircz – for her valuable and accurate recollections of her childhood and early youth relating to Cigánd and subsequent memories of her sadly tormented ordeals.

I would like to thank teacher Tamás Oláh for his selfless assistance.

Contemporary pictures taken by András Némethy.

Archive photos from the collections of László Révai and other Cigánd descendents.


“Man, watch out, observe your world,
that was the past, this is the wild present, -
carry it in your heart. Live in this bad world
and always know what to do for it,
so it shall be different.”
Miklós Radnóti: He could take it no more...


Jews in Zemplen 7
   Sadly sensational news in Újhely[1] 11
   Youngsters looting in a Jewish house in Újhely[2] 11
Jewish Residents of Nagycigánd According to the 1869 Census 12
Jewish Residents of Kiscigánd According to the 1869 Census 13
Side-by-side in Daily Lives 14
Their Burial Customs 21
Stigmatized 22
Afterwards 25
The Synagogue 29
   Report for the Chief Justice of Királyhelmec 30
The Annulment of the Jewish Laws 30
List of the Cigánd Victims of the Holocaust 31
Meeting Minutes of Representative Bodies of Cigánd[3] 37
The “Other” Side 39
The Journey of Sufferings 40
   List of Cigánd Interviewees 43
The Stigmatized[4] 44
P.S. 47
Archival Photos 49

For all those, who, without regard to race, religion or political persuasion, are capable of watching out for their fellow man without prejudice, and able to assume that all are intent to cleanse and make the world a better place.
Miklós Veres, writer and Highschool teacher

  1. From the newspaper “Zemplen”, June 29, 1944 Return
  2. From the newspaper “Zemplen”, June 29, 1944 Return
  3. Documents from the Archives of Zemplen Return
  4. Népújsag – political weekly – Satoraljaujhely, March 3, 1945. Return

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Alex Revai
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 14 Feb 2014 by LA

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