
50°21' / 18°58'

Translation of unpublished list prepared in 1942:
Jews deported from Beuthen (Bytom), Upper Silesia


Translator and Project Coordinator

Peter Lande

This is a translation from: unpublished list prepared in 1942:  Jews deported from Beuthen (Bytom), Upper Silesia

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Bytom (Poland)

Beuthen (Germany)

50 kms south of Czechochowa,

157.8 miles SW of Warsaw

Beuthen , Upper Silesia, Germany, now Bytom , Poland, had over 3,500 Jewish inhabitants prior to World War II.
Many fled, but nearly a thousand Jews were deported to unspecified destinations in May and June 1942.

The following list, probably prepared originally by the Gestapo in 1942, consists of the family and given names of 982 deportees as well as the page and line numbers the names appear in the original address. No further information on these individuals is given in the original material, other than street which has not been computerized.

Researchers seeking further information on individuals, such as date and place of birth, may wish to use the May 1939 census for Beuthen, which can be ordered from the LDS Family History Centers.

The material is currently available at Yad Vashem and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (Microfiche RG-15.030*01).

If researchers wish to have copies of particular pages, they may write to Peter Lande and copies will be sent to them.

List of Jews deported from Beuthen (Bytom), Upper Silesia

 Yizkor Book Project    JewishGen Home Page     Beuthen, at Shtetlinks

Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Peter Lande
This web page created by Elsa Drezner

Copyright © 1999-2024 by JewishGen, Inc.
Updated 19 Jun 2009 by LA