Unfortunately, I was not able to set eyes on a few books I know from childhood, like the Pentateuchs printed by Ze'ev Wolf Pohorile with the "Remnant of Judah" commentary (Lwow, 1881), and likewise the Yiddish weekly Yidishe veker which was edited in Buczacz by Dr. Eliezer Rokeakh of Safed and printed in Buczacz in the printing house of Ze'ev Dratler and in which I myself published poems and stories.
I also want to mention the books of my learned relative, R. David Tsvi Miller (of blessed memory), and also the Sarajevo Haggada (Vienna 1898), the Laws of Hammurabi (Vienna 1903) and other works which, however, I have not recorded in this list since their title pages and bindings are not in Hebrew letters.
I would like to thank the meticulous bibliographer Mr. Shlomo Shunami for helping me to arrange this material.
1. Sefer Evel Gadol. ('Great Mourning') by R. Abraham Teumim, former president, rabbinical court of the holy congregation of Zabriz in the region of Galicia, the light of whose teaching now shines upon the upright in the study house of Buczacz a eulogy on the death of the righteous rabbi, my teacher and rabbi, Rabbi Israel of Ruzhin of blessed and saintly memory, Lemberg, "yra"t lp"k" [= 1851], 1, 30 leaves.
[This book Sefer Evel Gadol and also Sefer Evel Kaved by Rabbi Abraham Teumim, president of the rabbinical court of Zalishtshik, were mistakenly attributed to his learned uncle, Rabbi Abraham Teumim, author of Khesed LeAvraham, president of the rabbinical court of the holy congregation of Buczacz. And see Sefer Nakhal Dim'ea by Rabbi Abraham Teumim, president of the rabbinical court of Zalishtsik, and the words of his son there. Zalishtshik, n.d.]
2. Kuntres Evel Kaved. ('Deep Mourning') eulogizes the righteous rabbi, prince of peace, [son of] the holy rabbi ornament of Israel, of blessed and saintly memory, of Ruzhin. Lemberg, Mikhal [!] F. Poremba Printers, "yra"t lp"k" [= 1851], 20 leaves., octavo. [at the end of the book: "I am but dust and ashes {Gen. 18, 17} Abraham Teumim, president of the rabbinical court of Zbariz it should be Zbariz and not Zabriz, etc."] And attached to this is one pamphlet from his great composition Bet Avraham ('House of Abraham') on the Shulkhan Arukh, a section of his Bet Evel, his responsa on the laws of mourning. He responded to his friend Rabbi Ze'ev Wolf Pohorile of Tusit (presently a wise counselor in the holy congregation of Buczacz), on the law regarding finding dry bones. He brings new interpretations on biblical legends [unpublished] and his New Year addresses during his Zbariz period. At the end of the book he signs his name "I am but dust and ashes Abraham Teumim, president of the rabbinical court of Zbariz."
3. Kuntres Ohev Mishpat. ('Lover of Justice') (Part One) In a legal dispute
in Siget which divided the community in half
and became a public
against the Sefardic community whose enemies known as the
Orthodox rose up against them and accused them of breaking the law. As a
compromise it was decided to resolve the issue before a jury of five rabbis.
But the fifth rabbi took matters into his own hands and issued a halachic
judgement without discussing the matter face to face with the other
deliberating rabbis. He indited the Sefardic community who were held to be
guilty; however, there stood up against him the most learned scholar, my
teacher and rabbi, Rabbi Feivel Halevi, president of the rabbinical court of
Lemberg, ohev tsedaka umishpat lp"k ('lover of justice
and law') [=1897], 104 leaves, octavo.
[Regarding the division, separation and differences among the communities
in Hungary and containing the opinion of the majority of halachic authorities
in Galicia, Bukovina and Hungary and finally the form of the first statutes
that was received by the general meeting with the agreement of all the
townspeople and in the presence and with the agreement of the rabbi, Rabbi
Yekutiel Judah Teitelbaum.]
4. Ahab by R. Elkhanan Shitzer. A tragedy in four acts. Radom, 1934, 65, 1 pp. octavo.
5.* Emuna veHaskala ('Faith and Enlightenment') by R. David Meyer Anderman. A vision in five acts. Drohobycz, 1882, 72, 1 pp., duodecimo.
6. Kuntres Amarot Tehorot ('Purification Writings') by the learned sage, my teacher and rabbi, Rabbi Abraham David, president of the rabbinical court of Buczacz [immersion for purification, immersion of utensils and the laws of the Sabbath] published by the efforts of my two brothers-in-law, the distinguished rabbis Tsvi Hirsh and my teacher and rabbi, Rabbi Simon, son of Rabbi Isaac (may he live long) of Buczacz, grandson of the rabbi, the author [in Hebrew and Tevilat Tahara also in Ivre-Taytsh]
7. Kuntres Amarot Tehorot ('Purification Writings'), As above. Lemberg, "birkat tov lp"k" ('good blessing') [1879]. [different from the above, containing rare letters, including a copy of a letter to the holy congregation of Batishan a) about a breach of using pig fat in soap and candles b) about the transport of wine c) about work on the intermediate days of festivals d) about porging] Copy of a well-written tale for eliciting donations, "God Overturned the City," about a fire that left many householders without possessions and unfortunately completely burned down the synagogue" and a letter concerning the father-in-law of Rabbi Naftali Hertsil, son-in-law of Rabbi Tsvi Hirsh of Ziditshov. Lemberg, at the press of Isaac Meshulam Nik. [in Latin letters: AMUROZ THORES, Verl. S, Wurman, Druck des U.W. Salat et I.M. Nik Lemberg 1879], 16 leaves., octavo.
8. Kuntres Amarot Tehorot ('Purification Writings'). As above brought to press by Samuel Mordecai Drezdner from the city of Satmar. Satu-Mare, 1930, 28 leaves., 16mo.
8a.* Orkhot Khayim ('Way of Life') on "Orkhot Khayim" in the Shulkhan Arukh by me Nakhman Kahana corrected by Shalom Mordecai Hacohen. M. Siget, Moshe Blumenfeld, 1898, [3], 178, [2], 203 leaves., folio.
9. Eshel Avraham ('Abraham's Grove'). New notes on the laws of "Orkhot Khayim" in the Shulkhan Arukh by Rabbi Abraham David, president of the rabbinical court of the congregation of Buczacz, which I, Israel Aryeh Leib Wurmann collected, Parts I-2, Lemberg, P. Balaban Press, 1886, 1, 32, 12 leaves., folio.
10. Eshel Avraham ('Abraham's Grove'). New notes and opinions on the laws of the Shulkhan Arukh, "Orkhot Khayim," Part One, by Rabbi Abraham David of blessed memory, president of the rabbinical court of the congregation of Buczacz, which I collected and copied from among his many writings, I Israel Leib Aryeh Wurmann, son of the rabbi, my teacher, Rabbi Isaac, son of the son of the rabbi, the author Lemberg (Pesil Balaban), 1893, 22, 8 leaves., folio, two parts bound in one.
11. Sefer Eshel Avraham ('Abraham's Grove'), second edition, on chapters of "Orkhot Khayim" of the Shulkhan Arukh fruit of the thoughts of the learned sage, my teacher and rabbi, Rabbi Abraham David, president of the rabbinical court of the congregation of Buczacz I have brought this work to press, I the little grandson Israel Arye Leib Wurmann, son of my teacher the rabbi, Rabbi Isaac of blessed memory, son of the son of the righteous rabbi Buczacz, at the press of the eminent scholar, my teacher the rabbi, Rabbi Ze'ev Dratler, 1906, 192 pp., quarto [in Latin letters: Verlag des Herrn Israel Leib Wurmann Buczacz (Galizien) Volksdrukerei W. Dratler Buczacz]. At the beginning of the book courageous letters by Rabbi Shalom Mordecai Hacohen, president of the rabbinical court of Brezan and formerly senior president of the rabbinical court of Buczacz and by Rabbi Meir Arak, president of the rabbinical court of Yazlavits and afterwards president of the rabbinical court of the holy congregation of Buczacz. On pages 3-4 an apology by the typesetter and, from page 183 forward, notes by the learned sage Rabbi Meir [Arik], president of the rabbinical court of Yazlavits.
12. Sefer Beer Mayim Khayim ('Well of Living Waters'). A composition on the Torah by the wise, learned, holy, pious and humble sage, my teacher and rabbi, Rabbi Khayim of blessed memory, author of Sefer Siduro Shel Shabat and Sefer Sha'ar Hatefila and who served as rabbi in several holy congregations and at the end of his life in the Holy Land (may it soon be rebuilt) and from there was brought this composition with its wonders. Zhitomir, 1861, Part 1, 1, 147 leaves.; Part 2, 1, 161 leaves., quarto. [Sefer Beer Mayim Khayim was first printed in Czernowicz and afterwards in Zhitomir and has since been reprinted often and also appended to Pentateuch commentaries.]
13. Sefer Birkat Avraham ('Abraham's Blessing'). These were the words uttered by the mouth of my teacher Rabbi Abraham David, president of the rabbinical court of the congregation of Buczacz, which were written down by one of his exceptional students Moshe David, son of my rabbi Rabbi Tsvi, of blessed memory, of the holy congregation of Kolomea and which include several items of Moshe's own, and the son should honor his father, which is what our teacher Rabbi Tsvi Veizelberg tried to do in printing this precious book. Kolomea, at the press of my teacher and rabbi, Rabbi Alter Teicher, 1887, 23 leaves., octavo.
14. Sefer Birkat David ('David's Blessing') on the Pentateuch by Rabbi Abraham David, president of the rabbinical court of the holy congregation of Buczacz, 1800, 184 leaves., quarto. [in Latin letters: Lemberg, Gedrukt bei Iihdas Rosanis, 1800.]
[On Genesis alone. At the end a commentary on the tractate Pesakhim. The name of the printer and the year are falsified. It seems to have been printed in 1705.]
15. Bat Yiftakh ('Yiftakh's Daughter') by Elkhanan Shitzer. A biblical play in four scenes. Radom, 1933, 1 p., octavo.
15a.* Gilui Da'at Al "Yoreh Deya". ('Opinion on "Yoreh Deya"') (from paragraph 61 to paragraph 69) by our teacher Rabbi Shalom Mordecai, president of the rabbinical court of Brezan. Satmar, at the press of V. Shvarts, 1820, [3], 2-11, [1] pp., quarto. Sefer Davar Be'ito ('A Word In Time') Second part of Sefer Divrey Khakhamim [the third book of the great composition Agadat Azav] on the Talmud [order Moed] from the distinguished rabbi, author of She'eyrit Yehuda, Lemberg, at the press of Ze'ev Wolf Salat and Jacob Meshulam Nik, 1887.
[in Latin letters: Verlag des Verfassers Wolf Pohorille Buczacz Lemberg 1887]. folio.
17 . Sefer Divrey Avot ('Words of the Fathers') by Rabbi Abraham David, president of the rabbinical court of the congregation of Buczacz. An exegesis of the tractate Avot published by the effort of my two brothers-in-law, the eminent rabbis Rabbi Tsvi Hirsh and my teacher, Rabbi Simon, son of Rabbi Isaac (may he live long and happily) of Buczacz, grandson of the author. Lemberg, at the press of Jacob Meshulam Nik, 1879, 40 pp,, octavo. [in Latin letters: DIWREI ABOT Verl. S, Wurman, druck des U.W. Salat et D.M. Nik Lemberg 1879].
18. Sefer Divrey Avot ('Words of the Fathers') As above. Lemberg, 1879, 48 pp, octavo. [at the end omissions in the Passover Haggada to fill the margins and a letter that the author sent in his youth to the learned Rabbi Zalman Margoliuth of Brody]
19. Sefer Divrey Avraham ('Words of Abraham') A commentary on Sefer Daat Kedoshim (from paragraph 40 to paragraph 60) by Rabbi Abraham David and appended at the end Kuntres Hasagot on the rules in writing names in divorce writs by me Yekhezkl Frenkel of the saintly congregation of Husyatin. Przemeshl, at the press of R. Aaron Zupnik and R. Khayim Knaller and Hamershmit, 1886, 2, 42 leaves., folio. The name of the book, etc., is also given in Cyrillic letters.
20. Sefer Divrey Avraham ('Words of Abraham'). Part One, Section One, commentary on Sefer Da'at Kedoshim on all the rules of ritual slaughtering and of the laws of tr"l by me Yekhezkl Frenkel Husyatin. Kolomea, at the press of Alter Teicher, 1894, 60, 1 leaves., quarto. [in Latin letters: DIWRE ABRAHAM Druck von M. Bilous in Kolomea].
21. Sefer Divrey David ('Words of David') These are words on the order of prayer in Sefer Tefila by Rabbi Abraham David, president of the rabbinical court of Buczacz, the publisher Simon son of R. Isaac, grandson of the author. Kolomea, 1892, 40 leaves., octavo.
22. Sefer Divrey Khayim ('Words of Life') Part One by R. Khayim Yerukham, veteran student of the learned sage of Buczacz, son of Simon Meshulam Feivush of the holy congregation of Buczacz and of high lineage in the order of piety. Munkacs, at the press of Kohn and Fried, 1906, [36 leaves.], quarto. [At the end of the pamphlet new interpretations and selections which he heard from reknown personages and first among them the learned holy rabbi of Buczacz, material not published earlier]
23.* Divrey Khakhamim ('Words of Wise Men') collected, assembled and composed by my teacher and rabbi, Rabbi Judah Leib, son of Rabbi Yekutiel Melamed and reader of the holy congregation of Buczacz who arranged them according to the order of the Torah portions and the festivals and seasons [at the beginning Divrey Khakhamim and at the end corrections of traditions according to Sefer Or Torah]. Zolkiew, at the press of the Lawgivers, grandsons of Rabbi Uri Feivush, 1757, [36 leaves.], quarto.
23a.* Divrey Yitskhak ('Words of Isaac') [by R. Yitskhak Isaac Weiss. With notes by Rabbi Shalom Mordicai Hacohen], Munkacs, Aaron Dov Maizels, 1906, 36 leaves. octavo.
24. Sefer Da'at Kedoshim ('Wisdom of the Saints') the first part of the sacred volumes which Rabbi Abraham David, president of the rabbinical court of Buczacz (may his memory be blessed) left after him to clarify all the laws of ritual slaughter and of tearing (by wild beast or bird of prey), besides all the rules necessary for teaching. I have arranged and corrected it, and have added the corrections of Giduley Hakodesh and Mikdash Me'at ('Crops of the Holy Temple' and 'The Synagogue') Feivel Halevi, president of the rabbinical court of Bradshin and now senior president of the rabbinical court of the holy congregation of Kolomea. Published by Abraham Weidenfeld of Stanislaw. Lwow, at the press of Abraham Nissan Zis, 1871. [in Latin letters: DAAS KEDAUSCHIM Lemberg 1871], 146, 2, 31 leaves., folio.
25. Da'at Kedoshim ('Wisdom of the Saints') by Rabbi Abraham David Wurmann on the laws of ritual slaughter and tearing, with the corrections Giduley Hakodesh and Mikdash Me'at ('Crops of the Holy Temple' and 'The Synagogue' by Rabbi Feivel Halevi, president of the rabbinical court of Bradshin and on the laws of the Scroll of the Law, Lwow, 1880, 199 leaves., folio.
26. Da'at Kedoshim ('Wisdom of the Saints') on the laws of the Scroll of the Law which contain four works, the inner columns are taken from Sefer Bney Yona and surrounding them are the Da'at Kedoshim and the corrections Giduley Hakodesh and Mikdash Me'at composed by Uri Feivel Halevi, president of the rabbinical court of Bradshin, Lwow, 1896, 2, 58 leaves., folio.
[26] Da'at Kedoshim on the laws of phylacteries and containing three books:
Da'at Kedoshim and additions to it by Rabbi Abraham David, president of the rabbinical court of Buczacz, Mikdash Me'at and Giduley Kodesh and after them Mikdash Me'at ('The Synagogue') to clarify differences in the laws composed by Uri Feivel Halevi, president of the rabbinical court of the congregation of Bradshin, Lwow, 1897, 1, 42 leaves., folio.
[26] Da'at Kedoshim on the laws of the mezuzah. As above. Lwow, 1896, 1, 16 leaves., folio.
27. Da'at Kedoshim ('Wisdom of the Saints') On the salting of meat in fat and the laws of small things, the holy works Rabbi Abraham David (may his memory be blessed), president of the rabbinical court of the congregation of Buczacz, left behind him and added to necessary rules for teaching which Rabbi Feivel Halevi, president of the rabbinical court of Bradshin ordered, corrected and added corrections to Giduley Hakodesh and Mikdash Me'at. Lemberg (A. Salat), 1911. 4, 4 leaves., folio.
27a. Seder Da'at Kedoshim ('Wisdom of the Saints') Includes all the prayers of the year according to the Sefardic and Ashkenazic rites with the commentary Tehila leDavid by the kabbalist Rabbi Abraham David (may his memory be eternally blessed), president of the rabbinical court of Buczacz and attached to it the book Noam Megadim ('The Loveliness of Blessings') on the laws of prayer by the learned pillar of teaching with several additions missing from the first editions, with keys by the learned M. Jacob, president of the rabbinical court of Lisa and in order that nothing should be missing I added Sefer Iyun Tefila by the learned Rabbi M. Shamri, president of the rabbinical court of Harimlab (may his memory be blessed), with many additions which were erased from the first editions. Peyrush Maspik ('Ample Interpretation') on liturgical hymns for selikhot and hosannahs and to complete the work I printed Rashi's commentary on the tractate Avot corrected from the Mishna Ets haKhayim by Rabbi Khagiz. Also included here are "Tikun khatsot," "Hagada," Tefila zaka," "Perek shira," "Tikuney shabat," Shir haYakhid." All of these were collected by Rabbi Khayim Knaller of Przemeshl and published by M. Abraham Isaac Amkroyt, Przesheml 1892 at the press of Zupnik, Knaller and Hammershmit, 16, 236 leaves., quarto. [Derekh khayim hashalem in 1891 with a special title page 1, 51 leaves.]
27b.* Da'at Torah al Halakhot Shekhita ('Torah Views on the Laws of Ritual Slaughter') by Rabbi Shalom Mordecai Hacohen, Lemberg, Feliks Bendarski, 1891, 6-109 leaves., folio.
28. Sefer Drishat HaZe'ev (The Wolf's Enquiry') by R. Ze'ev Wolf Pohorile
of the holy community of Buczacz
and this book includes the first
edition of his Khomat Anokh
and the second edition of Khomat Anokh on
the Prophets and Writings and Sefer Divrey Khakhamim on the Talmud and Sefer
Erekh haShulkhan on the Shulkhan Arukh brought to press by Jacob Meshulam
Nik, Lemberg, 1895, 24, 122 leaves., quarto. [in Latin letters: DRISCHAS
HAZEW. Verlag des Verfassers Herrn Wolf Pohrile (sic A.P.) in
Buczacz Buchdrukerei des Ch. Rohatyn, Lemberg 1895].
[24 pages includes the title page and the approvals of the learned of the
age, heading the list the learned Rabbi Tsvi Hirsh Orenstein of Lwow,
followed by the learned sage Rabbi Yekutiel Judah Teitelbaum of Siget (uncle
of the author's wife), the sage Rabbi Simon Sofer of Krakow, and the learned
Rabbi Meshulam Issachar Halevi Ish Hurevits of Stanislaw, and also approvals
from the learned elders of Tshortkov and Matanya, from the righteous Rabbi
Joshua Hurvitz of Dzikow, and Rabbi Yekhiel Brumir, senior president of the
rabbinical court of Buczacz and Rabbi Shmuel Issachar Shtark of Buczacz, a
judge and righteous teacher, and from Rabbi Dembitser of Krakow and from
other rabbis who later became famous rabbis, and also from figures in the
Land of Israel.]
29.* Sefer Derekh Emuna ('Way of Faith') by Rabbi Ze'ev Wolf Pohorile. A section on the Talmudic tractate "Berakhot" ('Blessings') and the Mishna order "Zeraim" ('Seeds'), the first section of Sefer Divrey Khakhamim which is the third section of the great composition Agadat Azav She'eyrit Yehuda, Lemberg, 1887, 70 leaves., folio.
30. Sefer Darkhey Shalom ('Ways of Peace') Rules of the Talmud and of the rabbinical arbiters including several hundred rules on new matters which are not mentioned in books of rules and an appendix by the publisher, his history and behavior entitled Ohel Shem. R. Shalom Mordecai Hacohen composed all this. Published by Rabbi Tsvi Hacohen Shvedron, son of the author, Bilgoray, at the press of the Weinberg Brothers, 1929, 74, 2 leaves., octavo.
31. Hagada shel Pesakh ('Passover Haggada') with the commentary "Yad Rama" by Rabbi Abraham David, president of the rabbinical court of Buczacz, Kolomea, 1897, 31 leaves., octavo.
31a.* Hagahot Maharsham al HaShas ('Talmudic Corrections of the Maharsham' [= Shalom Mordecai Shvedron]), Satu-Mare, M.L. Hirsh Printers, 1932, [4], 86 leaves, quarto.
32. Sefer Zekharye Hameyvin ('The Understanding Zacharia') Foundations of the wisdom of theology and the wisdom of the true kabbala for beginners divided into several chapters which retain the order of that which comes earlier and that which follows and contain many passages from our sages the words of Rabbi Eliezer Hakalir compiled by Rabbi Zekharye Mendel, son of the illustrious rabbi Leib of Buczacz and known in our region as Rabbi Mendel Podeyts, author of Sefer Menorat Zekharye and Sefer Zekharye Meshulam. Frankfurt-on-the-Oder, Printing House of the Widow of Prof. Dr. Grila, 1, 33 leaves., octavo.
33. Sefer Zekharye Meshulam ('Genuine Zacharia') A wonderful composition
with halakhic depth and with passages composed by Rabbi Zekharye Mendel of
the holy congregation of Buczacz. Frankfurt-on-the-Oder, 1779, 72 leaves.,
[see the entry Menorat Zekharye] And because this book is a completion of
the book Menorat Zekharye it is called Zekharye Meshulam because it is
a "hashlama" ('completion') and because Zekharye is
"and I will make my appeal to all who show interest in my
book and listen to my words that they remember my name and everyone in Israel
is obliged, as I write in my pleasant book Menorat Zekharye, to reform the
soul of his fellow."
34. Khomat An"kh, Part Two ('Wall of the Law') [An"kh=Oraysa neviey kesuvey], Part Two. Commentaries on Prophets and Writings according to grammar and rhetoric. Investigation of places in the Holy Land mentioned in Prophets and Writings. The time the prophets in Judah and Israel prophesied and the kings of Judah and Israel ruled and the history of the other peoples about whom the prophets prophesied and exegesis of Rashi's commentary by the illustrious [Rabbi Ze'ev Wolf Pohorile] in his books Sefer She'eyrit Yehuda on the Pentateuch and Sefer Divrey Khakhamim on the Talmud. Brought to press by Jacob Meshulam Nik. Lemberg 1889, 2, 198 leaves. [in Latin letters: CHOMATH ANOCH. Eigentum un Verlag vom Verfasser Wolf Pohorile in Buczacz Druck des Jacob Ehrenpreis Lemberg 1889]. [In the "Song of Deborah" the author copies from his book Tomar Dvora a song which he sang for rhetorical effect (as in a play), and he recalls his unpublished grammatical work Sefat Emet.]
35. Sefer Khosen Rav ('Great Riches') The third part of Sefer Divrey Khakhamim [the third part of the great composion Igeret Azav] on the Talmud innovations on "Yebamot," "Ketubot," "Nedarim," "Nazir," "Soteh," "Gittin," "Kedushin" [by Rabbi Ze'ev Wolf Pohorile]. Lemberg, 1889, 30 leaves., folio.
36. Sefer Tal Orot ('Fresh Light') Corrections, notes and explanations on the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmud by Rabbi Meir Arik, president of the rabbinical court of the congregation of Buczacz, son of Rabbi Aaron Judah, published by his pupil R. Yekhiel Mikhal Preminger, Vienna, "Union" Press of the Apel Brothers, 1921, 60, 48 leaves., folio.
36a.* Sefer Yagdil Tora ('Make Teaching Great') A memorial to Judah. New interpretations of Talmudic questions and certain responsa by Rabbi Judah Leibush Monk and accompanied at the end by responsa from Rabbi Maharsham [= Shalom Mordecai Shvedron], president of the rabbinical court of Berzan. Warsaw, Y. M. Alter Printers, 1929. [3], [5]-195 leaves., folio. On the second title page: Bilgoray, Weinberg Brothers Press, 1929, 78 leaves., octavo.
37. Sefer Yalkut David ('David's Notebook') A commentary on a number of Torah essays by Rabbi David Khalfan Halevi of the city of Buczacz. Przemeshl, 1927, 78 leaves., octavo. [At the beginning of the book the author's introduction on his experiences during the war and at the end two pages of rhymes which carry the meaning that at the time of the weekly Torah portion "Jethro," people donated to the poor of the Talmud Torah, and likewise at the weekly Torah portion "ve'etkhanen." ('and I shall entreat')]
38. Yikarey Deoraysa ('Read from the Biblical Source') Aggadic innovations and words of self-mastery given publicly on the occasion of presenting a Scroll of the Law to a synagogue also words of aggada and accompanying them new readings on "Orekh Khayim," "Mekor Khayim," the laws of Passover. Sketch and ornament on inside cover. [Shmuel Issachar Shtark teacher and dayan ('religious judge') here in the holy congregation of Buczacz.] Lemberg, Printed by Samuel David Roth, 1897, 1, 31 leaves., quarto. [in Latin letters: JIKUREI DEORAJSE, Verlag von Rabbiner Samuel Stark in Buczacz, Druck von Ch. Rohatyn in Lemberg 1897]
39. HaYarden. Literary and Scientific Monthly. ed, Dr. Eliezer Rokeach. vol. 1, no. 4 (Ab). Buczacz. Printed by V. Dratler, 1906. 72 pp., octavo. [No more were issued. The first three numbers were published by Eliezer Rokeach, Isaac Fernhof, Abraham Lebenshart, Stanislav Shevet Ayar 1906. Printed by A. Salat]
40. Sefer Kesef Mezukak ('Refined Silver') which I refined
the Ramban
[= Rabbi Moses ben Nakhman] on the Pentateuch
Abraham Liblein. Lemberg,
Printed by Samuel David Roth, 1898, 4, 36 leaves. [in Latin letters:
KESEF MESYKOK, Verlag von Abraham Lieblein in Buczacz, Buchdruckerei Chaim
Rohatyn Lemberg 1897]
[Approvals of the rabbis Rabbi Feivel Halevi, president of the rabbinical
court of Bradshin, author of Sefer Giduley Hakodesh and Rabbi Meir Arik,
president of the rabbinical court of Yazlavits, and Rabbi Samuel Issachar
Shtark, a righteous teacher of Buczacz. There is also an introduction by the
author and notes by the illustrious Rabbi Meir, president of the rabbinical
court of Yazlavits,] The aim of the book is to correct several errors in the
commentary of the Ramban due to copyist or printer, the interpretation of two
passages appearing as though of one, the reader failing to understand.
41.* Likutey Tora ('Torah Extracts') from Sefer Tekhelet Mordecai by our teacher Rabbi Shalom Mordecai Hacohen. Satu-Mare, Meyer Leib Hirsh Printers, 1933, 16 [should be 24] leaves., octavo.
41a.* Magen Avot ('Shield of the Fathers') [by Rabbi Mordecai Banet and at the front a signature and notes by Shalom Mordecai Hacohen ] Piatrkov, A. Reisengarten, 1903, 6, 103 pp., folio. At the beginning of the book an introduction by the translator and at the end notes on terminology.
42. [3 books] Makhaze Avraham ('The Vision of Abraham') on the
Pentateuch, Khoze David ('David the Seer') on the Prophets and Writings, and
Khazon leMoed ('Vision of the Festivals') pleasant sayings on the festivals
of God published by my two sons-in-law, Rabbi Tsvi Hirsh and my teacher Rabbi
Simon, son of Rabbi Isaac of Buczacz. [Lemberg] birkat ledavid lepak [=
1876] 44, 2 leaves., quarto.
[in Latin letters: MACHZE ABRAHAM Eigentum u. verl. des Simon Wahrmann,
Druck von A, Waydomicz vormals M.F. Poremba in Lemberg 1876.]
[The introduction by the author's grandson has a little on the history of
the senior president of the rabbinical court, may his memory be blessed.]
43. Miley deKhasiduta ('Hasidic Words') by Rabbi Abraham David
Wurmann. Corrections of Sefer Khasidim. Published by Simon, son of Rabbi
Isaac, grandson of the author. Kolomea, 1890, 40 leaves., octavo.
44. Sefer Miley deKhasiduta ('Hasidic Words') from our Rabbi Judah the Hasid (of blessed memory) with commentary by the learned, holy teacher Rabbi Abraham David, president of the rabbinical court of Buczacz, reprinted with many additions from the author's manuscript and accompanying it corrections by the Maharsham [Rabbi Shalom Mordecai Shvedron], president of the rabbinical court of Brezan and brought to press by Menakhem Mani Kroper of the congregation of Khust. M. Siget, at the press of R. Abraham Kaufman and Sons, 1910, 22, 2 leaves., octavo.
45. Sefer Milkhamot Blokh ('The Blokh Wars') which I fought with utterances from my mouth in the house of the "Blokh Committee" and in assemblies of the communities of Israel, in the great synagogue of our city Buczacz, I the young Judah Halevi Leisner, preacher, native of Buznob and now living in Buczacz, in the year "kavod yosef shmuel blokh yikhye" [1891], Lemberg, 1891, 48 pp., 16mo.
46. Sefer Menorat Zekharye (Zacharia's Candelabrum') A marvelous composition of halakhic depth and with new readings which Rabbi Zacharia Mendel of the holy congregation of Buczacz composed. He was known in this country as Mendel Podheyts. He was the son of the famous learned sage Rabbi Aryeh Leib of Buczacz who was leader of the country in and around the region of Lwow and who was popularly known as Rabbi Leybush, leader of the country. Frankfurt-on-the-Oder, 1776, 3, 84 leaves., folio. [The author was the father-in-law of the brilliant author of Peney Yehoshua and in the beginning of his book he talks about his relationship to the Maharshal {=Rabbi Solomon Luria}, the Rama {=Rabbi Moshe Isserlish}, the Maharam {=Rabbi Meir} of Padua, and other great sages of Israel.]
47. Sefer Minkhat Oni ('Gift of Affliction') Innovations on Khoshen Mishpat [= fourth part of the Shulkhan Arukh] by Rabbi Shmuel Issachar Shtark, teacher and dayan ['religious judge'] in the city of Buczacz. Brought to press by Jacob Meshulam Nik. Lemberg, Lemberg, 1897, 2, 90 leaves., octavo.
48. Sefer Minkhat Kanaut ('Gift of Zeal') New interpretations on the tractate Soteh and corrections on "Orekh Khayim" of the Shulkhan Arukh which will be called Minkhat Pitim ('Gift of Morsels'), which I the young Meir Arik, president of the rabbinical court of Yazlavits, son of our teacher Rabbi Aaron Judah, composed with God's help. Lemberg, Khayim Rohatin Printer, 1894, 2, 70 leaves., octavo.
49.* Mekor Khesed ('Source of Grace') The testament of Rabbi Judah the Hasid; hasidic words, the testament of Rabbi Abraham David Wurmann with corrections by Rabbi Shalom Mordecai of Brezan and notes by Rabbi Margoliuth. Lwow, 1923, 43 pp., octavo.
50 Sefer Mekor Khesed ('Source of Grace') Testament of Rabbi Judah the Hasid with hasidic words by the learned holy Rabbi Abraham David of Buczacz, corrections from the learned Rabbi Shalom Mordecai Hacohen of Brezan and corrections and notes appended to these by me, Reuben Margoliuth. Second edition with additions, Lwow, 1928, 21, 2 leaves., octavo.
Sefer Mishmeret haKodesh ('Sacred Watch') Written with truth and honesty to protect the way by our teacher and rabbi, Rabbi Abraham David In the respected book Da'at kedoshim published in the year 1871, there were many misprints both in the work proper and in the surrounding texts Giduley Hakodesh and Mikdash Me'at. Our teacher Rabbi Feivel Halevi, president of the rabbinical court of Bradshin, has now come to correct the printing errors and to fill in shortcomings and also to add writings from his learned rabbi who has corrected Giduley Hakodesh, the omissions in Da'at Kedoshim and has added Kuntres teshuvot Lemberg, 1879, 1, 49 leaves, folio.
51a.* Mishpat Shalom ('Shalom's Judgement') on "Khosen Mishpat" in the Shulkhan Arukh by our teacher Rabbi Shalom Mordecai Hacohen.Lemberg, Y. M. Shtand, 1871, 119 + 8, 1 leaves., folio.
51b. Warsaw: P. Rozen; Piatrkov, Sh. Belkhatovski Printers, 1902, [1], 100, 7-23 leaves., folio.
Sefer Hamitnagdim ('The Misnagdim') by Isaac Fernhof. Stories. "Sifrey Nefesh" ('Spiritual Books') Israel Cohen brought this book to press and wrote the introduction. Tel Aviv, Hebrew Writers' Association and "Dvir" Publishers, 1952, 216 leaves., octavo. [a picture of the author, his signature and his gravestone]
[Table of contents, Israel Cohen, Isaac Fernhof, William Fernhof, memories of my father's house. Stories of misnagdim, 10. Other stories, 6. Lines and drawings 3. Essays 3. Appendices, two letters. Greetings.]
52a.* Nakhlat Yaakov ('Jacob's Legacy') The first part contains commentaries on the Pentateuch and many legends and also eulogies which our teacher Rabbi Jacob of Lisa gave. The second part contains halakhic interpretations on various questions and some responsa, and also replies from his grandson, Rabbi Abraham Teumim. Breslau, 1849, 6+ 40 + 58 leaves., folio.
52b* Nakhlat Yaakov ('Jacob's Legacy') Commentaries on the Pentateuch by our teacher Rabbi Jacob of Lisa. Lemberg, Uri Ze'ev Wolf Salat Printers, 1887, 10 + 78 leaves., octavo. With a long introduction by his grandson Rabbi Abraham Teumim. This book was printed for the first time in Breslau in 1849 and now for the second time without the responsa and interpretations of his grandson.
53. Nishmat Khayim ('Breath of Life') Eulogy and condolences on the death of the learned and pious Rabbi Abraham David, containing many words of the deceased rabbi. [The author did not seek permission from the great hasidic rabbis and tsadikim or from the relatives of the deceased, for he did not wish it to be known who the author was. He did not write the book for his own honor but to publish the words which he had heard from the deceased president of the rabbinical court.] [Zolkiew, 1841], 25 leaves., octavo.
54. Sefer Siduro shel Shabat ('Sabbath Prayer Book') composed by the great and learned Rabbi Khayim, who was president of the rabbinical court of the holy congregation of Mohilev and president of rabbinical courts in important congregations in the regions of Volkhay, Batshan, Kishenev, Czernowicz and Bukovina, and at the end of his life he traveled to the Holy Land. Brought to press by our wise and learned teacher Rabbi Mikhal Wolf. Lemberg, 1860, Part One 3, 50 leaves., Part Two 32 leaves., octavo.
55 Sefer Siduro shel Shabat ('Sabbath Prayer Book'). As above. Part One 4, 60 leaves., Part Two 40 leaves., [n.p.], [n.d.].
56.Sefer Shaashuim ('Book of Delights') Scenes, pictures, stories, poems, notes and exegeses by various writers, edited by Itsi Fernhof. Numbers 1-6, Krakow-Drohobycz, 1896-1898, 5 issues, 16mo.
[56] Sefer Shaashuim ('Book of Delights') Second group. scenes, pictures, stories, poems, and essays by various writers, edited by Isaac Fernhof. 1-2 Drohobycz, 1899, 1 issue, (56 pp.), octavo.
57. Sefer Ezer Mekudash ('Sanctified Help') On the laws of
tractate "Gittin" ('Divorce') and the names of men and women
with Giduley Hakodesh and Mikdash Me'at
with commentary from Da'at
Kedoshim to understand halakhic decisions. The learned Rabbi Shraga Feivel
Halevi, president of the rabbinical court of Bradshin, pupil of our great and
learned rabbi, occasionally adds some judgement of his own.
Bilgoray, at the press of Neta Kronenberg, 1923, 58 leaves., folio. The
dust jacket was drawn by the painter Shtsherbetka. [in Latin letters: SEFER
EZER MEKUDOSZ. St. Chowanies Drukarnia I Litogr. Stanislawow.]
58.* Hapalit miYerusholaim ('The Fugitive from Jerusalem') A story of the destruction of Jerusalem by Rabbi L. Philipsohn, translated from German by A. Ben-Rashal [R. Aryeh Leib Pohorile's son R. Samuel]. Przemyshl, 1888, 11 leaves., octavo.
58a.* Sefer Paaman [sic -- A.P.] Zahav ('Golden Bell') Interpretation and correction of Sefer Simla Khadasha ('New Garment'), rules regarding torn flesh (of beasts and birds) by our teacher Rabbi Eliezer Dikhter and several responsa by our teacher Rabbi Shalom Mordecai [Shvedron]. Bilgoray, Y. Kh. Weinberg Press, 1933, [2], 6, 327 pp., quarto.
59.* Tsiyun leNefesh haR. Shmuel Pohoriles ('Monument to Samuel Pohorile'). Poem and Lamentation by Itsi Fernhof. Drohobycz, 1884, 54 pp., octavo.
60. Kuntres Tr"l with rules by our teacher Rabbi Abraham David, president of the rabbinical court of Buczacz, which were already published in Sefer Da'at Kedoshim and have now been published with the commentaries of Divrey Avraham by me, the humble Yekhezkl Frenkel Husyatin. Kolomea, in the press of Alter Teicher, 1883, 4, 48 leaves., quarto.
60.a* Sefer Kitsur Shulkhan Arukh ('Concise Shulkhan Arukh'), On the laws of the Sabbath (by Solomon Gantsfried) and to this composition is attached a pamphlet with the name Ahavat Shalom many new interpretations of the Sabbath interpreted by Rabbi Shalom Mordecai Warsaw, Y.Ts. Lev, 1900, [1], 312 pp., octavo.
61. Sefer She'eylot uTeshuvot Imrey Yosher ('Responsa Imrey Yosher'], Part One by Rabbi Meir Arik, president of the rabbinical court of Yazlavits. Munkacs, press of Samuel Zanvil Kahana and his son-in-law Ozer Hacohen Fried, 1913, 4, 106 leaves, folio.
[61] Sefer She'eylot uTeshuvot Imrey Yosher ('Responsa Imrey Yosher']
Part Two by Rabbi Meir Arik, formerly president of the rabbinical courts
of Yazlevits and Buczacz and now president of the rabbinical court of
Tarnow, published by his pupil, his grandson Rabbi Kalonymus Kelman Arak and
our teacher Rabbi Yekhiel Mikhal Preminger. Krakow, press of M. Lenkovitsh,
1925, 4, 124 pp.
62. She'eylot uTeshuvot Zikhron Moyshe (Responsa Zikhron Moshe ['In Memory of Moses']) On "Orekh Khayim" and "Yoreh Deya" by Rabbi Moshe Brumer (of blessed memory), former president of the rabbinical court of Buznob, with corrections by the author's son, our teacher Rabbi Yekhiel Mikhal Brumer, president of the rabbinical court of Buczacz. And at the end of the book some of the interpretations of the author's son, Rabbi Nahum Brumer, of blessed memory, who was gathered to his rest in his youth and who left behind him acute Torah interpretations named by name. Corrections Bney Moshe on the "Orekh Khayim." Published by the elder son, Rabbi Jacob Brumer. Husiatyn, in the press of P. Kvalek, 1906, 6, 104 leaves., folio.
63. Sefer Khesed LeAvraham ('Abraham's Goodness') Responsa on four parts of the Shulkhan Arukh by Rabbi Abraham Teumim, former president of the rabbinical court of Buczacz. Lemberg, press of Uri Ze'ev Wolf Salat, 1898, 1, 131, 73 leaves. folio.
64. Sefer Khesed Avraham ('Abraham's Goodness') Second edition of responsa on four parts of the Shulkhan Arukh and wonderful interpretations of Maimonides on the laws of the paschal sacrifice and the laws of worship on the Day of Atonement, the first part of "Orekh Khayim" and "Yore Deya" by Rabbi Abraham Teumim, president of the rabbinical courts of the congregations of Buczacz and Kamenets-Podolsk. When he was sixteen years old, he already won the crown of Torah in the holy congregation of Zbarov, from where his name spread through the world for his responsa attached to the Sefer Nakhlat Yaakov by his mother's father, the learned Rabbi Jacob of Lisa Lemberg, 1898, 1, 42, 2 leaves., folio.
[64] Sefer Khesed Avraham ('Abraham's Goodness') second edition as above. Part Two, "Even Haezer" and "Khoshen Mishpat" and interpretations of Maimonides on the laws of paschal sacrifice and worship on the Day of Atonement. Lemberg, 1898, 1, 62 pp,, folio.
65. She'eylot uTeshuvot Maharsham ('Responsa of Maharsham') by Rabbi Shalom Mordecai Hacohen, formerly president of the rabbinical courts of Potk, Yazlavits and Buczacz and now president of the rabbinical court of Brezan in Galicia. One part of nine editions Published by Feivel Rozin. Warsaw, at the press of Shuldberg and Partners, "ki eyn makhsor leyirav" ('there is no lack of his faithful') [= 1893], 40, 218 pp., folio. Following the Introduction there is an apology by the editor for not citing the names of the authors of the responsa according to their stature and reputation.
[65] [She'eylot uTeshuvot Maharsham ('Responsa of Maharsham') by Rabbi Shalom Mordecai Hacohen, Part Two Piotrkow, at the press of R. Abraham Roysengarten, 1904, 242 pp., folio. [at the end keys and notes and corrections to his composition Gilui Da'at]
66. Sefer Neta Shaashuim ('Plantation of Pleasures'). Responsa on the
four parts of the Shulkan Arukh by Rabbi Tsvi Hirsh, president of the
rabbinical court of Buczacz.
Brought to press by the author's son, Rabbi Yekhiel Ikhl. Zolkiew, press
of Meyer Ze'ev Meyer Hofer, 1829, 84 leaves., folio. [an introduction by
the author's son, strictures by the prize student of Rabbi Abraham David,
president of the rabbinical court of the holy congregation of Buczacz, 96
chapters in the book including responsa to most of the sages of the age]
"I named this book Neta Shaashuim for there arises from this book the
name and life of Tsvi Hirsh son of Jacob
." : Introduction
to the book by his son Rabbi Yekhiel Ikhl, 1829.
67. Sefer She'eylot uTeshuvot Rabeynu Meshulam Igra by Rabbi Meshulam Igra, president of the rabbinical courts of the congregation of Tismenits and of the holy congregation of Pressburg, responsa on "Orekh Khayim" and "Even Haezer." Warsaw, 1885, 6, 132 pp., folio.
[67]. Sefer She'eylot uTeshuvot Rabeynu Meshulam Igra by Rabbi Meshulam Igra. Responsa on "Yoreh Deya" and "Khoshen Mishpat." Warsaw, 1885, 72, 38 pp., folio.
68. Sefer Sha'ar HaTefila ('Gateway of Prayer') by Rabbi Khayim, president of the rabbinical court of the holy congregation of Mohilev and of several congregations in the regions of Volkhay, Batshan, Kishenev, Czernowicz and Bukovina, and at the end of his life he traveled to the Holy Land, and from there sent this composition to be printed and circulated. Author of Sefer Siduro Shel Shabat and Sefer Beer Mayim Khayim on the Pentateuch. Mohilev "lehitpallel beasara lep"k [= 1817], 2, 115 leaves., octavo. [appended is a responsum by the author of Noda BeYehuda who challenged reciting the declaration of unity of God] 10 leaves.
69. Sefer Sha'ar HaTefila ('Gateway of Prayer') by Rabbi Khayim who was president of the rabbinical courts of Mohilev and Czernowitz and at the end of his life went to the Holy Land from where he sent this composition. 1, 77 leaves. [year of printing lacking], octavo. [appended at the beginning of the book a responsum on the matter of declaring the unity of God].
70. Sefer Sha'ar HaTefila ('Gateway of Prayer'). As above. Lemberg, 1858, 60 leaves. [appended at the beginning of the book a responsum on the matter of declaring the unity of God].
71.* Tehila leDavid ('Psalm to David') An interpretation of Psalms by Rabbi Abraham David Wurmann. Lwow, 1872, 200 leaves., octavo.
72. Sefer Toldot haRab"d in which will be told the history of the great man among giants, a holy man of God, sage of sages and among the first of the pious, Rabbi Abraham David, president of the rabbinical court of Buczacz, famous in Judah and Israel. Composed by me, Eliyahu Tsvi Shmerlir of Bradtshin. Lemberg, 1890, 72 pp., 16mo. [The author is the son of the daughter of Rabbi Feivel Halevi Shrayer, president of the rabbinical court of the holy congregation of Bradtshin] who studied for three years under our teacher Rabbi Abraham David and learned his whole life history from him. And as regards matters in question, I received letters from his grandsons, such as our teacher, Rabbi Isaac Wurmann, and his outstanding son, Rabbi Israel Leib Wurmann. From the outset I made all this known so that no one could criticize me for any untruth in my composition.
73. Sefer Teyvat Gam"a. Abbreviation for Gemara, Midrash, Agada.
A composition on ethical matters. Exegeses, research and judgements written
by our teacher Rabbi Joseph Teumim, famous for his writings. I have
clarified his sayings, I, Shayish [Samuel Issachar Shtark, teacher and dayan
here in the holy congregation of Buczacz.
Drohobycz, 1899, 2, 60 leaves, quarto.
73a.* Tikhlat Mordekhai ('Mordecai's Purpose') on the Pentateuch by our teacher Rabbi Shalom Mordecai Hacohen of Brezan. M. Siget, press of Y. Royzenthal, 1913, [7], 53, 152, 2, [1] leaves, quarto.
74.* Tefila leDavid ('David's Prayer') On prayers and kinds of prayer .. which our teacher Rabbi Abraham David, president of the rabbinical court of Buczacz left after him. This book is published now for its importance. I the young Simon, son of Rabbi Isaac, grandson of the author, printed it. Kolomea, in the press of Alter Teicher, "tfl"h ldv"d gdo"l ma"d lp"k" [= 1887].
75.* Tefila leDavid ('David's Prayer') by Rabbi Abraham David Wurmann. On prayers and kinds of prayer. Lwow, 1876; second printing, Lwow, 1886, quarto.
Finally I mention a book whose author was not a son of Buczacz, but the book was printed in Buczacz and I am the one who proofread it. The book is one of the three Hebrew books printed in Buczacz. Here briefly is the book's title page:
Pardes haMelekh ('The King's Orchard') the ruler of the world who planted a
pine tree
in Eden, Pentateuch, Prophets, Writings, and the legends of
the Talmud, midrashim read literally, metaphorically, exegetically and
esoterically. This dear man, one of the righteous of old, a wondrous man, an
expert in Torah and its mysteries, his honor, the eminent Rabbi Pinkhas
B"kher David, who is popularly known as Rabbi Pinkhasl Sosish, after his
mother. He studied under the man of spirit, our teacher, our rabbi, the sage
of Nadburna, author of Tsemakh Daled leTsvi.
From the inhabitants of the illustrious city of Stanislaw.
Arranged, edited and annotated by young Benjamin ben-Israel who is known as Shmerler among the residents of Stanislaw.
May its light shine over the world through his valiant granddaughter of blessed memory, Yota, wife of Rabbi Moshe Kazvin (May his light shine), of Stanislaw.
The heavens have given me the opportunity to bring these new interpretations
to print, to present his writings. These are some of the works of the great
man who achieved much. Regard these writings and you will have pleasure. From
the Hagir family known as the Berger family, the righteous sage, our teacher
and rabbi, Rabbi Israel (May he live long), president of rabbinical courts in
many holy congregations, 1907.
[in Latin letters: PARDAS HAMELECH Volksdrukerei W. Dratler Buczacz 1907.]
[on the back of the title page: At the press of Ze'ev Dratler, Buczacz,
1907/8, 6, 187 leaves, octavo.]
Photo Captions:
Some of the books published in Buczacz
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