Memorial Book of Brichevo
(Briceva, Moldova)

48°07' / 27°39'

Translation of
Pinkas Brichevo

Edited by: K. A. Bertini

Published in Tel Aviv, 1970




With thanks to Ayana Kimron for intitiating this translation project.


This is a translation from: Pinkas Brichevo, Memorial book of Brichevo,
ed: K. A. Bertini, Tel Aviv, Former residents of Brichevo (Bessarabia) in Israel, 1970 (H,Y)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Brichevo

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner


Note: The articles are the same in Hebrew and Yiddish, printed page facing page: right page (even numbers)
Hebrew, left page (odd numbers) Yiddish, continuing on the next pair of pages, accordingly.


Foreword 10 11
Once upon a time, there was...
Chapters from the past K. A. Bertini 16 17
Our town Z. Shtchiglik 180 181
From our cultural past P. Goldenberg z”l 198 199
A play and courage L. Gulirgant 208 209
My Bricheva Dr. Yechiel Eisenstein 218 219
A few memories Mendel Schichman 230 231
Excerpts from letters Moshe Aharonson z”l 234 235
Memories from my father's home and from my town Dvora Gold Gurewitz 244 245
Memories from my childhood in my father's home Hinda Blank (Litwin) 256 257
Several moments Henia Gelman (Presman) 264 265
Helping others -- how? Mordechai (Motika) Kestelman 268 269
One year in Bricheva Zev Igeret 274 275
A band of musicians in town Moshe Master 284 285
An attempted pogrom in our town Ida Gulirgant (Loewenthal) 286 287
Lashes Mendik Friedman, z”l 290 291
The “Culture League” in Town Asher Woldman 302 303
Sons and their fathers Shimon Parnas 306 307
That Youth Sheindl Kestelman (Yaffa Butnik) 318 319
My town Shprintza Blank (Balaban) 326 327
The generation of our parents Riva Forer (Yannai) 330 331
What preceded the Holocaust Efraim Kestelman 340 341
Memories from my youth Rahel Cohen 346 347
A Bricheva sense of humor Asher Woldman 350 351
A Walk Along the Streets of Bricheva - A List of Residents Meir Tendler 362 363
For these things I weep [Lamentations 1:16]
The Scroll of Tears Rabbi Avraham Schlapid 380 381
With the Jews of Bricheva Rabbi Dov Yechiel 430 431
From Hell David ben Shlomo Gulirgant z”l 436 437
Dark days Mirl and Leah Parnass 442 443
During the War and the Holocaust Mara Zonis 448 449
We survived by a Miracle Esther Shtiglitz (Tarnirider) 454 455
How my parents perished Ita Zimmerman (Yehudit Grinberg 462 463
The Siberian exile Hinda Sandelman 466 467
What we endured Bella Gutman 470 471
Far Away and Back Lea Gandelman-Lerner 474 475
The community that disappeared Baruch (Buzi) Gorodetzki 476 476
To my Mother (poem) Avraham Balaban 482 483
Yizkor: List of names of the martyrs 487 487
The story of this book 516 517


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