Boiberke Memorial Book
(Bobrka, Ukraine)

49°38'/ 24°18'

Translation of
Le-zekher kehilat Bobrka u-benoteha

Edited by Dr Sharaga Feivel Kallay

Published in Jerusalem: Sivan Press, 1964


Project Coordinator

Tisha Bergwerk Bryan


Emerita Coordinator: Beverly Shulster Beiman


Dedicated in loving memory of our grandfather, Samuel Bergwerk.
It is an honor to contribute to the publication of these writings from the noble people of Boiberke. May their voices be heard for generations and their message to never forget the atrocities instigated upon the people of their community be heeded by all who read their stories.
Sam & Tisha Bergwerk Bryan, M. Lynn Bergwerk and Laurie Bergwerk-Gibson
* * *
Translation of the Original Boiberke Memorial Book (Bobrka, Ukraine), Yerushalayim, 1964,
Dedicated in Loving Memory of the Herbst Family
Pamela L Herbst
“O Earth, Do Not Cover My Blood, May My Cry Never Be Laid To Rest”
Job 16:18


This is a translation from: Le-zekher kehilat Bobrka u-benoteha (Boiberke memorial book),
Editors: Sh. Kallay, Jerusalem, Association of Former residents of Bobrka and Vicinity, 1964 (H,Y,E, 256 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Bobrka

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The Editorial Board in the US and Israel:

Samuel Bergwerk
Julius Haber
Abraham Fischer
Sam Marcus
Uri Kruwi
Zeev Shilo
Zippora Perlstein
Haim Zohari
Michael Zohari
Moshe Wind


You Should Know It Sam Marcus 7
History of Boiberke (excerpts) translated by Julius Haber Dr. N. M. Gelber 11
Boiberker Lansleit on the American Scene Julius Haber 17
Commemorations of Jewish Victims of the Nazi Holocaust   34
Committee's Preface   5
Foreword   7
Table of Contents - Hebrew   8
To the Hill of Bodies in the Snow Uri Zvi Greenberg 9
Part I - The City and its Inhabitants
History of the Jews in Boiberke Dr. N. M. Gelber 11
Where Were You on the Day of Rage? [Poem] M. Z. 24
A World that Was and Is No More Dr. S. P. Kallay 25
The Black Saturday of 1914 Dr. S. P. Kallay 31
Part II - People and Personalities
The Rabbis of Bobrka and Szwirsz Rabbi Y. C. Weisblum 33
Shmuel Karten Malka Stein 37
Memories From There Mordechai Galer 38
Feivel the Heder Teacher Avraham Fisher 41
Zionist Organizations in Bobrka Arieh Zukerkandel 43
Petri Politzai (Petri the Policeman) Dov Beker 44
Founder of the Youth Movement Mordechai Galler 45
Part III - Memories
Autobiographical Notes Arieh Allweil 46
Fragments of Memories From the Pioneer Period in the Town Hila HaMenachem 49
The Incident With the Rabbi From Stratin on the Holiday of Shavuot Dov Beker 51
The Baking of the Matzos S. P. Kallay 53
On Shabbat Eves [Poem] M. Z. 54
Slichot Night Alexander Karten 55
The Privileges of the Babies From the Rabbi's House Dov Beker 57
Childhood Memories From There Zippora Perlstein nee Lotringer 59
My Father's House in the Village Naomi Berger 60
The Story of One Family Pnina Mantel 60
Part IV - Happenings
City Residents as Prisoners in Russian Captivity Dov Beker 61
Part V - Folklore
A Study of Names Dr. S. P. Kallay 63
The Shattered Folklore From There Avraham Fischer 66
The Words of the People of Bobrka Dr. S. P. Kallay 68
Religious Personnel in Bobrka Avraham Fischer 69
Part VI - Preparation and Aliya
Training and Aliyah Uri Kruvi 71
The Youth in the 1930s Zeev Shilo 73
Beginnings of the Pioneer Movement in Bobrka Dr. S. P. Kallay 75
Aliya to Eretz Yisrael Chaim Kimchi 77
The Pioneers of Bobrka Shmuel Schrier 79
Part VII - Those Who Fell Along the Way
Yosef Apner - For the Good of All Dov Sadan 82
Bobrka [Poem] M.Z. 84
The First Ones Dr. S. P. Kallay 86
Memories of the Fallen Dr. S. P. Kallay 87
Part VIII - The Valley of the Shadow of Death
Memories of the End Emanuel Kruvi 91
In Memory of My Brother and Sister-in-Law, Michael & Mania Zippora Perlstein Lotringer 94
Memories Yona Nemt nee Lotringer 95
Twenty Years Since the Destruction of the Jewish Population of Bobrka Yitschak Fuchs 96
Jewish Burial [Poem] M. Z. 98
God is full of mercy - Prayer   99
In Memoriam - List of Victims   100
In Memoriam - Memorial to Family Members   106
Lights in the Darkness - Righteous Gentiles   110
A Memorial   111
Forward The Editors 112
The Shtetl Is Burning Mordechai Gvirtig 115
Part I - City and People
Boiberik Dov Sadan 117
History of the Jews in Boiberke Dr. N. M. Gelber 121
The First Boiberker Sick and Benevolent Society in New York Israel Gimpel 135
The Village of Strilke near Boiberke Motl Ehrlich 136
The Spirit of All Life… [Poem] M.Z. 137
Part II - Departure
The Flight to Vienna at the Outbreak of World War I Avraham Fisher 138
What Brought Me to America? Shamai Bergwerk 140
Boiberkers on the American Scene Julius Haber 141
A Yiddish Song from the Past   156
Part III - Characters
R. Lippa Fenster Hirsh Safron 157
Chaim Klinetor Yisroel Gimpel 159
Ancestor's Graves Meir Shtiker 160
Rabbi Feivel Melamed H. Z. 161
Yisroelik Yisroel Gimpel 162
The Bankrupt Man Meir Shtiker 162
The Teachers of Our Town in 1900-1920 Avraham Fisher 163
Part IV - A Way of Life and Memories From the Old Home
With Us At Home Shamai Bergwerk 164
A Sermon Mordechai Geller 165
Preparing the Bride Rabbanit Zippora Perl Twersky 166
Shabbos and Holidays and Ways of Life Yisroel Gimpel 167
Tormentors Avraham Fisher 169
Feivel the Tall One Meir Shtiker 170
Baking Matzos at Avraham Breitfeld's House Dvorah Breitfeld 171
Belz Chasidim Fight the Szwirszer, the Stretiners in Boiberke Hershl Gross, z”l 172
The Teacher [Poem] Meir Shtiker 174
Childhood Years in Boiberke H. Z. 175
When Strelisk Burned [Poem] Meir Shtiker 178
The Thirteen-Year-Old Boy [Poem] Meir Shtiker 178
My Shtetl, Boiberke Kinke Asher Kreiger 179
Part V - Holocaust and Destruction
The Ghetto in Our Shtetl Avraham Fisher 183
The Szwirsz Forest Avraham Fisher 184
Gone Yehudit Altman 186
The Experiences of Our Shtetl Drom the First of July, 1941,
Until the Thirteenth of April, 1943
Mordechai Ehrlich 187
GONE! Yehudit Altman–Yenta Meller 190
The Beggar Woman [Poem] Meir Shtiker 191
The Rejected [Poem] Meir Shtiker 192
The High-Class Woman [Poem] Meir Shtiker 192
Two Drunks on the City Asphalt [Poem] Meir Shtiker 192
The Bankrupt Man [Poem] Meir Shtiker 192
The Bitter End Itche Karten 193
The Holocaust Chaim Karten 195
The Last Fight Yosef (Yosl) Fogel 199
My Experiences Selig Fluss 201
The First Forest People Yisroel Karton 204
Escape From the Death Camp Moshe Ehrlich 204
How a Shtetl Was Erased Moyshe Nass 206
Names in Photograph Captions


Monument to Bobrka Holocaust victims in Ra'anana Cemetery, Israel


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Tisha Bergwerk Bryan
This web page created by Moshe M. Shavit

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Updated 21 Dec 2024 by LA