Journal for the Double Celebration of
25 Years of the Mutual Aid Society of Belchatow and vicinity
and the Dedication of our own building
and the 7th Anniversary of the Cooperative “Superacion”

(Bełchatów, Poland)

51°22' / 19°23'

Translation of
Publicacion Aniversario dedicado al la Inauguracion de la Sede Propia y
el 25°Aniversario de la Sociedad de Socorros Mutuos de Belchatow

Published in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in August 1967

Technical Editor: P. Katowsky


Project Coordinator

Roni Seibel Liebowitz

Editing and Technical Support

Jerry Liebowitz

This is a translation of: Publicacion Aniversario dedicado al la Inauguracion de la Sede Propia
y el 25°Aniversario de la Sociedad de Socorros Mutuos de Belchatow

(Journal for the Double Celebration of 25 Years of the Mutual Aid Society of Belchatow and vicinity
and the Dedication of our own building and the 7th Anniversary of the Cooperative “Superacion” [“Overcoming”]),
ed. P. Katowsky, Published in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in August 1967

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Translated by Flora Rotblatt and Jerry Liebowitz

Yiddish front cover    
Our Quarter of a Century Editorial 1
Twenty Five Years A. Laib 3
The Belchatowers in Argentina Zainwel Przedborski 5
Countrymen [Landsleit] (song) L. Miller 8
On the Beginning of the New Building Yosef Gliksman 9
The Belchatowers in the Argentine Textile Industry Y. M. Pukacz 11
With Belchatowers in New York S. Zhitnitski (Zitnicki) 15
To the Holiday [Yom Tov] of My Countrymen in Argentina Mendel Kaufman 18
The participation of the Belchatowers in the Argentine Community H.-E. 21
Our Mutual Aid Society and Our Cooperative Laibl Hecht 23
Belchatowers in Australia S. P. 24
The Women's Committee of the Belchatowers Bracha Freiman 25
25 Years [since the] Destruction of Belchatow   26
Do Not Forget Our Destruction Melech Podlowski 27
Silent Sounds Moshe Yoel Yerzhi (Ieryi) 28
The Struggle for Survival A. Beiliss 30
About the Six Historic Days M. Kaufman 32
Belchatowers In Israel and their Accomplishments Yehuda Feld (Yudl Flawner) 33
Years and Situations in the Lives of the Belchatow Jews Yakov Tzingler 35
Naftali Huberman [obituary]   39
The Belchatower Committee in Israel   40
The Artistic-Way of the Belchatow painter H. Shilis Ben Eli 44
Strike Day in Our Shtetl M. Tzimels 45
The Start of the Textile Industry in Israel Moshe Afrati (Moritz Freitag) 49
Belchatowers in My Memory Moshe Laib Freiman 51
Helen Rosenberg – The Belchatow Painter [artist] M. Gliksman 54
Celebration of Comrade Abraham Laib's First 70 Years Yankl Meyer 56
The Speech of Comrade Abraham Laib   57
A Wall that Talks   60
A Small Shtetl of Large Stature Hodl Gliksman 61
The Word from Itzik Gilberg   62
And If We Want to Open the Doors… A. Zeiticker 63
The Holiday Seder in our Organization   66
The Management of the Mutual Aid Society of Belchatow and Vicinity*   68
The Management of the Cooperative “Superacion”*   69
Membership of our Countrymen in Australia*   70
Letter to the Editor   70
The Spanish Section
Spanish back cover    
Directory of Officers of “Superacion” (inside back cover)*    
Twenty-Five Years A. Laib 1
“Superacion” and the “Belchatowers” Salomon S. Wilhelm 3
Seven Years of Life Simon Naparstek 5
“Superacion” and the Youth Shimsen 6
Financial charts*   7
The Tragic Four Days Z. Liberman 10
Abstracts of the Articles in Yiddish   13
List of Associates*   16
Advertisements*   21

* [Ed: Items with asterisks do not appear in the Journal's actual Yiddish Table of Contents.]

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Contact person for this translation Roni Seibel Liebowitz
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