The Zdunska-Wola Book
(Zduńska Wola, Poland)

51°36' / 18°56'

Translation of
Zdunska Wola

Edited by: Elchanan Ehrlich (H,Y) and Leila Kaye-Klin (E)

Published in Tel Aviv, April 1968



Project Coordinator

Daniel Wagner


Our sincere appreciation to Helen Rosenstein Wolf
for typing up the English text to facilitate its addition to this project.


This is from: Zdunska Wola (The Zdunska-Wola Book), ed. Elchanan Ehrlich (H,Y) and Leila Kaye-Klin (E),
Zdunska-Wola Associations in Israel and Diaspora, Tel Aviv, Israel Press, Ltd, April 1968.

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Zdunska Wola

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Edited by Elchanan EHRLICH (Hebrew and Yiddish) and Leila KAYE-KLIN (English)
Designed by Avraham FRANKEL and Avraham KALUSHINER
Published by the Zdunska-Wola Association in Israel, in conjunction with the Zdunska-Wola societies in the Diaspora, “Israel” Press Ltd, Tel-Aviv, April 1968 (Nissan 5728).

Book Committee:

Yitzhak ARAD
Katriel KLEIN

Languages: Hebrew, Yiddish, English.




Translated by Yocheved Klausner

With the publication of the book by The Organizing Committee 1
With the publication of the book [Y] by The Organizing Committee 3
Foreword by The Editor 6
Foreword [Y] by The Editor 9
The History of the ZDUNSKA-WOLA Jews
The History of the Zdunska-Wola Jews [Y] by Dr. Yakov Goldberg 13
Jews in town [Y] by Arie Silberberg 30
Zdunska-Wola [Y] Geographical Dictionary 39
Our town as reflected in old newspapers 40
Minutes of the synagogue leaders' meetings [Y] by Photo-copies 42
Minutes of the last community-meeting [Y] by Year-Book 43
Sources of Livelihood
The character of the town by Yitzhak Arad 47
Three generations [Y] by Avraham Fraenkel 57
A town of hard-working people by Yitzhak Arad 61
The “Sherer” society [Y] by L. Stashevski 64
The Jews - a dominant factor [Y] by Arie Silberberg 68
Our financial institutions by Avraham Fraenkel 78
The Jewish Zdunska-Wola [Y] by Avraham Kalushiner 83
The Jewish Zdunska-Wola by Avraham Fraenkel 89
Organizations and Cultural & Aid Institutions
The Agudat-Israel organization in town by Yitzhak Arad 95
Hashomer Hatza'ir by Y. Arad 99
The Bikur-Cholim [visiting the sick] Society by Menachem Bar-Lev 102
The “Borsht“ Society by Menachem Bar-Lev 103
The Po'alei Zion party by Mordechai Landsberg 104
Our Po'alei Zion [Y] by Avraham Mordechai Kazhetz 107
Zionist and Pioneer Zdunska-Wola by Meir Nov 110
The Revisionist Movement and BEITAR in our town by Arie Stashevski 112
The establishment of the “Bund” by Refael Krakowski 117
The Jewish communist movement [Y] by Avraham Kalushiner 120
The founding of Tzeirei Zion [Y] by Moshe Kroll 123
Organizing the Hechalutz by M. Bar-Drora 127
The “Gymnastics Association” [Y] by Aharon Rosenberg 129
The Jewish Sports Club by N. Klingweil 135
Hapoel Hamizrahi and Young Poel Mizrahi [Y] by Zev Riva 139
The sports organization “Morgenstern” by Moshe Plevinski 141
Vision and practice in Tora Va'avoda [Torah and Labor] by Shlomo Leib Friedman 144
The activity on behalf of JNF by Chaim Peled 147
Organizational activity until 1939 [Y] by Chaim Pinkus 149
Elementary School No. 4 by Rivka Levy-Schwarzbart 157
“Bet Yaakov” by Rivka Levy-Schwarzbart 159
The Bund Movement [Y] by Itamar Troskalaski 160
Drama circles by Itamar Troskalaski 163
Hashomer Hatza'ir [Y] by Sara Suessholz-Rosenberg 166
The candle of education by Avraham Ehrlich 168
Cultural Heritage and Famous People
Dynasty branching by M. S. Geshuri 173
Hasidim and men of action in Zdunska-Wola by M. S. Geshuri 175
The Rav R'Menachem Lissar by M. S. Geshuri 178
The history of a family by Yitzhak Arad 180
“The Wolbrozher court” [Y] by Avraham Kalushiner 181
R'Avraham Yitzhak Dayan (Lushtchanovski) [Y] by Avraham Kalushiner 183
R'Eliezer Shalom Dayan (Zholnierski) by Sheindl Sendzjeyevski 184
Dr. Yakov Lemberg by Yitzhak Grinboim 185
My Father - R'Yitzhak'l Hasid z”l by Menachem Bar-Lev 190
R'Leibel SHOV [ritual slaughterer] by Menachem Bar-Lev 192
R'Mendel Koska by Menachem Bar-Lev 194
Dr. Yakov Lemberg - an exemplary Jewish community worker by Avraham Fraenkel 195
R'Motl Rosenberg z”l by Avraham Fraenkel 197
Moshe Rosenberg z”l by Avraham Fraenkel 199
Aizik Iglitzki, may God avenge his blood by Avraham Fraenkel 200
Tzila Salomo by Avraham Fraenkel 201
Yissachar Berish Pik, may God avenge his blood 201
Herschel Karpen by Avraham Fraenkel 202
In memory of R'Motel Rosen by Mordechai Landsberg 203
My father z”l by Baruch Rosen 205
Hadassa Mazia Peshtchik by A. Mazia 208
Bar Levav [of a pure heart] by A. Drachliss 211
R'Moshe Solomonowitz by Yosef Solomonowitz 212
In memory of my father, may God avenge his blood by Zvi Klingweil 213
Rachel Yakobowitz-Lieverant [Y] by Herman Hollander 215
Hersch Yitzhak Kopperwasser [Y] by Herman Hollander 217
The first emigrant to Eretz Israel - Eliyahu Set by Yitzhak Arad 217
The Hashomer Hatza'ir counsellors in our town by Yitzhak Arad 219
Dr. Yakov Rosenberg z”l by Nachum Klingweil 221
Architect Michael Shaviv z”l by Nachum Klingweil 223
Dr. Yakov Grinboim, may God avenge his blood by Nutek Klingweil 224
Yosef Pazentchevski z”l by Nutek Klingweil 225
My brother Eliyahu by Nisan Set 227
Adolescence by Shoshana Yaffe 228
R'Mordechai Ben-Shalom (Friedsohn) by M. Nov 229
R'YechielMeir Peled may God avenge his blood by Chaim Peled 230
Shoshana Yaffe (Rechthand) by Bela Golombowitz 231
Shoshana Yaffe by Chasia D. 232
In memory of David Herschfinger z”l by S. Glaser 233
R'Itche Meir Goldhammer by Fishel Goldhammer z”l 234
R'Hershel Indik by 237
Henech Moshkowitz by Avraham Klein 238
R'Itche Mandel z”l by Avraham Rogozhinski 239
Tzila Salomon by Menachem, Gideon & Amos 240
Mordechai Meir Freiman by Itamar Troskalaski 241
Avraham Dzalovski z”l by Bronka Kagan-Dzalovski 243
The barber-surgeon by Rachel Cohen-Lozhitchak 244
Yankele Schor by Moshe Schor 245
Family Chabalok by Mendel Volkovich 247
Baruch Wittenberg by “Lexicon” 248
Lipovski Sasha by “Lexicon of the Jewish Theater” 249
R'Israel Meir Riva z”l by Chan Fraenkel-Riva 250
My sister Henia Fuchs by Penina Bintel 251
Memories and Way of Life
As I saw it by Dr. Efraim Shmueli 255
The image of a town by Nechemia Ring 260
At home with my parents by Avraham Fraenkel 266
The Jewish Firefighters [Y] by Mordechai Landsberg 268
R'Moshe Aharon Wiener by Avraham Fraenkel 270
The conquest of labor by Mordechai Landsberg 272
Social acivity 50 years ago [Y] by Fishel Goldhammer z”l 274
Episodes From the First World War [Y] by Yosef Shlomo Granat 279
Memories from my Polish town of birth [Y] by 281
A bundle of memories [Y] by Refael Krakowski 284
Hospitality and Benevolence [Y] by Yitzhak Yosef Riba 288
Episodes from Former Times [Y] by Y. Riba 293
My Heder [Y] by Rachel Wechsler-Partek 295
My town by Sara Shaffir Karpen 297
General mobilization and war-fever [Y] by Shimon Klein 299
Tashlich [Y] by Shimon Klein 301
From the Destroyed Home [Y] by Lieverant 302
A Tragic Episode From Long Ago [Y] by Moshe Leverant 306
Flowers on the graves [Y] by 309
The libel by Chana Portek-Landsberg 311
The town as it is carved in my memory by Avraham Packentreger 314
In memory of our home town [Y] by Itamar Troskalanski 316
Our courtyard [Y] by Avraham Kalushiner 317
“Remember what Amalek did to you” [Deut. 25:17] by Yitzhak Arad 320
The Jewish Zdunska-Wola by Shlomo Grinboim 322
Occupation and Holocaust
Shlomo Zlicovski's poem by Yitzhak Katzenelson 327
The first victims by Rivka Levy-Schwarzbart 332
The “Stamplen” [rubber stamp, seal] decree by Rivka Levy-Schwarzbart 333
The Sheradz Action [Y] by Pinchas Kalushiner 334
The Tearful Thursday [Y] by Michael Deutsch 336
Shomo Zhelichovski, who walked to the gallows singing by Moshe Prager 338
A hero's death of ten martyrs in Zdundka-Wola “Hatzofe” newspaper 344
Kaddish… by Avraham Kalushiner 345
Yizkor… by Shaul Kiebel 349
Yitgadal… by David Packentreger 349
Figures in the Holocaust by Avraham Fraenkel 350
Dr. Lemberg, may God avenge his blood by Avraham Fraenkel 350
Chaim Nathan Videbski by Avraham Fraenkel 350
R'Yankel Shamash (Packentreger) by 351
Getzl Fraenkel, may God avenge his blood by Avraham Fraenkel 351
Shlomo Zhelichovski, may God avenge his blood by Avraham Fraenkel 352
Hangings in the Zdunska-Wola Ghetto by Yakov Rokman 352
Our “Friends” – the Volksdeutsche [Y] by Blume Dubin 354
Zion and nothing else by S. D. Bonin 355
My ruined Zdunska-Wola [Y] by David Herschfinger 357
Chelmno by Avraham Kalushiner 358
Mauthausen by Avraham Kalushiner 360
Stuthoff by Avraham Kalushiner 363
Nine months of Stuthoff hell by Tzipora Neiman-Zhelitzki 364
Treblinka [Y] by Shimon Klein 367
Concentration camps [Y] by Yehoshua Danziger 368
Five years of Nazi hell [Y] by Motl Weltfried 374
My old home [Y] by Herman Hollander 377
The fateful days of September 1939 [Y] by Moshe Hollander 378
A bundle of memories from Russia by Helena Baumatz-Tinski 380
This I shall remember… by Zvi Bodek 383
Chelmno - the grave of the Zdunska Jews [Y] by Zalman Goldberg 384
Remember and Do Not Forget Moshe Yosef Daum 386
The first monument in memory of our Zdunska martyrs [Y] by Harold Zvi Hollander 388
The Zdunska-Wola ghetto [Y] by Luba Weltfreid-Sitner 394
I was a wanderer by by Luba Weltfreid-Sitner 404
In those days by Fela Zelkowitz-Lotatovski 412
Zdunska-Wola [Y] by Shlomo M. Wissotzki 417
How we survived by M. Yoskowitz 418
The farm by Elkana Levkowitz 421
A stone for the monument [Y] by Leib Storzhinski 429
My town (poem) [Y] by Henry Librovaki 432
A medal [Y] by Leib Storzhinski 433
From the abyss upward (poem) [Y] by Rivka Schwarzbart 434
I am hungry [Y] by Rivka Schwarzbart 435
In the grip of fear, hopes and ruin by Pinchas Lieberman 436
A young boy in the Zdunska-Wola ghetto by Nechemia Ring 439
Zdunska-Wola “The Book of Horrors” 441
Wola by Arie Kronman 442
In simple words [Y] by Elyakim Fraenkel 443
Destruction [Y] by Avraham Kalushiner 444
In the cemetery [Y] by Avraham Kalushiner 445
The twisted path of the martyrs' ashes by Zelig Fraenkel 446
Press coverage of the burial of the Zdundka-Wola martyrs' ashes Newspapers: Hamashkif, Haboker, Haaretz, Davar 452
Bibov, the hangman of the masses by A Lenman 455
Testimony Yad Vashem 458
In the camp in Posen [Y] Yad Vashem 461
Years of Pain and Death [Y] by Bluma Pozner–Nusbaum 463
After we returned from our flight [Y] by Leibish Piatrkovski 468
The black powers were stronger [Y] by Leibish Piatrkovski 471
Dream by Pesach Kopelevski 473
Last greetings from Zdunska-Wola Ghetto by Y. Ben-Shraga 474
Episodes from the old home [Y] by Frieda Levkowitz-Tzipris 475
Back on the ruins [Y] by S. Kiebel 477
Fateful days in the Zdunska-Wola ghetto by Avraham Klein 478
Episodes from Lodz ghetto [Y] by Yosef Rosenberg 480
In the Nazi death-camps [Y] by Avraham Schillis 484
Our yearly Memorial Service [Y] by Zvi Hollander 485
Memorial in honor of the martyrs of our town 488
The day of liberation [Y] by Shimon Klein 493
A Zdunska-Wola survivor tells her story Hatzofe (newspaper) 496
Story of an Eretz Israel woman who returned from Zdunska-Wola Haboker (newspaper) 497
The Partisans' Song by H. Glick 501
Widevski by S. D. Bunim 501
Father and son by S. D. Bunim 503
Zdunska-Wola fighters among the liberators of Maidanek camp [Y] by Avraham Kalushiner 506
Resistance in the ghetto and camps in the forest [Y] by Eliyahu Boimatz 508
Zdunska-Wola Jews in resistance and battle [Y] by Avraham Kalushiner 515
Illegal groups in Lodz ghetto by Moshe Yakobowitz 517
Our Landsleit in the French Resistance [Y] by Avraham Kalushiner 519
Elegy [Y] by Avraham Kalushiner 526
Elegy [Hebrew by Moshe Fraenkel] by Avraham Kalushiner 527
From beyond Moscow to Latrun [Y] by Zvi Ben-Chaim 528
A small consolation by M. Ben-Shalom 531
Chaim Nathan Widovski [Y] by Mendel Goldhammer 533
In battle against the Nazis [Y] by Moshe Hollander 535
A Jewish heroic fighter rewarded among Polish heroes by Max Wigdortchik 540
From Loywitch to burning Berlin [Y] by H. Silberberg 540
Zdunska-Wola Jews defending Jewish honor [Y] by Eliakim Fraenkel z”l 543
In the Rovno forests [Y] by K. Nutek 546
Revenge by K. Nutek 551
Among the Polish units [Y] by Mendel Spitzberg 554
The partisan woman - Pola Friede-Baumatz [Y] by Avraham Kalushiner 555
Liberation of the Latin Quarter in Paris by P. Krakowski 558
Figures of Holocaust heroes Hilel Seidel 560
A meeting [Y] “The Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw” 563
Map of the Ghetto 564
May God Remember the Souls
“Yizkor” 567
Necrology 568-686
The Fallen in battle in Israel
Yizkor and the names of the fallen 693
In memory of the sons byChaia Schenberg 694
A continuation of heroism [Y] by Avraham Kalushiner 694
Oppenheimer Dubi, may God avenge his blood 695
Eylon Gideon Sefer Yizkor [memorial book] 695
A boy fell in the Galilee by Shlomo Kodesh 696
Our Yehoshua, may God avenge his blood (Diamand) 696
Dayan Binyamin z”l 697
Warshavski Yakov Sefer Yizkor [memorial book] 697
Warshay Levy z”l by Judge Yosef Ben-Chanoch z”l 697
Todenovski Moshe (Musa) Sefer Yizkor [memorial book] 699
Yelinowitz Yitzhak Sefer Yizkor [memorial book] 700
Levin Shaul (Sasha) Sefer Yizkor [memorial book] 700
Moshe Nusskowitz z”l by Nitzanim 700
Avi Flamm by Avigdor 701
Karol Yakov Yeshayahu Sefer Yizkor [memorial book] 701
A Document Ministry of Defense 702
Landsmanshaften [former residents]
The Organization of former Zdunska-Wola residents in Israel [Y] Avraham Fraenkel 705
Friends of Zdunska-Wola Landsmanshaft in France [Y] P. Krakowski 710
The Organization of former Zdunska-Wola residents by Mordechai Landsberg 714
From the years of my childhood [Y] by David Aharonowitz 717
A Jewish Shtetl [town] - Wood Carvings
A collection of wood carvings by A. Ehrlich 719
A Collection of wood carvings [Y] by A. Ehrlich 719
When the Rabbi is not there by Berl Satt a
Tuition fee by Berl Satt b
A Portrait by Berl Satt c
A Tailor by Berl Satt d
A Cobbler by Berl Satt e
The Water-Carrier by Berl Satt f
The Mother by Berl Satt g
Carrying the Prayerbook by Berl Satt h
Contents of the English Part
Preface 3
The History of Jewish Settlement in Zdunska-Wola, by Dr. Jacob Goldberg 6
Reminiscences of Zdunska-Wola – City of my Birth, by Philip Rosenberg 15
Rachel Jacobowitch, by Harold Holender 19
History of the Zdunska-Wola Yiddish Landsmanshaften in New York, by Philip Rosenberg 22
Report of the Memorial Meeting Held in New York on Sunday, September 11th, 1966 by Harold Holender 26
In Memorial, by Maury Shor 28
In Memorial, by Leon and Anna Rafal Feldstein 30
Memoirs of my Life, Part I, by Moishe Holender 31
Memoirs of my Life, Part II, by Moishe Holender 35
The Liquidation of the Jewish Community in Zdunska-Wola, by Israel Tabacksblatt 38
The First Monument in Memory of the Martyrs of Zdunska-Wola erected by our Landsleit in Feldafing, Germany, by H. Holender 46
Zdunska-Wola Society and the Future of our Desecrated Town, by Philip Rosenberg 51
Day of Liberation, by Shimon Klein 53
Members of the Bakers Union 17
Zelig Wolf Rosenberg 18
Committee members of the “Zukunft” 18
By the graveside of Abraham Abrahamsohn 20
The founding of a loan fund for Israel 24
A memorial meeting in New York 27
Yankle Shur 29
Women mourning the destruction of the Temple 47
David Clack 55

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