Memorial Book
of the Community of Zborow

(Zborov, Ukraine)

49°40' / 25°09'

Translation of
Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Zborow

Edited by Eliyahu (Adik) Zilberman

Published in Haifa, 1975



Project Coordinator

Ann Gleich Harris


This is a translation from: Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Zborow, (Memorial book of the community of Zborow),
edited by Eliyahu (Adik) Zilberman; published by the Zborow Society. Haifa, 1975 (Hebrew, Yiddish, 477 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Zborow

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Title Author Language Page
Front pages
From The Editors H 9
From The Editors Y 11
The Contents 13
The History of the Jews in Zborow
The Historical Background of Zborow Y.G. Labiner H 17
Zborow According to the Russian Encyclopedia in 1952 A. Silberman H 22
Additional Historical Facts About Zborow Yehudit Katz H 24
The Messengers of National Revival in Our Town and Its First Activist Mordechai Marder, z”l H 26
The Scroll of Horror
Passing Thoughts During the Days of Shiva [Mourning] Y. G. Labiner H 37
In the Zborow Ghetto and in the Bunker Zvi (Hersh) Fuhrman H 39
In the Zborow Ghetto and in the Bunker Zvi (Hersh) Fuhrman Y 50
The Sufferings of a Holocaust Survivor David Mauerstein H 65
The Sufferings of a Holocaust Survivor David Mauerstein Y 69
Letters From the Valley Of Death Ida Berger, z”l H 75
Letters From the Valley Of Death Ida Berger, z”l Y 84
Among the Wolves–The One Who Saved Jews Sima Zeiger (Jung) H 97
Hiding from Death Tziporah Schindelheim (Stock) H 103
In the Struggle for Life Michael Jung H 104
Memories from the Period of Horror Chula (Helena) Brojde (née Zipora) H 107
Memories from the Days of Horror Leib Kronisch, z”l H 111
Reflections of Moshe Jung, z”l, and His Wife Moshe Jung and Regina Jung Y 123
And the Ukrainians Slaughtered ... Shmuel Stark H 130
The Zborow Labor Camp Benedict Friedman H 131
Sheltered by Christian Friends Paye Shapira Y 133
From the Testimony of Mr. Tzvi Ebers   H 145
From the Memoirs of a Jewish Fighter – A Soldier in the Red Army Shmuel Jung H 148
I Was an Aryan Arye Jung H 149
An Authentic Testimony Via a Letter Chula (Helena) Zipora H 158
Father Jan Pablitzki Gad Rotem H 160
Segments of Sad Memories Shmuel Silberman H 162
Visit to Mass Grave of Zborow's Jews Lipa Fisher H 164
“We Accuse” (A. The Story of Aron – B. The Story of Ela) Lena Kichler-Silberman H 165
In Zborow Under Nazi Oppression Menachem Doll, z”l Y 175
Dora the Nurse Menachem Doll, z”l Y 179
Rescuer of the Jews, Antoshu Suchinski   H 181
Itche Zeiger, z”l   H 181
The Tree Planting Ceremony in Ya'ar HaKdoshim [The Forest of the Martyrs] Remarks by A. Silberman H 182
Uprising Attempt in the Zborow Ghetto Gershon Schneider H 183
Levi Remer, z”l, the Commander of the Zborow Ghetto Uprising Gershon Schneider H 184
Binyamin Plisner, z”l, One of the Rebels Gershon Schneider H 185
My Wanderings with the Red Army Soldiers Tzvi Katz H 186
The Righteous Among the Nations in Our Town   H 187
In the Soviets' Instruments of Torture Michael Fuhrman H 188
Memories, Images and the Way of Life
From the Memories of a Zborow Man Josef-Gershon Labiner H 191
Remarks for the Article by Josef Gershon Labiner Y. Redler-Feldman (R' Binyamin) H 211
“From Zborow to the Kinneret” – Segments from the book by R’ Benjamin   H 213
Communities Leaders and Public Activists Binyamin Reiss H 245
The Main Public Institutions Binyamin Reiss H 255
“The Kitchen” Binyamin Reiss H 262
“The Kitchen” Binyamin Reiss Y 266
The Zionist Pioneer Movement A. Silberman H 272
Zborow between the two world wars A. Rotem H 282
The public image of Zborow G. Schneider H 286
The Halutz [pioneer] Movement in Zborow Dov Mehlsack H 293
When I remember my heart shrinks… Itka Strasberg (Linder) H 297
A Few Memories of My Birthplace Natan Heiman, z”l H 299
Shredded Memories Yehudit Katz H 301
Zborow of Yesterday Ephraim Katz H 303
The town is no longer Leah Gang (of the Shechter family) H 306
Memories from the years of my youth Shlomo Amitai (Warhaftig) H 307
I Recall Those Young Years Meilech Diamond Y 309
The Youth Movement of Zborow Moshe Shapira H 311
Kol Nidre Night in the Town Zelig Yaron (Jaeger) H 314
Several Characters in the Town Zelig Yaron (Jaeger) H 315
Zborow during Weekdays and Holidays Yakov Weller H 318
In the Six Working Days Yakov Weller H 319
A Few Memories Eli Richter H 322
The Orthodox Community in Zborow Michael Roth H 324
Betar in Zborow Shmuel Hollander and Michal Fuhrman H 328
The Chapters of Zborow Azriel Pollak H 330
The Organization of Former Zborow Residents in the US Eliyahu (Adyk) Silberman H 336
Parshat (Tale of) Balamut Binyamin Reiss H 339
“Ohel Moshe” – the title page of HaRav Alter Zweig z”l   H 341
The judgment of HaRav Alter Zweig in the matter of the convert Judge Dejewski   H 342
This Is How the Ukrainian Boycott Conspiracy Was Foiled Binyamin Reiss H 343
The emergency invitation of the Jewish Public Activists Binyamin Reiss H 344
Personalities and Community Leaders
R' [Rabbi] Binyamin (Yehoshua Redler-Feldman, z”l)   H 351
Simcha Bunim Feldman, z”l   H 353
HaRav Benzion Schalita, z”l   H 354
Rabbi Shlomo Kleinhandler, z”l   H 354
Rabbi Alter (Moshe Yonah Halevi) Zweig, z”l   H 355
Aron Czapnik, z”l G[ershon] Sch[neider] H 355
In Memory of Dr. Moshe Brumer, z”l Azriel P[ollak] H 356
Moshe Chaim Silberman, z”l G[ershon] Schneider H 357
Yisrael Katz, z”l B. R. [Binyamin Reiss] H 357
The Social Activist Mendel Sigal, z”l   H 358
Naftali Katz, z”l   H 359
Hersh Shapira, z”l   H 360
Yakov [Jacob] Fuchs, z”l Adyk [Silberman] and Gershon [Labiner] H 361
Memories of the Holy Martyrs Joel Buchwald H 362
Mendel Jung, z”l   H 362
Yakov Mendel, z”l   H 362
Abba Waltuch, z”l   H 363
Arye (Leib) Adler, z”l   H 363
Pesach (Poldi) Auerbach, z”l   H 364
Aisev Silberman, z”l Adyk and Solo [Silberman] H 365
Zeinvel (Zebulon) Liebling, z”l   H 366
Yitzchok Auerbach   Y 367
Shemesh, Moshe   Y 372
In Memory of Those Who Fell Defending the Homeland
Asher Halpern z”l   H 375
With Every Fiber of His Being David Halpern H 378
David, Son of Esther and Shmuel Schneider Gershon Schneider H 379
Michah Heiman “Mishka,” z”l   H 381
In Memory of Michah Heiman, z”l Uncle Zelig Yaron (Jaeger) H 382
Shmuel Katz, z”l   H 383
Shmulik, My Dearest, My First Born   H 385
Moti Shapira, z”l   H 386
To the Memory of Holocaust Martyrs
My Father my Teacher Moshe Chaim Silberman   H 391
Mendel Halpern-Segal   H 395
Ester and Shmuel Schneider   H 396
He was a Righteous Man   H 397
Haber Family   H 399
Family of Jankel Roth   H 400
Family of Fishel Tzipora   H 401
Jaeger Family   H 402
Davidsohn Family   H 403
Piper (Pfeffer) Family   H 404
Rabbi Schechter about his parents   H 407
Family of Shlomo Linder   H 408
The Mehlsack and Linder Families   H 409
Michal Leibling Family   H 410
Elka Minzer   H 411
The Weller Family   H 412
The families of R' Yakov and R' Shimshon Pollak   H 413
Family of Rivka Katz   H 414
Klahr Family   H 415
Family of Uri Schechter   H 416
Family of Aitzi and Sara Schapira   H 417
Family of Aron Bord   H 418
Family of Manes and Ester Roth   H 418
Family of Genetsha Diemand   Y 419
Fleissteiner Family   H 420
Fuhrman Family   H 422
Richter Family   H 423
Spindel Family   H 424
Family of Hersh Rapp   H 425
Family of Shmuel Adler   H 426
To All Those Who Died in Eretz Yisrael
Joseph Auerbach, z”l   H 429
Leah (Lenka) Auerbach, z”l   H 429
Shoshana (Roza) Riemen, z”l   H 430
Chana Schapira from the Pollak family, z”l   H 431
Arye Marder (Leybush Heiman), z”l   H 432
Nachum Linder, z”l   H 433
Sarah Linder (née Sam), z”l   H 433
Elka Wald (née Schneider), z”l   H 434
Rivka Katz (née Liebling), z”l   H 435
Sarah Jaeger, z”l   H 436
Josef (Yoske) Khlar, z”l   H 437
Moshe Jung, z”l   H 437
Eliezer Spindel (Remer) z”l   H 438
Emil Brumer, z”l   H 438
Moshe Kronberg (son of Chaya-Eydel), z”l   H 438
Tzvi Rosenbaum, z”l   H 439
Rivka Wolkowicz (Pollak), z”l   H 440
Binyamin Buchwald, z”l   H 440
Natan Heiman, z”l   H 441
Penina Leinwand-Rosenfeld, z”l   H 444
Moshe ben Pinchas Pfeffer, z”l   H 445
Meir Labiner-Roth, z”l   H 445
Yizkor [Memorial] Pages
List of Victims     450
Memorial Ads Section     466
On the Occasion of the Presentation of the Book     476
Indices (not in the original book)
Photo Captions
Index of Names in Photo Captions

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Updated 19 Sep 2024 by JH