Wladimir Wolynsk;
in memory of the Jewish community

(Volodymyr Volynskyy, Ukraine)

50°51' / 24°20'

Translation of
Pinkas Ludmir; sefer zikaron le-kehilat Ludmir

Published by Former Residents of Ludmir in Israel

Tel Aviv, 1962



Project Coordinator

Jack Bader


This is a translation from: Pinkas Ludmir; sefer zikaron le-kehilat Ludmir (Wladimir Wolynsk; in memory of the Jewish community)
Published by Former Residents of Ludmir in Israel, Tel Aviv 1962. (H,Y 624 columns)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Ludmir

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Translated by Sara Mages and Yocheved Klausner

Preface [H&Y] The editorial committee  
The History of Wladimir
The History of Jewish Wladimir:
   The Rabbis of Wladimir
   Periods and Events
   The Decline of Wladimir
Dr. M. Dworzhetsky 22
The Jews of Wladimir [Y]
   The Rabbis of Wladimir
   Reports from the 19th Century
   The Years of Disaster
Dr. M. Dworzhetsky 46
Overview of the Historical Development of Wladimir [Y] M. Shmukler 91
On the History of Wladimir [Y] M. Lipsker 95
From the History of Ludmir M. Margalit 98
Ludmir After the 1880s [Y] M. Bavyode 101
During the Days of the Russian–Japanese War [Y] M. Rosenfeld 106
Wladimir During the First World War B. Singer 115
Jewish Life in Ludmir During the First World War [Y] M. Szajnbaum 117
During the Days of Confusion S. An-ski 147
A Collection from the Newspapers M. Tzinowitz 154
Between the two World Wars
The Zionist Movement and its Activities M. Szejnboim / B. Henig 166
Notes on Community Life [Y] Avraham Vaynboym, may his memory be for a blessing 171
About the Hebrew Education in Wladimir (Ludmir) S. Rosenhek 175
Jewish Wladimir Y. Okon of blessed memory 179
The Establishment of the “Tarbut” School[1] Y. Yelin of blessed memory 182
The Agricultural “Tarbut” School Y. Sinizki 183
“Tarbut” Agriculture Classes [Y] Y. Babitski 187
The Vocational School “ORT” Bina Tabak 191
Ludmir - Movements, Institutions and People M. Schatz 193
Ha-Zofim[2] Ha-Shomer Ha-Le'umii[3] Ha-No'ar Ha-Zioni[4] Shifra and Boni Birmanon 206
The History of “Ha–Shomer Ha–Za'ir” [The Young Guard][5] Y. Shtern/Y. Birman 209
In Memory of “Ha–No'ar Ha–Zioni” in Ludmir B. Rozenboim 214
Beitar[6] E. Libers 215
The Jewish High School in Our City A. Perl 219
The Folks Bank in Ludmir Y. Ben–Yehuda (Baboida) 222
The Synagogues and the Religious Life L. Mendelson 225
Cantors and Cantorial Music in Ludmir [Y] M. Babyuda 231
Yiddish Theater in Ludmir [Y] M. Babyuda 234
Wladimir in the Memories
Celestial Ludmir Rabbi E.F. Mamat 242
A Little Eulogy [Y] A. Pet 243
In Memoriam –For Future Generations Y. Meltser 246
Ludmir, Our Town S. Shohat 251
On the Rivers of Ludmir B. Singer 251
Fragments of Memories from My Childhood in Ludmir H. Iger–Matlon 254
The Sunken Church [Y] K. Davidzon 253
Burning “Shames[7] [Y] Miriam Pershnitski (Budensky) 257
The Ludmir Panders B. Singer 257
Some images from Jewish Ludmir A. Koris 263
Personalities and Figures
Rabbis and Notables of Wlodimierz Moshe Chenowicz 269
Rabbi Yitshak Ayzik Halevi Grossman –Zionist Rabbi M. Tsinovits 293
Hannah Rachel Werbermacher [Y] A. Ludmirer 294
The Maiden from Ludmir Mordekhai Biber 296
The Ludmir Maiden Prays [Y] Kehot Kliger 302
Motikl the Water–Carrier [Y] Kehot Kliger 303
Fradl and Leml [Y] Moshe Babyuda 305
During the Holocaust period
From the Book “The World Invites me to Die” [Y] Kehat Kliger 318
The World Invites me to Die / The Massacre in Sitidin / Shmaye is Going to be Hanged / A little Letter to God / My Little Sister's Ashes  
Jews of Ludmir Go to their Deaths [Y] Kehas Kliger 325
“Yossele Dreyer” Addresses God / The Sacred Village  
In the Flaming Sunset Y. Okon 330
The First Days of the World War (a memoir) [Y] G. Shtern 333
At the Beginning of the Soviet Occupation HaOlam” No. 40, 1940 338
A Diary of Grief M. Margalit 346
A Diary From the Ghetto [Y] S. Schatz 431
Ghetto Memories [Y] E. Gitklig 523
From the Killing Field [Y] Z. Weinstock 527
The Days of the Massacres [Y] G. Weismann 527
Poems from the Ghetto G. Weismann 554
Wladimir 1943 (A Poem) [Y] Y. Sakoler 555
A memorial to the missing
The City and its Destruction:
Wladimir's Geopolitics / A Closed Independent Community / The Creation of the Jewish Lower Social class / The Beginning of Zionism in Wladimir/ Youth Movements / Families: R'Avraham-Meir / R'Tzelke/ R'Itche-Mechl / R'Shalom Schreiber / R'Aharon-Shmuel / R'Zindel / R'Moti Simcha Bunim's / R'Mendel/ Motl / R'Zisha / R'Nachum the Baker / R'Yehoshua Bilitcher / R'Yosef / R'Shalom/ R'Eli Dayen's / R'Menasche the “Dayan” [Religious Judge] / R'Simchale / R'Nachum
Z. Weiner 562
Wladimir's Heroes:

Tzvi Hirschfeld / Avigdor Levin / Moshe Baumgarten / Avraham Amper/ Chaim'ke Atlas / Arye Kas / Nunia Schwartz
Memories of a Survivor [Y] Pessi Brener–Biterman 586
September 25, 1942… Pessie Brener–Biterman 588
An Unforgettable Experience [Y] The Rav S. Zukerman 590
Wladimir in the Newspapers   592
Wladimir in Pictures   596
A Postcard from Grandfather [Y]   596
Remarks on “The Jews in Wladimir” [Y] Dr. M. Dworzhetsky 608

  1. The Tarbut movement was a network of secular Hebrew-language schools Return
  2. Hazofim – Scouts Return
  3. Hashomer Haleumi – The National Guards Return
  4. Hanoar Hatzioni – The young Zionists Return
  5. Hashomer Hatzair – the young guard – the Socialist-Zionist youth Return
  6. Betar – the initials of Brit Yosef Trumpeldor - The Covenant of Joseph Trumpeldor, the educational youth movement of the Revisionist Zionist Organization Return
  7. Shames – literally “Names”: Tattered pages from holy books (containing the Holy Name), stored in a special place in the synagogue Return

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