Tysmienica: A Memorial to the Ruins
of a Destroyed Jewish Community

(Tysmenytsya, Ukraine)

48°54' / 24°51'

Translation of
Tismenits; a matseyve oyf di khurves fun a farnikheter yidisher kehile

Edited by Shlomo Blond

Published in Tel Aviv, 1974


This is a translation from: Tismenits; a matseyve oyf di khurves fun a farnikheter yidisher kehile
(Tysmienica: A Memorial to the Ruins of a Destroyed Jewish Community), Ed: Shlomo Blond, Tel Aviv,
Hamenora, 1974 (Hebrew and Yiddish, 262 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Tysmenytsia

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[title page]


A Memorial to the Ruins of a Destroyed Jewish Community

Collected, produced, compiled and published by SHLOMO BLOND
Published by "Hamenora" Tel Aviv

5734 - 1974


[next page]

Tysmienica / Yizkor Book


All rights reserved

Published by "Hamenora", 14 Zangvill St., Tel-Aviv, Israel.

"HAMENORA" Publishing House, 24 Zangvill St., Tel-Aviv, Israel1

Published in Israel 5734 - 1974

Typeset: D. Ben-Nun, Tel Aviv


[dedication page]

Dedicated --

to my two sons:

Avraham (Bunio) Blond, born 1923

Yosef (Yozek) Blond, born 1927

Their young lives were snuffed out by the Nazis, may their memories be blotted out, in 1942.

Translated by Jerrold Landau

[Page 7]
Note: pp 151-193 Part of the Hebrew section and pp 13-78 in the Yiddish section)-- The chapters on these pages have many subheadings, so the chapter headings and subheadings are given. See Hebrew Section
Introduction 9
The ancient history of Tysmienica 13
Tysmienica after the first partition of Poland 20
The Great Synagogue 24
Scribes, scholars and thinkers in Tysmienica 29
Rabbis, judges, and Chassidic masters in Tysmienica 42
Ritual slaughterers and school teachers in Tysmienica 59
Profiles of Jews of Tysmienica 64
Jewish types in Tysmienica 75
Tysmienica in the Years of the First World War (1914-1918) 79
Tysmienica Under the Rule of The Ukrainians (1918-1919) 81
Tysmienica between 1919-1939 83
Zionist activity in Tysmienica 87
Jewish schools in Tysmienica 93
Culture clubs in Tysmienica 95
Industry, Commerce, and Handcraft Prior to 1914 96
Commerce and Industry after the first World War: 1918-1939 102
Jews in the economic life of Tysmienica 105
My suffering during the Second World War 111
Tysmienica under Soviet occupation 116
The end of the Jewish settlement in Tysmienica 120
Tysmienica 30 years after the liberation from Nazi rule (1972) 127
Righteous gentiles 128
Tysmienica survivors 132
Efraim Fishel immigrated to Israel 134
The first memorial service for Tysmienica Survivors 1947 136
Tysmienicers erect a memorial stone in the Holocaust grotto in Jerusalem 138
Tysmienica folklore 139
My Chapter on my home -- Tonia Sorser 144
Necrology 234
Bibliography 254
Index of names 255
[Page 8]
[Hebrew section]
Introduction 149
The ancient history of Tysmienica
Attacks, fires, and epidemics
Further stories of pillage, fires, and epidemics
Tysmienica after the first partition of Poland 154
The Great Synagogue 157
Scribes, scholars, and thinkers in Tysmienica
Baranfeld, Yitzchak Aaron
Berish, Yehuda Julius
Gelbhaus, Yehoshua
Kanaha, Hillel
Polak, Luki Chaim Zeev -- Yedidya Teofil
Piniles, Hirsch Mendel
Pinsker, Simcha
Frankel, Shlomo
Reb Shlomo Yehuda Hakohen Meizes
Yaakov (the father of Sigmund) Freud
Chaim Knobel of blessed memory (from the memories of Dr. Aryeh Menczer)
Kwitner, Avraham Yitzchak and Kwitner, Naftali
Rabbis, judges, and Chassidic masters in Tysmienica
Rabbi Meir Chaies
Rabbi Yaakov (Yankel of Tysmienica) and others
Rabbi Meshulam Igra
Rabbi Aryeh Leibish Halevi Ish Horowitz
Rabbi Meshulam Yissachar
Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Ish Horowitz
Rabbi Yosef Hager
Rabbi Yitzchak Koten (Reb Yitzchak of Tysmienica)
The last Rabbi -- Aaron Aryeh (Leib) Koten
Rabbi Pinchas Shlomo Shusheim
Reb Itchie Dayan
Ritual slaughterers and school teachers in Tysmienica
Reb Dudia the Shochet
Reb Feivel the Shochet
Reb Chaim the Shochet
Reb Yosi Meir the Shochet
Reb Israel the Shochet
Reb Yosele the Shochet
Reb Feivish the Melamed
Reb Abba Yehuda Flicker
Reb Eizik Melamed (Granat)
Reb Hirsch Melamed (Broitman)
Gemara Teachers: Reb Shmaryahu, Reb Yosel Tzudik, Reb Kalman Shustak
Profiles of Jews of Tysmienica
Reb Kalman Shustak
Reb Feivel Tzudik
Reb Yosel Tzudik
Reb Motele Samueli
Reb Moshe Lerel (Shloss)
Meir Shnitzer
Mrs. Krauthammer
Leibel Morgenstern
Reb David Shevach
Reb Yanitze Papi
Reb Leizer Tuker
Reb Hirsch Bader
Reb Hirsch Bunim Freidberg

Reb Yaakov Korn

Jewish types in Tysmienica
Brontzia, the crazy Gabbait
Notele Kopolitz
Aaron Leibush (the Grepser -- the Belcher)
Binyaminche (Sokativ)
Max "the crazy salesman" (The Crazy Turk)
The Days of the First World War 1914-1919 194
Tysmienica Under the Rule of The Ukrainians (1918-1919) 195
Tysmienica in the Years of the First World War (1914-1918) 197
Zionist activity in Tysmienica 201
Jewish schools in Tysmienica 203
Industry, Commerce, and Handcraft Prior to 1914 204
Commerce and Industry after the first World War: 1918-1939 208
Jews in the economic life of Tysmienica 210
My suffering during the Second World War 215
Tysmienica under Soviet occupation 220
The end of the Jews settlement in Tysmienica 221
Tysmienica 30 years after the liberation from Nazi rule (1972) 225
Righteous gentiles 226
Tysmienica survivors 228
Tysmienica folklore 230
First Immigrants to Israel 232
The first memorial service for the martyred of Tysmienica 233
In Eternal Memory (Necrology) 234
[Picture page 15 (Yiddish)]
“Panski” house, where King Jan (the third) Sovieski lived (1686)
[Picture page 18 (Yiddish)]
A glimpse of Rynek3 . From the right,the house of Pinchas Gottesman and Leibele Blond. The two story house of Tennen. Neighboring -- the house of Mechel Greif.
[Page 263]
This book written with blood and tears
constitutes a tombstone on the unknown graves of
Tysmienitser Jews Annihilated in the ghetto
in the labour camps and in the liquidation camps
by the Nazi murderers.
[Page 264]
[Page 265]
Salomon Blond4
11 Modiin Str.

Translator's footnotes

  1. Hebrew text says 14 Zangvill St., English text says 24 Zangvill St.
  2. This book contains a Yiddish section and a Hebrew section. The Hebrew section is a direct translation of the Yiddish section, with the exception that there is a common bibliography and name list at the end. I include the table of contents twice so that those using this as a guide to the Yizkor book can follow the page numbers in the language of choice. The two tables of contents vary slightly: in particular, the entries of page 95, 134, 138, and 144 only appears in the Yiddish; and some entries toward the end are in different order.
  3. Presumably a street name.
  4. The introduction indicates that Shlomo Blond was born in 1897. He would in all probability be no longer alive (if he was he would be over 100 years old), and the address indicated is most likely no longer valid.

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