Memorial book of Tomaszow Lubelski
(Tomaszów Lubelski, Poland)

50°28' / 23°02'

Translation of
Tomashover Lub. yisker-bukh

Publisher: Tomashover Relief Committee

Published in Brooklyn, NY 1965

This is a translation of: Tomashover Lub. yisker-bukh
(Memorial book of Tomaszow Lubelski),
Editor: Tomashover Relief Committee, Published: Brooklyn, NY 1965 (H,Y 912 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Tomaszow-Lubelski (1965)

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner


Foreword 11
Photographs of the Yizkor Book committee in New-York 18
Members of the Yizkor Book committee in Israel (photos) 20
Words to the readers Y. Maskap 21
A memorial in the Martef Hashoa (Holocaust cellar) on Mount Zion (photo) 27
A monument for our town R. Faust 28
The history of the Jews in Tomaszow Mordechai W. Bernstein 30
The holy man R'Pinchas of Tomaszow 53
The holy martyr woman S. Lamed 56
The synagogue S. Licht 57
The synagogue Pinkas (register) S. A. Braner 65
My grandfather R'Pinchas and the Kise Eliyahu (“Elijah's chair”) Rey Faust-Lehrer 67
The synagogue and the Bet Hamidrash [House of learning] Y. Silberman 69
Nachum the Shamash [attendant, helper] S. Licht 72
The Hevra Mishnayes [Mishnah learners] in the Great Beis Hamedresh A. Pitlock 73
The Beis Hamedresh Jews S. A. Braner 75
The Belzer Shtibl [Hasidim's synagogue] A. Reiz 77
The Zans-Tzieshonow Shtibl Y. Niedergang 84
The Chelem Shtibl Z. Kaventchok 90
The Chevra Kadisha [burial society] Y. Maskap 92
Memories from Tomaszow M. Weinblatt 97
The Rabbi Meir Baal Hanes fund S. Leibowitch 98
Tomaszow rabbis S. Licht 99
The Tzieshnover Rav I. Weintraub 103
The Tashlich lake R. Faust-Lehrer 106
Facts about my family Y. Bashewitz 108
My town, in the beginning R. Faust 113
Tomaszow before World War I M. Gazitchanski 114
Spring in Tomaszow E. H. 152
The Jewish way of life Y. Maskap 154
The violin factory R. Faust 168
My father's factory R. Faust 172
The Bulak Balachowitz pogroms M. Seldin 177
The new revived Poland S. Shiflinger 190
Chalutzim [pioneers] in Tomaszov P. Hammer 194
The struggle at the birth of Tze'irei Zion Faust 201
The Bund movement D. Geier 211
The Tze'irei Mizrahi organization N. Ratzimer 233
The appearance of the Hashomer Hatza'ir branch D. Loewenfuss 237
A short overview of the “working Eretz Israel” A. Herbsman 241
The Aguda, its establishment and development Y. M. Gurtler 250
The Aguda movement S. Licht 255
A memorial for unforgettable friends A. Kraz 259
David Yudel Schor S. Licht 263
The Aguda S. Licht 264
The left-wing movement L. Friedlander 266
The Jewish youth in Tomaszow P. Ehrlich 270
The Yavne School A. Arbesfeld 286
The leaders of the Mizrahi Ch. Y. Lehrer 293
The Yeshiva in Navordok I. Friedlander 300
The Lechem Aniyim [bread for the poor] organization I. Feldsen 304
The Taharat Yisrael voluntary organization S. Licht 308
The economic structure of the Jewish community W. Nay 310
Livelihoods (poem) E. H. 345
This was Tomaszow S. Leibowitch 351
Characteristics of our town S. Licht 357
Memories of a Tomaszower P. Hoyt 368
Our town I. Laneyel 369
Tomaszow Lubelski - my home town M. Ehrlich 375
Elections in town S. Licht 384
By The Way N. Eisen 390
The spiritual situation S. Licht 394
The special Jewish clothing S. Leibowitch 402
The preparations for Shabat and holidays S. Leibowitch 407
The black pole I. Shepsils 415
A theater performance on Shabat Ch. Reiz 418
Tomaszow on Shabat and Holidays Ch. I. Biederman 421
The great wedding A. Reiz 441
Remembrances from the years of youth A. Kraz 446
Medication for a sick person S. Leibowitch 448
Memories from my childhood L. Erdinatzki 455
Unforgettable impressions I. Minkovski 459
An elegy for Tomaszow [H] I. Herbsman 465
The life and death of our town I. Schwartz 472
Jewish snows (poem) E. H. 483
Names and Personalities
From the cut-off past   484
Shmuel Meldung S. Licht 487
David Schwindler Dov Schwindler 487
Noah Herbsman A. Herbsman 488
In memory of my son Moshe Z. Kavenstock 489
Avigdor Eidelsberg S. Zamoiski 490
Shlomo Goldsamd S. Zamoiski 490
Moshe Reichenberg S. Zamoiski 491
Pinchas Goldstein S. Zamoiski 492
Gershon Brand S. Licht 492
Arie Heller S. Licht 493
Yankele Lederkremer S. Licht 494
Yitzhak Karper S. Licht 494
Shalom Singer S. Licht 495
Yakov Mordechai Guthartz S. Licht 495
Shlomo Akst S. Licht 496
David Weizman S. Licht 497
Ben-Zion Faber S. Licht 498
Binyamin Weinberg S. Licht 499
Shmuel Futter L. Friedlander 501
Yechezkel Lehrer Eliyahu Lehrer 507
My father R'Shabtai M. Friedlander 512
Gutche the widow R. Faust 519
The pious Tewil I. Silberman 521
The Rav Berl Ferstman S. Licht 524
The Dornfeld family L. Dornfeld 526
My father R'Tewil Natt F. Hammer 529
My grandfather and grandmother F. Hammer 529
My unforgettsble friends - Moshe Sparer, Mechl Reiz, Heinich Koch, Hirtz Feldsehn S. Leibowitz 535
In memory of my acquaintances - Moshe Weissleder, Elazar Ader, Avraham Steinwurzel, Yakov Arbisfeld, Dr. Schulman S. Hanowitz 539
Shabtai, good morning to you S. Licht 541
Adv. Mandeltart, Itche Bornstein, Eliyahu Struzler, Arie Loewenfuss, Yechezkel Kopenbaum, Eliezer Dornfeld,
Feivel Halz and Avraham Yitzhak Blonder
S. L. 542
The old people in town - The old Heshel, Yankele and Shmuel Mecheles S. Licht 545
A monument for friends - The old Stahl, R'Nathan Ney, Shmuel Lubart, Eliyahu Chaim Gershons, Mendele Tepler,
Dovid'l Goldstein, Ruvele Chaitches, Pesach Futter, Isroel'ke Lehrman, Anshel Schor and Eliezer Bergenbaum
S. Licht 546
Young people from the Shtibl - Motl Fusch, Yechezke'le Zecharies, Yosele Gelber S. Licht 552
Sinai Friedlander, Freide Teierschein, Sara Dvora Friedlander Lea Herzig 554
Meshulam Barg I. Maskap 556
Yosel the water carrier S. Licht 557
The matchmaker with the crooked head F. Hammer 559
The blind Nachum I. Schwartz 560
The blind Nachum (in verse) E. H. 564
The crazy Teme'le (in v+A141erse) E. H. 567
Destruction and Holocaust
Tomaszow Lubelski I. Schwartz 569
At the outbreak of the War S. Drilman 571
The first days of war A. Herbsman 578
The brutalities Ch. I. Biederman 584
Tha black Saturday Mordechai Lehrer 596
A model of evil S. Olrich 600
The destruction of my towm Sheva Kempinski-Kriger 602
My experiences Avraham Singer 611
I am the only one left Chana Rodoler-Kriger 628
The struggle for life H. and S. Keitel 640
During the fateful years Rachel Schwartzbaum-Klarman 653
My experiences Tcharne Koifman-Eilen 679
On the waves of the Hitler storm Berl Hirschensohn 687
A Christian woman has saved me Chana Spieseisen-Weissleder 700
Dark days in my life Feige Pesl Bergman 703
Joel the Jester and his war experiences I. Schwartz 709
The minutes of the testimony recordings [German]   730
Yiddish translation of the minutes I. M. 732
From the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw   734
A few words about the Questionnaire I. Maskap 741
To my hurting brothers and sisters I. Schwartz 743
The bones are scattered in Belzec E. H. 745
The sad end of a town S. Licht 746
The surviving remnant in Russia Ch. I. Lehrer 774
Upon the ruins D. Schwindler 785
In Tomaszow after destruction M. Tabenblatt 787
Tomaszow residents after the Holocaust Lea Friedlander 792
The Tomaszow aid-commitee in New-York (photographs)   798
The Free-of-Interest loan fund of the Tomaszow former residents Z. Kaventchok 801
The members of the Committee (photographs)   802
The Yizkor Book Committee in Israel I. Herbsman 804
The Aid-Committee I. Lanayel 810
The Tomaszow Free-of-Interest loan fund in Israel M. Honigsfeld 812
Tomaszower in Benei-Brak L. Wermut 815
Grontstein celebration in Kiryat Bobow   817
Memories from Tomaszow S. Schiflinger 819
The people are taking a stand I. Maskap 822
Documents from The Jewish Historical Institute   827-828
Yizkor [remember]   833
Names of the martyrs [Necrology]   835-861
Memorial   863-909


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