Jewish Communities of Trembowla,
Strusow, Janow and Vicinity

(Terebovlya, Ukraine)

49°18' / 25°43'

Sefer yizkor le-kehilot Trembowla,
Strusow ve-Janow ve-ha-seviva

Published in Bnai Brak, 1981, Trembowla Society



Project Coordinator

Florence Rodman Klevit z"l


Our sincere appreciation to Abraham Flashner of the Trembowla Society in Israel
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.


This is a translation from: Sefer yizkor le-kehilot Trembowla, Strusow ve-Janow ve-ha-seviva
(Jewish Communities of Trembowla, Strusow, Janow and Vicinity),
Bnai Brak, 1981, Trembowla Society H, E)

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Translated by Sara Mages

Preface [English page V] Meir Selzer 1-8
A. Trembowla, a general description
My town Trembowla [Poem] Tzvi Pleshner 11-14
Trembowla as I remember her [English page XL] Meir Selzer 14-25
Jewish life in Trembowla Yisrael Glipaz 26-43
My youth in Trembowla [I remember - English page XIX] Moshe Briller (USA) 44-50
The occupations of Trembowla's Jews Meir Selzer 51-65
B. Organizations, Institutions, Figures
The rabbis of Trembowla, Strusow and Janow HaRav Meir Wander 69-89
The “Hitachdut” movement in Trembowla Natan Warman 89-95
“Beni Akiva” organization in Trembowla G.Y.A. 95-103
“Hanoar Hazioni” [English page XXXIII] Moshe Briller (USA) 103-109
Memories from Trembowla – “Hanoar Hazioni” Yehudit Arye (née Briller) 110-113
“Hazufim” Federation, “Hashomer Hatzair” in Trembowla Moshe Drezsdner 113-117
“Hashomer Hatzair” in Trembowla Natan Warman and Yosef Einleger 118-121
The “Ivriah” Library [English page XXVIII] Yosef Einleger 121-127
Figuers: Rabbi Pinchas Arak of blessed memory Yisrael Goldfliess 127-128
My teacher R' Natan Ashkenazi of blessed memory Y. G. 128-129
Lines to the image of my father of blessed memory Frieda Ettinger (née Entner) 129-132
C. Memories
Neighbors, teachers, friends, personalities… Meir Selzer 135-145
I will remember those… Zvi Flashner 146-154
Memories… Meir Polishuk 154-157
In memory of my family's martyrs Shoshanna(Goldfliess) Imber 157-165
One yearbook of “HaNoar HaOved VeHaLomed”* inTrembowla Eliezer Turkel 165-171
My childhood years in Trembowla Aharon Diber 171-174
The history of my life in the city of Janow Yitzchak Kahana 174-178
The “Dorf's Yid” (the village Jew) [English page XXV] Yakov Koenigsberg 178-180
My wanderings in Russia on my way to Eretz-Yisrael Meir Selzer 181-192
My Shtetl Strusow [Y] Shimon Schewirman 192-197
D. The Holocaust
The events and horrors of the Holocaust Yisrael Goldfliess 201-250
The Holocaust of the community of Trembowla Yosef Einleger 250-261
How Mania (Miriam Selzer) died [English page XVI] Dr. Z.P. 262-266
I will not die, I will survive Ester Goldstein (née Grinberg) 266-270
For my daughter's sake [English page VII] Sabina Herbest 270-277
I'm crying for my children Sara Frenkel (Schonhaut) 278-280
This is how I survived Sheine Bomza 281-282
Terrible experiences Henia Selzer (née Herbest) 283-285
This is how I went through the Holocaust Yitzchak Kahana 286-287
The horrors of the Third Action Regina Diner 287-288
The Municipal Hospital in Trembowla during the Nazi occupation Dr. Netalia Wislberg from Lvov 288-289
The notes of the engineer Gustav Engel about the Holocaust in Trembowla   290-293
A day in the bunker M.G. 293-295
The trial of the SS commander   295-296
A candle in memory of my brother Dudik (David) Turkel of blessed memory Eliezer Turkel 297-299
In memory of Hesio Neubauer May the Lord avenge his blood Ada Neubauer-Blutthal 299-300
In memory of Chaim Herbest May the Lord avenge his blood [English page XV] Sabina Herbest and Myra Herbest Genn 301
Figures who perished in the Holocaust Yisrael Goldfliess 302
HaRav Eliezer Leiter, May the Lord avenge his blood   302-304
R' Baruch Dlogetsh, May the Lord avenge his blood   305-306
R' Yitzchak Friedman, May the Lord avenge his blood   306-307
The teacher Avraham Lederman, May the Lord avenge his blood   307-309
Dr. Yisrael Stern, May the Lord avenge his blood   309-310
My brother David, May the Lord avenge his blood   311-313
David Milgrom, May the Lord avenge his blood   313-315
Gershon Neugewirz, May the Lord avenge his blood   316-317
Yosef Chaikin (from Strusow), May the Lord avenge his blood   318-320
E. List of the martyrs from the community of Trembowla 321-340
F. A letter that arrived to Israel on 17 Iyar 5704 [1944] Yisrael Goldfliess 343-345
A Summary of the eulogy for the 35th anniversary of the Third Action [English page XLVIII] Yisrael Goldfliess 346-347
Names of members who passed away in Israel and words that were written in their memory   348
Yisrael Turkel of blessed memory Olaga Turkel 348-351
Yishay Avivi (Zisha Lentz) of blessed memory Tchia Avivi 352-353
The lawyer Yitzchak Goldstein of blessed memory Ada and Shabtai 353-354
Shaul Wizer of blessed memory Y.B.M. 355-356
Sioba and Avraham Wachtel of blessed memory Yakov Wachtel 357
Gershon Younger of blessed memory –from the Kibbutz bulletin   358-359
In memory of David Sas of blessed memory M.Z. 360-351
Meir (Alter) Polishuk of blessed memory M.Z .and Y.B.M. 361-363
R' Yehudah Arye Rosenfeld of blessed memory Y.B.M. 364-365
Tzvi Schertzer of blessed memory Y.B.M. 366-367
List of those who passed away in Israel   369-379
The English Section   V-LII
List of American Contributors for the Publication of the Trembowla Memorial Book   II-III
List of Olim from Tremblowla to Eretz Israel Before the Second World War   IV-V
Preface M.S. V-VII
For My Daughter's Sake Sabina Herbst VII-XIV
In Memory of Chaim Herbst Sabina Herbst XV
Recollections of a Six Year Old Myra Herbst Genn XV
Eye Witness Report on My Sister's Death   XVI-XVIII
I Remember Moshe Briller XIX-XXIV
The “Dorf's Yid” Jack Koenigsberg XXV-XXVI
Chaskel Shor   XXVI-XXVII
The “Ivriah” Library in Trembowla Between the Two World Wars   XXVIII-XXXII
Hanoar Hazioni   XXXIII-XXXIX

* “HaNoar HaOved VeHaLomed” - Working and Studying Youth – an Israeli youth movement. Return

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