Telekhan Memorial Book
(Telekhany, Belarus)

52°31' / 25°51'

Translation of

Edited by: Sh. Sokoler

Published in Los Angeles, 1963


Project Coordinator

Ray Stone


David Goldman

Donated translations

Ray Stone

Rita Krakower Margolis

Our thanks to Phyllis Goldberg for scanning the English section of the book.

This is a translation from: Telekhan: Telekhan memorial book,
ed. Sh. Sokoler, Los Angeles, 1963, Telekhan Memorial Book Committee, 204 pages, H,Y,E

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Telechany

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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(Portions in Yiddish)
5 Introduction
6 Foreword Mashele Roseman
9 The Story of how Telekhany was Destroyed Asher Gursthtel
28 The world became poorer Esther Miller
43 The Munich Conference Aaron Klitenick
47 My brother is alive! Dina Godiner
52 Telekhany and World War One  
62 September 21, 1939  
66 My brother Shmuel Esther Godiner Miller
71 The Lives and work of the Telekhany Youth Mina Baron
83 Shlomo Landman's Story  
87 Also from our birthplace Telekhany Mashele Roseman
88 A Eulogy to burned down Telekhany Moshe Bernstein
89 The Famous Date - Remembered Forever! Lazer Lutsky
95 Memories of Telekhany Golda Stolyar
101 I Remember my Hometown Riva Chaim Reuvens
102 The Power of Goodness Chaim Finkelstein
104 The Oath Esther Miller
105 A letter from Telekhany Esther Miller
106 The Sacred Chain Dina Godiner-Klitenick
110 The Tormented Community of Telekhany Yehusha Sklar
111 Telekhany  
114 The family of Mordechai Gurstal  
117 Memories of Telekhany Akiva Alevitsky
128 A Chapter from "From Telekhany to America" Esther Miller
133 My Flowers on the Mass Grave Laibel Eisenberg
136 A Free Loan Society and Food Bank for the Poor in Telekhany Golda Bookman-Landman
137 What I remember from my young days in Telechan Chana Godiner
138 A letter to the Yizkor book committee Mendel & Kaleh Bernstein
139 We had “Sarah-Do-Good” in Town Riva Rosenberg
140 A Report from Gershon Gurstel  
142 Azriel the mute's tragic death  
144 Pictures and Images of Life in Telekhany Gershon Gurstel
148 Yosef Tchernichov Danieli, of Blessed Memory  
150 A Sacred Memorial to my Dear Mother, Chaya-Esther Mashele Roseman
152 Telekhany Burial Society Gershon Telechaner
153 Moshe Vichnes and his Family from Telekhany  
155 Map of Telechan  
156 Map of Polozia  
157 Telechan in Pictures  
(Portions in Hebrew)
173 Introduction  
175 The Home of Rabbi Yosef Hakohen Glick in Telekhany Mayer Goldsmith
180 The Gurstel-Gurion Family and the Zionist Movement in Telekhany  
181 Jacob Eisenberg, son of Liba and Shmuel Chaim Eisenberg  
182 Biography of Laibel Eisenberg, the son of Azriel and Minka  
182 Biography of Tzipora Eisenberg, the Daughter of Minka and Azriel  
182 Biography of Zvi Eisenberg, the son of Israel  
183 In sacred everlasting memory of our martyrs  
(English Section)
3 On the Trail of the Telekhany Tragedy Boris Ustinov
6 A Great Loss for the World Esther Miller
10 How it all began  
13 The Tragic Death of Azriel the Mute  
       Captions of Pictures

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Contact person for this translation Ray Stone
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