Svinzian Region; Memorial Book
of 23 Jewish Communities

(Švenčionys, Lithuania)

55°09' / 26°10'

Translation of
Sefer zikaron le-esrim ve-shalosh kehilot
she-nehrevu be-ezor Svintsian

Edited by: Shimon Kanc, former residents of Sventzian in Israel and the U.S.

Published in Tel Aviv, 1965



Project Coordinator

Anita Frishman Gabbay


We are grateful to Leyla Holzman, chair of the Svencionys landsmanschaft in Israel,
for the permission granted to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

Thanks to Laura Kisber Benjaminson, her husband Ari, Eitan Kovarsky for their scanning help.

Our sincere thanks to the work done by Marjorie Rosenfeld, Arlene Tievsky and Steven Weiss.

Thanks to Anita Frishman Gabbay for donating and coordinating the book
with her dedicated team of translators Jerrold Landau, Janie Respitz and Meir Razy.

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrologies for placement on the JewishGen web site.


This is a translation from: Sefer zikaron le-esrim ve-shalosh kehilot she-nehrevu be-ezor Svintsian;
Svinzian region; memorial book of 23 Jewish communities.
Ed Shimon Kanc. Tel Aviv, former residents of Sventzian in Israel and the U.S., 1965

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Svencionys

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at and

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TOC translated by Yocheved Klausner

Article Written by Column
Inital pages    
Crying Stones   12
God Full of Mercy   16
Akeyda (The Binding of Isaac) Mordechai Bartana (“B. Mordechai”) 18
We Will Remember   23
Prologue Shimon Kantz 23
And You Shall Tell Your Son   29
Remember What Amalek Has Done to You Shimon Kantz 33
The Blood of Our Brothers Cries Out from the Mass Grave - Poligon Heshl Gurvitz 39
The Sources are Buried Avraham Golomb 55
He Who Stands to Receive the Blessing Shakhne Akhyasaf (Tsepelovitz) 59
Jews of Sventzian Shimon Kantz 63
Those Who Glorified the Name of Our Town in the World Shimon Bushkanyetz 65
    Avraham Solomyak 65
    Professor Mordecai Menahem Kaplan 69
    Dr. Lew Kowarski 69
    Yosef Polonski 71
    Ze'ev Reznick 72
    Meyer Matzkin 73
The Town and Its History Menke Katz 77
    Sventzian: Heersha-Leyb Tarshish Poem Menke Katz 79
    The History of Sventzian Shimon Bushkanyetz 81
    Topography and Demography of the Sventzian Region 89
    Sventzian in World History 93
    Sventzian in Polish History 95
    Sventzian in Jewish History 97
    To Support and to Return to Zion 109
    Political Zionism 117
    The Jewish Socialist Worker's Party “Bund” 119
    The Economic Structure 123
    Regimes and Boundaries 131
    Social Life After the First World War 137
    Sventzian During the Time of the Soviets (1939-1941) 161
    This is How the Jews in Sventzian Died 167
    Partisans 173
The Ezras and Nekhemias of the Jerusalem of Lithuania Shmuel Kagan (Argentina) 181
Torah and Chassidism   193
Chassidism and Sventzian Rabbi Yitskhok Duber Ushfal, Brooklyn 197
Rabbis and Yeshivas Rabbi Yitzkhak Duber Ushpol 203
The Great Torah Scholar, Rabbi Reb Shloyme Eli Ushpal, of Blessed Memory Rabbi Yitzhak Dober Ushpal (Brooklyn) 211
The Rabbis of Sventzian Rabbi Y. L. Maymon 221
Great Torah Scholars and Community Personalities A. Hermoni–Ginzburg of Tel Aviv 227
The Tailors' SynagogueThursday, April 19, 2018 Dr. Moyshe Kuritski 229
Education and Culture   231
Education and Rearing [of Children] Shimon Kantz 233
The Modern Jewish Schools In Our City Yoysef Brumberg, Chicago 237
The Jewish School in the Province of Vilna (A Memorial to the Holocaust) A. Golomb (Mexico) 255
Educational Institutions and Culture in Sventzian A. Hermoni–Ginzburg 263
The Talmud Torah and the Young Cantors Ber Karmatz (Charmatz) 267
My Teachers (Melamdim) of Torah and Talmud Yizhak Shibovski 271
The Government Jewish School for Beginners Ben Ir 279
The Social Life 281
Political-Social Life Shimon Kants 283
The Zionist Movement – Toils and Achievements in Our Town Yitzhak Shibovski (Zichron–Yakov) 285
The Pioneer Youth – its Orientation in Our Country Itzhak Feigelman 291
The Zionist Movement in Our Town Dr. Avigdor (Vigdor) Levin 295
The Leftist “Worker-Zionists” [Po'alei Zion Left]: Its Founders and Its Leaders Tsadok Kharmats 313
The “BUND”, The “Territorialists” and their activities I. Ben–Ir 319
The Part of the Sventzian Jews in the Communist Movement Eliezer (Leizer) Levine 323
The Professional Needle [Trades] Union Tsadok Kharmats 329
The Artisans' Association Ber Kharmats 329
Elections for the Sejm and City Council Leyb Margel 331
Institutions and Businesses Leyb Margel 333
Weizman's Historic Kiss to Rabbi Y. Y. Reynes Yitskhok Grinboym 339
Caring for the Poor and the Sick Dov Ber Shloyme Brooklyn 341
Economic Life Reuben Abramovitsh 345
Pages from Svencionys - Memoirs 349
Sventzian Pages Shimon Kantz 351
My Town A. Hermoni-Ginsberg 353
Flashes of Memory Moshe Svirski 369
Glorious and Proud Deeds Chana Gerber (Yagur) 377
The Shtetl and the simple folk Gershon Kuritzki 379
A Town of Scholars and Educated People Shmuel Gurewitz 381
Morning and Evening Breezes in Sventzian's Everyday Jewish Life I. Ben Ir 383
Memoirs, Shabat, Holidays and Weekdays Shimon Bushkanyets 403
The Sabbath in Town Yitskhok Shibavski 415
Before World War I Meir Zev Blumberg (New York) 421
After the Big Fire Israel Siroka (New-York) 423
Under Guard A. S. Swirski 427
From an Old Book of the Town's History and Later Times Bronye Forus-Khasid 431
The Jewish Fire Brigade Prevented a Pogrom Abrasha Bak 433
Tin Names (From the poem “Mulier Hirsh) M. Natish 435
Figures 441
Figures Shimon Kants 443
Hirshe-Leib Tarshish (poem) Meinke Katz 445
Bread Menke Katz 455
On the Gallows Hirshe – Leyb Tarshish 457
Returning Home Hirshe – Leyb Tarshish 461
The Last Man Menke Katz 463
Cultural Activists and Culture Creators Sara Katsizne (Ra'anana) 465
The Parents of a Leading Personality Fati Kremer 471
The Tragic Figure of Julian Bak Shaul Ginzberg 473
The Artist Aba Garsheyn Heshl Gurvitsh 475
Sara Garshtein the Sculptress 477
Their Memory – a Guide in Life Rachel Gan-Tov-Voliak 481
Kopl Sirotka and His Dream Come True Yosef Bromberg (Chicago) 489
Rabbi Dr. Yankev Shmuel son of Leyb Minkin, of Blessed Memory Pini Minkin 491
Feivele the Mailman Rafoyl Los (Paris) 493
Rabbi David Kuritzki z”l and his Family Chaia Lutzki 497
The Teacher, Dvoyre Fisher M. Shutan 501
Rabbi Moshe Svirski H. Gurevitz 505
Yitche Ber the Beadle and the ‘PRITZE’ Woman Landowner Ben Ir 509
R'Asher son of Akiva Kovarski Dov son of Shloyme (Brooklyn) 515
Dr. Herts Kavarski – Doctor and Social Activist Sh. Bushkanyets 515
Mendl Treger's Fight with the Soviet Authorities for Judaism Dr. Moyshe Koritski 519
Jews of the Shul-Hoyf [lit. Synagogue Courtyard] 521
Activists During the Difficult Times of the Jewish Schools Sender Kovarski 525
The Prophet of the Town Itshe Hirsh 531
Two Friends (Leib Germanski and Nichael Natish) Khaim Grade 533
The Economic Situation in Sventzian 539
In the Time of the Holocaust 541
Destruction and Death Shimon Kantz 543
The Destruction of Sventyan Ber Kharmots and Yankev Levin 545
In the Ghetto Klara Yavitsh 553
I Was in Poligon Leah Svirski-Holtsman 559
The Last Mile Yehuda Ambrus 575
The Death of a Ghetto Jew Moshe Shutan 579
Margumishak – the First Mass Grave of Sventzian Dr. Moshe Kuritski 583
Illustrious Figures in the Ghetto Khane Shlanski (Rabotnik) 585
The Struggle For Life Dovid Lishanski (Reshafim) 587
My Wanderings Through Hell Yehudit Michelson 599
My Shtetl (poem) Leah Svirski 609
Our Destiny (poem) Leah Svirski 611
Ponar Zalman Motzkin 613
On the Ruins and on the Mass Graves Sara Katzizne 627
Sventzian Was Once Here. My Return to the Ruins After Liberation! Rachel Voliak (Gan–Tov/Gantovnik) 631
On the Ruins of My Home-Town Svencionys (poem) Brayna Farus-Chasid 635
Novo-Svencionys [New Svencionys] 637
Map of the town 639
The History of the Town 641
New – Sventzian Shimon Kantz 643
The Founding and Development of New – Sventzian Heshl Gurvitch 645
The Years 1915–1925 Heshl Gurvitch 689
“YEKAPO” Activity in the Vilna Region Shraga Antovil / Tel Aviv 705
Bread for My Brother H. G. 711
Schools, Teachers, and Students 713
Schools Teachers and Students Shimon Kantz 715
How We Built the Jewish School Zisle Tabachowitz–Popiski (South Africa) 717
Our Two Schools Hanah Portnoy–Katz 727
Our Schools, Drama Club and Library Israel Gurewitz 731
The Tarbut School Avraham Kovarski 739
The Victory of Our School Ester Chait 741
The Peddlar Yetta Kovarski 744
Episodes from Our Days at School Itzik Milner 745
How We Studied “Miracles of the Sea?” Mera Milner, student of the Folk shul in New Sventzian 749
From the Language Newspaper–Sayings with the Word ”Kop” (Head) Tzira Guterman 751
Leizer Hellerstein Heshl Gurewitz 753
Yitzhak Gordos Israel Gurewitz 753
Aharon Tzintzinatus z”l Tamar Efron 755
Avraham Vinik z”l 758
The Children's Voice 759
The Drama Club of Novo Sventzian Mina Kulbak (Kfar Gil'adi) 763
A Theatre Performance in our Town Chaia Las 767
The Economic Situation of New–Sventzian Yekapo, Vilna 1831 (could be 1931), Pinchas of Lita, page 484 771
The Social-Political Life 773
The Political – Social Life Shimon Kantz 776
Political Movements in New– Sventzian Yisroel Gurvich Z”L 777
The Pioneers [Chalutzim] of the Sventzian Region in “Ha–Kovesh” Yosef Bankover 783
The Beginnings of the “He–Chalutz” Movement Avraham Katz 789
The “He Chalutz” Organization in Our Town Avrom Katz 795
The General Zionists Yakov Tabakhovitch 799
The “Ha Shomer Ha Tzair” Yitzkhak Gurvitch 803
The Song of Life and the Song of Heroism (in memory of the poet and fighter Michael Ashbel) I. Gurion 809
The Sports Club and Its Competitions Yitzkhak Gurvitch 817
Yitzkhak Gordus 819
Way of Life and Personalities 821
Way of Life and Personalities Shimon Kantz 823
Longing Ahron Tzintzinztus 825
Rabbi Zvi Ratzker z”l   827
The Kovarski Family H. Chaia Feiges 828
Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Volyn for the United Israel Appeal   835
The New Nigun (Melody) and its Perpetuation Heshl Gurwitz 837
Rabbi Eliyahu Kimkhi Khaya Las 841
The Painter in Our Town Motel Bak Freidel Bak 843
Festivities and Weddings in Town Sholem Yitzhak Teitz z”l 845
Personalities Heshl Gurwitz 849
A story of the Rabbi and the Wolf Shifra Kovarski 855
The History of one Family Arie Anat (Popiski) 857
The community Worker Heshl Gurwitz 867
The Good Uncle – Israel Portnoy z”l Etya Rudnitski 869
The Beloved Lawyer Leib Gurwitz I. Ichituv 871
Yehuda Moishe the Blacksmith Freidel Bak 875
My Childhood Years in the Town Nechama Kovarski–Gurwitz 877
Memories from the Cheder–Years Henoch Lapidot 885
Pesach in our Town Teibe Cohen (Zuker) 887
Chaim Mordechai Steingold z”l Pinchas Steingold 889
The Colorful Life of the Attorney Israel Gurwitz Sheina Kovarski–Spiegel 891
The Sad Chanuka Evening Esther Kovarski–Katz, z”l 893
This is How We Joked Heshl Kovarsky 895
Cheders (Talmud Torah classes) and Batei Midrash (synagogues and study rooms) Max Shutan 899
The House of Mendel the Schmidt (Blacksmith) Leib Popiski 903
Shabbos and Week days of my childhood Shalom Shutan 907
The Yadisker (from Yadi/Yodi) 913
The Melody of Youth Work Israel Manor 915
Yehushe Kovarsky, the Artist and his work Kalman Lichtenstein 919
New–Sventzian, My Home Town 923
The Holocaust 925
Upon the Ruins Chaim Grade 927
In the Abyss of the Horrific Extermination Asher Bitushunsky 929
Desolate Days and Nights Efraim Vaynfers 941
The Cruel Slaughter Levi Zak 945
This is How it Happened Yitzkhak Gurvitch 949
Upon The Ruins Taybe Kagan 953
How I Was Saved from the Valley of Tears and Anxiety Esther Feyge Furman Khayt (Chait) 955
The Path to Pain Kayle Ayzikovitch 959
The Cry of Blood Shall Not Be Silenced Arie Popiski 961
How shall I Dip my Pen in Blood… (poem) Arie Popiski 967
Ignalina 969
Jewish Shetlach Chaim Grade 973
Grandfather's town Avraham Krill 973
The Origin and Development of the Town Yerakhmiel Korb 980
People, Streets and Organizations Yitzkhak Viduchinsky and Ruven Muller 989
Beautiful People from My Town of Ignalina Dvoyre Leyzerovitch – Kraytzer 1001
The Courageous Self-Defense Heshel Gurewitz 1011
The Rabbi of Ignalina Moshe – Aharon Khayt Dr. Yosef Even – Odem (Rubinstein) 1013
The Poetess of the “Lakes of Ignalina” Esther Rabinovitch 1015
An open letter to Zion Shulamit Beit–Halachmit 1018
How I Parted from My Small Town of Ignalina Dr. Yosef Even – Odem 1019
The Tragedy of Yerakhmiel Korb and His Heroic Son Eliyah AOpen Letter to J. Macdonald 1023
In the Struggle for Liberty Eliyahu Korev 1025
From the Shtetl Ignalina to the Science Prize in Israel Pesach Yifar 1029
Immortal Was the Man Even–Odem 1033
The Extinquished Star Nachman Rapp 1035
The Economic Situation in Ignalina From the Yekapo Registry, 1931 1037
Tzeikin 1039
My Destroyed Home Menucha Feigel Israelewitz 1039
Gavikan 1041
Gavikan – The Fishermen Leizer Levitan 1041
Paliush   1043
Paliush – The Jews on the Other Side of Lushi Shmuel Gilinsky 1043
Holocaust – In the Valley of Lamentation and Pain Yerachmiel Kariv (Korb) 1047
Chased by the Horrible Events Eliezer Levitan 1127
Human Animals and Human Angels Shmuel Gilinsky 1133
One of the “Righteous Gentiles” Eliezer Solomyak 1161
At the Holy Mass Grave Fania Fisher 1163
Daugelishak–The History of the Shtetl David Tzinman 1164
Old Daugelishak A. Krill 1173
Old Daugelishak Reicha Krill 1177
New–Daugelishak Zev Kuritzki 1179
Old and New in Our Home Bluma Ushpal–Vidotchinski and Raisel Lifshitz–Pliner 1183
Rabbi Eliyahu and his son Dr. Hirsh–Leib Gordon David Tidhar 1185
The Economic Situation of Daugelishok From the Vilna Yakopa Register 1187
My Shtetl on the River Zhemiane Yosef Tabakhowitz (Argentina) 1189
The Home of My Dreams Neche Tabakhowitz–Bakaltchuk z”l 1195
Between the Two Wars Yitzhak Kavalski 1199
The Colorful Organizer Att. Eliyahu Rudnitzki Moshe Shalit 1201
The Figure of a Talented Educator Heshel Gurewitiz 1203
As A Russian Prisoner of War in Kaltinian Yerachmiel Korb 1205
Rabbi the Gaon Yosef Kahaneman Heshl Gurwich 1209
A Heroic Family Beile Garshin 1213
The Destruction of Kaltinian – In Those Dark Days Rachel Milontchik 1217
The Mass Graves in Ponar and Poligon Neche Tabakhowitz–Bakaltchuk 1219
A List of the Jewish Families in Kaltinian Before the Holocaust Ada Katz 1221
Lingmian – The Life and Beauty in Our Shtetl Zvi Zaar 1223
Ethel and her six Sons Rabbi Shmuel Pliskin (Baltimore) 1265
The Esteemed Scholar Rabbi Efraim Zar (May his named be avenged by God) Rabbi Khayim Khaykl Greenberg 1273
The Economic Situation in Lingmian Between The Two Wars From the Vilna Yakopa Register 1275
Dukstas 1277
On Polish – Lithuanian Soil Chaim Grade 1279
The History of the Town of Dūkštas B. Davidowitz 1281
The First Hebrew School Shmuel Dobkin 1287
My Little Shtetle Ruben Hamburg 1293
The Cultural – Communal Life Soreh – Dvoyreh Berman (Hartford, United States) 1295
My Students and Their Parents Zlateh Katcherginsky 1301
The Emergence and Development of the Economy Shloimeh Katcherginsky 1303
Communal Activists and Personalities Shloimeh Katcherginsky 1319
Do Not Cover, Earth, Their Blood…! Miriam Katcherginsky – Wasserman 1335
Podbradz, Lintop, Kimelishak 1337
The Last Prayer B. Mordekhai 1339
At the Flames B. Mordekhai 1339
The Establishment and Development of the Shtetl Aharon Bavarski 1341
Our Way-of-Life Ben-Zion Lapp 1357
Rabbi Moshe Perski Nathan Perski 1361
My Father Rabbi Israel Bertinski, May God Avenge His Blood Mordechai Bartana 1365
The Economic Situation of Podbrodz From the Vilna Yakopa Register 1369
Holocaust 1371
The Decline and Fall of Jewish Life in Podbrozie (Pabradė, Lithuania) Ben Zion Lapp 1371
This is How I Was Saved Eliyahu Likht 1379
The German Commander Meir Blitz 1401
In the Valley of Death Hadassa Rosen–Shapira 1405
In the Hand of the Murderers Zev Bartana 1415
Poems Meir Blitz 1427
Not a Sign Nor a Hint (poem) B. Mordechai 1431
Lintup 1433
Our Shtetl Mordekhai Kentsianski (Max Khenchynski) 1433
Its Houses and Streets May Be Plain But It Is Splendid Tsilia Matskin-Tsiblin 1445
Shliomke – Pioneer From Lintup A. Kril 1447
Kimelishak 1449
Kimelishak, a Village Transformed into a Splendid Shtetl Aharon Kuritzki 1449
In Calm Days M. Kuritzki–Shulzinger 1459
The Economic Situation in Kimelishak Pinchas Lita 1461
Destruction and Holocaust M. Kuritzki–Shulzinger 1463
Haydutciski, Dzikevinetz, Stoyatzishok, Maligan 1473
And There Was Shimon Kantz 1475
Jewish Haydutishok Itzhak Perlis (Yagur) 1477
Haydutishok– a town of honest toil and hard labor Michal Patashik 1493
Haydutishok in the First World War Yakov Abel, ben Shimon (Ein Shemer) 1503
Between the Two World Wars Rafael Yaffe, Rehovot 1509
In Your Streets– Haydutishok Shabtai Abel, Ein Shemer 1521
The Youth Movement in Haydutishok did not disappoint Shabtai Abel (Ein Shemer) 1529
Avraham Eliahu Abel Z”L and his Public work Shabtai Abel 1531
About the Hebrew School and the Zionist Activity/Action Shimon Abel, Ma'anit 1535
Characters From Our Town Shimon Abel, Ma'anit 1539
Rabbi Gershon Zak Z”L Yaacov Abel 1541
R' Shimon Reikhel–the Brick Layer Chanoch Ben–Sarah 1543
Rabbis, Slaughterers, Teachers and Scholars Rafael Yaffee 1547
Our drama club Rafael Yaffe 1553
The Jewish Folk Shul Gershon Yaffe and Shneur Zalman Abel 1555
The Big Fire Nachum Kuritzki 1559
Simple, Good–Hearted and Unforgettable Jews From Haydutciski Israel Witzentovski, Australia 1561
Dzhikevines, a Settlement of Jewish Farmers Henoch Drutz 1567
Stayatishok Rachel Gan–Tov (Gantovnik) Voliak, Hadera 1573
The Yiddish Town on the River Suwalki Israel Gan–Tov (Gantovnick) 1577
Maligan on the Mountain and in the Valley Gershon Braslavski 1583
In Honor of My Shtetl Boruch Gontovnick 1586
Postov 1586
Vidz   1590
The Beginning of the Problems Shlomo Ichiltchik 1592
Mior 1595
Kazian   1597
In the Kazian Woods Israel Ichiltchik 1599
Kobylnik 1601
The Melody of Our Fathers and Grandfathers   1603
Holocaust–Destruction and Death
Haydutzishok During These Terrible Days Nekhe Volotzki 1605
The Painful Last Road of the Hayduskitzer Jews Michel Potasnik 1611
The Story of the Holocaust in Shtayatsishok (Stajetiške, Lithuania) Israel Gan-Tov (Gantovnik) 1617
The Sad Shabbos–Jews of Stayatichok Leave the Village Forever Rachel Gan–Tov (Gantovnik) 1623
The Destruction of Maligan Gershon Braslavski 1629
The Liquidation of the Postover Ghetto   1633
Magnified and Sanctified 1635
In the Death Camps 1637
Two of One Hundred Thousand Shimon Kantz 1639
From Kimelishak Through Hitler's Death Camps Etya Rudnitsky – Teitlman 1641
In the Hell of Hitler's Camps Leah Svirsky – Holtzman 1649
We Begin the Day of Anguish (poem) 1651
Heroism 1653
Our Heroism Heshl Gurvitch 1655
Heroic Deeds Sh. Buszkanitz 1657
With Weapons in Our Hands Moishe Shutan 1659
Eli [My God] (poem) Nechama Shutan 1673
This Is How We Fought… Moishe Shutan 1673
Partisans are Coming Shmerke Katcherginski 1699
The Revenge on this Bright Day   1699
How We Recruited New Fighters Yitzhak Rudnitski 1715
The Heroes in the Forest Alexander Bogen 1718
The Vilnius Otriad Mote Heshel Bushkanetz 1727
My Survival as a Partisan Ber Swirski, z'l 1731
Jewish Heroes in the Partisan Unit “Mastityel” Recorded by Michel Potasnik 1733
Rise Up and Fight (poem) Leah Svirski–Holtzman 1737
Only the Two of us Remained Yosef Flexser 1739
Moshe Shutan - The Partisan's Delegate to the Vilna Youth Rivka Kovarski-Gordon 1745
The 16th Lithuanian Division Yitzkhak Viduchinsky 1747
In the Battlefield Mula and Leib Troytze 1763
In Battle With the Bloody Enemy Moshe Zinman 1765
Battles of Resistance and Struggle Shimon Bushkanyetz 1769
The Great Operation Yitzchak Arad–Rudnitzki 1783
The Anger of the Martyrs and Heroes Shlomo Kovarski 1787
The Heroes Who Have Fallen [in Battle] 1789
Children Saved From Satan's Hands 1797
Saved Children The editors 1799
My Fight to Save the Children Sender Kovarski 1801
This is the Story of Teibele (Anka) Aryeh Anat, (son of Zeev Popiski) 1809
My Mother Commanded me to Live Arie Anat - As told by Dvora Rozenzweig–Vinokur 1819
The Yachnes Twins Communicated by Sender Kovarski 1829
“Righteous Gentiles” Have Saved My Child Esther David Soroka 1831
My Child Kept Me Alive Rivka Feigel–Falant 1835
We Shall Remember Until the Last Days of Our Lives Dr Shlomo Stein z”l, New York 1839
Landsmanchaft: Sventzian–Sventzianer Relief in New York Brania Forus–Chasid, New York 1841
Our Aid Committee in South Africa Mania Tzkinski–Yaffe (Cape Town) 1849
The Good Will of a Group Heshel Gurewitz 1853
The Founding of the “Association of People From Sventzian” in Israel Heshl Gurvitch 1855
The Man From Sventzian in Argentina Heshl Gurvitch 1867
He deserves our thanks Aviezer Pedro 1869
Those who have passed away   1881
God shall remember The souls of the martyrs from VIDZ   1883
Remember…   1885
Those Remembered… Heshl Gurvitch 1887
Svencionys Necrology (Švenčionys, Lithuania) 1889
New Svencionys Necrology (Švenčionėliai, Lithuania)  1903
Ignalina Necrology (Ignalina, Lithuania)  1910
Daugielishki Necrology (Naujasis Daugùliškis, Lithuania)  1913
Dukstas Necrology (Dukštas, Lithuania)  1915
Ceikiniai Necrology (Ceikiniai, Lithuania)  1916
Koltiniany Necrology (Kaltanėnai, Lithuania) 1919
Podbrozie Necrology (Pabradė, Lithuania) 1921
Lintup Necrology (Lyntupy, Belarus) 1927
Kiemieliszki Necrology (Kamelishki, Belarus) 1928
Hoduciszki Necrology (Adutiškis, Lithuania)  1929
Stojaciszki Necrology (Stajetiške, Lithuania)  1933
Widze Necrology (Vidzy, Belarus)  1935
Mielegjany Necrology (Mielagėnai, Lithuania)  1936
Koziany Necrology (Kozyany, Belarus)  1939
Kobylnik Necrology (Narach, Belarus) 1941
Postav Necrology (Pastavy, Belarus) 1943
Nemencine Necrology (Nemenčine, Lithuania) 1949
Dates of the murder of the Jews of the Sventzian region 1959
List of the Participants in this Yizkor Book 1965


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Contact person for this translation Anita Frishman Gabbay
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