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Translation of
Stolin; sefer zikaron le-kehilat Stolin ve-ha-seviva
Editors: A. Avatichi, Y. Ben-Zakkai
Published in Tel Aviv 1952
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Translated by Laia Ben-Dov
Edited by Irit Dolgin
An Eternal Light for the Stolin Community | The Editors | 5 |
A Vow (Poem) | A. Shlonsky | 6 |
Map of Stolin | Y. Strosky | 7 |
Remember the Holocaust of Israel | Dr. M. Dvorezhetzky | 8 |
Yizkor | A. Avatichi | 9 |
How She Sat Alone | Y. Ben-Zakkai | 11 |
The Town of My Birth | M. Gal | 13 |
The Holy and Pure Ones | Y. Strosky | 13 |
This Will Be Our Revenge | S. Tchernichovsky | 14 |
Stolin (Of the History of the Town) | A. Avatichi | 15 |
The Town 65 Years Ago | R. Eisenberg | 17 |
With the Russian Revolution | A. Avi-Menachem | 19 |
From the Annals of Hardship During the Years 1919-1920 | Z. Patchnik | 21 |
Between the Hammer and the Anvil | Y. Globerman | 22 |
A Change of Regimes | M. Belohousky | 24 |
Refugee and Survivor | Y. Avital | 25 |
The Beginning of Zionism in Stolin | A. Kolodny | 26 |
The Aliyahs to the Land of Israel | M. Eisenberg | 28 |
HaTechiya [Zionist] Association | A. Kolodny | 31 |
The Death of Herzl | A. Z. Huberman | 33 |
From the Period of the Second Aliyah | M. Eisenberg | 34 |
The Political Parties and Bnei Zion | A. Zioni | 36 |
Bowls on Yom Kippur Eve | Z. Ben-Yishai | 37 |
The Zionist Beit Ha'Am [People's House] | B. Brandes-Zeldin | 39 |
With the Balfour Declaration | Dr. Pekker, Dr. Yardeni | 41 |
The opening of the University in Jerusalem | B. Brandes-Zeldin | 42 |
The Shivat Zion Settlement Organization | M. Barzali | 43 |
The Echo of the Events of 5689 [1929] in the Land of Israel | A. Lifshitz | 45 |
The Kfirim [Zionist Children's Movement] | Y. Ginsburg | 46 |
HaShomer HaTzair [Socialist-Zionist Youth Movement] | M. Gal | 48 |
The Founding of Gordonia | A. Levin | 60 |
HaChalutz [Zionist Youth Movement] | A. Avatichi | 61 |
Youth Movements in Stolin | P. Doron | 63 |
Beitar [Revisionist-Zionist Youth Movement] | Y. Zerach (Zarchowitz) | 64 |
Poalei Zion [Zionist Workers] | P. Rimmer | 65 |
The Bund | A. A. | 66 |
Tiferet Bachurim [Torah and Halacha Study Group] | Z. Patchnik | 67 |
Cheders, Torah Instructors and Teachers | A. A Chai | 69 |
The Tarbut [Culture] School | M. Eisenberg | 71 |
The Additional Building of the Tarbut School | Y. Dn | 75 |
The Kindergarten | M. Belohousky | 76 |
The Orphanage | M. Erlich-Rabinowitz | 78 |
Talmud Torah | T. Pichenik | 82 |
The Yeshiva | Rabbi M. Kopolowitz | 83 |
The Magistrate | P. Rimmer | 84 |
The Free Loan Fund | Z. Belohousky | 85 |
Vaad Hanshim (Women's Committee) | M. RZ | 86 |
Fire Department | Z. Patchnik | 86 |
Burial Society | A. A. | 87 |
A Childhood in a Dream | S. Shalom | 88 |
In My Grandfather's House | R. ChitinFarbodsky | 88 |
Secret Revolutionaries | R. BramsonRosenberg | 90 |
A Visit to Stolin in 5674 [1914] | P. Katznelson | 92 |
Birkat HaGomel | C. Shefi | 94 |
Refugees in Stolin | S. BenZakkaiTantzman | 95 |
Rescued from Death | M. ErlichRabinowitz | 96 |
A Dancing Party at the Rebbe's House | S. BenZakaiTanzman | 97 |
Deeds of Charity and Kindness | S. BenZakaiTanzman | 98 |
An Act of True Kindness | P. GlobermanShklyar | 99 |
Thoughts and Memories | T. KleinRabinowitz | 100 |
Memories from My Father's House | G. Lifshitz-Globerman | 101 |
The Tragedy of a Pioneer | A. R. Malka | 102 |
The Residents of Stolin Receive C. N. Bialik | A. Konik | 103 |
To the Girls of Stolin | C. N. Bialik | 105 |
A Terrifying Event | Z. Lifshitz | 105 |
Medals from the Polish Government | A. Hadari | 106 |
The Danger of a Polish Pogrom | S. Eisenberg, M. Beckerman | 107 |
The Students' Rebellion | Y. Dorchin | 109 |
The "Underground" in the Tarbut School | M. Belohousky | 110 |
Aliyah and a Meeting at the Cave of Machpelah [the Patriarchs] | Y. Ben-Zakkai | 111 |
Of One Family's Hardships | M. Tuchman-Tantzman | 113 |
Exile in Siberia | Y. D. | 114 |
Of days gone by (memories) | Y. Chazan | 115 |
Market Day in Town | A. A. BenMenachem | 117 |
A Plague of Fires and a Boycott | A. Avatichi | 119 |
Preachers | C. Globerman | 122 |
A Family of Religious Personnel | A. Levin | 123 |
Women of Valor | S. Eisenberg-Rabinowitz | 124 |
A Matzo Bakery for the Needy | Y. Rabinowitz | 125 |
A Family of Laborers | Y. Ben | 126 |
Due To The Virtue of The Women | Y. Globerman | 127 |
The High Holidays and Holidays in the Town | Z. Gafrit-Garboz | 128 |
Seder Night in the Town | M. Alperin | 131 |
The Wagoners' Society | N. Schneider | 133 |
Craftsmen | A. Avatichi | 134 |
Yossel of the Miracle | Y. Zarchowitz | 135 |
My Town Stolin | T. Sirota-Lifshitz | 136 |
The Summer Camp | Y. Globerman | 137 |
Stolin, in the Eyes of a Guest from the Land of Israel | A. Artshtein | 138 |
Crumbs | A. Lifshitz | 139 |
In the Shadow of the Red Flag | G. Globerman-Choroshensky | 141 |
The Visit of Members of [the theater troupe] HaOhel in Stolin | D. Barban-Kastelianitz | 142 |
Stolin in Pictures | Stolin Landsmen Organization | 143 |
Ka Echsof (A Song for the Sabbath) | The Grand Rabbi Aharon of Karlin | 146 |
And in Your Great Wisdom | Y. Ben-Gal | 147 |
The Karlin-Stolin Chassidut | Dr. Z. Rabinowitz | 148 |
The Barzanic Dynasty | A. Avatichi | 150 |
The Night of Reading Shma at the Yanuka's House | Y. Shapiro | 151 |
The Yanuka and the Gabbai | Y. Shapiro | 153 |
The Admor Rabbi Yisrael Perlov, the Yanuka | Y. Razi | 155 |
Light is Sown | M. Alperin | 157 |
At a Chassidic Party on Rosh HaShana | M. Ben-Yehuda | 158 |
Pilgrimage from Jerusalem to Stolin | Y. Chasid | 159 |
In the Company of the Rebbe and on His Mission | B. Zaltzman | 161 |
The Melodies of Karlin and Stolin | S. Gashuri | 163 |
The Holy Melody | Y. Ben-Zakkai | 174 |
Changing the Guard at the Rebbe's Court | Y. Benyamini | 176 |
Rabbi Asher Fialikov, the Rabbi of Stolin | M. Eisenberg | 178 |
Leib Shklyar | A. Muchnik | 180 |
Wolf, the Blind Man | A. AChai | 181 |
Boaz Kotelchuk | T. Vardi-Garboz | 181 |
Yehoshua Avraham Neidich | M. Eisenberg | 182 |
Yehoshua Frankel | M. Barzali | 183 |
Gudel Chazan | R. Yaakov | 184 |
Naftali Wisotzky | C. Globerman | 184 |
Yaakov, the Chimney Sweep | A. Aryeh | 185 |
Leib Gelzer | Z. Patchnik | 186 |
Zelka, the Chazan | Y. Zarchowitz | 187 |
Berel Frankel | M. Eisenberg | 187 |
Yehoshua-Moshe Mankovsky | A. Ben Stolin | 188 |
Yitzchak Lifshitz | S. Eisenberg-Rabinowitz | 189 |
Yitzchak Belohousky | Y. Rabinowitz | 189 |
Aharon Peliasniuk | M. Ben-Yehuda | 190 |
Alter Muchnik | Y. Rabinowitz | 190 |
Berel Kaplan | M.A. | 191 |
Yisrael-Yana Zarchowich | M. Ben-Rachel | 191 |
Baruch Golman | M. Chaver | 192 |
David Dovitzky | C. Shefi | 193 |
Tzvia Karlin | M. Ya'ari (Polisky) | 193 |
Liba Belohousky-Shklyar | A. Aryeh | 194 |
Esther Pliasniuk | D. Adler-Garboz | 195 |
Two Brothers | A. Mordechai | 196 |
A Song of Life That Was Stopped | B. Globerman | 196 |
In the Paths of the Fathers | A. R. | 198 |
Baruch Ben-Yishai (Glombowitz) | M. Eisenberg | 199 |
Mordechai Hoberman | M. Eisenberg | 200 |
Yair Zaltzman | M. Eisenberg | 201 |
Menachem Avatichi | M. Eisenberg | 202 |
Yaakov Avatichi | M. Eisenberg | 203 |
Shulamit Dorchin | M. Eisenberg | 204 |
Aharon Aharoni | M. Eisenberg | 205 |
Esther Tzeilingold | M. Eisenberg | 205 |
Zvi Dorchin | M. Eisenberg | 206 |
Yitzchak Deutcher | M. Eisenberg | 206 |
Batya Kashtan | M. Eisenberg | 207 |
Winds Blew on the Boulevard | A. Lifshitz | 208 |
Rabbi Aharon Perlov in the Warsaw Ghetto | H. Zeidman | 209 |
The Reincarnation of a Melody | Y. Feingold | 210 |
In the Stolin Ghetto | A. Gissin-Balizhovsky | 213 |
Sparks of the Rebellion | M. Gal | 215 |
The Last Days of the Ghetto in Stolin | S. Tokel | 216 |
A GoodBy Letter | S. Blahousky | 223 |
The Last Days of Rebbe Moshele Perlov | B. Kampinsky-Leiberman | 224 |
The Last of the Admors in Karlin | M. Bunim | 227 |
At the Mass Grave | M. Blahousky | 227 |
My Uncle, Reb Ahre'le (Poem) | S. Shalom | 229 |
Drozdin | M. Ya'ari (Polisky) | 231 |
Horodnoya [Gorodno] | Z. Patchnik | 232 |
Linka [Glinka] | T. Feldman | 233 |
Horyn-Rechitza [Rechytsa] | N. Schneider | 235 |
Of the Lives of the Jews in Rechitza-Horyn | N. Woliansky | 236 |
Hachshara [Preparation] Kibbutzes in Horyn | N. Schneider | 238 |
Belihush [Belogusha] | Y. Globerman | 240 |
Rubeliya [Rubel'] | R. Eisenberg | 241 |
Rubeliya and its workers | Y. Ben-Mordechai | 243 |
Notes from Rubeliya | M. Alperin | 245 |
Memories from Rubeliya | R. Nosenchuk-Ben-Yosef | 246 |
The End of the Jews of Wisotzk [Vysotsk] | G. Fialikov | 247 |
The Fate of David-Horodok and Stolin | Y. Zeldin | 249 |
Plotnitza | M. Katzman | 251 |
The Best of the Sons of Plotnitza | A. Briski | 252 |
Monuments | Stolin Landsmen Organization | 253 |
Epilogue | A. Avatichi, Y. Ben-Zakkai | 254 |
List of the Martyrs from Stolin and the Vicinity | Stolin Landsmen Organization | 255 |
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