(Stavyshche, Ukraine)

49°58' / 29°42'

Translation of Stavisht

Edited by: Aharon Weissman

Published in New York, 1961




Project Coordinator

Vivian M. Linderman

Translated by

Ida Cohen Selavan

Our sincere appreciation to Robert A. Barnes,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Stavisht, ed. Aharon Weissman, New York, 1961, The Stavisht Society

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Stavische

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ybip/YBIP_Stavyshche.html

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Introduction by Ida Selavan-Schwarcz: Reminiscences, Purim, March 2, 1999

Today is Purim in our town (in Jerusalem, a walled city, it will be celebrated tomorrow). Today is my late mother's 109th birthday. She was born in Stavisht on Purim in 1890 and was named Esther Malka (Queen Esther) for that reason. She lived through the events described in the second article and would sometimes talk about them. However, my father told us more, and I am so sorry my brother and I did not listen more carefully. So many of his stories are simply garbled memories. I am sure that there are many people like me who wish they had asked more questions and listened more closely.

I chose this particular article because it gives an overview of life before the pogroms and is very well written. I was told that the author later worked for the New York Times. I tried to track him down, but the personnel department of the Times was not forthcoming. Many of the names he mentions as among the intelligentzia of Stavisht are familiar to me.

Yosef Wilfand, for example, was one of the founders of Kibbutz Ein Hashofet and his widow, Bella , still lives there. Avraham Zeiger was one of the founders of Hashomer Hatzair in the United States. He is buried in Ein Hashofet. His parents, Barukh and Menya Zeiger (Singer in America), were close friends of my parents and we often visited when I was a child. My mother sometimes mentioned the Golub family. When I was a very little girl we took the subway and elevated and rode all the way to the Bronx to visit someone my mother introduced as her former teacher. It was a Mr. Golub.

Comment by Joyce Field: Ida sent me her reminiscences on Purim as she was putting the finishing touches on the two articles. I was so touched by her remembrances that I asked her if we could include them as an introduction. Ida kindly agreed. I hope the readers will concur that they add a personal touch to the words.

Introduction by Vivian M. Linderman: July, 2009

With tribute and special credit to the ever-changing world of technology, this 2009 donation of the full translation of the Stavisht Yizkor Book to JewishGen would not have been possible without email and the dedication and commitment of the following women. Their roles in preparing the translation for an online presence follow in the footsteps of the original Yizkor Book Committee to honor and memorialize the town of their ancestors and the residents who gave it life. May their memories be for a blessing and may their descendents for the generations know just a little of their life, their humor, their passions and their struggles.

VIVIAN M. LINDERMAN, granddaughter of Moshe Linderman of Zhashkov/Stavisht and Rifka Plotinsky of Stavisht; great-granddaughter of Fayvish Platinski and Ettl Margoloff (Markolowitz) of Stavisht and Josl Linderman and Toba Sklyarskij of Zhashkov/Stavisht.

KAREN I. SANDERS, granddaughter of Eisig Sanderovitch and Beile Levit; great-granddaughter of Kayla Shpitzanetzky Levit, all of Stavisht.

IDA SELAVAN SCHWARCZ, daughter of Esther Malka Spector Cohen (Kitaigorodsky); granddaughter of Nehama Tetievsky Spector and Levi Spector; great-granddaughter of Yehudit and Hirsh Tetievsky, all of Stavisht.


Translator's Notes   i
Yizkor   9
The Committee   13
Introduction to the book Arthur Schechter 21
The Initiators of the Book Stavyshche Moshe Kohen 27
Stavyshche Society in New York Yisrael Rubin 29
Of Bygone Days Rabbi M. Halevi 41
Rabbi in Stavyshche for a Short Time Rabbi H. Isaac Reiter 45
Fifty Years Ago Professor M. Haysinski 49
My Grandfather, the Rabbi of Stavyshche Hava Goldman 55
My Grandfather Arel, grandson of Eliyahu Shohet 59
My Parents Aharon Shohet (Arthur Schechter) 63
I Visit My Grandfather Hava Goldman 67
Impressions Yisrael Rubin 71
From Stavyshche to America M. Galant 77
What I Remember About Stavyshche Meir Spektor 85
From My Childhood Yosl (Syuni) Golub 95
The Last Three Years in Stavyshche Isak Golub 119
No Longer a Melamed Aharon Shohet (Arthur Shechter) 129
A Bundle of Memories Aharon Weissman 135
To My Little Town Stavyshche Batya Orland 139
What I Remember Naftali Rubin (Rubtshanski) 141
Scenes of Childhood David Kohen (son of Avraham Sokanik) 143
A Story of Evil Spirits Gedalyahu Tserkas 153
Days of Pogroms Yisrael Senderovitsh 155
Yitshak Shadchen [the matchmaker] Berl Rubin (Divinski) 159
A Memorial for Stavyshche! Moshe Gulka 161
Personalities Y. Rubin 165
In Hiding Dobe Samet (Sheynes) 171
One Night's Experiences Berl Rubin (Divenski) 173
Our Town Stavyshche Yisrael Shumski (Tsinis) 177
Episodes A. Ben-Hayim 179
Returned From the Other World Yisrael Rubin 183
Memories Hava Zaslavski (daughter of Rabbi Yitshak-Avraham) 189
Arthur Schachter   201
Moshe Galant   203
Israel Senderovitch   207
Shlomo (Solomon) Golub   209
Moshe-Leib (Moris) Kanski   213
 DOCUMENTS Yisrael Rubin 217
Pogrom Happenings in Stavyshche   221
A letter of alarm from the rabbi of Stavyshche to the rabbbi of Kiev   235
Names of 100 people Murdered in Stavyshche   239
Meeting of the Book Committee   249
A Letter From Landslayt in Canada   251

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translationVivian M. Linderman
This web page created byLance Ackerfeld

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Updated 18 Apr 2023 by LA