A Century of Struggle and Suffering in a Ukrainian Shtetl
As Recounted By Survivors to its Scattered Descendants

(Sokolivka, Ukraine)

49°01' / 30°08'


Editors: Leo Miller, Diana F. Miller

Published in New York 1983




This is from: Sokolievka/Justingrad, a century of struggle and suffering in a Ukrainian shtetl
Editors: Leo Miller, Diana F. Miller, Published: New York 1983 (H,Y, E 202 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Sokolovka (1983)

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Foreword xi
Sokolievka/Justingrad 1
The Wegodner Manuscript, translated 3
The Mashabei Sadeh Memorial Book, translated 19
The Lamentations of Rabbi Yehoshua 59
The Sokolievka–Justingrad Diaspora 63
Appendix: Uman 68
Explanatory Notes 71
The Lamentations: Hebrew text 99
Reproduction of the Wegodner Manuscript 122
Reproduction of the Mashabei Sadeh Memorial Booklet 202

Note dual pagination of the Hebrew and Yiddish texts, which begin at the farther end of this volume and proceed to the middle.


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